need a new system, xbox or ps3


4 (100%)
last night my 3rd xbox in 3 years stopped working on me. even worse the warrenty ended in november 2011. i am considering purchasing a ps3 160gb slim model when stores open today but i have a few questions about the system if you guys would be willing to answer:D

1- how long on avrg does a ps3 last before you have to replace it. moneys tight these days and the 1 new xbox a year thing is getting to be quite expensive

2- is the online decent-
do alot of people use mics
and what exclusive titles does the ps3 have that is worth trying

3- and 3rd is it worth getting uncharted 3 for the ps3. i have played the first 2 at a friends house but am curious how the multiplayer is in this game, for better or worse.

please reply as soon as you can bc im prob going to purchase it at 10am today est if no responces. also, if any1 wants to (if they have a ps3) post ur psn on this topic if you are looking to play some uncharted 3
1. I bought one of the original ps3's back in January of 2007...I did have to replace mine in the summer of 2011. Had the YLOD which a few of the originals did get. I didn't wait so I went out and bought the 320GB Move Bundle before I got the original sent back to Sony for a replacement. So I currently have 2 now and both work perfectly.
2. Online is almost as good as XBL to me. No you don't have party chat and cross game chat but I can live without that. Most people do have mics however, most don't use them for some reason. Even I am that way. Just about every exclusive is worth playing to me...Resistance: Fall of Man (which was a launch title) and the other 2 as well. InFamous. Killzone 2 and 3...Metal Gear Solid 4...God of War. All amazing games.
3. oh yeah and Uncharted 3. To be honest I haven't played the multiplayer of 3 yet...Battlefield 3 came But I did try the demo and it was solid.

thanks for the info. i was worried that the system would last about a year like all my xboxs. my current one when u put a disc in it it doesnt read at all, it also makes a grinding noise /shiver.

4 years is def a better life for a system than 1 year

thx again
[quote name='overlordmike']thanks for the info. i was worried that the system would last about a year like all my xboxs. my current one when u put a disc in it it doesnt read at all, it also makes a grinding noise /shiver.

4 years is def a better life for a system than 1 year

thx again[/QUOTE]

No problem. My first xbox took about 1 and 1/2 years. All my friends are on their 3rd or
I don't understand how some of you say you bought a number of systems. Get a warranty and put the replacement receipt/card in an adult place! I got an additional 3 years from Target for 29.xx.

Now, if you're using warranty money, ok.

I hear all Xbox live is for is playing games.:whistle2:# ...And, so you can watch your 'paid' Netflix subscription. Pay for Netflix twice? NO THANKS! :cold:

PS3 has PS Home which is amaaaaazinggggg!!! So many f*cking free games and 'places to go''s a virtual world!

Web browser. You can search for all kinds of 'stuff';).

Watch your Netflix without an extra charge or Watch for FREE! Good, free movies! There was a crackle app, but you can go there through your ps3 browser.

Cloud saves if you get PS+., through the browser, while you are cleaning up or whatever.
(ok, maybe you can listen to iheart on your phone and watch crackle on your internet television)

All kinds of things are happening on the PS3.

It's a Full Entertainment System! It only does....Everything. :D:applause:

[quote name='ChunLiBarbie']I don't understand how some of you say you bought a number of systems. Get a warranty and put the replacement receipt/card in an adult place! I got an additional 3 years from Target for 29.xx.

Now, if you're using warranty money, ok.

I hear all Xbox live is for is playing games.:whistle2:# ...And, so you can watch your 'paid' Netflix subscription. Pay for Netflix twice? NO THANKS! :cold:

PS3 has PS Home which is amaaaaazinggggg!!! So many f*cking free games and 'places to go''s a virtual world!

Web browser. You can search for all kinds of 'stuff';).

Watch your Netflix without an extra charge or Watch for FREE! Good, free movies! There was a crackle app, but you can go there through your ps3 browser.

Cloud saves if you get PS+., through the browser, while you are cleaning up or whatever.
(ok, maybe you can listen to iheart on your phone and watch crackle on your internet television)

All kinds of things are happening on the PS3.

It's a Full Entertainment System! It only does....Everything. :D:applause:


come on now, its not worth paying for xbox live for better online play, but its worth paying for ps+ for cloud saves? i hope the OP can see through the fanboyism that is sure to fill this thread
[quote name='ritchardf']come on now, its not worth paying for xbox live for better online play, but its worth paying for ps+ for cloud saves? i hope the OP can see through the fanboyism that is sure to fill this thread[/QUOTE]

Not too mention there is cloud saves on XBL as del. :roll:
IMO, as things stand now, the only reason to buy the 360 would be the better controller and forza 4. Right now, everything else is better on the PS3. As for how long they last: my launch-window PS3 died in august. I'm on my 3rd (or maybe 4th, I really don't remember) 360. And while I have gamed much more on the 360 over the years, the PS3 has been used for an average of several hours a day for DVD/BR/streaming. Oh and, uh, PS+=free games; xbox live, i'll get back to you on that...
[quote name='ritchardf']come on now, its not worth paying for xbox live for better online play, but its worth paying for ps+ for cloud saves? i hope the OP can see through the fanboyism that is sure to fill this thread[/QUOTE]

Actually, I don't use cloud saves...though I have that option. Others here seem to rave about it and being able to switch between their PS3s.

Let's switch that out for FREE ONLINE GAMING.

EDIT: FREE Online Gaming WITHOUT a subscription!
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I still have a 60 GB launch PS3. It works like a champ. The only thing I have ever had to do was spend $50 to buy a 500gb hard drive. I also have one of the first release HDMI 360's. They both have pros and cons. If you like to play online with lots of people and chat I think the 360 has the better system. If you are looking for a good Blu-Ray and media player I think the PS3 is the better choice.
They both have exclusives. If you have never had one I would say give the PS3 a chance.
[quote name='ChunLiBarbie']I don't understand how some of you say you bought a number of systems. Get a warranty and put the replacement receipt/card in an adult place! I got an additional 3 years from Target for 29.xx.

Now, if you're using warranty money, ok.

I hear all Xbox live is for is playing games.:whistle2:# ...And, so you can watch your 'paid' Netflix subscription. Pay for Netflix twice? NO THANKS! :cold:

PS3 has PS Home which is amaaaaazinggggg!!! So many f*cking free games and 'places to go''s a virtual world!

Web browser. You can search for all kinds of 'stuff';).

Watch your Netflix without an extra charge or Watch for FREE! Good, free movies! There was a crackle app, but you can go there through your ps3 browser.

Cloud saves if you get PS+., through the browser, while you are cleaning up or whatever.
(ok, maybe you can listen to iheart on your phone and watch crackle on your internet television)

All kinds of things are happening on the PS3.

It's a Full Entertainment System! It only does....Everything. :D:applause:


Watching Netflix on the 360 doesn't cost any additional money. What about all of your 360 games, etc.? I have both and my 360 sees more playing time (online/friends/etc.) bbut PS3 has a great selection of exclusives and also is a blu ray player.
[quote name='paulwekiva']Watching Netflix on the 360 doesn't cost any additional money. .[/QUOTE]

It requires Xbox Live Gold doesn't it? If the person isn't interested in multiplayer and just wants to use the online aspect of the 360 for Netflix then it does cost additional money to use vs the PS3. If the person plans on playing MP games then yeah it's a non-issue.
Get a PS3 for Blu Ray + exclusives. Get another Xbox if you want the best online play where more people will have mics. PS3 works just fine though and is free.

Also Xbox Live Arcade in general has more/better games than PSN, though there are a few good PSN exclusives.

For retail exclusives there's Uncharted, God Of War, Infamous, Little Big Planet, Resistance...upcoming games like The Last Of Us, The Last Guardian and Blah blah blah. There's a lot of exclusives. Uncharted 3 multiplayer is very fun imo but I'm not into other multiplayer like CoD/Battlefield so I'm not the best judge of online play. I'm more of a single player/couch co op guy and for that PS3 is definitely the way to go imo.

Bottom line: If you're more of a social gamer and play sports/fps games and not a lot else, get an Xbox. For anything else, stick with a PS3. Just my opinion but generally I think it's pretty true.

[quote name='ssjmichael']It requires Xbox Live Gold doesn't it? If the person isn't interested in multiplayer and just wants to use the online aspect of the 360 for Netflix then it does cost additional money to use vs the PS3. If the person plans on playing MP games then yeah it's a non-issue.[/QUOTE]
I believe it does which is a god damn scam. Netflix on everything else is free (aside from the monthly charge itself) but not on Xbox.
[quote name='ssjmichael']It requires Xbox Live Gold doesn't it? If the person isn't interested in multiplayer and just wants to use the online aspect of the 360 for Netflix then it does cost additional money to use vs the PS3. If the person plans on playing MP games then yeah it's a non-issue.[/QUOTE]
I believe it does which is a god damn scam. Netflix on everything else is free but not on Xbox.
I have had 3 ps3's

The orignal FAT system no longer was able to get online, so i traded it in for a slim.
The slim quit reading disks (under warranty) so I got a new one and haven't had any problems since. PS3 has had blue tooth so I find that most people actually have mics even in games like castle crashers. The community doesn't seem that different the XBL IMO. If you get a playstation I'd suggest getting PS Plus because you get all sorts of goodies, which are better then XBL Gold.

I have had to send in an xbox 7 or 8 times, 2 or 3 which weren't under warranty. I currently have 4 xbox's which 2 don't work, one stopped reading disks and the other the disk drive fell out of lol. IF you want another xbox I'd suggest doing what I did, I went to gamestop and got a refurbed used one with a 1 year warranty from them for about 100$ (after a coupon).... XBL has a way better selection when it comes to exclusives.
I personally have had my ps3 for about 3 years now. I do average gaming a week (about 2-3) and watch atleast 2 hrs of tv shows/movies on it a week, never had any real hardware issues. Also as a heads up, I understand many 360 gamers have quams over the controller layout. (I like both) But if your do jump the boat you might want to look into getting a 360 style controller for the ps3.

Thats just one example there are many others as well. Hope this helps!

PS Uncharted is an amazing series! (but IMO not as good as an exclusive as Halo, only reason I ever even touched a xbox was Halo.)
I'm still on my launch Arcade 360, albeit with two returns to MS for RROD service (warranty runs out 2012 and cost me $50 total from MS). Nothing bad in the last three years.

I also have a Ps3 slim bought summer 2010, no problems leaving unplugged for an hour didn't fix.

Personally, I'd replace the 360 if it went kaput, but not the PS3. For me the slightly higher cost when factoring the cost of the warranty and XBLGold is more than worth it. For others, obviously not so much. Go with your gut and tastes, and you can't go wrong.
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Kind of a late reply to the whole cloud save debate above, but cloud saving is probably the main thing I miss about not having PS+. It's truly a great feature since it allows you to backup protected save files, which would be impossible to do otherwise. Having the piece of mind to know that if your PS3 screwed up your "insert 100+ hours RPG game here" save will be nice and safe. Well as safe as cloud computing goes.

I do wish Sony would offer that to all PSN users however, perhaps the difference could be in the amount of space you're allowed. Like all PSN users should be given around 30mb's of cloud storage, while PSN+ members get the usual 150mb. There should also be an option to lease more space since I've pretty much already exhausted most of the 150mb
And for fans of the Xbox controllers themselves, apprently there is a code you can download into your ps3 to where it can read wireless xbox controllers.
[quote name='overlordmike']last night my 3rd xbox in 3 years stopped working on me. even worse the warrenty ended in november 2011. i am considering purchasing a ps3 160gb slim model when stores open today but i have a few questions about the system if you guys would be willing to answer:D

1- how long on avrg does a ps3 last before you have to replace it. moneys tight these days and the 1 new xbox a year thing is getting to be quite expensive

2- is the online decent-
do alot of people use mics
and what exclusive titles does the ps3 have that is worth trying

3- and 3rd is it worth getting uncharted 3 for the ps3. i have played the first 2 at a friends house but am curious how the multiplayer is in this game, for better or worse.

please reply as soon as you can bc im prob going to purchase it at 10am today est if no responces. also, if any1 wants to (if they have a ps3) post ur psn on this topic if you are looking to play some uncharted 3[/QUOTE]

i bought a ps3 in june 09 and my warranty replaced it in march 2010. i haven't had any problems.

not alot of people use mics outside of call of duty (i don't play those games anymore). as for which exclusives are worth it: there's many many exclusivs for ps3. you're bound to find some that interest you. which ever genre you're looking for, just check for it on metacritic. if the customer review score is around 8.0, you'll like it if it is your type of game. the exclusives i have are: resistance 2,3, uncharted 2, metal gear 4, gran turismo 5, killzone 3, infamous 1,2. i still want to get uncharted 3, but i'm waiting for it to hit $40. i'm done paying retail for games just to find it on sale a few weeks later on the web.

uncharted 3's multiplayer looks better. i hated uncharted 2's multiplayer (even though the campaign was among the best i've ever played). u2's online seemed to revolve around grenade spamming and power weapons. this lead to plenty of 1 or 2 hit deaths. uncharted 3 looks (i watch on youtube sometime) to be more gun on gun skill.

i think you'll like the ps3. sure, we don't have party chat -- you actually have to be playing the same game with your friend if you want to voice chat, or settle for real-time text messaging -- but at least we have games. i'd take exclusive games over party chat any day. and we're still getting more.

check out dust514, twisted metal, the last of us, and starhawk. they should be out this year.
bread's done