Need PC game recommendations. Finally got a GOOD machine.


90 (100%)
Finally got a top of the line machine that I can actually play PC games on without stressing over this and that! Basically I bought this for Diablo 3, which I know won't need top of the line but you have no idea how bad I want that game.

Anyway, to the question...what are some good PC games that I should start with? I would prefer to avoid games that are also on consoles (Oblivion, Fallout, etc, I played these to death). So what are some must play games that will make me feel like my purchase was worth it. I already have Starcraft 2.

Also, what is the one game with by far the best graphics, whether its on consoles or not. I want to experience this thing 100%.
Definitely check out the Witcher 1 & 2. Both have great graphics (especially the 2nd). Also try Crysis 2 if you want to show off, I think DX11 was just patched in. You should also download Steam and get Team Fortress 2 since it's now F2P.
Diablo is going to suck just as bad as starcraft 2

also as a console and i7 pc gamer dont expect the top of the line pc to fully replace your console. good stuff that comes out on both systems.

anyways here is what I'd recommend
Mass effect series- epic
crysis(which will make you think twice before calling your pc top of the line hehe)
Dragon age series
Half life 2
Portal series
torchlight and witcher 1 and 2(prob would like this as a diablo player)

and get steam no need for cds
Can I play Witcher 2 without playing 1?
I played Mass Effect on 360.
I didn't care for WOW.
I never fully experienced Crysis, were you referring to 1 or 2 though?
I will definitely give Dragon Age a shot.
Played the hell out of Half-Life 2 and Portal, awesome recommendations though
Which Worms? I used to love them.
I might give Torchlight a chance.
I would check out Vindictus and Age Of Conan - both F2P and heavy action based games - with max settings those games are quite splendid to look at.
Id play em in order. IDK if the 2nd witcher is like uncharted 2 or not(meaning there is almost no connection to the old game other than reusing 3 chars hehe). crysis imo even more so. mean just think if you got into mass effect 2 without doing the 1st one hehe. dragon age 2 tho is a diff story. still all such epic games lol. + mass effect 3 is coming up thsi march, you rather do it on console or pc?!

and latest worms is worms reloaded. pretty much is worms Armageddon relaunched. worms is like a staple on any system :)
Megazell, I will look into those games when I get back on my new laptop :]

And should I just start with Dragon Age 2?
Mount & Blade: Warband and/or Mount & Blade With Fire and Sword. The graphics aren't top nitch, but the gameplay is great.

Do yourself a favor and go grab the Humble Indie Bundle 3 if you haven't yet.

Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War 2

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series is good as is Metro 2033

If you like Diablo you'd probably like Titan Quest

Sid Meier's Civilization 4 and 5 are both good.

As far as prettiest graphics I'd say Crisis 2 with the new DX11 ultra settings patch.
Witcher 1 AND 2 (I think playing 1 before 2 is a near must)
Civ V
Titan Quest (great Diablo clone)
Torchlight (see Titan Quest)
Lotro (if you want an MMO)
Deus Ex (I don't care how old it is by now just do it lol)
Fallout 3+DLC and Fallout NV+DLC: its great once you get mods going TF2:free to play now so no reason not to try it atleast once APB:RELOADED: Once a Pay to Play game comes back from the dead as a free to play, its pretty fun but has a bit of a learning curve. STEAMSTEAMSTEAM: check steam every day there are always deals going on and if you buy often pretty soon you will have more games than you can play.
Dawn of War II + its expansions. And as for a game with awesome graphics check out BF Bad Company 2 or GTA IV with the iCEnhancer 1.25 mod.
This is a cool thread because I'm getting my new laptop today as well. Thanks for the recommendations.

I'm going to check out League of Legends as soon as I can. Free to play :)
[quote name='urmomlikesme']
I'm going to check out League of Legends as soon as I can. Free to play :)[/QUOTE]

Don't let it turn you into a dick
If you are a fan of FPS at all I would strongly recommend the Half-Life series if you haven't played them before. Even though graphically they aren't that great anymore and certainly won't push your new rig Half-Life, Opposing Force, and Blue Shift are awesome and still hold up well gameplay wise. You could also go for the Orange Box as you get Half-Life 2, Episode One, Episode Two, Portal, and Team Fortress 2. Half-Life 2 and its episodes still look pretty impressive cranked up and that series is the best out there for FPS as far as I'm concerned. Playing HL games on PC is really those games at their best. I see you've played Half-Life 2, have you played Episode One or Two? Other people in here have made some very good recommendations. I hear you on your excitement for Diablo 3 and certainly can't blame you for building a rig for that game. In the next month or so I will be making some major upgrades for Battlefield 3.
Yup! Played all of Half-Life 2, incredible game. Its been forever since I played it, but I remember thinking it was one of the best FPS games I have played. Even better than the super flashy Call of Duty games, which are incredible, but a different kind of fun.
Honestly I can't afford that many games as of now. I think I'll have to ration my purchases for now lol, so I guess I'll start with Crysis 2. Or should I do Warhead?
Crysis Warhead is higher quality and $15 compared to $49.99.

This isn't some fanboy nonsense either, I've played all 3 and Warhead, although only 4-5 hours long -- is the definitive Crysis experience.
[quote name='urmomlikesme']Why would that happen?[/QUOTE]

It's infamous for its terrible community. Fun game though. Play a few matches and you'll understand.
[quote name='panzerfaust']It's infamous for its terrible community. Fun game though. Play a few matches and you'll understand.[/QUOTE]

Gotcha. Hopefully I can play with some cags. I just got my laptop so I'll be getting some matches in tomorrow
[quote name='Lazer77']Honestly I can't afford that many games as of now. I think I'll have to ration my purchases for now lol, so I guess I'll start with Crysis 2. Or should I do Warhead?[/QUOTE]

I haven't played Crysis 2 yet but I've played Crysis and Warhead. As far as the first Crysis I really enjoyed the first 2/3 of the game. The last third is kind of terrible. Warhead overall is more enjoyable as someone said. It isn't very lengthy but it is much more enjoyable throughout and it is PC only which I know you said you would prefer. If you were only going to play one between Crysis and Warhead, I would definitely suggest Warhead.
bread's done