New To America: What Can I Expect On Black Friday?


CAG Veteran
So I was in Canada all my life and am now in the States...

I have had my eye on the Canon 7D body (1699 from most retailers), and was wondering what my chances were on getting that for a bit cheaper. I'm thinking the 1300 range...

Is that something I should expect, or is it mostly just on TV's and movies and whatnot? Doesn't really trickle over to more professional gear type things?
Most deals are nothing to write home about. It's mostly deals like 10" black and white TVs for $10 that just get you in the door to buy more stuff.
dumb ass parents literally killing each other because they think they are gettin some kind of super savings on a electronic
"360 is $199?? OMGZZZ"
I heard that the movie 2012 is based off of the tellings of a young mother who visited a Walmart...any truth to this?
You don't usually find great deals on the top quality stuff. Just things that grab headlines. "A BIG SCREEN HDTV FOR ONLY $400 THATS INSANE!" Doesn't matter that it's a pile of junk, it's a $400 big screen HDTV.

I went out for Black Friday once a few years ago. I'll never do it again. The mobs of people combined with the pushing and shoving is disgusting. People have been seriously injured and even died in the stampedes. I've known some normally gentle and caring people who shoved strangers out of the way to get to whatever deal was out there. It's a low point for humanity that we apparently like to repeat annually.
Just shop online for BF deals this year. Amazon had some great ones last year, and it started the week before BF hit. Save you time and effort since it really isnt worth it to go into a store now. So many places online to do your BF shopping nowadays.
If you go out, expect complete mayhem. You definitely are better off staying home or working that day and paying the slight extra premium for what you are looking for.
You have about a 0% chance of getting a deal on that particular camera body on black friday. Your best bet is to order online.
You may find some lower prices between October - February on stuff, but nothing crazy. BF generally does not cater to high end, except maybe some appliances. But I don't think anyone can say for sure since I doubt many here would be looking for something like that. Welcome to the states, and to meeting lots of rude and nice people here.
Black Friday is overrated. The stores mostly offer limited cheap crap items for low prices to get people in the doors. (And when I mean limited, they will heavily advertise a door buster item but will actually maybe have one or two in stock at each store). You will find better deals elsewhere all year long on the internet.

Although I suppose one does have to participate in at least one Black Friday just to experience getting stepped on and pushed over by rude shoppers, to make your truly appreciate the value of internet sales. And if you want to watch people go totally insane and knock over elderly people and the disabled and then trample them, make sure you stand in line for the Black Friday opening at your local Walmart (or google the internet for some sad, scary pictures).
[quote name='Spacepest']Black Friday is overrated. The stores mostly offer limited cheap crap items for low prices to get people in the doors. (And when I mean limited, they will heavily advertise a door buster item but will actually maybe have one or two in stock at each store).[/QUOTE]

that's so true, like in the ads, it's like WOW, but in the tiny fine print, or not at all, they'll only have a few of the item/s if best
Take a cup of coffee, Sit back. And go to Only way to Enjoy Black Friday properly. Even though the servers will be smashed.
[quote name='mtxbass1']You have about a 0% chance of getting a deal on that particular camera body on black friday. Your best bet is to order online.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, something that high end will never be on sale. Black friday isn't like All tiems 20% off. Even if some store did pull that off certain brands like Bose, Apple, Pioneer are never included. And you can be damn sure DSLR cameras are always on that list too.

Black friday has "door busters" some crap the store has on clearance but has piles of in a wharehouse. They get people to spend most of their Thanksgiving night in line for a deal that could be had if they just were a smart shopper.

Sleep in on Friday, watch football and get your deals online. Let the masses kill themselfs over the scraps.
Pure and utter chaos. That's why if I do any shopping on BF, I get the ad and PM it at Wally World a few hours after the madness is over.
Yeah its not worth it, the items are usually of lower quality than what you can normally buy (there is a reason they are black friday special, because they are made cheaply and don't last) plus the possibility of getting injured would leave you with more medical bills than money you would save. You can usually get what you want online, so save the madness for the masses.

I don't think the deals are anything that good, its mostly for people that don't know about online sales and deal sites like this one, because I have found that prices are better on deal sites and you can find decent quality merchandise that is on sale as well.
Those videos are examples of why I will never go out shopping on Black Friday, I don't know why people will put themselves through that.
Black Friday is fun. It's the only time of the year where you can sucker punch people and confront them if they try to talk tough. And people just blame it on the madness of the holiday spirit. Ever give a 500 lb fat woman a straight to the face? ONLY IN WALMART and ONLY ON BLACK FRIDAY can you get away with it.
I know better than to go into a store then. Not like I ever have the free cash to afford their "deals" anyway.
bread's done