New XBOX Experience - General Discussion

[quote name='KingBroly']My Target had...5 at $89.98. That's currently the lowest price for clearance hard drives. I'm guessing to make way for the 60gb HDD's...and probably something bigger next Spring.[/quote]
Damn! Go buy one for me! :D
I posted this in another thread and it has worked out for me so far.

I got a 60Gb Hdd for $65 off of ebay - $16.50 live cashback - the 20gb hdd - the transfer cable = I got the 60Gb hdd for free (basically)

$65 (60GB Hdd)
-$30(+) (Selling transfer kit)
-$20 (+)(Selling 20GB Hdd)
-$16.50 (cashback)
Money in the bank for me. It was worth it to get that 60GB hdd after all
I installed the NXE last night and installed 17 or so games on my 120 gig drive. It blows away the old dash into pieces usability wise. I dont care for a lot of the new features, but everythings fast and loading games off of the hard drive is the best thing to happen to the 360 ever, literally. I can finally finish Bioshock without getting a DRE. Awesome.
Mike Snider wrote: 10m ago
Everybody who I talked to personally and everyone who responded to [email protected] before we put up the notice last night that we had our limit will be included. I am not personally processing the information so I also am awaiting updates. We're getting this done as fast as we can. I will post again when I have an update. Again, I apologize.

Just got back from working out and saw Mike had posted this. Looks like were all in. Now we just have to play the waiting game.
[quote name='Kevlar281']Just got back from working out and saw Mike had posted this. Looks like were all in. Now we just have to play the waiting game.[/quote]

That's good to hear. Hopefully it all gets processed soon. I think I'm mostly surprised that it took so long to fill all 250 spots.

[quote name='thrustbucket']Hopefully the reason it's taking so long is that the live team is busy trying to fix matchmaking on gears 2.[/quote]

If they're working on Gears 2, I hope they're removing that damn "Invite everyone on your Friends List" option, because I'm sick of getting 5 invites a day for a game I don't have.

[quote name='HotShotX']If they're working on Gears 2, I hope they're removing that damn "Invite everyone on your Friends List" option, because I'm sick of getting 5 invites a day for a game I don't have.

I've removed everyone that's sent me an invite :)
[quote name='SynGamer']I've removed everyone that's sent me an invite :)[/quote]

That's pretty much the next step. Whoever thought that this option would not be used for spam was an idiot.

[quote name='yukine']So THAT is why I keep getting invites for Gears 2. :wall:[/quote]

You too? I must have sent about 50 replies of 'Sorry, I don't even have Gears 2' before I gave up
[quote name='HotShotX']Some of the comments in the USA Today article are claiming the update will hit at 11pm EST.

11pm EST on Wednesday? That kind of sucks if so, I won't get to try it until Thursday night.
[quote name='HotShotX']Some of the comments in the USA Today article are claiming the update will hit at 11pm EST.


Where are they getting this info?
just got off work, ready for this update...

....and i don't see shit. damn!

honestly, i wouldn't be surprised if they give a "sneak preview" to people who signed up the night before the launch!
[quote name='zewone']Where are they getting this info?[/quote]

Sorry, I'm only passing on comments from the article without any research into their claims.

Damn Kotaku rubbing off on me.

[quote name='dastly75']They're probably thinking of the new Games for Windows thing that's supposed to launch tomorrow.[/quote]
A new Game For Windows update was released today i believe. I just installed it. Looks much better, more PC-ish.
USA TODAY Staff Mike Snider wrote: 55m ago
One more update: Some of you could get the update tonight. I'm not sure of timing. Will try to get you better intel in the morning. Again, thanks for bearing with us. This was tougher than we thought it would be.
[quote name='Bretters']USA TODAY Staff Mike Snider wrote: 55m ago
One more update: Some of you could get the update tonight. I'm not sure of timing. Will try to get you better intel in the morning. Again, thanks for bearing with us. This was tougher than we thought it would be.[/quote]
Already posted ;)
[quote name='thrustbucket']Where?[/quote]
My bad. Someone sent me a msg on AIM (CAG member) and i thought it had been posted. Either way, nothing for me...not expecting to get in though.
that board is full of crap

i'm going to sleep, and when i wake up, i hope it's there. if not, i only have a week to wait like everyone else....
As long as I have it by Friday night I'd be cool with that... anytime after the weekend and it is what it is but it's not really a bonus for me at that point.
Just got an email from USA Today:

Hello Fellow Gamer!

You've been selected to test drive the new Xbox LIVE. Please reply to this email with the following information and we'll have the Xbox LIVE team push the update to your system. Thanks for your patience and your participation.

Your Xbox Live gamer tag:

Your Xbox console ID:

Your Xbox 360 serial number:


Need help finding your console ID and serial number?

1) Go to the system blade on your Xbox 360 dashboard

2) Go to console Settings

3) Go to system info

4) There you will find a unique console ID and serial number.

Best regards,


Director, Product Management
[quote name='KingofOldSchool']What's the point having us send in the info again? What was the point of doing it the first time then?[/quote]

cause the whole thing was a big cluster-fuck... they also said the whole time they wouldn't contact anyone and they'd just get in...

they also said if you sent in info from the time that guy posted you would get in... I don't have the email you guys have so I guess that wasn't true either...

to quote Grandma's Boy... "shiittt'ssss weak"
[quote name='KingofOldSchool']What's the point having us send in the info again? What was the point of doing it the first time then?[/quote]

Perhaps the email was sent to those who fucked up the initial registration, or entered an invalid serial in the rush to sign up, and USA Today is nice enough to still hold their spot while they get the correct info.

Nah, I double checked my info before I sent it.

I think USA Today just didn't have a clue on the response this would get and thus don't know how to handle it properly.
[quote name='HotShotX']Perhaps the email was sent to those who fucked up the initial registration, or entered an invalid serial in the rush to sign up, and USA Today is nice enough to still hold their spot while they get the correct info.


That's what I think happened. The whole thing must have become a logistical nightmare. Rather than take the time and work to sort through the ones they didn't have the right information on, they just sent out emails to everyone they chose to ask them to retype their info.

Edit: I certainly don't expect an ETA on when it will be pushed though. My guess is later tonight.
[quote name='HotShotX']Perhaps the email was sent to those who fucked up the initial registration, or entered an invalid serial in the rush to sign up, and USA Today is nice enough to still hold their spot while they get the correct info.


seems people are thinking that over on the talkback over there.
[quote name='HotShotX']Perhaps the email was sent to those who fucked up the initial registration, or entered an invalid serial in the rush to sign up, and USA Today is nice enough to still hold their spot while they get the correct info.


if that's the case let's see if i get the email, so far i haven't
The author of the article also supposedly said that everyone that applied before 11pm (est?) got in.

They haven't sent emails to some people that claimed they emailed right after the article went up though, so there is really no guarantees here.
My info was definitely correct the first time.

I would guess they've never done something like this and weren't prepared to sort through all the email apps. - replied email confirmations sent to one place to make it more stream-lined.
bread's done