Need Help convincing my parents for Xbox LIVE


1 (100%)
My parents are weird. First they get me an Xbox without LIVE.Then they get me a laptop with the thinnest of parental controls. Then they get my year older brother permission to sign up for Playstation Network. And then they finally refuse to get me xbox live. I can pay for it, i get good grades and get allowance and mow some lawns. Yet they think its not safe. Really? A laptop is infinitly less secure than xbox live. A three year Halo and COD player and no xbox live. I need some help convincing them.
You are fighting a losing battle. You could try show them the parental controls, but then they would know it's useless and you could figure out the passcode.

What's stopping you from ... wait I'm not telling you that and subverting your parents. Like it our not at least you are playing Halo and CoD. You probably aren't old enough to buy that so be happy with what you have
Just listen to your parents. When you get older, you'll understand that they did everything for your own good.

Since you wont be playing online, you should try getting out into the real world. Go make some friends. Find a girl you like and invite her to see a movie with you. Go to Mexico. Just get out of the house and off the video games.
Give us your parent's email address or phone number and we will talk to them.

Also, when you do get Live, make sure every 3rd word is the F word and 5th word is the N word. If the two meet, then say something about someone's mom. It makes you sound older.

All kidding aside, maybe you should just take your parent's advice and focus on school until you are 18.
thats just it. I DO focus on school, and only get to play video games during the summer. I DO get out of the house. I DO have friends (that have Live) I DO have a life. I turn 14 in a few weeks, and when I (rarerly)ask for something, especially somthing as simple as Live, I at least expect an "I'll think about" from my parents. I mean, I'm mature and all, maybe some of you guys know me as codresismadden on PSN. Ask someone, and they'll tell you I'm mature. It's not that my parents don't trust me, they don't trust the system.:bomb:
if you're just some new account troll go fuck off


[quote name='NDarkness']If you are younger than 15 then no Live for you! We already got enough of them as is...[/QUOTE]

[quote name='noob622']I turn 14 in a few weeks[/QUOTE]

well too bad for you! so you won't be considered one of "the cool kids" in your middle/jr high school.

just wait till high school then maybe just maybe...
[quote name='Gamer SDP']if you're just some new account troll go fuck off


well too bad for you! so you won't be considered one of "the cool kids" in your middle/jr high school.

just wait till high school then maybe just maybe...[/QUOTE]

Somebody has some issues.

OP Why not sit down with your folks and find out their exact concerns. Pick a time when things are quiet and sit down with them and find out why they don't think that live is safe. (if that is the reason) Also why do you want to go on live? To play MP games, to chat etc If you just want to play online they could set up a parent account and than use parental controls to restrict the chat function. Ifn the end if don't let you get live move on and maybe next summer they will change their minds.
You are 13 and your parents are letting you play Halo and CoD, and you have a PS3 and a personal laptop? Sounds like you have it hard.

/sarcasm mixed with truth

Because I remember what is was like to be in your shoes, here are some real suggestions:

1.Have your parents create a GT with GOLD. This account is for playing online only and for them to monitor you while you play. Tell them that they are in charge of it and have them use a complex password on it. Tell them that it will be deleted from the console after you are done and they have to redownload it every time.

Now if you can get this done one of three things will happen.
a. All will work out and you will be able to play on LIVE
b. They will get tired of having to go through all that trouble and either let you do it or give up
c. You decide to be "1337 and hax0r" that account and eventually get caught and lose your parents trust

2. Send your parents here and try to discuss why you want to play on LIVE. Show them how they can be in control of the Xbox. Do NOT whine or beg. Lay out a sheet of realistic pros and cons. Show them how mature you really are. Be ready to make concessions like only playing 2-3 hours a day, 10 hours a week, or only when they are home or in the living room where they can see.

3. BE MATURE. As others have said (even sarcastically) your parents are doing what they think is best for you and your development. Are you really ready to go out there and deal with all the a-holes? You think 5 or so people mildly trolling is bad, wait till you step into CoD and you hear a 40 y/o dood and a 12 y/o dood screaming obscenities at you b/c you're not doing what they want. Yes you have "the interwebs" full of immoral stuff and I bet you aren't trying to subvert the parental controls daily. That's normal. If you got to wait it out, wait it out. You will look back when you are a little older and think... man missing out on LIVE sucked, but at least my parents loved me enough to say no.


EDIT: Well said kklems, you post wasn't up yet when I started
Stop trying to be like every other teenager in America. Trade in your copies of Call of Duty and Halo and buy some good single player games like RPGs. The simple fact that your younger brother is allowed PSN, but you are not allowed XBL tells me there is something you're not mentioning.
[quote name='Brownjohn']Just listen to your parents. When you get older, you'll understand that they did everything for your own good.

Since you wont be playing online, you should try getting out into the real world. Go make some friends. Find a girl you like and invite her to see a movie with you. Go to Mexico. Just get out of the house and off the video games.[/QUOTE]

Dude, just cause a 13 year old kid can't play COD on Xbox Live, doesn't mean you should tell him to get real combat training.
I'm in the same boat as you. I can't convince my parents to get me Live either. I focused on school too. I'm only 36 with 2 kids and a doctorate.

All sarcasm isn't that big of a deal. A lot of us never had online gaming when we grew up and he were just fine. Sometimes you are the last to do things, and sometimes you are the first. It happens to everybody and your life won't be ruined.

If you don't get Live this summer, go learn a new skill. Good luck with you parents and whatever happens make sure to enjoy your summer. I guarantee that most on here are envious of your 3 months off. I know I am.
[quote name='freshzen'] The simple fact that your younger brother is allowed PSN, but you are not allowed XBL tells me there is something you're not mentioning.[/QUOTE]

OLDER brother. And he has PSN because my dad has a ps3 and knows the system.
[quote name='noob622']OLDER brother. And he has PSN because my dad has a ps3 and knows the system.[/QUOTE]

If you are concerned with playing online, why not just play on your PS3 online?
[quote name='ufskenney']If you don't get Live this summer, go learn a new skill. Good luck with you parents and whatever happens make sure to enjoy your summer. I guarantee that most on here are envious of your 3 months off. I know I am.[/QUOTE]

I am. I'm super happy whenever I get more than 3 days off at a time, counting weekends!

(Taking leave next weekend, so 4 day weekend, whee!)
I don't exactly know how to respond to this situation. I don't want to be a douche or anything, but any 13-year-old playing M-rated games is bad enough by itself, even worse when they're on Live with a headset.

Just wait till you're older.
sounds like you have parents that actually.....parent.

and yea, stay off live if you are young enough to actually need to ask your parents for it.
[quote name='kklems']Somebody has some issues.


who doesn't

I really think this is just a troll account. The OP is time stamped at 1:46 PM ET (or earlier if anywhere else in the US, assuming US), so this 13 your old "kid" should be in school and NOT browsing the internet.

anyway why not just play on PSN if Live is not allowed? oh and since the father owns the PS3 and "knows how it works", he would most likely know how Xbox Live works. Though perhaps the parents might not want to make it any worse since CoD and Halo were bought for a minor already.
[quote name='Gamer SDP']who doesn't

I really think this is just a troll account. The OP is time stamped at 1:46 PM ET (or earlier if anywhere else in the US, assuming US), so this 13 your old "kid" should be in school and NOT browsing the internet.


The fuck? It's Summer.

On topic, best to just deal with it, kid. I'm sure this seems like the biggest hardship of your life right now but you'll be fine.
Go look up the FREE 48-hr Live codes thread and you'll be set. Explain to your parents that an xbox is pretty much worthless without Live. And also explain to them that if they're dumb enough to buy M Rated (17+) games for a 13yr old they should be dumb enough to let you play online, and pwn all of us old fucks, as well.
Just play it when they aren't around, pay for live yourself, buy games off amazon, andif u need a wireless adapter use the laptop/

The problem is u asked. You should have just bought it and moved along, asking them to buy you the games and stuff will just make them less agreeable
Sounds like your parents are control nazis. You should tell them to go fuck each other in the ass and let you get xbox live.

Or try telling them how, if buying a cheap 36 dollar year-subscription card on eBay, its only $3 a month for the service. Then you can convince them that being subjected to the mature environment is a worthless concern since they already don't mind buying you the games that involve mindless murder and gore/violence. Just make sure they just take away your microphone.

Still though, I like the idea of telling them to go fuck themselves for trying to be real parents and doing it wrong.
[quote name='noob622']My parents are weird. First they get me an Xbox without LIVE.Then they get me a laptop with the thinnest of parental controls. Then they get my year older brother permission to sign up for Playstation Network. And then they finally refuse to get me xbox live. I can pay for it, i get good grades and get allowance and mow some lawns. Yet they think its not safe. Really? A laptop is infinitly less secure than xbox live. A three year Halo and COD player and no xbox live. I need some help convincing them.[/QUOTE]
Tell them that playing video games online with friends is more secure than you making nice new friends on the Craigslist personal ads or surfing porn all day.

That either gets you Live or you lose the laptop, xbox, and anything else like phone. How bad do you want Live? Roll the dice.
[quote name='reddjoey']You are 13 and your parents are letting you play Halo and CoD, and you have a PS3 and a personal laptop? Sounds like you have it hard.

/sarcasm mixed with truth

Because I remember what is was like to be in your shoes, here are some real suggestions:

1.Have your parents create a GT with GOLD. This account is for playing online only and for them to monitor you while you play. Tell them that they are in charge of it and have them use a complex password on it. Tell them that it will be deleted from the console after you are done and they have to redownload it every time.

Now if you can get this done one of three things will happen.
a. All will work out and you will be able to play on LIVE
b. They will get tired of having to go through all that trouble and either let you do it or give up
c. You decide to be "1337 and hax0r" that account and eventually get caught and lose your parents trust

2. Send your parents here and try to discuss why you want to play on LIVE. Show them how they can be in control of the Xbox. Do NOT whine or beg. Lay out a sheet of realistic pros and cons. Show them how mature you really are. Be ready to make concessions like only playing 2-3 hours a day, 10 hours a week, or only when they are home or in the living room where they can see.

3. BE MATURE. As others have said (even sarcastically) your parents are doing what they think is best for you and your development. Are you really ready to go out there and deal with all the a-holes? You think 5 or so people mildly trolling is bad, wait till you step into CoD and you hear a 40 y/o dood and a 12 y/o dood screaming obscenities at you b/c you're not doing what they want. Yes you have "the interwebs" full of immoral stuff and I bet you aren't trying to subvert the parental controls daily. That's normal. If you got to wait it out, wait it out. You will look back when you are a little older and think... man missing out on LIVE sucked, but at least my parents loved me enough to say no.


EDIT: Well said kklems, you post wasn't up yet when I started[/QUOTE]

This is what I was going to post. Show them you can handle the responsibility of playing video games online and go from there.

I hate to say it, but the less children on XBL, the better, IMHO. Show them that you're not one of these kids who yells the F word and the N word every 5 seconds and you'll gain the respect you want from your parents and peers.

Also, no offense, at 14 years old, you're not mature. I know because I was your age once and I thought I was mature enough to handle many adult situations and I was dead wrong. Enjoy being a kid because it doesn't last long! Once you're an adult, it's all downhill from there :lol:.
I respect your parents. Less children online in shooters, the better. Go play final fantasy 13 in sub-hd on 360 instead since it has no online.
Be happy you have all the stuff you have. My parents wont even let me play Call of Duty of Halo because they think it's too violent. Instead I'm stuck with GTA and Gears of War. I don't have Live either but at least you have those games I can't play. Invite some friends over and play co-op that's usually more fun anyways. Hopefully my parents will allow Live soon, I asked for it for my 27th birthday...fingers crossed
[quote name='Ki77a KiD TRe']Go look up the FREE 48-hr Live codes thread and you'll be set. Explain to your parents that an xbox is pretty much worthless without Live. And also explain to them that if they're dumb enough to buy M Rated (17+) games for a 13yr old they should be dumb enough to let you play online, and pwn all of us old fucks, as well.[/QUOTE]

If I bought my kid an Xbox and they did that, they'd be minus an Xbox.

I have three years of Live and I don't even use it. It's not fun with the kinds of morons and d-bags that are on there.
Being someone who has been playing online games and MMO's (Ultima online) Since i was 12 (23 now). Its probly for the best your parents keep you off live!

All you will want to do is stay inside and play Halo 24/7
Your parents are just looking out for you, you should be thankful for that. Sure the community isn't full of criminals, but it does host an enormous amount of foul mouthed teenagers with nothing better to do than curse out your mother.

If they don't feel it's safe then pestering them about it isn't going to improve the situation. Just inform them of the parental controls and child account features, using your best car salesmen impersonation and simply hope for the best. There isn't much else you can do to convince them, good luck though.
[quote name='Ki77a KiD TRe']Go look up the FREE 48-hr Live codes thread and you'll be set. Explain to your parents that an xbox is pretty much worthless without Live. [/QUOTE]
If I had a dollar for every time I heard this from someone, I would be a billionaire. CLUE: Your Xbox360 will be fine without Live. Geezus.
[quote name='atomsk']Get a job, you bum.[/QUOTE]

Not that I want to defend him, but at 14, not a lot of places are going to hire him (if any).
I'm having trouble convincing myself I should get another year of Xbox Live. My stack of games isn't getting any smaller, and time keeps on ticking. I've spend 8 days and 20 hours on Call of Duty 4 multiplayer, and 3 days 18 hours on Call of Duty 6 before I flipped it to GameStop. I'm not quite sure what that did for me. I'm sure I could have cleaned my room and my basement in those 8 days.

I get good grades, but I'm sure I could have studied for this test a little more instead of playing video games. I got a fucking A minus because of that.


That an issue of personal responsibility, not video games. I would have probably done the same with a PS2 or a computer.

Ask your parents what specific problems they have with Xbox Live. I think it is worrying over pedos.
[quote name='freshzen']Trade in your copies of Call of Duty and Halo[/QUOTE]
Okay, I see where you're going with this...
[quote name='freshzen']and buy some good single player games like RPGs.[/QUOTE]
No. Has there been a good RPG made after 2000 besides Mother 3?

That being said, here's some good 360 games that aren't Call of Duty or Halo.

The Beatles Rock Band
Namco Museum Virtual Arcade

Xbox 360 isn't much without online. You probably should use PS2 for single player experiences.
bread's done