Ninja Gaiden II $9.25 (Xbox 360) Amazon FSSS


15 (100%)
I liked it better than NGB in a lot of ways. NGB is more polished, but I love the brutal and offensive base of the combat versus NGB's defensive based combat. Thought it was worth $60, definitely worth 10. some called the game cheap, but when you factor in that those of us who played it can beat the game without using healing items, just shows you gotta know how to play, lol.

And FYI, the ps3 version is garbage. Dumbed down difficulty, it isn't any more intense or hard, you just get killed in 1 hit. Wasn't fun like NG2 or NGB/NGS MNM.
I'd try to get the PH version. I saw it at Sear's the other day, and it apparently comes with the Mission Mode DLC that's 560/800 (gold/silver, respectively).
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