Netflix Bluray Rentals Fees Increase $1 Per Month


I know this isn't a deal but didn't know where else to put it. I just got an email from netflix saying they are going to start charging $1 a month extra for unlimited access to bluray rentals. Why is it now that they decide to start charging more for something that was one of the main reasons to even be one of their customers in the first place? Anyone else have an opinion about the price increase?
[quote name='Brian9824']Except for most people blockbuster has done away with the unlimited store exchanges and limits it to 3 or 5 a billing period and done away with the game rentals. That's thje reason I cancelled mine.

I was their cusotmer for almost 2 years and they started increasing their prices and reducing what I got while they let my friends who signed up 3 months ago keep the full benefits at the same price.

I'll never go back to netflix, i use them for all my anime and older movie enjoyment. I use blockbuster moviepass for new releases and completely ignore their online service.[/quote]

That's odd! So what is the "logic" behind that? By that I mean the reason that some members are allowed to keep certain services and some aren't?
[quote name='turls']How do you know it is "nowhere close now"? I've already explained I personally don't have a problem getting BD. The fact is nobody knows what their supply situation on BD vs DVD is except them. Why do people have to say different like it is a fact when all it is is their own personal opinion mixed with maybe a few other posts from others stating the same thing?[/QUOTE]

well, every week when new releases come out, blurays are on very long wait, if i switch to DVD, it's available for shipping. this is for real new releases though, not new bluray releases that already have DVD out. this is the case 99% of the time for stuff i try to get.
[quote name='prophetizer']well, every week when new releases come out, blurays are on very long wait, if i switch to DVD, it's available for shipping. this is for real new releases though, not new bluray releases that already have DVD out. this is the case 99% of the time for stuff i try to get.[/quote]

That's the key--that's your personal experience. But that doesn't mean its that way for everybody. And the people that are getting BluRays no problem are not the ones posting on message boards.
[quote name='prophetizer']so then netflix plays favorites?[/quote]

I don't know it for a fact, I do know I've been a member since like 2000, never lost a disc (well, I lost one, paid for it, found it like 2 years later and returned it for my money back), always paid on time, I probably fall into their idea of a "typical" user (one that doesn't rent 10 movies a week or something), and who knows what other criteria they might use. I also haven't ever caused their churn number to rise jumping from one rental service to the next for a few dollars here or there.

There must be some reason for me to be able to get about everything at the top of my queue, new or not, and as successful as they are, it must work for them.

Maybe they'll go the opposite way and treat me like crap when they take me for granted, who knows?
[quote name='turls']That's the key--that's your personal experience. But that doesn't mean its that way for everybody. And the people that are getting BluRays no problem are not the ones posting on message boards.[/quote]

Oh come on, you're telling me the same thing...
[quote name='prophetizer']so then netflix plays favorites?[/quote]

NFX must have... Mr Turl just said that himself "you must not be valuable enough for NFX."
[quote name='bigdaddy']We can not use logic here, that's too logical![/quote]

You guys/gals missing the point!

Too logical my ass...

BD cost more than DVD, no argument

$1 raise for compensating the cost, no argument

Here's the argument:

After paying the $1 increase, will the BD queue move at the same (more or less) speed of the DVD queue.

Hello people, that's where one should look or argue.
whoever here thinks u can get new release blurays just as fast as new release dvd's, go to your account, and add a few bluray movies that came out this week, then switch over to dvd from the drop down, notice anything?
Happening shows "now" for me, even on ones that say some level of wait for me I recall always getting them. So that doesn't prove anything. I got Iron Man week of release. YMMV, ok?

Iron Man shipped 10/2, Speed Racer shipped 10/7.

Again, you guys really don't know what is all involved here so its all speculation (even me). What about the variable of availability at your local dist. center? They do have quite a few of those you know. I hadn't even mentioned that.

Time to just give up and either pay the dollar, not expect anything more out of it than you get for more money for a gallon of milk, or move on to BlockBuster or the local rental store.
Turls, no disrespect, but there's a Netflix distribution center close to where i live (Queens, Flushing). Movies are almost same day return (yeap, dropped off in the morning, they get it in the afternoon, new movies shipped the next day). The only thing that slows delivery is my local post office (it's still pretty good comparing to most other zip codes).

Anyhow, with that in mind, it still took a month and half to get Mist BD shipped to me (and yes, i added the movie to my queue way ahead of time, sitting on top too). The only surprise i got is Forbidden Kingdom, got it during the release week. I gave up on Sex and City, Dark City and Baby Mama (especially Dark City, i added since the beginning of time, it's still LONG WAIT).

Again, i have no ill feeling toward NFX, b/c in general, its service is very good. The $1 has little to do with my cancelation. However, one should always question what the price raise is really for... As to justifiable or not, everyone has different opinions, but if i have to bet on it, i would bet that majority hates the idea (common sense, even i love the service, i still don't want to see an increase, unless for better service).
don't really know what to tell u turls, except that you are very wrong, so argue all u want, someday u will open your eyes when u see that blurays are on very long wait for new releases, whereas their DVD counterpart are not. just because u think u get all new releases immediately, obviously many don't, they don't
[quote name='Serpentor']Turls, no disrespect, but there's a Netflix distribution center close to where i live (Queens, Flushing). Movies are almost same day return (yeap, dropped off in the morning, they get it in the afternoon, new movies shipped the next day). The only thing that slows delivery is my local post office (it's still pretty good comparing to most other zip codes).[/quote]

I don't care how CLOSE you are to the distribution center, its their INVENTORY that matters in this case.
[quote name='prophetizer']don't really know what to tell u turls, except that you are very wrong, so argue all u want, someday u will open your eyes when u see that blurays are on very long wait for new releases, whereas their DVD counterpart are not. just because u think u get all new releases immediately, obviously many don't, they don't[/quote]

I give up. You just don't get it. Please just drop Netflix already.
[quote name='turls']I don't care how CLOSE you are to the distribution center, its their INVENTORY that matters in this case.[/quote]

okay okay, INVENTORY it is, gosh, big fucking deal, really!

What's the bottom line in all of this? It's all about ME, yeah, ME, not you, who the fuck cares if you get your movies faster than i do. As long as i'm not getting faster than i expect them to, then yeah, it's not working for me. Does that make sense to you?
[quote name='Serpentor']okay okay, INVENTORY it is, gosh, big fucking deal, really!

What's the bottom line in all of this? It's all about ME, yeah, ME, not you, who the fuck cares if you get your movies faster than i do. As long as i'm not getting faster than i expect them to, then yeah, it's not working for me. Does that make sense to you?[/quote]

This is where inventory is at play, and it does play in getting movies.

That's where BB does have an upper hand because they have retail spots through out.

It just depends on if a local distro has the inventory.

I think anyone that has this complaint, needs to voice their opinion to Netflix and tell them that they aren't servicing you to the best of their ability.

They should know how many put on reserve, they should know how many to get, they should know alot but they aren't.

I don't rent BD but if a certain anime dvd isn't at my local disto, it'll be a short wait, indefinately. if there is no inventory in the whole country, it'll be pushed to long wait, if it's not released or they don't even get a copy, it's Saved....

I switced to BB for a free month just to get a few that Netflix can't send to me.

I think people should voice, that if after this $1 increase they continue to get lame service... Call Netflix and complain.
[quote name='xycury']This is where inventory is at play, and it does play in getting movies.

That's where BB does have an upper hand because they have retail spots through out.

It just depends on if a local distro has the inventory.

I think anyone that has this complaint, needs to voice their opinion to Netflix and tell them that they aren't servicing you to the best of their ability.

They should know how many put on reserve, they should know how many to get, they should know alot but they aren't.

I don't rent BD but if a certain anime dvd isn't at my local disto, it'll be a short wait, indefinately. if there is no inventory in the whole country, it'll be pushed to long wait, if it's not released or they don't even get a copy, it's Saved....

I switced to BB for a free month just to get a few that Netflix can't send to me.

I think people should voice, that if after this $1 increase they continue to get lame service... Call Netflix and complain.[/QUOTE]

i don't care about the $1, what i care about is their reason, which is an outright lie, since bluray will actually save them more money because they are not going to scratch like DVD's do and need to be replaced as often, and considering blurays from are usually like $2-4 more than the DVD, it's not a big overhead for netflix to start off with. netflix will always continue to increase prices anyways, u can believe when they are about to offer HD streaming content, that unlimited streaming will go away as well
[quote name='Serpentor']okay okay, INVENTORY it is, gosh, big fucking deal, really!

What's the bottom line in all of this? It's all about ME, yeah, ME, not you, who the fuck cares if you get your movies faster than i do. As long as i'm not getting faster than i expect them to, then yeah, it's not working for me. Does that make sense to you?[/quote]

Then quit then (which I guess you already did)! People need to stop thinking the world revolves around them and if something doesn't work exactly the way they think it should, it is the same for 100% of the other people. That's all, it isn't that hard of a concept. Unless Netflix publishes their exact business model somewhere, which nobody in this thread has offered.

Don't yell at me because you completely misunderstood the concept I was trying to get across, which was not even confusing in the first place. NY may not have the same BD inventory as one of the other dozen or more distribution centers they have. Its pretty basic. They will ship from other dist. centers but I have no idea what their algorithm they use on that is, do I send #3 in the queue or from Honolulu. They lose and piss people off either way.

And while others gripe and moan, I'll be happy I'm only going to be back up to $17.99/mo for 4 movies, which is the same I paid back in July of 2007, and much less than the $21.99 I paid in 2004. That's 4 DOLLARS less than I paid in 2004. It was $19.95 in the year 2000!
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By the way, one of Netflix's contract stipulations says they can choose to send you a movie from any distro center of their choice, not the local one--essentially creating the staggered, "choke" on those that are heavy renters.
[quote name='Watchman']By the way, one of Netflix's contract stipulations says they can choose to send you a movie from any distro center of their choice, not the local one--essentially creating the staggered, "choke" on those that are heavy renters.[/quote]

Yep, just got a movie shipped to me from Chicago. The turnaround was awful.
[quote name='turls']Then quit then (which I guess you already did)! People need to stop thinking the world revolves around them and if something doesn't work exactly the way they think it should, it is the same for 100% of the other people. That's all, it isn't that hard of a concept. Unless Netflix publishes their exact business model somewhere, which nobody in this thread has offered.

Don't yell at me because you completely misunderstood the concept I was trying to get across, which was not even confusing in the first place. NY may not have the same BD inventory as one of the other dozen or more distribution centers they have. Its pretty basic. They will ship from other dist. centers but I have no idea what their algorithm they use on that is, do I send #3 in the queue or from Honolulu. They lose and piss people off either way.

And while others gripe and moan, I'll be happy I'm only going to be back up to $17.99/mo for 4 movies, which is the same I paid back in July of 2007, and much less than the $21.99 I paid in 2004. That's 4 DOLLARS less than I paid in 2004. It was $19.95 in the year 2000![/QUOTE]

you mean 3 movies for 17.99 right not 4
Netflix has played favorites in the past. Basically what it boils down to is that if your a heavy renter and a newer user wants a movie and their is 1 copy left they give preference to the newer user as they haven't had the chance to get as many movies.

Either way someone has delay and personally i feel that it makes sense to do it that way.

Blu-rays not scratching as much is a valid point to counter-act the raise but by the same logic, shrinkage in the form of theft, mailing loss, discs being broken in transit, etc counteract that. No matter how you look at it charging a nominal fee for those who wish to rent a more expensive format makes sense.
I do not recall getting an email from Netflix about the $1 more. I do not care, its either that or Blockbuster for me, and if I did the premiere plan that Blockbuster offers, I would have to drive 50 + miles to the nearest Blockbuster to take full advantage. Also, Netflix has the unlimited streaming, so for the $1 increase, its still the best deal for me in my situation.
[quote name='slidecage']you mean 3 movies for 17.99 right not 4[/quote]

No, as I stated earlier in the thread, I'm grandfathered in since that was the plan they had before. I basically get 1 extra free rental at a time as long as I don't cancel, downgrade or upgrade my membership.
I've never had a problem getting new releases from Netflix. The trick is to send your movies back such that they arrive on a Saturday or a Monday. Make sure that your queue has the new releases at the top and they'll go out on Monday.

On top of that, the two or three times I've had to call to place a hold on my account or update my address they've been efficient and friendly.
[quote name='erectiontown']really, what's one dollar?[/quote]

Not much at all until it turns into two dollars because people are willing to spend an extra buck and there's no mass exodus of subscribers. Then that two dollars turns into three dollars and the experimentation continues until they figure the best price to stride that line between milking customers for every buck and losing customers.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Not much at all until it turns into two dollars because people are willing to spend an extra buck and there's no mass exodus of subscribers. Then that two dollars turns into three dollars and the experimentation continues until they figure the best price to stride that line between milking customers for every buck and losing customers.[/quote]


Maybe they can give us free blow jobs with every rented disc!
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Not much at all until it turns into two dollars because people are willing to spend an extra buck and there's no mass exodus of subscribers. Then that two dollars turns into three dollars and the experimentation continues until they figure the best price to stride that line between milking customers for every buck and losing customers.[/quote]

And that's called business.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Not much at all until it turns into two dollars because people are willing to spend an extra buck and there's no mass exodus of subscribers. Then that two dollars turns into three dollars and the experimentation continues until they figure the best price to stride that line between milking customers for every buck and losing customers.[/quote]

I think your getting netflix and blockbuster mixed up. Netflix actually LOWERED prices unlike blockbuster which has been raising them. This is the first increase netflix has done in quite a while, even AFTER postage costs went up I believe.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Not much at all until it turns into two dollars because people are willing to spend an extra buck and there's no mass exodus of subscribers. Then that two dollars turns into three dollars and the experimentation continues until they figure the best price to stride that line between milking customers for every buck and losing customers.[/quote]

And what extactly is one suppose to do?

Suck it or quit... they provide a service to you with limit guarentee and they'll charge whatever price makes them the most money.

Because they have limited compitition, but still not a monopoly, they can do whatever they want without any other authority that even might help.

really what is a $1, and it's just Blu-Ray rentals... damn PS3 owners should know the price is expensive and have the cash to eat a $1.
[quote name='xycury']And what extactly is one suppose to do?

Suck it or quit... they provide a service to you with limit guarentee and they'll charge whatever price makes them the most money.

Because they have limited compitition, but still not a monopoly, they can do whatever they want without any other authority that even might help.

really what is a $1, and it's just Blu-Ray rentals... damn PS3 owners should know the price is expensive and have the cash to eat a $1.[/quote]

Why does everyone assume that people with a PS3 are the super rich? We're normal people just like you :p
[quote name='thelonepig']I've never had a problem getting new releases from Netflix. The trick is to send your movies back such that they arrive on a Saturday or a Monday. Make sure that your queue has the new releases at the top and they'll go out on Monday.

On top of that, the two or three times I've had to call to place a hold on my account or update my address they've been efficient and friendly.[/QUOTE]

same. well at least for the first few months then i have problems.
[quote name='slidecage']same. well at least for the first few months then i have problems.[/quote]

Really? I've had Netflix for 3 years and have never seen a decrease in service. Mayhaps I'm just lucky.
Don't worry im SUUUURE netflix will lower their blu ray fee once the price for blu ray falls......

Their reasoning is just an excuse to get more money out of their members.

They did it before and then walmart and blockbuster came along and started taking away their members and they were forced to stop hiking up their prices and lower them just to keep members from leaving....

just another reason to dislike netflix.

Although I like their streaming movies.
So, my trial is almost up, and I am still unsure whether or not I will keep the service. The turnaround has been a little slow, and that kind of concerns me, considering it will probably only get worse when my trial is over. On the other hand, having a bunch movies available to watch on my PC is great, and I am looking forward to the big 360 update.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']So, my trial is almost up, and I am still unsure whether or not I will keep the service. The turnaround has been a little slow, and that kind of concerns me, considering it will probably only get worse when my trial is over. On the other hand, having a bunch movies available to watch on my PC is great, and I am looking forward to the big 360 update.[/QUOTE]

I mainly just use it for the instant streaming.
Im suprised how good it works.
And having my computer hooked up to a big hdtv makes it even better.

I hear the 360 update will be nice too for 360 owners.
[quote name='Ivanhoe']just another reason to dislike netflix.

Because they are still $4 a month cheaper than they were 4 years ago even with the BluRay tax? So they should keep adding features (like Watch Now), distribution centers, without huge subscriber growth to make up for that, but keep prices steady even with inflation and much increased postage fees?

[quote name='turls']Because they are still $4 a month cheaper than they were 4 years ago even with the BluRay tax? So they should keep adding features (like Watch Now), distribution centers, without huge subscriber growth to make up for that, but keep prices steady even with inflation and much increased postage fees?


I agree, the people here are terrible, and some really need to run their own business and see how things work in the real world. All I can think is that the people complaing are 13-14 and a $1 is a huge deal. if they continue raising the price no one makes you go to Netflix, no one. It's not like AOL, you can easily cancel. :)
[quote name='Ivanhoe']Don't worry im SUUUURE netflix will lower their blu ray fee once the price for blu ray falls......

Their reasoning is just an excuse to get more money out of their members.

They did it before and then walmart and blockbuster came along and started taking away their members and they were forced to stop hiking up their prices and lower them just to keep members from leaving....

just another reason to dislike netflix.

Although I like their streaming movies.[/quote]

How come no one can grasp the fact that netflix is actually CHEAPER now then they were a few years ago? I mean blockbuster online has been raising prices, cutting benefits, and netflix just adds more.

They added in streaming movies at NO COST whatsoever, while blockbusters main competitive advantage of instore returns and exchanges has been slashed where it no longer works for games and you have to pay 35% more to get unlimited exchanges.
bread's done