NFL 2K5 Impressions


I got this yesterday at EB by trading in two $5 games from CC; Just to give you a background, have played madden for the past 15 years, took two years off for NFL 2k and 2k1 when I was into the Dreamcast...Loved Madden in 2003 and liked it last year...I put in ESPN 2K5 and immediately went to quick play with my Seahawks...First thing I notice off the bat is the incredible production value, it feels like you're watching the sunday night nfl game...incredible!!! When a dl gets a sack they focus the camera on him and say his name, even if he is a nobody, the voice work is excellent; as good as madden, if not better; I like how they run the replay while the play clock runs...So you watch the replay or get a sideline update from Suzy Kolber and then get to the play select screen with 20-25 seconds left, so it makes the pacing of the game more realistic...I always hated how you would select a play and get to the line with 30 seconds left which is totally unrealistic and leads to more possessions and more scoring...The game itself is smooth, the running game is awesome, lots of moves, you have to tap a for a speed burst instead of holding it down like Madden...The passing game is decent, I have to get used to it, Madden has been all about dropping 15 yards back in the pocket waiting for 6 seconds and finding your guy, this seems a little more realistic, because you have less time in the pocket, we'll see though...I am extremely happy with this game which I got for $10 brand new(how could I not be, right?)...I would recommend this to anyone looking for a change from Madden, it's phat...Anyone else have impressions on this one?
I was amazed at the little details they put in: the way a hard tackle can cause clumps of dirt to get tossed around, Chris Berman's voiceovers in the ESPN25, the way the light reflects realistically off the jerseys, and many more.

The game feels like last year's Madden without the Freestyle fiasco. Visual Concepts could have implemented a similar system, but it would be difficult to balance. One glaring detail of gameplay that I saw was that the short running game is almost unstoppable. Faced with a 3rd and short you can almost always convert using the same play. Out of the 20 or more times I ran it, I'd say it failed to work twice.

The passing game takes some more getting used to, but I was amazed at its depth. If you go through the tutorial you'll see the different approach they took. You need to have both a feel for the 'bounce' of the QB off the snap, as well as seeing if your receiver is open, which takes a good amount of concentration.

Honestly, I spent more time going through the Crib and each of the menu items (its worth it to get extra Crib points) than actually playing. I played 2 exhibition games, 1 on rookie and 1 on pro, faced Carmen Electra and revenged my Titans against the Rams in that Super Bowl situation.

I got bored after a while mostly because I didn't have the patience to learn the new system yet. I love using audibles and line of scrimmage changes, so I don't think I've even scratched the surface of the game yet. I think when I get a chance to play against my friends it will be ridiculously fun. Pick up this game now!

Well worth it for a 'free' (after trade in) game.
[quote name='magilacudy']One glaring detail of gameplay that I saw was that the short running game is almost unstoppable. [/quote]

To be fair, that's a problem with almost every football game ever made.

You can take pretty much any fullback on a 4th and 1 and have him run right up the gut for a first down every single time. And forget about goal line situations, might as well just give up the touchdown.
[quote name='mmn'][quote name='magilacudy']One glaring detail of gameplay that I saw was that the short running game is almost unstoppable. [/quote]

To be fair, that's a problem with almost every football game ever made.

You can take pretty much any fullback on a 4th and 1 and have him run right up the gut for a first down every single time. And forget about goal line situations, might as well just give up the touchdown.[/quote]

I have stopped short yardage situations numerous times in football games. Now, don't get me wrong, I convert them's kind of like real football. ANY team SHOULD be able to gain 1 yard on every play....
[quote name='magilacudy']I'm talking about like 3rd down and 4, or 5. Maybe that doesn't qualify as short exactly. heh[/quote]

Well, up the difficulty then....that will usually cure that problem.

I'm really liking this game too by the way.

One thing I DISLIKE:
- In franchise mode, the Weekly Preparation sounded cool in concept, but in actuallity, it sucked balls. It takes too long to tinker with whether to train this player or that player.....lucky, you can turn it off. I'm surprised too, because I REALLY get into my franchise, but this just seemed TOO much.

I tried to play a game without doing the weekly prep, my team rating dropped from like a 79 to a 61...OUCH!
I skipped the weekly prep as well, now I'm glad I did...Back to the short running game subject...I did stop the Saints on a 1st and goal at the 1 4 times in a row for a turnover on downs...I guess I got lucky, I'm also playing on the default difficulty...You know what's really cool, the halftime show where they review all the big plays, that is something I've wanted in a football game for 10 years now
Has anyone one tried to play it on Live yet? I can't get it to work. I'm not sure what the ping meter is, but I challenge people when it's full green yet the game just sits there telling me it's waiting for the oppoent. anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Live worked for me last night. I think what you are doing is fine, but your opponent isn't accepting your invite which is why it just sits there.

A lot of people go online for a private match and just ignore invites instead of declining them.
Some people aren't even receiving the invites, from what I've heard, so I wouldn't worry too much about it right now. There are some issues, as to be expected, but otherwise, I love this game. Whenever it shows a replay from the side I have to do a double-take because it looks so close to the real thing (but then again, that may be attributed to my crappy TV). The animations are superb, and I agree with everyone that it really feels like a telecast.

As for rushing, the default setting is a little too easy at times, so if you seem to be having some problems with the game in that department, crank it up. The AI gets immensely better.

Weekly prep is a bit too much in terms of micromanagement, but I still enjoy it a lot. Some will and others won't.

Still getting used to flicking the stick to QB evade; when I actually pull it off, it's a great thing to see.

Phenomenal game for the price. As with everyone, I'm eager to see how this stacks up against Madden.
Yeah, I played LIVE last night...worked out great. Although I just challenged my friend...did not have to search for a game.

I'm still getting used to using the right stick for moves and QB evade....kinda tough to get used too.
Yeah, I've always liked the 2k games but this one I really like and enjoy playing. Despite me being really bad at the game I am still having lots of fun with it. And I love the cribs. I thought buying weapons in SC2 was addicting. I went on live but didn't play a game. I think it already updated the rosters. I played 3 games in a row last night, and I'm not that big a football fan.
I've just played a bit of one game, but I have to agree with the comments on the great production. That half time show is really cool. Actual clips from the game you're playing with Berman saying actual player's names, etc. I kept thinking that I can't wait to show this to my dad.

One thing I wish they would do is maybe have the replay sometimes play back in first person perspective. You know watch a sack unfold from the LB's perspective. Maybe they looked at this and it just didn't work (killed the flow of the game, or didn't go with the TV presentation they are going for, etc. But they do show helmet cams on TV sometimes...) Of course I've only played a short bit of this game, so maybe they do have this?

Can't really comment on the actual gameplay as I was just figuring out what buttons did by trial and error. (Though I still was winning 14-0 at half, hmm the default difficulty might be a tad weak...)
I'm a lifetime Madden player, so getting used to ESPN is taking some effort. I been playing on All-Pro and I think its very accurate to a real life game. I still think I may still buy Madden, but ESPN is very impressive.
I've played 3 games in franchise mode with the vikings, on easy setting as I learn the system, some things that I like and miss. Previously I only played madden games (think over the years I have bought 3 of them) this is my first alternative game.

Pros: Beautiful, fast, smooth,I was just amazed by the smooth colors of the game, little things to like the sun changing the color of the grass through different shadow.

Pretty intuitive interface.found myself learning it pretty quick, I love the ability to double team and alter your Defensive backfield on the fly (although I need much more practice at it.

Crib mode seems like it will be a great way to add replay value with all the different trophies to win, things to buy, games to play, WOW. VIP I haven't really experimented with yet but from the reviews I'm seeing that too will be a great thing.

Love how it just the whole ESPN them sucks you right into the game, Love how the replay is shown on full screen but if you want to speed things along it seemlessly goes into a little cornor as you are picking plays. I found myself playing the game much like I watch a football game,

CONS: I miss a play editor ..although maybe when I get into making new playbooks I will find this. Playing the Vikings the regular playbook just isn't real great for their players (Kleinsasser is rarely in the game, and Moss plays just don't seem to get open much) I'm sure once I get the passing system down more it will improve buy just looking at the play designs seem a bit lacking.

Gonna go play through another game..
I love the game. This game was made for High Definition Televisions. You have to play this in progressive scan mode at least once ... trust me.

Gameplay is solid like last years. Little things like momentum and right analog juking increase the quality over last year's title. Presentation is still great, although I think they took it a little too far with the post game interviews and with the celebrity matches (I HATE CARMEN ELECTRA!!). Things like the full motion halftime show and the sportscenter shows every week more than make up for that. Making your own stadium music rocks!! I also love the option of listening to your jukebox during the actual game itself.

Franchise mode will have to take a little while to get used to, as i didn't do too well in my weekly preperation, but i'm sure once i master it, the increased stats will be well worth my time and effort. Rookie pictures are a nice touch as well (even though they may be recycled NFL player pictures), as they do a nice job of giving your draft prospect a bit of personality.

VIP profiles are a great addition as well. Play a few games, let the computer track your every move, and play a quick game against yourself to spot your own weaknesses. This is really going to help my XBLive game a whole lot.

Even if you're a Madden Fan, pick this one up! You know you can't resist that $20 price tag. AND DON'T FORGET!! 2 months of Free Xbox Live!! How can you beat that?
I'm intrigued by some of the comments..Does anyone own both ps2 and xbox versions? I'm wondering which version to get. Last year I got the Xbox version but felt jipped because of the custom soundtrack glitch and also are you able to actually rip your own tracks to hear DURING gameplay???
Yeah, you can rip your own tracks to hear during gameplay, but it depends on your definition of "during." There are 17 categories, I think, where you can have your clips play. You load the music onto your hard drive from your cd's, then select what segment of that song you'd like to save as a "clip," then select when you want to hear that song played, such as after a touchdown or after an interception, etc. You won't actually hear the music played throughout the entire game, though.

You can make multiple clips from one song, but make note that you need to turn down the PA volume in the in-game settings because it defaults to really loud. Selecting the start and end points is a little slow and hopefully they add a content download to fix that, but so far I have about 10 different songs with multiple clips from each. Hope that helps. :)
[quote name='isaac']Yeah, you can rip your own tracks to hear during gameplay, but it depends on your definition of "during." There are 17 categories, I think, where you can have your clips play. You load the music onto your hard drive from your cd's, then select what segment of that song you'd like to save as a "clip," then select when you want to hear that song played, such as after a touchdown or after an interception, etc. You won't actually hear the music played throughout the entire game, though.

You can make multiple clips from one song, but make note that you need to turn down the PA volume in the in-game settings because it defaults to really loud. Selecting the start and end points is a little slow and hopefully they add a content download to fix that, but so far I have about 10 different songs with multiple clips from each. Hope that helps. :)[/quote]

Under the Presentation Options, you can change the in-game presentation options to play the Crib music during the actual game itself. It'll play the music as well as any custom Stadium music you may have. It plays non-stop, unlike the clips, which turn on and off. It's a pretty cool feature if you like listening to music during the game.
Really? Excellent! Thanks for clearing that up. I haven't messed too much with it, but that scores more brownie points on this side. Thanks again.
the amazing part is that this year, according to PSM mag, ESPN is better than Madden, and it's 40% of the price!
played a few more games, (beat my first celeb, which is kindof a strange feature in the game) the passing defn takes getting used to, but once you have your 3-5-7 step drops down it is pretty good. Going through training mode is defn worth the 15 it takes.

Someone asked ps2 or xbox, i read a couple reviews (can't remember where) that basically said the game is the same however the xbox version really stands ahead visually.

The xbox contorller (and I'm not sure how this compares with ps2s) some of the buttons I find kindof hard to use (like moving down to hit the black/white stiff arm buttons while at the same time moving left control stick (for direction) and A button for speed burst.
First off, I am a DIEHARD Madden fan but even us Madden fans gotta admit that ESPN is damn slick. There is a little momentum now so it feels alot more like a football game should feel. The presentation on the Xbox is amazing (the halftime and postgame shows are the best I have seen period). Although I'll still get Madden on the PS2, this game is worthy of purchase.
[quote name='Lootr2Core']
The xbox contorller (and I'm not sure how this compares with ps2s) some of the buttons I find kindof hard to use (like moving down to hit the black/white stiff arm buttons while at the same time moving left control stick (for direction) and A button for speed burst.[/quote]

Yeah the button layout doesn't seem entirely tailiored to an xbox controller, like you said it can be downright awkward in some areas.
Yeah mine does too. I think I've actually played about 2 out of the 400 games I've set a challenge up for. I think it is either my internet or the network.
[quote name='Lootr2Core']played a few more games, (beat my first celeb, which is kindof a strange feature in the game) the passing defn takes getting used to, but once you have your 3-5-7 step drops down it is pretty good. Going through training mode is defn worth the 15 it takes.

Someone asked ps2 or xbox, i read a couple reviews (can't remember where) that basically said the game is the same however the xbox version really stands ahead visually.

The xbox contorller (and I'm not sure how this compares with ps2s) some of the buttons I find kindof hard to use (like moving down to hit the black/white stiff arm buttons while at the same time moving left control stick (for direction) and A button for speed burst.[/quote]

What happens when you beat a celeb? I started to play FLEX, but I got interrupted and had to big deal really.

I've played a bit more...and the Franchise is SWEET. I love the contracts and all the different ways I can sign someone. I've earned a bunch of CRIB credits, but have yet to buy anything yet. I could buy Steve-O as a free agent though ;) kinda funny. I did not yet, since I don't want other teams having him.

Does anyone know, if I unlock a celeb team, can I use it online? I would like to use the Banana Tuggers online :lol:

The presentation is GREAT though...I actually watch the halftime show and SportsCenter after ever week in franchise is sweet. They tell you if someone gets injured, transactions and replays...nice
[quote name='Derwood43']Is the network down? How do you play a game online. mine always stays at the challenge page[/quote]

Mine too.
[quote name='isaac']There are 17 categories, I think, where you can have your clips play. You load the music onto your hard drive from your cd's, then select what segment of that song you'd like to save as a "clip," then select when you want to hear that song played, such as after a touchdown or after an interception, etc. You won't actually hear the music played throughout the entire game, though.[/quote]

I'm sure that is by design, as it's supposed to simulate the stadium PA playing the song. I love this feature, I must have edited 20-30 songs already to play for various reasons.

17 categories? I think that's a tad generous. Still, there are a nice selection of situations in there to put music to (and you can assign more than one song to a situation so you're not always hearing the same thing every time you get a first down or a touchdown or whatever). Still, I would have liked to see it expanded a little...maybe be able to select a song to play when the home team is going for it on 4th down, or when the home team is trying to defend inside the 10 yard line against the visiting offense, etc. Maybe next year.

Only thing I'd advise for someone doing this for the first time - make your clips long, otherwise they'll just cut off instead of fading out...when they cut off, it sounds really bad. If the song is still playing when you line up for the next play, it fades as the quarterback steps up behind the center. So be sure to make clips at leat 45 seconds to a minute long (and even longer for songs you are going to use for the stadium intro, if you actually watch the intro).
Unlike everyone else on this thread, I'm a complete newbie when it comes to sports games. I just had a small taste of Madden for the first time last fall; I played it for a few hours.

I bought ESPN NFL because of the low price tag and the great reviews. First of all, the presentation of the game is great. But I have to admit, I am a little overwhelmed at the controls and all the button and stuff.

I've been running through the Practice section right now. It will take me awhile before I can get into the game; There is a learning curve. But from my initial reaction is that the game is impressive
Yeah after more lpaying time the controls kind of suck, Madden beats it down when it comes to that department. Also, I think Madden will own it in the franchise mode department as well.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']Yeah after more lpaying time the controls kind of suck, Madden beats it down when it comes to that department. Also, I think Madden will own it in the franchise mode department as well.[/quote]

I thought the controls were a little off when I first got the game, but now I think they are pretty darn good. I LOVE this game. The franchise mode is sweet....I could care less about pricing hot dogs or anything like that (LAME!!!!)

The gameplay is great though. Different than last years, but once I got the hang of it again....GREAT. The running game is tougher...which was needed badly.

The controls on the QB evade are still new to me, so that is one control difficulty I suppose.
faking out people i find is harder in nfl2k5 then it is in madden... but that makes it for a more realistic game. since in nfl2k5 when you change directions fast you pivot, and in madden you just change directions... that is taking some getting used to. and finally the pocket collapes alot faster and its harder to just run with your qb,,, which i think makes the game more real.
The only difference I have noticed between the PS2 and Xbox version, besides the graphics, is that during the halftime show on the PS2, they only show snapshots of the gameplay, not actual video footage. Kind of sucks but it doesn't really affect the game.
I was surprised to read Gamepro's opinion that the PS2 graphics are better than the Xbox graphics here.

Also, for those who care, the editors at EGM thought this year's Madden plays better than 2k5.

I don't care. I bought 2k5 anyway.
[quote name='Noonan768']I bought it yesterday for $15.88 at Target... It's a great game. I love it.[/quote]

Me too! Target rocks!
Just got my copy in today. I have to say that it's damn good. I'm not a big football fan, though I picked up Madden 04 last year on a whim. The last Sega football game I played was 2K3 and it's changed a lot for the better since then. Madden will really have to bring it this year to keep the crown.
[quote name='lebowsky']The only difference I have noticed between the PS2 and Xbox version, besides the graphics, is that during the halftime show on the PS2, they only show snapshots of the gameplay, not actual video footage. Kind of sucks but it doesn't really affect the game.[/quote]

They do the same thing when you play on Xbox Live though.
[quote name='Xevious']Unlike everyone else on this thread, I'm a complete newbie when it comes to sports games. I just had a small taste of Madden for the first time last fall; I played it for a few hours.

I bought ESPN NFL because of the low price tag and the great reviews. First of all, the presentation of the game is great. But I have to admit, I am a little overwhelmed at the controls and all the button and stuff.

I've been running through the Practice section right now. It will take me awhile before I can get into the game; There is a learning curve. But from my initial reaction is that the game is impressive[/quote]

I'm pretty hardcore for sports games and even I'm amazed at the learning curve. Anything above rookie I struggle horribly to run the ball at all and passing is an adventure on every level, like my 19-40-300+ 1 TD 4 INT game with McNabb. I want to like this game a lot but it is HARD. Gonna need some time to get the most out of this, but I'm certainly not buying Madden, this is football enough for me.

I think I'll be ok though, I seem to remember struggling mightily the first time I played ESPN hockey but I eventually got into it.

Anyone else experiencing Xbox weirdness with custom music? My stadiums play music that is on my hard drive but not on my custom list sometimes.
i love the game, normally not a big fan of sports. i picked up 2k5 cuz of price and the fact it was sega/espn, wouldn't have if it was madden.

the game has the t.v. feel to it. you really feel like your watching tv with the halftime/postgame shows, injuries and other info from suzy.

custom music, the crib is awesome and of course VIP.

(don't know about ps2, would diffently say no if you have an xbox.)
[quote name='ElwoodCuse'][quote name='Xevious']Unlike everyone else on this thread, I'm a complete newbie when it comes to sports games. I just had a small taste of Madden for the first time last fall; I played it for a few hours.

I bought ESPN NFL because of the low price tag and the great reviews. First of all, the presentation of the game is great. But I have to admit, I am a little overwhelmed at the controls and all the button and stuff.

I've been running through the Practice section right now. It will take me awhile before I can get into the game; There is a learning curve. But from my initial reaction is that the game is impressive[/quote]

I'm pretty hardcore for sports games and even I'm amazed at the learning curve. Anything above rookie I struggle horribly to run the ball at all and passing is an adventure on every level, like my 19-40-300+ 1 TD 4 INT game with McNabb. I want to like this game a lot but it is HARD. Gonna need some time to get the most out of this, but I'm certainly not buying Madden, this is football enough for me.

I think I'll be ok though, I seem to remember struggling mightily the first time I played ESPN hockey but I eventually got into it.

Anyone else experiencing Xbox weirdness with custom music? My stadiums play music that is on my hard drive but not on my custom list sometimes.[/quote]


With running, especially in ESPN, you have to stay very close to your blockers. Your blockers do a good job usually, especially if you have a great O-Line like the Ravens or the Packers, so if you stay close to your fullback and your tight end you can usually get the yards you need and sometimes break a big run.

With passing you have to anticipate where your receiver will BE, not where they are. If you see your receiver cut across the middle and the middle linebackers are blitzing, you know you can safely throw to him because, usually, the corner covering him will be running behind him. It's quite hard to keep an eye on your QB and on your receivers at the same time, what I typically do is eye my QB for the first few seconds then quickly scan my receivers and look at the progressions - look at the receiver the play was designed for first then go down from there.

Basically just time and practice will help you. Mostly work on doing small dump passes to your tight ends and your fullback or running back, you can move up in passing from there. For running work mostly on running to the outside (especially if they're playing a 4-3 defense and don't have the flats covered). Running up the gut is ESPECIALLY hard in ESPN and only really strong backs (like Stephen Davis) can do it effectively.
This game is great. Best football ive played. I buy the new madden every year. Not this one! Crib mode is great. you can unlock dart boards and trivia machines and pool tables and play them like mini games! Put this into hd tv with surond sound! The fans did the wave once and it traveled to each speaker like it was going around the stadium. FOR 20 bucks you gota get this one!
Passing in this game is pretty realistic. It's not like MAdden where you can drop back 20 yards then find your receiver open downfield. You usually have to stay in the pocket and wait for your receiver to get open for that spilt second. Also, LEARN MAXIMUM PASSING!!! It's key.

I'm on All-Pro difficulty now, and I'm doing GREAT in my franchise. But my offensive numbers are just defense is GREAT though. GO LIONS!
I agree about the drops back but I didn't find passing to be too realistic. Mainly due to the sheer amount of drops me recievers have. In a few dames Tony Gonzalez had 4 or 5 drops by the half and he's arguably the best TE in the league.
bread's done