New X360 Game Footage


What should have been shown during the horrible MTV special:

There are several in-game videos from titles unveiled during the show. And no, they're not the same clips shown during the broadcast. Check out the Condemned video, it looks incredible! Only IE appears to work loading the page btw (which sucks).
Damn, only a few seconds per game, really. But still better than the MTV thing. Anyone notice the news ticker on the bottom in PGR3?
Condemned is looking pretty impressive. The filth and debris are remarkably detailed. Thats hard to do well. It may sound weird but what makes many game setting unrealistic is that everything is so clean from lack of resoure to produce the kind of detail good grunge requires.
You're right, I missed that video. Comdemned looks fucking awesome. Why the hell didn't they show this at the debut? I love how relentless the enemies seem. And the scanner part, with the locker, that looked great.
bread's done