NiGHTS 2! It's quite likeable - Just not Shaq-fu-able! In Stores Now!

[quote name='Starkraving']What's more, no one's required to read it!

How am I supposed to know what posters are saying if I don't read their posts? :lol:
[quote name='Lan_Zer0']1Up: 7.0

I'm still shocked they developer's didn't focus on what made the original NiGHTS so great in the first place. Why add in mediocre platforming segments (which you have to play to progress) when tons of other games this generation do it significantly better.[/quote]

I take it you played the game?
IGN: 6.5
GameSpot: 7.5

Sounds like the reviews in this range have similar views:
+Graphics and Sound are excellent
+Art design is memorable
+Classic Nights flying gameplay is still classic.
+Great Boss battles
-Motion controls suck (Too insensitive) -- Use the Classic Controller instead
-New platforming segments are boring, formulaic, and in general, suck
-The storyline is good enough, but may come across as a bit overplayed.

There's also this short gameplay video on GameSpot Japan:,3800076101,20363112,00.htm
those postivies FAR outweigh the negz...

story?? who needs that?!?!?! dat muthafukka can fly... that's the story.

these platforming segments sound ugh tho... good thing I cant even afford the game rite now!!
[quote name='JEKKI']those postivies FAR outweigh the negz...

story?? who needs that?!?!?! dat muthafukka can fly... that's the story.

these platforming segments sound ugh tho... good thing I cant even afford the game rite now!![/quote]

Exactly. This isn't an RPG; Did Mario Galaxy lose points because it didn't have enough symbolism or plot twists? These are the kind of games where you figure out what you have to do in the beginning and you've done it by the end.
[quote name='JEKKI']
story?? who needs that?!?!?! dat muthafukka can fly... that's the story.

I think I'm going to quote this every single time I hear someone bitch about stories in games.
I have to get around to playing this, it looks really good.

However, they need a Nightmare on Elm Street game like this. You travel in people's dreams & fuck them up.
^^^^ Must have.
Ugh. Ya know, Sega Studio USA (of Shadow the Hedgehog "fame") developed this, and I've known this since they announced the game, which makes me wonder why I ever looked forward to it at all.
[quote name='JEKKI']
story?? who needs that?!?!?! dat muthafukka can fly... that's the story.
Classic. If they slap that on the back of the box, instant best-seller. Guaranteed.

EDIT: Reading some impressions on neogaf, opinions are varied. But some people that didn't like it at first are starting to warm up to the game. A very interesting quote from a member:

"As I play more and start to figure out the scoring system, I'm finding a surpising depth that wasn't obvious initially.

It's funny when cycles repeat."

Platforming stages are still a thumbs down though, not terrible, but wholly unnecessary.
I have the game now. Here are some impressions.

1. Story cut-sequences ARE entirely skippable. The IGN reviewer must have had a different version of the game. When you replay a level for a better score, you can replay from the beginning of the story sequence (where you can then press a button and skip it) or you can restart right at the start of the level itself. No wading through cumbersome dialogue all over again. Since I never died at the first boss, I can't say whether it forces you to start the entire world over again, as suggested by the reviews.

2. I haven't played the infamous 'on foot' maze levels yet but I assume they're about as fun as Sonic Adventure's Big the Cat levels (not very).

3. Music is fantastic.

4. Graphics are choppy, inconsistant, prone to tearing, and look like the Dreamcast. Because of my nostalgia for the DC, I don't mind this too much, but the price point should be closer to $29.99.

5. I used the classic controller and had no problems controlling NiGHTS. The game actually suggests that newer players use the classic controller and that they only move to the standard Wii controls later on when they've become more accustomed to the controls.

6. The "My Dream" garden is a strange green square filled with the various bad/good guys you collect while you're flying. The game suggests that joining these types of creatures will create an egg and hatch a new creature... however, I wasn't able to get this to work.

7. The game has a lot in common with the Sonic Adventure series, flaws and all. This is not so much of a problem for me as I enoyed those, but I recognize that they're far from perfect and don't appeal to everyone. I'm not surprised the game hasn't sold well.

8. I doubt we'll be seeing another NiGHTS game anytime soon.
I plan to do a proper review, but as an avid fan I can confidently say that this game was made to please the fans. Just use the classic controller and you will have a blast.

I regard this as proof that Sega is capable of making great games. It's not perfect, but dear god did it live up to my anticipations thus far. Don't let the reviews scare you, TRY THIS GAME!
I highly doubt the classic controller's analog stick is as good as the numchuk.
All the reviews say the gameplay is there in spades, so it is a must buy in my opinion. What other wii games have the trippy drug induced factor? Too bad battlemode was left out of the wifi.:cry:
Hopefully the ps2 remake with the bonus christmas nights comes stateside!
[quote name='Mr. Roper']I highly doubt the classic controller's analog stick is as good as the numchuk.
All the reviews say the gameplay is there in spades, so it is a must buy in my opinion. What other wii games have the trippy drug induced factor? Too bad battlemode was left out of the wifi.:cry:
Hopefully the ps2 remake with the bonus christmas nights comes stateside![/quote]

I consider the entire game a lot more enjoyable when played with the classic controller as opposed to the nunchuk. To each his own, though.
Wish my TrU preorder (from one of the B2G1's) would ship... it's stuck at "item(s) located in stock". It'd be nice if they upgraded the shipping to 2-day so I'd have it before Christmas (due to their delay) but I'm not holding my breath.
This game not worth full retail price of $50; it's way too short. About five hours per character- that includes those horrendous story cut scenes. You can't skip them or press button to speed through text, no, you must watch it at least one time. That's really bad, considering there are two characters.

On gameplay wise, it's good. Think sonic with wings. You have to fly through rings, attack enemies with spin attack and beat stages as fast as possible. Controls are really tight,a slight movement in analog stick will cause your character to move.
[quote name='Justin42']Wish my TrU preorder (from one of the B2G1's) would ship... it's stuck at "item(s) located in stock". It'd be nice if they upgraded the shipping to 2-day so I'd have it before Christmas (due to their delay) but I'm not holding my breath.[/quote]
I'm in the same boat as you, come on Toys r US.
Everyone saying it isn't worth full retail needs to shut their pie hole. Nobody cares what you think because you are a moron. This is one of the best games you could pick up for the wii that is actually a wii game.
Wow after playing for an a few hours I was extremely disappointed. My first boss battle was unenjoyable since my wii-mote would not go the direction it was pointed, it pointed the opposite direction. I bought this game thinking "ok I have store credit at gs, what should I buy for my Wii that hasn't been touched," I had remembered that NiGHTS had just come and and decided to buy it since I loved it back 10 years ago on the Saturn. Came home and popped in the game and LOVED the music, but the graphics and unplayable controls on my wii-mote made me double think about my purchase.

I'm willing to trade this for another Wii game anyone wants to trade with, or orange box for the 360. If not im just gonna return it somehow or get store credit. It's only been played once and the game is back in the store bag with receipt.
[quote name='Mr. Roper']I'm in the same boat as you, come on Toys r US.

Well, got the shipping notice from Toys R Us-- they shipped UPS ground with an estimated delivery date of 1/3/08.

Gee, thanks for the fast service, TrU. Good thing I didn't pay full price for it or I'd be fairly upset right now. (I'm just grumbling now, I guess I got what I paid for, although the insane shipping charges they tack on would've at least paid for USPS priority for a .4lb envelope and I would've gotten it this year. :p )
[quote name='Mr. Roper']I'm in the same boat as you, come on Toys r US.
Everyone saying it isn't worth full retail needs to shut their pie hole. Nobody cares what you think because you are a moron. This is one of the best games you could pick up for the wii that is actually a wii game.[/QUOTE]
You haven't even played it, you fucking moron.
Just picked it up. Got $75 dollars worth of Wal-Mart gift cards free at my work's Christmas party.

And I won an 80 GB iPod.

I hadn't been in a Wal-Mart for 2 years until then. I couldn't wait to get my NiGHTS, my McCartney DVD and get the hell out of that hell-hole.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']That's cool. I just get pissed off when people say, "omg this is the best game ever!!11" when they haven't even played it themselves.[/quote]
You get really pissed because your a moron.
All I said is it is easily one of the best wii games that's actually a wii game. I know what the gameplay is like and I don't even need to play it to make that statement. What pisses me off is people who play it once, and never get the hang of it proclaiming it sucks.
I want this game really bad, but I'm going to wait till the hype goes down to see if it's really worth it.

It just seems based on reviews its worth playing, but it's flawed....I'm really not sure what to think...all I know is I want it!
Just got this tonight.
I'm enjoying it.
It's taking some time to get used to, but.. I'm enjoying it.

So what's with this garden? I have a friend code and do I access this garden thing? Do I unlock this later on?
[quote name='Mr. Roper']You get really pissed because your a moron.
All I said is it is easily one of the best wii games that's actually a wii game. I know what the gameplay is like and I don't even need to play it to make that statement. What pisses me off is people who play it once, and never get the hang of it proclaiming it sucks.[/QUOTE]
How is a Saturn remake port, that you have to use the classic controller to enjoy, "actually a wii game"?
[quote name='lilboo']Just got this tonight.
I'm enjoying it.
It's taking some time to get used to, but.. I'm enjoying it.

So what's with this garden? I have a friend code and do I access this garden thing? Do I unlock this later on?[/quote]
Yeah you get the Dream garden after you beat the first level, its pretty cool it saves all the little nightopians you collect and they do stuff in your garden. Like because todays christmas eve my little dudes are building snowmen!

and you can even invite other people over to check out your garden like in animal crossing

I can't believe I got this game on the 22nd and still haven't put it in, yet.

Damn holidays. Damn you Baby Jesus.

just kidding JC.
Hey come on, this game is fun. The problem the haters have with it is that they paid full retail. If I'd have paid $50 I'd be pretty pissed too. I have to say though, that even sega's probably smirking at anyone who paid $50 for this right now. Rent or wait for that magical $30 price.
[quote name='foltzie']Less than friendly review.
Inside Pulse 5.5[/QUOTE]

That reviewer also thinks the original NiGHTS came out on the Dreamcast. And he spells "beat" as " "n-e-a-t" and "jump" as "u-m-p".
I don't see what's so terrible about the platform levels. Not fun, but I don't know why people are getting so over dramatic about it saying how AWWWWFULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!! it is. Seriously. There's not even that much in the game!! I'm almost done Will's Story and I think I had .. 1 platform level? Maybe 2? I think it was 1.

I use the Classic Controller with this game and everything seems fine to me. I don't see how "they are all bad"..I really don't see it. The only bad one is the Wii Remote by itself. But you have THREE OTHER OPTIONS.

I hate reviews and people's petty complaints with games. But hey, to each their own I guess.
This game is one of the main reasons I bought my Wii. Due to hearing around it's best with the classic controller, I just bought one for my Wii. All I need is a copy of the game. I really, really want to play it right now, but waiting to see if Meijer gets it in and has 15% in the near future. If not, I may just go ahead and spend $50 on it.

Well, I'm not expecting the game to be as good as the original, but I still really want it because I just like the NiGHTs gameplay in general. Most say the game is pretty good though.
"I was pretty mean to Nights in the last segment, but this should make up for it. Nights: Journey into Dreams is without a doubt the most beautiful game I have seen on any of the current generations of consoles. The fact the Wii can produce a game that is more visually stunning than anything on the [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]PS3[/COLOR][/COLOR] or the 360 is a testament to the power of the Wii, and that if developers really want to, the Wii can be a showcase for visual excellence just as easily as the competing consoles. "

That review just HAS to be some kind of joke. I mean, I like the art style a lot (fits with the original), but really... this game cant even hold a candle to that rubber duckie game on the PS3.

Well, at least I finally have my own copy to play.... now for some time off to actually play it
I got this game few days ago, and it's awesome. It seems more like you love it or you hate it. The controls may be wonky at times, but the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The game is a work of art and should be appreciated as such. The music is amazing, the boss fights are creative, and it's just a fun game to play. Sure it could have used a little more polish, but it is a great game overall.
Well, I just couldn't wait for a sale or price drop, so I bought it at full price today at Best Buy. I really cannot wait to play it. Glad I'm hearing mostly positive impressions all around. :)
Played the original NiGHTS earlier... it surprises me that the Saturn 3d pad is better than both the Classic Controller and the Nunchuk.

Still enjoying the new one... but damn if the story aspect isnt annoying as shit
I bought it earlier today, it's pretty decent with the classic controller. It almost feels like I'm playing the original, except for the whole walking through doors and talking to owls part.
The visuals aren't as good as the first game. The cutscenes are superior, but thats it. The original is a far better game than this and the saturn analog stick was much better than any analog sticks Nintendo has out. For those of you that never used it, the nights controller was better than the dreamcast analog stick.
The classic controller is better than the numchuk even though the classic controllers analog is ass. I doubt the cube controller will fair better because of its trigger buttons. It is one of the better wii games, which isn't saying much right now.
I'm playing through this as a rental right now and I'm not sure I'm getting the hang of the gameplay. I've been stuck on the 3rd mission, saving the Nightopians from the black hole, for a couple sittings and I can't seem to get the paraloops off either large enough to save 3 of them at once or quick enough to get them individually.

It doesn't help that Blockbuster doesn't include the instructions and those tips on the back of the rental box are crap, but so far, my limited playthrough with the original on the Saturn (I think I got through the first two stages despite not having the Saturn 3d controller) were more intuitive than this sequel. So far, I'm glad that mycokerewards paid for this rental, as I can't seem to get the hang of it. Any tips on the paralooping?
bread's done