New Metal Gear Rising Trailer


1 (100%)
[quote name='yesokyesok']Not the direction I was hoping the game would go.[/QUOTE]
Yea... enjoyed the sleek realistic presentation of previous trailers.

Platinum games are great... but they kind of just go bat shit crazy with all of their stuff and fancy making everything glow different colors. Not my preferred design...
Big MGS fan and big Platinum Games fan and cannot wait to play this. This is literally the only thing I'm looking forward to in the future.I can't wait to wreck the fuck out of Ray.
Shouldn't this be the "first" Metal Gear Rising Trailer? I seem to recall a Metal Gear Solid: Rising trailer or two, but not Metal Gear Rising.

I do like Platinum's work but I am also a little disappointed: the previous trailers kinda seemed to indicate that the game might be a bit more plodding. I have to wonder if the game was overhauled or something: there was a rather long stretch of silence from Kojima on the game and the trailer didn't seem to show off any of the features we previously heard or saw like the manual slicing, playing through without a single kill (aka "stealth"), or that cut-and-take element. Being able to throw Rays might be a bit too much.
That does not look good - makes sense since they rebooted it which is not a good sign either. I only played the fourth, but even I know the franchise isn't supposed to be THAT self-aware.
Wow.. my interest in this game is gone thanks to Plantinum Games' irrefutable influence. Their games (Platinum's) alway draw my interest due to some kind of goofy/over-the-top concept, but it seems like they use that as an excuse for average gameplay.

But here, their concept just looks wrong...
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Yet again, another 2010 build ruined by a reboot (see: Ghost Recon: Future Soldier). Very "blurry" now too.

[quote name='Necrozilla']Yet again, another 2010 build ruined by a reboot (see: Ghost Recon: Future Soldier). Very "blurry" now too.


Yeah. First game looked very clean - when he slashed something it sliced accordingly, Raiden really looked like the world's most badass Samurai.

Now it looks like he sloppily slaps the bad guy with the sword while blood sprays everywhere.

The only part I liked was "Revenge. Vengence. Revengence!!!" Extreme title!!!
I wish this game would of taken more of a Tenchu style of game where it's Samurai stealth which would keep with the traditional stealth in MGS. Personally I am not a fan of games like DMC which looks like this game is headed towards.

I am not really excited for it anymore, and well it might be a $20 and under for me since I do like MGS but I am not a fan of DMC style of games.
I have no problem with the new direction as it sounds like the original team had no idea what to do with it anyway. Now i'm much more interested in what excuse Kojima will use to put off Zone of Enders 3 since Rising was his last reason.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Um...what is this crap, and why does it have Metal Gear in the title?[/QUOTE]

It's Devil May Cry with a Metal Gear skin.

I guess I am getting old cause all this anime-stylish sword fighting action looks lame now. Me thinks the hack/slash genre needs a kick in the pants cause they aren't drawing the interest like they used to. Running room to room and jamming the x,x,x button can only be done so many times.
[quote name='Necrozilla']That's what Kojima said 1 minute in, with The Boss and Cobra Unit (don't know who they are).[/QUOTE]
you fight cobra unit in MGS 3, This should be a cool game the boss was pretty awesome
That's what Kojima said 1 minute in
I think he said he had that idea for MGS5 but it was rejected because they didn't want this young team making the next MGS without him overseeing things so they started on Rising instead. Since Kojima is working on something else it might be an idea that's dead in the water, it's an intriguing premise though.

This is basically a summary of the video if you don't want to trudge through it.

I guess they just couldn't figure out how to fit the pieces together. I'm upset that another "Action Stealth" game has been cancelled (remember the original trailer for Dark Sector?) but it was cancelled for a reason... I'd rather take what we're getting (and I mean c'mon, at we're least getting a new Platinum game) instead of a game that didn't work. If you watch the video around the 14:15 mark it looks like the manual cutting gimmick is still there, albeit in a less-detailed capacity.

I guess the story doesn't matter much in a whacky spin-off like this, but I did find it weird that they decided to move the plot from being set between MGS2 and 4 to now taking place after 4. I thought Raiden gave up his cyborg implants so he could hang out with his dumb little son in the sailor suit?
oh this is set after 4 now? Yeah the ending he got like a fake body to replace his cyborg body they're either dead now or some corny story to explain why he needed to go back inside a suit
[quote name='GUNNM']oh this is set after 4 now? Yeah the ending he got like a fake body to replace his cyborg body they're either dead now or some corny story to explain why he needed to go back inside a suit[/QUOTE]

In the video, they said that the original story of Rising takes places between MGS2 and 4. So looks like another prequel yet again.
Yeah I know but iamsmart said that his now takes place after 4 but at the end of 4 he went back to using a human cyborg body
they mention it once or twice in the video: if you go to about the 17:15 mark the lead writer talks about moving the story to after MGS4 to allow Platinum more "creative freedom."
I finally get it now.

This is DMC fans way of getting payback for the Ninja Theory fiasco. Verrry funny... now bring back the original Rising please. Thanks.
[quote name='GUNNM']What if the DMC fans who want the original DMC back also want the original rising back? Mind blown?[/QUOTE]
Not possible!

[quote name='panzerfaust']This game looks awful[/QUOTE]
Yea... so it seems like the original problems were implementing solid gameplay design around the "cut anything mechanic". Probably pretty hard to constrain a player when everything is cut-able. So instead of finding a solution, they just gave it to a company that will make it incredibly arcadey that realistic problems wont even be a concern and make it even easier by 'cutting' out any interesting story mechanics! That's sad.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Yea... so it seems like the original problems were implementing solid gameplay design around the "cut anything mechanic". Probably pretty hard to constrain a player when everything is cut-able. So instead of finding a solution, they just gave it to a company that will make it incredibly arcadey that realistic problems wont even be a concern and make it even easier by 'cutting' out any interesting story mechanics! That's sad.[/QUOTE]

Yeah this totally looks like a classic "cut-and-paste" job. They probably burned through alot of cash on the high-concept design of the original trailer, and wanted to cash in so they had another company slap together a poor man's DMC and called it a day.
[quote name='panzerfaust']This and the new DmC will be interesting case studies for how well a brand name can sell mediocre products.

I look forward to it.[/QUOTE]

PlatinumGames is actually a good developer.
[quote name='62t']PlatinumGames is actually a good developer.[/QUOTE]
If you like nonsensical games that reward twitch reflexes and spits on everyone else with no real change of pace/mood.
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