Need a good deal on some Anime for my little sis.

Reality's Fringe

8 (100%)
My little sister wants some Inuyahsa dvds for Christmas. I've seen Season 1 selling for $50+ at most places so I was wondering if any cags could help me get it for marginally cheaper or more episodes for about the same price. I just feel like SHE'S getting ripped at that price. Thanks guys.
Rightstuf has the legit first season for $50, with free shipping... I would not recommend bootlegs after seeing some of them at college... yikes.

Your call, my friend, and good luck.

$50 seems the best price right now. I don't know about bootlegs. A friend of mine has a Trigun and a Tenchi bootleg that are pretty nice, but I don't know. Urgh. Why is anime so damn expensive? I don't really watch it, so I never really noticed.
Anime is expensive because it sucks so much and the suckers that love the suck will pay big bucks for the suck they love. :D
You could buy a Tivo and record the episodes that appear Monday-Wensday on Adult Swim at 12:30AM . Or you could buy her a Inuyasha movie DVD which is about the same price as normal DVDs I think.
Or just get her a dildo.


This one will do nicely if you can find one like it, she'll love the realistic features. ;)
Mono: that was just low.

How in the world does the word fuck get censored but someone can post a picture of a realistic looking sex toy.

$50 shipped is good for the Inuyasha TV season one box.

I -hate- Inuyasha, but think she might enjoy these

Rurouni Kenshin Season One: $35

Rayearth Season One or Two: $20 [two twenty dollar sets, you could get her the first and an inuyasha movie and if she likes the rayearth you can always get the second for her birthday]

Angelic Layer Perfect Collection: $35

Kaleido Star Perfect Collection: $35

I really like Rayearth, Angelic Layer, Kaleido Star..they're very much for girls [which I am] and there are lots of guys who like them too, especially Rayearth and Angelic Layer [both by Clamp, excellent animation, good stories]

The problem is you think she's getting ripped off? How so? Inuyasha is 27 episodes, 24 minutes each, in English and Japanese, if you buy it for $50 at RightStuf she's getting each episode at $1.87, if you factor in she can watch it in two languages, 95 cents per episode.

Considering how many times she'll probably watch them, and how much she'll enjoy the series with no cuts, no commercials, and the original music, how in the world do you feel she's getting ripped off?

I'm guessing you don't like I'll give you a nice summary of what is more of a "rip off"...

Star Trek Season One, $99 AMAZON.COM: $3.44 an episode [29 total]

Sopranos Season 5: $67 AMAZON.COM: $5.15 an episode [13 total]

Band of Brothers: $60 AMAZON.COM $6 an episode [10 total]

Survivor Season One: $40 AMAZON.COM $3.33 an epsiode [12 total]

I'm not trying to target anyone, but anime isn't as expensive as you all think: sure, not all anime are worth it, in my honest opinion, Inuyasha isn't. However, considering anime is imported, licensed, translated, and released straight to DVD, it's damn cheap.

Stuff like Survivor made tons of ad revenue, tons of merchandise revenue, and got tons of air play, in fact, it's a show that didn't even need to PAY its actors. Star Trek is a 40 year old show almost, that airs about five times a day with few ads and has made BILLIONS of dollars of revenue. Band of Brothers is a 10 episode series which has been aired more than 10 million times and milked for all its worth on premiums and on demand. I don't even need to say anything about Sopranos: people are already paying at least $10 a month to see it on HBO and it's relatively cheap to make.
[quote name='sarausagi']Mono: that was just low.

How in the world does the word fuck get censored but someone can post a picture of a realistic looking sex toy.

$50 shipped is good for the Inuyasha TV season one box.

I -hate- Inuyasha, but think she might enjoy these

Rurouni Kenshin Season One: $35

Rayearth Season One or Two: $20 [two twenty dollar sets, you could get her the first and an inuyasha movie and if she likes the rayearth you can always get the second for her birthday]

Angelic Layer Perfect Collection: $35

Kaleido Star Perfect Collection: $35

I really like Rayearth, Angelic Layer, Kaleido Star..they're very much for girls [which I am] and there are lots of guys who like them too, especially Rayearth and Angelic Layer [both by Clamp, excellent animation, good stories]

The problem is you think she's getting ripped off? How so? Inuyasha is 27 episodes, 24 minutes each, in English and Japanese, if you buy it for $50 at RightStuf she's getting each episode at $1.87, if you factor in she can watch it in two languages, 95 cents per episode.

Considering how many times she'll probably watch them, and how much she'll enjoy the series with no cuts, no commercials, and the original music, how in the world do you feel she's getting ripped off?

I'm guessing you don't like I'll give you a nice summary of what is more of a "rip off"...

Star Trek Season One, $99 AMAZON.COM: $3.44 an episode [29 total]

Sopranos Season 5: $67 AMAZON.COM: $5.15 an episode [13 total]

Band of Brothers: $60 AMAZON.COM $6 an episode [10 total]

Survivor Season One: $40 AMAZON.COM $3.33 an epsiode [12 total]

I'm not trying to target anyone, but anime isn't as expensive as you all think: sure, not all anime are worth it, in my honest opinion, Inuyasha isn't. However, considering anime is imported, licensed, translated, and released straight to DVD, it's damn cheap.

Stuff like Survivor made tons of ad revenue, tons of merchandise revenue, and got tons of air play, in fact, it's a show that didn't even need to PAY its actors. Star Trek is a 40 year old show almost, that airs about five times a day with few ads and has made BILLIONS of dollars of revenue. Band of Brothers is a 10 episode series which has been aired more than 10 million times and milked for all its worth on premiums and on demand. I don't even need to say anything about Sopranos: people are already paying at least $10 a month to see it on HBO and it's relatively cheap to make.[/QUOTE]

You're right, I don't like it, so I'm not real "in the know" I suppose. Regarding whether it's "good" or"bad", I mean, there's nothing I can do about that. It's the same general principle for videogames; you're not going to change someone's mind, you just have to get them Bulletproof Fiddy. Not to mention she just turned fourteen, so I'm not sure regarding her exposure level. At anyrate, I appreciate the suggestions and if $50 doesn't seem bad I guess I'll go with that. Thanks again.
Reality's Fringe]You're right said:
I thought so. Sorry if I sounded mad. I did get a little touchy. My brother's pretty negative towards my anime and pretty much everything Japanese I like. He'll start whining and screaming like a spoiled 10 year old whenever I play Japanese music in the car, but if anyone says a thing while he plays his 80's rock or his Katamari/Metal Gear music the whole day turns into a fight...pretty much everytime he comes over for a few weeks I just give up on trying to enjoy anything I like [for example, the Gamecube gets hooked up instead of the PS2 = (]

At 14 I think she's pretty much into it. Think of it this way though, would you rather be paying for $200 Nsync tickets? She likes anime, that's more of a good thing. Does she like video games? If she likes anime she probably does or probably will if she's exposed to them. God knows the world needs more girls who understand video games. I feel sorry for all the guys who have girlfriends who just don't like or understand their hobbies [games, or sci fi, or anime, comic books, or computers, etc]

"Normal" girls suck, but that's the opinion of a girl who's not "normal"..I don't know why being boring and uninteresting is "normal" anyways...fuck scrapbooking...
[quote name='sarausagi']I thought so. Sorry if I sounded mad. I did get a little touchy. My brother's pretty negative towards my anime and pretty much everything Japanese I like. He'll start whining and screaming like a spoiled 10 year old whenever I play Japanese music in the car, but if anyone says a thing while he plays his 80's rock or his Katamari/Metal Gear music the whole day turns into a fight...pretty much everytime he comes over for a few weeks I just give up on trying to enjoy anything I like [for example, the Gamecube gets hooked up instead of the PS2 = (]

At 14 I think she's pretty much into it. Think of it this way though, would you rather be paying for $200 Nsync tickets? She likes anime, that's more of a good thing. Does she like video games? If she likes anime she probably does or probably will if she's exposed to them. God knows the world needs more girls who understand video games. I feel sorry for all the guys who have girlfriends who just don't like or understand their hobbies [games, or sci fi, or anime, comic books, or computers, etc]

"Normal" girls suck, but that's the opinion of a girl who's not "normal"..I don't know why being boring and uninteresting is "normal" anyways...fuck scrapbooking...[/QUOTE]

No harm no foul. It's not that I'm too cheap too buy her something, it's just that some Anime sets I *have* seen seem pretty outrageous to me (ie FLCL. A buddy of mine really likes that one, but it's like $30 for an episode or something). Oh, and yes, she is into videogames and such...but I'd really rather not think about her dating. :lol:
Reality's Fringe]No harm no foul. It's not that I'm too cheap too buy her something said:
Haha, at 14 she should be hardcore into the anime instead of dating = ) Think of it that way, distract her with the Japan stuff now, so you don't have to mop the floor with some guy trying to feel her up in the name of "love"

FLCL set? Oh god, I know what you mean. It's a 6 episode series, each DVD has about one episode on it, I think one has 2. Either way, the series is like just a bunch of backwards mess..yet people still shell out the cash for it..

Inuyasha's a pretty innocent thing for her to like, it's a basic narrative with some mildly interesting characters..I just think it's so dragged out...maybe see on eBay if you can get her some of the individual volumes for cheap...I've seen some people let go of them for about $9 each used...the volumes have around 3 to 4 episodes depending on which if you spent about $50 on single volumes you might be able to get her twice as many episodes...and she might like having individual cases better [might seem like more of a collection]

Honestly, the box set is a good deal..I saw some completed listings for single DVD's at $5...but 27 episodes for $50 is the best you'll do hassle free.
[quote name='sarausagi']Haha, at 14 she should be hardcore into the anime instead of dating = ) Think of it that way, distract her with the Japan stuff now, so you don't have to mop the floor with some guy trying to feel her up in the name of "love"

FLCL set? Oh god, I know what you mean. It's a 6 episode series, each DVD has about one episode on it, I think one has 2. Either way, the series is like just a bunch of backwards mess..yet people still shell out the cash for it..

Inuyasha's a pretty innocent thing for her to like, it's a basic narrative with some mildly interesting characters..I just think it's so dragged out...maybe see on eBay if you can get her some of the individual volumes for cheap...I've seen some people let go of them for about $9 each used...the volumes have around 3 to 4 episodes depending on which if you spent about $50 on single volumes you might be able to get her twice as many episodes...and she might like having individual cases better [might seem like more of a collection][/QUOTE]

I'm not to adverse to re-arranging the face of some highschool kid, but you're right, I'd rather it be put off for a good long time. Like until I'm dead.
As for the singular dvds thing...I had considered it, but the thing about ebay is that you can't really guarantee when they'll ship things out. I need those suckers before Christmas so I can get them to her, or I'll be destroyed by the utter might of her guilt trip. I'll keep that in mind for future reference. Thanks a bunch!
I second the Rayearth recommendation! :)

Haven't seen Kaleido Star or Angelic Layer... they're on the agenda.

I'd recommend Pretear, but the language in the dub gets a bit nasty, so that's your call. I'd also recommend Sailor Moon if the dub were a) in all 4 seasons and b) uncut. Just as well, as some of the more maniacal fans are throwing $200 into the ether for the first season, which is subtitled only.

Good luck finding good cheap anime for your sister! I sort of know how you feel, as I'm trying to get my 11-year-old cousin into it.

[quote name='Sailorneorune']I second the Rayearth recommendation! :)

Haven't seen Kaleido Star or Angelic Layer... they're on the agenda.

I'd recommend Pretear, but the language in the dub gets a bit nasty, so that's your call. I'd also recommend Sailor Moon if the dub were a) in all 4 seasons and b) uncut. Just as well, as some of the more maniacal fans are throwing $200 into the ether for the first season, which is subtitled only.

Good luck finding good cheap anime for your sister! I sort of know how you feel, as I'm trying to get my 11-year-old cousin into it.


Kaleido Star depends. If you liked the Sailormoon manga better, you won't like Star. Star is PURE Sato Juinichi, if you LOVED the anime [especially technically] then you will really like Star.

Angelic Layer is the only other Clamp I like, besides Rayearth. It's more along the lines of Sakura as far as age level but the feel and tone is a lot more like Rayearth..the series gets pretty interesting near the end too.

I recently bought a second copy of season one for $55 on eBay, the legitimate box set. Having a hard time finding a second copy of R, I saw one go past 200, R is a lot more rare than one.
bread's done