New XMB (XrossMediaBar) for real?


CAG Veteran
God man, im placing my trust in CheapyD, god forbid, please man let this be REAL! im sick and tired of the XMB, and the half-cocked in-game XMB :bomb: I JUST HOPE SONY TO ANNOUNCE THIS...THING!!! im not too worried about PSN premium because everyone obviously knows that SOny will be announcing it @ E3, but CheapyD, i hope u r not wrong.
you're crying and whining over the xmb? wow there are more things that could be fixed/added to the ps3 and psn instead of something that doesn't make any game better or worse. you should be pushing for voice messaging and more.
XMB is much better then the competition (wii is a joke, NXE is cluttered and simple things take going into different places and tabs that you would never expect, plus ads right on the dash at launch). My main problem with XMB is when you read a message and go back, it doesnt go back to the message list. Its so stupid.
Personally, I've always felt the XMB on the PS3 to be crap. It worked well enough on the PSP, but it just never felt right to me on the PS3. I hope there really is a nice redesign.
The only thing that bothers me about the current XMB is the dozen links to the store. I liked when there used to be only one like to the store.
for those who are illiterate, i clearly stated that the in-game XMB is also a problem, as they can simply the UI for better performance. and besides, the XMB was ideal for the PSP but it seems that Sony hasn't really amended the UI when they brought it over to the PS3. I never suggested the XMB to be like NXE, as I can understand ur hatrerd and discomfort towards the NXE. I just want the XMB to be different than it is now. Something more like these.
I just want the PS Button to open messages when I press them, and when I press it again, no matter where I am in the XMB, it will close and I'll go back to the game.
I liked how messages worked on the first XMB. Somewhere along the lines they mixed the sent and recieved together. Also clicking on a user shows me their trophies, instead of messages from them! Messaging is much more of a primary function, and comparing trophies is tertiary item, so make the buttons work that way already. I do like everything else, though. Very efficient.
[quote name='sgand']Good. The XMB is just another thing the 360 dominates the PS3 at.[/QUOTE]

Are you mentally challenged?
The only RIGHT thing to do is make the in game XMB faster as in get rid of all the clutter. Make it a mini XMB with only friends lists, and messages and the ability to exit and switch to another game. Just those three items for the in game xmb.
If they do update it, I hope there's an option to keep the classic XMB.

A redesign could potentially be great, but I really like the way it is now.
[quote name='Thomas96']well if they could allow the xmb to have all its functions without having to quit a game, that'd be great.[/QUOTE]

This. So many times have I played GTA IV to have it start in 720p when I have 1080p selected in the menu settings in the XMB. I have to go in and turn off 720p and 1080i just so it will display in 1080p. But in order to do all this, I have to quit my game first.....lamers....

All so, custom in game music would be nice to have. I've got all this music on my playstation and I can't even use it in-game. But then again that might not have anything to do with the XMB just Sony.
im still hoping they add someting to allow you to play all kinds of media types on your ps3 as well a better browser.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Kinda hard to complain about the XMB when I never even turn it on... well unless it's a Blu Ray.[/QUOTE]

Kinda hard to play the 360 since it never even works. Unless I get one in the mail. Then it only works for a few weeks.

Just some things I would want..

- choice between horizontal or vertical orientation
- ability to hide things you don't use.
- get rid of those ugly, slow loading boxes that are on each menu now
- only 1 store link is needed - though I would like there to be a sub menu next to where the currently inserted disc is that would take you to the DLC for that game.
- more informative box in the upper right - shows online friends/what they are playing
- In Game XMB should only have the functional items - friend list/messaging, trophies, and quit game.
I just want it to be faster like Paco said earlier. It seems like the system chugs hard whenever in a game and trying to access the xmb. Maybe like a performance skin/theme option while keeping the old xmb.
I too love the XMB. Its simple, elegant and doesn't look like a child's toy. Plus we are not plastered with ads everywhere like Xbox live
I actually like the current XMB; it's quick and easy to navigate. I think the 360 NBE is over-engineered, clunky, and cluttered. The Wii's desktop is kind of lame and drab (not customizable or anything).

I hope Sony doesn't go too crazy with any updates. The XMB also fits in to their whole product line as they have an XMB on their cameras and TVs, so I'd hate to see them go too far away from their current look and feel. I think that is one of the key strategies that Apple has had over Sony, is that they have a certain style that they stick to.
The only change I wish I can do on the XMB is hide certain icons like the whats new menu, photo gallery, life with PlayStation, etc.
[quote name='smiggity']I too love the XMB. Its simple, elegant and doesn't look like a child's toy. Plus we are not plastered with ads everywhere like Xbox live[/QUOTE]

i can stomach a few ads here and there for the simplicity of sending messages and game invites and setting up a party..

really, it's ok to admit the xbox has a better dashboard interface...the ps3 just tried too hard to be cool and techy that it lost sight of the ease of use factor.

3 years later, and they're still working on it...
I prefer my devices to not look like a kids toy when I turn it on, something the XMB accomplishes and Xbox does not. You can draw whatever conclusion you want, but its that simple
[quote name='gsr']i can stomach a few ads here and there for the simplicity of sending messages and game invites and setting up a party..

really, it's ok to admit the xbox has a better dashboard interface...the ps3 just tried too hard to be cool and techy that it lost sight of the ease of use factor.

3 years later, and they're still working on it...[/QUOTE]

If you have trouble using the XMB, you should probably quit gaming.
You're all silly. Clearly the redesign will be Sony adding glitter to EVERYTHING instead of just the background.

It'll be real purdy.
[quote name='gsr']i can stomach a few ads here and there for the simplicity of sending messages and game invites and setting up a party..

really, it's ok to admit the xbox has a better dashboard interface...the ps3 just tried too hard to be cool and techy that it lost sight of the ease of use factor.

3 years later, and they're still working on it...[/QUOTE]

Sexbox's dashboard looks like fucking shit. It looks like a baby monkey. Hell it's fucking TOEBAGGIN. It's the shittiest GUI I've ever seen not to mention cumbersome as hell and requires you to go through a lot of shit and look at ads for a service YOU pay for. The Blades were better and even those weren't as good as the XMB. Sorry, but you're in so much denial. You're like one of those Americans that insists that American Football is popular somewhere else. It isn't.
I really don't mind the xmb as it is. However I only use my PS3 for BluRay and MAG. I have some other games but dont play them much.

The thing that I want fixed is that pop up with all the playback options to stop coming up when I have the controller on. If I just the controler off after I start a movie it plays fine if I have it on and sitting some place with nothing touching it then I get all the different play back options that pop up about every half hour or so. Alos the damn thing skips some scenes at times. Seems to be working fine after some updates then after the next one goes back to doing the same thing. Don't know what is wrong with it but it would be nice for that to be fixed.
XMB is not THAT bad, it's pretty fine the way it is... but who wouldn't mind an enhanced/improved XMB? I mean, yeah it can use some touching up here and there like someone mentioned about messages area. Oh, and being a previous 360 owner, it does beat the crapboard :).
I find it hilarious that anyone can say the 360 has a better user interface. Its downright awful. The blades weren't the best, but they worked and everything was layed out nicely. The XMB was a refinement of that. Everything under its own category and just go to it for whatever you need. NXE is a mess of garbage.
[quote name='blitz6speed']i find it hilarious that anyone can say the 360 has a better user interface. Its downright awful. The blades weren't the best, but they worked and everything was layed out nicely. The xmb was a refinement of that. Everything under its own category and just go to it for whatever you need. Nxe is a mess of garbage.[/quote]

LMFAO@ all of the fanboy-ish comments about 'how great the XMB is and how sucky the 'failbox 360's' is and how it looks kiddy and blah blah blah blah....

Here's what I want....leave the fuckin' XMB alone, but get rid of the 90 billion PS Store icons, allow me to delete the PS Home option, allow me to pick and choose what I want outta future updates and then I'll be happy.

Now if they made those sparkles that're currently on the XMB background into a free mini game you could play when not in a real game, that would be interesting.

But adding more garbage to the XMB that I'll never personally use and forcing me to download it all and not be allowed to delete shit I don't want=FAIL.
Yes. Lets make cheapest download more shit so he can complain some more.

And you're complaining about two ads compared to the dozens on the 360 NXE.
[quote name='Paco']Yes. Lets make cheapest download more shit so he can complain some more.

And you're complaining about two ads compared to the dozens on the 360 NXE.[/QUOTE]
What can I say except that on my PC(which is all a console is is an overglorified PC)I can actually delete shit I don't want off my HDD.

The only way to do that on the PS3's HDD would be to possibly plug it into your PC using an external enclosure and go into the file system on the HDD(if at all accessible on a PC) and delete the shit you no longer want.

Although I'm sure Sony would have you re-download the crap as soon as you went to log into PSN with the newly modified HDD.:roll:
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