Nintendo 3DS - General Discussion Thread

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Still no 12 hour clock.[/QUOTE]

I never noticed! I got used to a 24 hour clock at my old job and now use it on everything - my computer, my cell phone, etc and apparently on my 3DS?

Mighty Switch Force, for me, is the exciting one. 5 more levels. Fantastic.

It also shows that Nintendo is, at the very least, taking baby steps into an online generation. Patching titles, adding functions to the 3DS OS, and now allowing developers to 'update' their games.

I mean, that last one is a slippery slope because of DLC, but at least the MSF update truly does seem to be a free update.

Oh, and I fucking love the folders. Everything on one page! No scrolling! Mmm.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Still no 12 hour clock.[/QUOTE]

I think Japanese media uses 24 hr clocks.

Actually, they have like 26:00 etc too...
[quote name='elessar123']I think Japanese media uses 24 hr clocks.

Actually, they have like 26:00 etc too...[/QUOTE]
That doesn't excuse them for ignoring such a basic feature.
[quote name='pete5883']There's no changing folder color, is there? Odd that they'd have the only color be light blue.[/QUOTE]

They seem to have a very beta like quality to them. I would hope they offer some emoji like symbols of things like a NES, GBA, or perhaps Mario in the next update that could be used as the "cover".
Just picked up a repackaged Black 3DS for $119.01 from Target and it looks to be in pristine condition. Snagged MGS 3D with the $20 game trade-in coupon also. I'm hoping to pick up RE: Revelations on the way home with my other coupon tonight and grab Ghost Recon on Sunday from BB. Anything else I should consider picking up at some point?
Probably pretty obvious, but Super Mario 3D land and Mario Kart 7 are great. If your into fighting, Tekken Prime and Dead or Alive: Dimensions are pretty good. Kid Icarus is pretty great as well.
Kid Icarus and Super Mario 3D Land are Must Buys IMO. Resident Evil: Revelaytons too, if you can find it in stores (Target never carried). I'd recommend Pushmo on the eShop, and I guess Mighty Switch Force since 5 new levels are coming in an Update sooner or later.

Mario Kart 7...I'd wait for the Mid May patch to get it since it'd fix Maka Wuhu's Glitch (it's the best track in the game, too).
I basically agree with all of KingBroly's picks. Games that haven't already been mentioned....

Link's Awakening is my favorite Zelda ever. Replaying it currently and can confirm that my sentiment isn't just nostalgia, I really do think it's the best one (though I realize I'm probably in the minority on that). For the price on the eShop, it's a steal.

If you can find it cheap, Star Fox 64 3D plays really well and is great for short play sessions because of the level length.
[quote name='KingBroly']Resident Evil: Revelaytons too, if you can find it in stores (Target never carried). [/QUOTE]

I bought a copy of RE:R from Target earlier today for $20 with the coupon. Perhaps the Targets near you were just sold out?
Well my local Targets NEVER carry M-rated Nintendo games. It's astoundingly bad. And depressing.

I could recommend some other 3DS games, but they'd have to
A - Be reduced in price
B - Be put on the eShop at said reduced price
[quote name='pizzaflavoredpudding']I got a second copy of SM3DL and I already registered my other copy, so here is a code for anyone that wants to use it.


Used it. Thanks!
[quote name='Halo05']I'd much rather have a redesign than a price drop. Bring on the second analog stick and maybe a slightly bigger screen.[/QUOTE]
This- i had a 3DS at launch and I liked it. The price point wasn't the problem, it was the 2nd Thumbstick. It'll always hold back the system.

I'd pay full price for a redesign.
They'd have to Update every 3DS game that uses the Circle Pad Pro then to be compatible with the 2nd stick and extra shoulder buttons. Including the OS too.

Also, DSiXL is getting dropped to $130 at Wal-Mart apparently. Which is an awesome deal since it's the best DS.
I'm not sure why they're thinking of dropping the price again, UNLESS there's another design coming out soon. The system seems to be selling fine at this price point and I wholeheartedly believe it's worth every cent of the $169.99 price tag that it currently has(I bought it at launch and don't regret it). I won't buy another re-design unless it has some drastic hardware improvements... If it winds up being the long-rumored 3DS lite that is just a bit smaller with better battery life then I'm not gonna bite.
I doubt Nintendo will drop the price of the 3DS again when it took forever for the DS Lite to even drop to $129.99. Heck the DSi is being sold for $149.99 which was the same price the phat DS launched at back in 2004. Plus the fact Nintendo recently said they predict profitability(currently they are losing money on the hardware) on the 3DS hardware again by the end of next quarter.

I would like to see a 3DS lite though with the following...

  • Dual Circle Pad (Nintendo did it with the wii motion plus add-on and later had it built into the wii mote so it is possible to see them implement an add on onto the hardware itself.)
  • Better battery life, and faster charging.
  • Wireless N
  • Have stylus slot the same way as the DS Lite for easier access.
  • Higher megapixel cameras
  • NFC (Wii U tablet controller has it, so it might be a possibility on the 3DS)
I'm debating getting a 3DS for zelda and the new kingdom hearts, but I'm probably going to wait and see what happens at E3. I want to know if they are doing a significant redesign with a second analog stick.
I don't think there will be a redesign this year since Wii U is coming out and a 3DS redesign would steal its thunder, and probably confuse consumers.

There definitely won't be a 3DS price drop, since Nintendo just posted its 1st ever loss in something like 3 decades, and I have read articles suggesting that Nintendo is actually considering raising the price of the 3DS now that it is selling well. But I don't think that will realistically happen..

But this article says that they will stop selling the handheld below cost, which is what they are currently doing, which suggests a price increase.

I agree that the $130 DSiXL is a really, really good deal. I would get this over a 3DS in a heartbeat.
Count me in as the only person who thinks the other stick is a dumb idea. Make the games to suit the system, not the system to suit the games. You may as well beg for six face buttons so we can play street fighter properly
[quote name='SaraAB']I don't think there will be a redesign this year since Wii U is coming out and a 3DS redesign would steal its thunder, and probably confuse consumers.[/QUOTE]
Nintendo released the DS Lite the same year they released the Wii.
[quote name='moothemagiccow']You may as well beg for six face buttons so we can play street fighter properly[/QUOTE]

Been begging for this since the Saturn died :(
[quote name='SaraAB']
But this article says that they will stop selling the handheld below cost, which is what they are currently doing, which suggests a price increase.[/QUOTE]
They would never in a million years do a price increase. They're referring to cutting their costs so that they start making a profit by selling it at the same price.
I wanted to thank everyone for their advice on 3DS titles. I used last week's $20 gaming coupon from Target for several 3DS games that were recommended including: MGS SE 3D, RE: Rev, Tales of the Abyss, Starfox, Mario Land 3D and Kid Icarus Uprising. I was even able to go back on Sunday and get a free copy of Nintendogs on the repackaged 3DS! Killer deal.

Is Metal Torrent from Club Nintendo worth a damn? I've got 90 coins that are getting ready to expire.
As much as I like my Zelda 3DS, that purple one is pretty damn good looking. I really wish Nintendo would bring back the Gamecube-era Indigo but this seems to be the closest we'll get.
I've never cared about colors... it literally does nothing to enhance the gameplay/menu design/system functionality, anything. I could never see myself losing money trying to sell or trade in a piece of hardware for the same thing in a different color. I mean, if you're first buying, and have a choice that's great, but I don't get the lust for another color once you've already got the system. My fantasy 3DS new hardware...

3DSi XL sp
4.3" top screen with improved brightness/contrast and 3D viewing angle
8 hour battery life
Built-in second circle pad with older more popular titles getting that functionality patched in(looking at you Kid Icarus)
GBA slot or all (good) GBA titles on the eshop
Improved DS backwards compatibility
Wind Waker port :)
Louder speakers
Better d-pad & buttons

I'd pay $200 for that, probably more really if the game library is good enough by that time.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']I've never cared about colors... it literally does nothing to enhance the gameplay/menu design/system functionality, anything. I could never see myself losing money trying to sell or trade in a piece of hardware for the same thing in a different color. I mean, if you're first buying, and have a choice that's great, but I don't get the lust for another color once you've already got the system. My fantasy 3DS new hardware...

3DSi XL sp
4.3" top screen with improved brightness/contrast and 3D viewing angle
8 hour battery life
Built-in second circle pad with older more popular titles getting that functionality patched in(looking at you Kid Icarus)
GBA slot or all (good) GBA titles on the eshop
Improved DS backwards compatibility
Wind Waker port :)
Louder speakers
Better d-pad & buttons

I'd pay $200 for that, probably more really if the game library is good enough by that time.[/QUOTE]

Why stop at 8 hours if you've thrown all sense of practicability out the window? Do you realize how big the system would have to be to support all of that? I mean shit, putting all these wish list things in your dream 3DS would make the Sega Game Gear look pocket friendly in comparison...
If it's the same color as the prototype purple color, then, 'do want'.
Still want the orange more though.[quote name='RedvsBlue']Why stop at 8 hours if you've thrown all sense of practicability out the window? Do you realize how big the system would have to be to support all of that? I mean shit, putting all these wish list things in your dream 3DS would make the Sega Game Gear look pocket friendly in comparison...[/QUOTE]
Nothing in his list would make it that huge. Sounds like DSi XL size.
8 hour battery would not be feasible though with 3D.
That's a pretty big exception. You're more likely to either get better hardware and the same battery life or the same hardware and better battery life.
I agree?
That's what I meant. His list did not make the system big at all with the exception of the battery life.
That certainly wouldn't be feasible.
Honestly for color I just go with black most of the time, it never ceases to please me when the newest fad color comes out and this way my handheld does not look like a child's toy. Also white is acceptable too, as is silver, which isn't out yet for the 3DS, but I prefer black as it doesn't get dirty and stained like white does. The purple is nice but it just reminds me of the purple GBA which was ugly and non-spectacular, also the godawful purple gamecube, thank god I got black then. I don't see the point in selling your handheld and buying a new one just to get a different color since it doesn't offer anything different in the functionality department.
I try to avoid black when I can because just about everything is made in black and I've grown so tired of seeing it everywhere. That and glossy finishes. I will never understand why they keep making handheld devices in glossy fingerprint-magnet finishes. And it always looks so cheap (not so much with 3DS, but in general).
bread's done