NHL07 or NHL2K7?


My brother really loves 2K7 so I'm having difficulty deciding.

On the other hand NHL07 is only $30 this week at Bestbuy.

I wanted advice from some CAGs; my most trusted source of opinions on games.
I went with NHL 07 this year after buying 2k4, 2k5, and 2k6 in previous years.

I really enjoy the gameplay of NHL 07. The skill stick is a big improvement and it's fun to try to deke and fake out the goalie as opposed to just taking slapshots and one timers. On the downside, the online play is just BAD for 07. No leagues, noticeable lag(at least for me), and a few annoying bugs that aren't likely to be fixed(sometimes the game will just randomly reset and go back to an earlier point in an match).

If you don't much care about online play, I think that NHL 07 would be the more entertaining experience. But if you're the kind of person that wants to do leagues and things like that, 2k7 may be the better buy.

Hope that helps a bit.
[quote name='SpikeSpiegel']My brother really loves 2K7 so I'm having difficulty deciding.

On the other hand NHL07 is only $30 this week at Bestbuy.

I wanted advice from some CAGs; my most trusted source of opinions on games.[/QUOTE]

NHL07 hands down. Unless, of course, you are going to play online with your bro.
Yea NHL 07 was definetly fun...I played nhl 2k5 so i have experienced both sides but NHL 07 was just a fun hockey game...The online wasnt so great though
I was torn when I rented both. I think either one is a decent choice. It REALLY takes some getting used to with the "skill stick" in NHL 07. Not sure what one I liked more, as I passed on NHL for now....
NHL 07 is fantastic this year--a real turnaround for EA hockey. The skill stick is the best thing to happen to sports games in a long time, but it takes a while to get used to.
I usually play one short season (40ish games) on single player then I'm done with a hockey game. Where I play the most is online, and while NHL2k7 still has the same lame "money shots" and such that people abuse online (even in sim difficulty it can still be pulled off, even though it takes alot of effort) It's the best choice for online play if you can get into a league or play with people who don't abuse loopholes.

So for online alone go with NHL2k7. The single player has alot of options, but NHL07 seems to be the better choice.
If you want single player action and next gen graphics, go with NHL07.
I prefer NHL 07 for offline play. Online is really hard to enjoy with NHL 07. I tend to play NHL 2k7 for the online and NHL 07 for the dynasty and the skill stick.
Have both and I play 07 more. The Skill Stick is amazingly fun. When you finally figure it out and start deking the goalie (stick, glove, stick, glove-side) then go backhand top shelf on a wrister, there's nothing like it.

2K7 has by far the better online gameplay though.
NHL07 - The skill stick adds so much. I saw X-Play review both and they gave 2K7 the higher score but they barely mention the skill stick for NHL07. How can you review a game and gloss over a totally new control system?
I have been playing the 2K series for a while but this year I picked up 07 because of the skill stick. It adds so much more to the game and to me makes the game extremely fun to play. 2K7 is still a good game but I think 07 beats it out this year mainly because of the skill stick.
Got back into 2K7 earlier this evening and I have to say, despite the same rehashed gameplay, it works and it works well. The skating mechanics are solid and the camera is outstanding. The hits are incredibly great as well and the animations sell them very well. (Had a guy put a huge open ice hit on an oncoming offensive player that took his helmet off. The guy kept skating around still and the helmet lay on the ice bouncing off of people's skates.)

The passing system is really nice as well with the Pro Controls since you can actually cycle the puck on offense with regularity. On the whole the game's controls are a lot more robust.

The big downer is that it's still nigh-impossible to score on the goalies with anything but a one-timer.
Would NHL07 still be a good choice if it will mainly be just my one friend and me playing online? Can you play 1 vs 1 and also have it so both of us can play on a team together against another team?
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