New pro basketball league forming! One condition - only white players allowed


9 (100%)

A new professional basketball league boasting rosters made up exclusively of white Americans has its eyes set on Augusta, but the team isn't receiving a warm welcome.

The All-American Basketball Alliance announced in a news release Sunday evening that it intends to start its inaugural season in June and hopes Augusta will be one of 12 cities with a team.

"Only players that are natural born United States citizens with both parents of Caucasian race are eligible to play in the league," the statement said.
Augusta Mayor Deke Copenhaver, who has publicly expressed his support for minor league teams in the past, said he would not do the same for this team.

"As a sports enthusiast, I have always supported bringing more sporting activities to Augusta," he said. "However, in this instance I could not support in good conscience bringing in a team that did not fit with the spirit of inclusiveness that I, along with many others, have worked so hard to foster in our city."

Clint Bryant, athletic director at Augusta State University, laughed when he heard the news.

"It's so absurd, it's funny, but it gives you an idea of the sickness of our society" he said. "It shows you what lengths people will go to just to be mean-spirited. I think at any basketball level, no matter if it's all black, all white, all Hispanic, all Asian or anyone else, the players should just be a basketball team."

Don "Moose" Lewis, the commissioner of the AABA, said the reasoning behind the league's roster restrictions is not racism.

"There's nothing hatred about what we're doing," he said. "I don't hate anyone of color. But people of white, American-born citizens are in the minority now. Here's a league for white players to play fundamental basketball, which they like."

Lewis said he wants to emphasize fundamental basketball instead of "street-ball" played by "people of color." He pointed out recent incidents in the NBA, including Gilbert Arenas' indefinite suspension after bringing guns into the Washington Wizards locker room, as examples of fans' dissatisfaction with the way current professional sports are run.

"Would you want to go to the game and worry about a player flipping you off or attacking you in the stands or grabbing their crotch?" he said. "That's the culture today, and in a free country we should have the right to move ourselves in a better direction."

The Atlanta-based league, which will operate as a single-entity owning all of its teams, is looking for local contacts to pay $10,000 to become a "licensee" in one of 12 cities throughout the Southeast. Lewis said he has already received threats from people opposed to the roster restrictions and several cities have told him to stay out of town. Lewis said he has yet to hear from any one in Augusta.

"We need a local person ingrained into the community to make this successful," he said.

Lewis said he expects to eventually find support in every town with a team.
"People will come out and support a product they can identify with. I'm the spoken minority right now, but if people will give us a chance, it'll work... The white game of basketball, which is essentially a fundamental game, works."

Lewis said he wasn't sure where the team will play.

Augusta has had problems with minor league basketball teams in the past, but the issues never centered around race. The Augusta Drive lasted less than a month before folding in 1995, citing financial reasons. The Augusta Groove made it through a full, 20-game schedule in 2009, but accusations from players and local businesses that the team wasn't paying its bills surrounded the team during the second half of the season. The team later shut down in the offseason.
I'm not racist, I just think violence and disrespect is inherent to non-white people and discriminate against them accordingly.
[quote name='SpazX']I'm not racist, I just think violence and disrespect is inherent to non-white people and discriminate against them accordingly.[/QUOTE]

Charlie Manson agrees with you whole-heartedly.

I don't think having a league like this is "right". But I don't think BET is "right" either. Ultimately, if it's a private business, people can do whatever the hell they want.
[quote name='docvinh']This will become the all layup league if it's all white people.:) That's a joke for anyone who takes it seriously.[/QUOTE]

A league of layups, crisp passes, fundamentals, and jump shots. Oh. That's the Euro league, I forgot.
[quote name='c0rnpwn']A league of layups, crisp passes, fundamentals, and jump shots. Oh. That's the Euro league, I forgot.[/QUOTE]WNBA?

Mark Titus of Ohio State needs to jump in this league. He'd dominate.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Mark Titus of Ohio State needs to jump in this league. He'd dominate.[/QUOTE]

Imagine the 12th string guys on NBA teams joining this league. Adam Morrison would put up Kobe like numbers. ;)
[quote name='c0rnpwn']A league of layups, crisp passes, fundamentals, and jump shots. Oh. That's the Euro league, I forgot.[/QUOTE]

Well, to be fair, a lot of the Euro guys are athletic.:) Imagine the twin Towers of Will Perdue and Eric Montross. YEAH!
[quote name='dmaul1114']Did we hit a worm hole and jump back to 1950?[/QUOTE]

Sadly, here in Augusta, it feels this way. There is still a lot of racial divide in this town and parts literally feel like you're back in 1955 (scenery included). This article made the paper a few days back and the comments therein really explain the thought process of many around here.
[quote name='Strell']See? Now Conan will have something to do until the fall.[/QUOTE]

I love this guy!

On topic though, I think they should disallow dunks and touching of the rim/backboard and make all passes either chest or bounce passes, none of those 'crazy' behind the back, drop off nonsensical passes. And make sure all the teams have extremely racist names while we're at it.
I bet Jesse jackson and Al Sharpton will shit when they see this.

It's funny someone want to be pro-white now and I bet they'll catch tons of shit.
So I emailed the original reporter of this story, citing several sources saying it was a hoax. He replied, stating that he'd "look in to it". Yeah. Right.

Meanwhile the story has made it to Digg, BoingBoing, and a few other outlets. Someone got creative and put up a Wikipedia entry about the league, which of course, only contains what was printed in the article that the Chronicle ran.

People in the local newspapers here are too busy fighting over the whole "is it racist" issue and gloss right over the fact that it's a rather poorly construed hoax. It's sad really.
Thank God. There will finally be less "crotch-grabbing".

Next up on the "all-one-race" pro sports agenda: The Afro Golf Association. "The only things white in this golf league are the balls!"
I have a buddy who is a local sportswriter and his twitter exploded with #allwhitehoopsleague jokes. Many are re-tweets and such, so I'll cut it down to the originals

#allwhitehoopsleague Where my 11-inch vertical will make me a legend.

#allwhitehoopsleague Allowing Coach K to preach the pro potential of his program since 2010.

Phrase "coast to coast" replaced by "manifest destiny." #allwhitehoopsleague

#allwhitehoopsleague Where Birdman is considered "a little too ethnic."

#allwhitehoopsleague Where Kirk Hinrich's contract makes sense.

RT @Jerkwheatery: HIS CROSS IS ON FIRE! RT @oopspow: AABA Jam becomes worst-selling video game ever #allwhitehoopleague

#allwhitehoopsleague Like hockey, but with less Canadians.

EDDIE sequel starring Elisabeth Hasselbeck. #allwhitehoopsleague

#allwhitehoopsleague Where Everybody Is A "Coach on the floor"

#allwhitehoopsleague Where jump balls will be settled on the race track.

#allwhitehoopsleague Brought to you by Ritz Crackers

#Allwhitehoopsleague Home of the slow break.

Three positions: PG, C, Kapono #allwhitehoopleague

#Allwhitehoopsleague Where the guns in our locker room are on a rack.

All-Star Layup Contest #allwhitehoopsleague
Someone should add... #allwhitehoopsleague Where Vegas gives the Washington Generals 2-1 odds.

#allwhitehoopsleague Where Red Klotz is the commissioner.

#allwhitehoopsleague We love short shorts!

#allwhitehoopsleague Finally we can relive Hoosiers every night.
If it were true, would it be any different than this?:

The Globetrotters are not a league. Its a show team that anyone can join if good enough.

So would be nothing like that.
[quote name='Stace']If it were true, would it be any different than this?:


I'll take this at face value and answer honestly, which is naive on my part.

The Globetrotters while overwhelmingly African-American (or black given their "Harlem" by way of the South Side of Chicago origins), have had a few white and Hispanic players in their time. Talent for the brand of ball (and a bald head) are the only requirements.

Additionally, the Globetrotters while currently a show and entertainment team, they originally were formed when "professional" teams were segregated. The early Globetrotters were a competitive force and occasionally beat teams in the NBA. While, this has no bearing on the topic at hand, I felt it important to point out the Globetrotters were creating prior to integration.
I don't think I'll stop watching NBA for this.

I mean really, white dudes just can't jump.

If it's real it will go the way of the XFL. One season of crappy games, nothing else, ever.
[quote name='burritoman']I mean really, white dudes just can't jump.[/QUOTE]

I don't understand how in the same thread about an organization wanting to do something that could easily be seen as racist, people respond with more racism. Isn't making broad generalizations based on the perceived "majority" the entire basis of racist thought? I suppose I'll just start believing that all blacks have been to prison. That will just make the world an amazing place. Keep feeding the stereotypes dumbass.
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Honkies are unable to vertically ascend.

People of lighter skin tones are incapable of leaping greatly.

I do say, the men of the English Isle labour in difficulty upon plunging upwardly into the air.

Jesus descended upon them, who were unlike other tribes beyond Judea, uttering unto them that hopping, yea verily, would produce great shame upon them, for they were unable to do so, and that their flesh could never rise above a cubit.
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[quote name='Strell']Honkies can't vertically ascend.[/QUOTE]

See. And shit like that is "funny" because nobody takes it seriously. But if we're claiming people are equal, and are equally offended, that's not cool, man. I've heard people claim that the reason whites are viewed as the source of most racism is because of the power of the "N word" and how it was created to define and demean the entire African American race (there's an article on it here:,80611,.shtml).

But I think that's crap. If I used a less potent word and said "Blackies can't stay out of prison.", it doesn't magically become less racist because of the word useage. It's the thought behind it. And the reason there is still (and probably always will be) a need for affirmative action and diversity quotas is because, ultimately, people can't be trusted not to factor in race when making an important decision. But anybody who denies that it goes both ways needs to look around.
Only on the internet can a fucking hoax still bring out dormant racism and the worn out old tracks of the band playing the hits "reverse racism" and "lamentation of the white people who don't seem to understand racism at all and naively think they've experienced something even remotely close to the racism actual minorities feel virtually everyday."

I hate those songs.


It's a fucking hoax, people. And even if it wasn't life ain't hard for you because you're white - it's hard for you because you're a fucking moron.
bread's done