NHL 09 Broke Street Day 1 Day early at EBG - YMMV


1 (100%)
Not really a deal, but if you're a big hockey fan than you might enjoy this.

EBG at Erin Mills Town Centre in Mississauga were selling their NHL 09 today. Spoke to the clerk and they said they received it today to sell.
Use two games to trade in plus $9.99 from my Edge card to get it.

BTW - games I used that qualified were
1. Rock Band (Disc Only)
2. Turning Point (from BBV for $9.99)

Happy Gaming
both nhl 09 and nhl 2k9 are out today. i don't think its breaking streetdate. unless you are unfortunate to have stores that always get the games 1-2 days later.:lol:
Yeah, pretty sure it's not a broken street date, just out earlier than expected. All the EBs in my area got it today.
fuck, over here I've spoken to some friends in Calgary and they're having just as hard a time as us in Edmonton. There's a big controversy over where it's street date is the 9th or 11th, because EA didn't really clarify. Their site simply says "Available on the 11th" but that's changed from previously being the 9th. That being said, nobody's got it and the ones that do are holding it til Thursday. Frustrating!

I hope you boys out east get better luck than us!

I may write into Kotaku about this. Anybody with some poignant examples of the "street date vs ship date" argument, feel free to give me some fodder.
EB at Rideau Center in Ottawa got it in this afternoon. Couldn't find it anywhere in Kanata, though.
Checked with Walmart, Rogers, Futureshop and EB in edmonton, and no hits. EB did mention that they will have it for tomorrow though.
I think I saw NHL09 in store at Futureshop today at Downtown Vancouver. I was looking for TNA Impact everywhere, that was released today.
im burlington, microplay said they expect to receive and sell nhl 09 tomorrow. eb called me today re: nhl09 and they got a shipment and sold it to me (i preordered). when i picked it up, i didn't see any displayed anywhere though.

as for tna impact, i really wanted to rent it today, but nobody had it. microplay expected to get it around 4-5 this afternoon but that didn't happen.
Tried in Edmonton: Riverbend, Westmount, Bonnie Doon, Whyte Ave Blockbusters, HMV Southgate & South Common, Whyte Rogers...
The EB at Shoppers World here in Brampton, Ontario had it today. I got a call about it but I didn't have time to go in, I had to head downtown Toronto for a night class :(
Hi i work at an EB in Etobicoke. NHL 09 was not street dated. We received our shipment on that day. Usually, we are emailed like a million times repeatedly when an item is street dated. lol I was not surprised this happened.
[quote name='darkcowofthenorth']Hi i work at an EB in Etobicoke. NHL 09 was not street dated. We received our shipment on that day. Usually, we are emailed like a million times repeatedly when an item is street dated. lol I was not surprised this happened.[/quote]

I had a feeling that was the case. When the big box stores quote a release date as a Thursday, it generally seems to mean that the game isn't street dated and ships on the Tuesday.
yeah 2k had jumped the gun and sent theirs out early so EA has us get their game out a day early. It sure left us in a crunch since we had been telling people it was out on the 10th (and our signage said the 11th!) and we got it on the 9th. madness. the phone rang off the hook all day with confused customers.

most stores received their 2k9 on monday late afternoon and yesterday got 09 late afternoon also. go out and get your copy!
I was set to pick it up on the 11th as it said on the NHL09 sign at gamestop. Was lucky enough to pick it up yesterday.

Game is ok, lots of goals from random shots from the top of the circle seem free.

We should have a a CAG Canada league in this game.
[quote name='Rocky071']Tried in Edmonton: Riverbend, Westmount, Bonnie Doon, Whyte Ave Blockbusters, HMV Southgate & South Common, Whyte Rogers...[/quote]
I just got my PS3 copy of the game at the Northgate Futureshop. You have to ask for it though. It's not on the shelf. When I left they just put a box of them behind the till by the outside entrance. Probably something to do with having supply for tomorrow when they had it advertised to come out. The Best Buy at Skyview also had it in their game cage by the till but I only saw the 360 version.
bread's done