NBA 2K8 demo on Marketplace


15 (100%)
If you want to try the best basketball game series of the last 5 years plus, NBA 2K8 demo just hit the Marketplace this morning.
Now with new improved PS2 graphics... seriously. I owned 2K7, and this is a dramatic step back in terms of look, and it doesn't even seem like the framerate is any different. Aside from that, it just doesn't seem to play as solid as it did last year. Maybe I'm just being picky.
I think the coaches look a lot better in this game, but the players do not. Also, am I the only one that think Lebron looks way too skinny?
The game felt weird to me. I have College Hoops 2K7 and this game felt way more sluggish. That's OK, because it's NBA and not college, but the controls also felt sluggish--not as precise. Maybe because it's a demo? I assume the final game will be better.
Mixed reviews for sure. I hope they fixed the blocking system this year. Last year if you jumped, it was a foul 95% of the time which was beyond aggravating. It basically felt like playing the suns with a middle school team every time i played defense. I'll be checkin it out in a few hours.
Don't forget if 2k's current track record exists (NFL2k8, last years NBA2k7 and now unfortunately NHL2k8) It's gonna run at 30fps/half the frame rate of the single player season/franchise when it comes to online play.

MSUHitman hit me up online and play a single player game and you'll notice the difference.
im loving the gameplay. loving that they implemented two 4 quarter minutes. I hope they rerelease a demo with actual commentary and ways to pick play.

Any idea on which one's online will be more robust. Because I am leaning mroe towards 2K8 right now.
[quote name='MSUHitman']Online features 2K should be better with it's leagues, but apparently there's a framerate issue when playing online.[/QUOTE]

In NBA2k7,2k8 or?
demo was alright, waht was up with the player models though? Lebron looks less like himself in 2k8 looked much better in 2k7, hope its just a demo glitch.
I played the demo. I don't know about you guys, but I enjoyed it. It still had that 2K feel. Isomotion was a bit weird though, they really toned it down this year. I wish you can change the camera, but it's only a demo. So, yeah, lots of things were excluded in the demo (commentary, pop-up menu during the game, etc.). I think this game will still do better than Live. I did like the Live demo.

I don't know how that guy said it was a step down graphically. They really got the body types and the faces almost perfectly. Yeah Lebron needs some tweaking but I think most of the models look pretty accurate, like Ginobili and Duncan. There also seems to be tons of animations now. One thing that did annoy me was the lack of a screen button, but whatever, it's just a demo. The "Get Open" button was also nice, but again I need to get used to it. The game does feel a bit slower, but I think thats just because I didn't know the controls very well and it was sorta hard to find a shot inside the paint. It was easy making jumpers though.

EDIT: Hmm, just found some helpful tips on OS
a few notes and answers to PMs:
  • should've warned you guys that the demo was locked on Pro. game plays much better for sim guys on all-star and above. also, post spin and hop step moves are tougher to score with on the higher levels.
  • not sure why the LB mechanic is not working in the demo. that's like 80% of my offense. that's also how you call for a pick. sorry.
  • to spin out of the post, hold RT and push LSTICK in the direction of your dribble hand
  • triple threat works like 2k7. hold LT+RT, use LS for moves. explode out of triple threat by releasing both triggers and jacking LS while in the jab step or hold ball away animation.
  • to throw quick inbounds, hold down the pass button as your inbounder is taking the ball out. as soon as he crosses over the line, he'll throw the pass. inboundee has to be within reasonable range though.
  • for teardrops/floaters, pull the shot stick away from the basket while driving. if you hold RT while doing this, your player will perform a reverse or 360 dunk... if he can.
  • quick breakdown of iso moves:
    • throw LS toward offhand: crossover (+RT: hez cross)
    • roll LS in circle motion from ballhand around back: spin (+RT: behind back)
    • throw LS toward offhand then immediately back toward ballhand: in & out (+RT: double cross)
    • tap LT: while standing = sizeup move (while moving = stepout move)
    • tap RT: neutral LS = drifting sizeup, LS toward ballhand = stutter drive, LS toward offhand = stutter cross
    • throw LS away from moving direction for stepback move. some players can chain a stepback into a drive by throwing LS back toward the basket during the stepback animation.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']In NBA2k7,2k8 or?[/quote]

I was going by what you said on framerate, but you must have meant NHL. At least this demo lets you play with two players on the same system unlike the Live demo :)
I wasn't too impressed.

I liked last year's game a lot and the demo felt extremely slow and unresponsive. I also don't like how even on a perfect fast break opportunity the guy running down court will turn around to catch the ball every time, thus allowing the defense to catch up and kill the break opportunity.

I'll be waiting for the reviews to come in and then I'll see if I'll get this years. I could easily see myself sticking to 2K7 if the demo is any indication of the final product.
[quote name='MSUHitman']I was going by what you said on framerate, but you must have meant NHL. At least this demo lets you play with two players on the same system unlike the Live demo :)[/QUOTE]

Yeah NHL2k8. The problem is supposedly in NBA2k7 to, which I plan on getting on fleabay for $9 or less shipped. I'm not not sure if I can justify buying two sports games a year at full retail. This year was the closest since I spent $30 on NHL2k8 (amazon credit) and $46 on APF2k8, and I *may* get NHL08 by Xmas.
i liked the demo a lot; just remember guys, that many of the features in the game are excluded in the demo

but from a gameplay perspective, it really does mimic the slowdown game of the NBA and especially of the spurs and cavs
I thought the game felt sluggish also. I generally LOVE the 2K hoops games, but this just felt "off" to me for some reason.....I cannot really put my finger on it.

That is my 2 cents.
The crowds and the surrounding environments look great. The player models? Not so much. It's almost like 2K sports spent all of their efforts on things taking place off the court this year.

The players look good while playing from the broadcast view, then when you see them up close, they look terrible for the most part.

I like the gameplay better. I like the lock-on trigger, and the fact that those lame ass floaty, bullshit dunks seem to not exist here. It seems a little harder to score down low. In 2K7, if you got down low, it was almost an automatic score with any decent player.

One thing I don't like is when you pass a player the ball, sometimes they still jump 8-10 feet away from where they were at when you passed them the ball. It doesn't seem as bad in the demo than it was in 2K7, though, so I guess that's a good thing.
I still have problems making quick passes with this game. I can make the pass, but it almost always leads to my player having a slight delay in which the defense has enough time to cover them. It really cuts out the point of trying to do a lot of quick passing as it's almost useless.
I actually think the player models look much better compared to 2k7. Almost all the white guys in 2k7 looked nothing like they did in real-life. Now, they really touched on the faces this year as well with body types. Compared to Live, well yeah maybe Live looks better even if they always look like they're maddogging. I played both demos and enjoyed 2K8 more. Live still feels a little flimsy.. but I wouldn't mind renting it.
[quote name='elwood731']I still have problems making quick passes with this game. I can make the pass, but it almost always leads to my player having a slight delay in which the defense has enough time to cover them. It really cuts out the point of trying to do a lot of quick passing as it's almost useless.[/quote]
I haven't had problems. In fact I created lots of fast breaks with Lebron easily because of how the demo is locked on Pro. So.. maybe its just something you need to learn and get used to since this game is a tad different from 2k7.
I think it feels slow to people because people want an arcadey game where they can fast break every three posessions and dunk 50% of the time. I felt that the game perfectly recreated the pace of real basketball. Never played a more realistic basketball game, and can't wait for the final version. Hope The Association is free of any significant issues.
[quote name='mr ryles']you're wrong. Period.[/quote]


Listen, I loved 2k7, played the shit out of it.

Problems I have with the demo:

Controls are clunky, not as smooth as 2k7

Passing is fucked.

Graphics are 0 percent improvement, not to mention the fact that LeBron looks like Durant.

Still have very unrealistic scoring such as Tony Parker hitting 2 3's in a row.

Maybe it's just me, but I thought the game was horrid.
Unrealistic scoring = game was locked on Pro. You'd would have better sim results with a higher difficulty, like All-Star. Even if you don't get proper results, thats why many sporting game communities make their own sliders and what not so it matches almost perfectly with a realistic game.

LB was pretty much broken in the demo. I do admit it's not as smooth as 2k7, but thats really only isomotion which can be learned after playing a few games.

Passing is only bad with that camera angle. I find it to work the same as last year's.
after playing both demo's, i am really impressed with what nba live this year. It just looks so polished, and the player model and the whole environment seems really cool.
The controls do feel like they have a small delay to them...this coming from a die hard NBA2k series fan.

I think the "get open" mechanic is neat, provides some much needed animations for cutters/screens.

Hopefully the controls are a little more fluid in the actual game...although I don't think they can be tweaked this close to release date.
dude, i played the live demo and it sucks donkey balls...everything feels so robotic...the only reason 2k feels a little sluggish is because of the sense of momentum
[quote name='bil4ltool']Mixed reviews for sure. I hope they fixed the blocking system this year. Last year if you jumped, it was a foul 95% of the time which was beyond aggravating. It basically felt like playing the suns with a middle school team every time i played defense. I'll be checkin it out in a few hours.[/quote]
hated the blocking system so much

demo wasn't bad, but wasn't good. Most of the players look nothing like there real persons. I will probably pick up nba live 08 now.
Have you seen the 3rd trailer for the game that was just released today..... it is sweet

It was nothing like the demo. Man, 1 week to go........ I have Halo 3 to tide me over, but once NBA 2K8 comes out, see ya Halo 3!!!!!!!!
[quote name='bostonfrontier']Have you seen the 3rd trailer for the game that was just released today..... it is sweet

You're talking about the fan video #2, right?

The video's gameplay does seem a lot smoother than the horrid demo, which restores some faith in the game. I still think I'm going to wait for reviews and other feedback before I decide whether or not I'll buy this year's edition.
[quote name='captainfrizo']You're talking about the fan video #2, right?

The video's gameplay does seem a lot smoother than the horrid demo, which restores some faith in the game. I still think I'm going to wait for reviews and other feedback before I decide whether or not I'll buy this year's edition.[/QUOTE]

No, there's a fan video #3 and it blows everything out of the water
bread's done