Need opinions please PS3 v Wii v 360


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I don't know if this is against any rules or if its in the wrong place because I couldn't find any rules, but I was looking for opinions on which system I should get, but I'm looking for intelligent responses only not "becasue its the coolest", but actual reasoning.

I'm really leaning towards a Wii right now because of price and some friends opinions, but I wanted to know what you guys thought.

A little info on my situation, I'm 16, like RPG's and action games, and I have 720p capable projector.

Thanks to everyone in advance
If I had to pick just one console right now it would be a 360. I am dissapointed with my wii so far. I am sick and tired of minigames, and besides Zelda there isnt anything else out or coming soon that I am interested in. I am loving my PS3 right now, but not because of the games, which will eventually come. Blu ray movies are look so good that I have a hard time buying DVDs anymore.
The XBox 360 is the best bang for your buck right now. It has a decent-sized library with a few RPG's and more on the way. You will also be able to take advantage of your 720p projector. The Wii is nicely priced but it remains to be seen if it can garner enough third party support and creative games to have staying power. The PS3 will probably have the best library of the three, but has really only one game worth buying right now, and personally I wouldn't touch it until Sony announces a price drop.

Hope this helps.
get a 360. it has better graphics than teh wii , better games than the ps3, and at a reasonable price. and the online capabilities are first class.
This thread probably isn't going to turn out very well, but IMO 360 has the best games RIGHT NOW, PS3 WILL have the best games overall, and Wii is just there doing its own thing.
Okay, non snarky answer. At the moment a 360 is probably your best bet for most fun right now. Ultimately, the PS3 will probably be the system for J-RPGs though if that really matters (even with Blue Dragon). The Wii is a ton of fun and the only next gen console I own at the moment though.
imo...I would go with the 360. Now, I'll preface this by telling you that I do not own a PS3 and have only played one once. However, between the 360 and the wii that I own, I play the 360 more hands-down.

I think that the other members on this thread are correct in saying that the ps3 will have the best library in the long run, but I don't think that I could give up the exclusives coming to the 360.

Now, I don't want to sell the wii short. LoZ:TP is awesome. If you like mini games, if you like playing with people in your own home (as opposed to online), and if graphics don't make or break a game for you then I would look at this system as well.

I'm fortunate enough to have both the 360 and the wii and I am happy with my purchases. If nintendo pulls off with the wii what they did with the ds then I will be happy....but, who knows? It could bomb.

hope i helped
If you drop a 360 on the Wii, it'll probably break it. However, if you drop a PS3 on the 360, it'll definitely smash the 360. However, if you duct tape a 360 and an original Xbox together and drop them on the PS3, then they win.
Based on your criteria:
1. 360 + Oblivion (not really any great action games and blue dragon looks to be the only good rpg on the horizon)

2. Wii + Zelda (If you game a lot with your friends this could be the #1 choice. Wii bowling rocks)

3. PS3 + some of the 800 million great ps2 games that are action or rpg games. Or if you really want to put that 720p to use with blu ray movies or resistance.
I have all 3 and if I were you and could only pick one, I would pick the 360.

It has the most amount of games right now, and you like action games. Since you have a projector, it probably has a vga input, which means you can double the 360 as an upscaling dvd player if you buy vga cables. Also, you could pick up the HD-DVD drive if choose to later to go with your projector or if you have no interest in it, you dont have to buy it.

The only thing going for the ps3 right now is Blu-ray, I have 13 blu ray movies and only 1 game(resistance), which is still sealed. It has a bunch of big games planned, but next to nothing right now.

The wii would be a great inexpensive option too, but its a little hard to find, and there arent that many games for it besides zelda. With that being said, if you like retro games, and dont mind paying for them the wii could last you with all the VC games. It also only goes up to 480p.
I'd say 360 if you want to get something now simply because you can't find the Wii. The Wii is also suffering from new-console-itis, so the pickings are somewhat slim. But it's quickly amassing a 3rd party lineup worth noting (Elebits, Trauma Center, and Sonic [hopefully...])

The Wii, if you have a few people to play with, is the best bang for your buck out there. $300 gets you 2 controllers, the system, and what is perhaps the best multiplayer game to come out in years in Wii Sports.

The PS3 still needs to prove that it will have games that the 360 won't, so I'd avoid that option for now unless you've got a ton of money to burn.
Right now I would go with the 360, if just for the fact that it has a entire year worth of games vs a few months for the Wii and PS3. If you wait until at least this fall to pick up another system they will have far more games available.
I'd recommend choosing between the Wii and the 360. The Wii is great for party games, Nintendo games or family friendly stuff. The 360 is the best console for any hardcore genres (RPG, FPS, Shooters, etc) or online play.

The PS3 is just not worth the high price, at this time.

I would go with the 360 mainly because there are a lot of games, and now they can be found cheap. The PS3 and Wii are still too new (all consoles go through the post launch drought), not a lot out for either, and everything is full price.

I have a 360, but the Wii is probably the console I am most excited about, but I have held off buying one, because even though the console is cheap there aren't a lot of deals on games yet.
I would also agree - the 360 with Oblivion will blow your mind and can be found for less than $30 in some places.

I don't own a PS3 or a Wii, so I guess that makes my opinion somewhat biased, but that's why I bought a 360 - fun games. Not Blu-Ray movies (PS3 at this point) or non-hd graphics (Wii). I agree with Wombat. It's all about the game-jamins.
If I was given to choice to pick up one of those systems today. I would get the PS3. Because even though it only has one game I'm willing to buy (Resistance). I would use it to play my PS2 library on my LCD HDTV now they have fixed/improved the backward compatiblity problem. I have a huge PS2 library thanks to CAG and I would love to see my 480i games on my HDTV.
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