Never had a bad experience with GameStop until today...


So me and my bro went into a GS today to take advantage of the B2G1 and I didn't see much in the way of games that I was interested in actually playing, so I started looking for some possible games for ebay. So I came across two generic boxes that said Wii Sports on them for $10. Of course knowing they go for $30-40 on ebay, I picked up both. Then my bro found Spider-Man 2 for Xbox for $10.

So we go to the counter and give the guy our selections and he says "You realize you have two copies to Wii Sports, right?" and I said "I know. That's not problem for this sale, right?". So he looks at both boxes and then he reluctantly replies "Well... ... No, no... ... It's fine".

So then he starts looking for the games and conveniently there's not a single copy in the store. So then he says sorry, but there was none in drawers and there's nothing coming up on the computer and then he starts giving me this crap about how they replace boxes and sometimes the boxes get separated from something or other. And then he has the cajones to start ringing up Spider-Man. So I tell him to stop and to forget it and that we weren't interested.

I mean, I'm smelling some serious bullshit here. Twice before in the years I've been going to GS/EB I've had this happen, but that was only when there was a single box on the shelves for a single copy. In that situation, it's possible that there was an extra box floating around when there was no actual copy in the store. But it seems very strange that there were multiple boxes on the shelf and then there was not a single copy in store.

I'm planning on going back there tomorrow to check this out and if those boxes are there again, I'm planning on complaining and doing my damnedest to get both copies and Spider-Man for the deal that I was denied today.
Well, my experience today went a little different because they actually forgot to ring up one of the games on my receipt even though it would have been free anyway it's funny that I realized once I got to the car that I had five on the receipt but six in the bag.
Everyone has a bad GS experience sooner or later.

You won't find the boxes tomorrow either, since the guy bought them to eBay after you left today. And even if he didn't there is NO chance that the manager will give them to you on the deal that expired today.

The boxes are not going to be there tomorrow because that employee was thinking the same thing as you about the value on eBay. He bought them right after you left.
Either that or its at the guy's house.

Gamestop employees apparently can take home any game they want for a specific amount of time, or at least that's how I was told by a friend who works at a GS.
[quote name='Wolf_of_Mibu']Either that or its at the guy's house.

Gamestop employees apparently can take home any game they want for a specific amount of time, or at least that's how I was told by a friend who works at a GS.[/quote]

Gamestop has a checkout system for employees.
Yup, he most definitely bought them when you left.

That's why you should never make your plans to throw stuff on eBay obvious. Buy the good selling stuff one at a time.
As an employee of Gamestop I will tell you that we look for deals just like anyone, but typically not like that. It doesn't matter what gamestore you go to there are all types out there. I once went to a Target because they supposedly had some of the Halo 360 controllers in stock ($18 each!!). I asked the guy in the game department and he said "Sure, we have like 10 in the back, I just saw em." Then the guy that was working with him nudged him and said "Those are gone."

At that point I could say, ok. They are gone. Then the first guy said, "No, I just saw them 10 minutes ago!" The other employee looked at him sternly and said "NO, THEY ARE GONE!"

I knew what was happening. A few weeks later I got one of the other employees to fess up. My Target is tainted. The guys that work there pick clean the clearance of real deals before the customers get em.

Gamecrazy sucks in Phoenix too. They actually all lost their pawn liscence for a year or so a couple years back due to improper behavior. I remember when I bought a used Dreamcast for my nephews. I went to get them Crazy Taxi and they didn't have any. They manager turned to the guy helping me and said IN FRONT OF ME "go get the one on the defective pile." I was shocked when the guy actually brought it to me. It had a warranty so I decided to pick it up and try it, of course too scratched. Seriously all stores have the potential of bad practices.

Sadly, you got one of the bad Gamestops. Do what I do and mark the store and move to a new one. Before I started to part time at one of the stores I actually tried like 4 stores in my area before I found one with employees I would buy from.
HEY GUYS MAYBE SOME DIPSHIT JUST SOLD THE GAME WITHOUT PUTTING IT IN THE CASE happens more than you know, especially with Wii Sports.

Seriously guys, the world is not out to get you.

And if he WAS hoarding them to sell, what's the big deal? You're just pissed that he's ripping off some poor sap instead of you ripping them off.
@ Wolf_of_Mibu

Yes, employees can check out used games for a period of 48 hours for evaluation periods. This has been a practice of the company for a LOOOONG time. I work at a Gamestop for the discounts now (extremely part time) and I worked at a Babbages 13 years ago. We checked out games 13 years ago and we do it now. It falls under the guise that we should be able to be more knowledgeable than the customer. That means the employee should have the availability of more experience in the product that you get from going to IGN or 1up to watch videos. We don't have to be wikipedia but it doesn't hurt. It's used and you know it. Just like sex when you buy a used game you are in contact with everyone that ever used the disk. :D One more person makes no difference. Some guys get company cars where they work, some get lots of travel. They get to play some used games for free.
Or lost/scratched their first copy. Nintendo is dumb for not making Wii Sports also available by itself. Sell it for $19.99-29.99 and they would have everyone buying it from them instead of eBay.
A lot of times at the store I worked at we sold games without the case when we couldn't find them and people come up with the case and we obviously didn't have it. Especially the ones with the generic case since they all look the same and it's hard to distinguish them apart. It happens.
[quote name='reibeatall']HEY GUYS MAYBE SOME DIPSHIT JUST SOLD THE GAME WITHOUT PUTTING IT IN THE CASE happens more than you know, especially with Wii Sports.

Seriously guys, the world is not out to get you.

And if he WAS hoarding them to sell, what's the big deal? You're just pissed that he's ripping off some poor sap instead of you ripping them off.[/QUOTE]

i will agree with reibeatall here... obviously none of you saying that it had to be that the employee wanted to eBay it have worked at GS or any other place that deals with display cases. with the lack of hours each store gets, a lot of times there will only be one, maybe two employees in the store at all times. you try making sure each display case has the right amount of copies in the drawer when it gets busy. do all of you have such a perfect memory that you can remember each and every game you sell/take in from a trade in for a 30-45 min. period of time? yes, there is a possibility the he was doing it to sell them himself, but in his defense, someone else could have sold the game when a customer came to the counter and just asked "do you have a copy of wii sports" without taking down the case after it was sold.

don't get me wrong on this, there is a big possibility that he was going to eBay them himself, employees do sometimes try to do things like this. i personally don't think they should do something like this... if they want it bad enough they need to pick it up the moment they see it come in or it is fair game IMO.
The same thing happened to me when I found a complete copy of Tetris DS (most Gamestops in my region throw away used DS cases). I had the case in my possession, and they pulled the same sort of BS.
Another reason why some people buy a used Wii Sports is that the cardboard slip it comes with scratches the game. Mine was pretty bad so I had to have it scraped, then I put it in a case.
This almost happened to me a few yers ago when I found a used copy of Valkyrie Profile, the employee was like "we have this!" then covienently couldn't find it. I told him he should go back and look again or we'd have some serious issues. Lo and behold he comes back out with it.
[quote name='WormFOODx']@ Wolf_of_Mibu
It's used and you know it. Just like sex when you buy a used game you are in contact with everyone that ever used the disk. :D One more person makes no difference. Some guys get company cars where they work, some get lots of travel. They get to play some used games for free.[/QUOTE]

Are you on crack? They're selling used games as NEW.
bread's done