Need some new clubs


87 (100%)
Anyone know of any places to buy some nice, but still somewhat cheap golf clubs? Looking to spend around $150. Went to Dick's Sporting Goods the other day and they had a few for around that price but the bags they came with were horrible. Nicest ones I found were $200...looking to possibly find something just as good for cheaper.
i'd also recommend looking for a set of used clubs. $150 isn't going to get you much new... you can barely get a decent driver for that much. But you should be able to find a decent set of used for that much. I'd also recommend checking Craig's list or local classified. I picked up a set of pings many years back for $200 ish from a guy who had recently upgraded to new custom Hogans.

One other idea is to check in at any local country clubs and ask the pros if they know of anyone selling old clubs.
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