Nintendo 3DS - Is it worth it?


48 (100%)
I've got some money saved up and have been on the fence about a 3DS since it came out. I saw it has Rayman which I love, Ocarina of Time, BlazBlue, Pilotwings etc...and I'm just wondering if it's worth the $250 price point right now?

If not, is there any type of deal where I can get it for cheaper? Thanks in advance.
Worth is a personal, subjective opinion. What's not worth it to me may be to someone else.

If you think you'll get enough use out of it then go for it and don't look back.
My theory on asking, "is getting ___________ worth it?" is always this: if you're asking whether or not something is worth getting, then it's not worth getting. If you really wanted it, you wouldn't have asked.
It really depends but I love portable game systems and tend to play them more than consoles. That and I saw that the 3DS has many games out and upcoming that I'm really interested in so I bought it at launch. Games appear to be rolling out slowly but I am satisfied with my purchase. Got a couple Virtual Console games and Netflix which make the system more enjoyable than ever. A price drop is a possibility in the not too distant future so consider that too.
[quote name='Vinny']My theory on asking, "is getting ___________ worth it?" is always this: if you're asking whether or not something is worth getting, then it's not worth getting. If you really wanted it, you wouldn't have asked.[/QUOTE]
Well I'm just more worried about the software than anything. It's got some really cool games, but they're few and far between. And like others have said in here, the games are rolling out slowly.

Netflix is cool, but I've got it on my Droid, iPod, Xbox, PS3, Wii, everything I don't really need another device for that.
[quote name='antlp89']Not at the current price in my opinion.

Based on very slow sales I predict a price drop within a year.[/QUOTE]

usually nintendo bundles before a price drop. so i think they will include a game like mario kart when it comes out instead of a price drop.
No, they'll drop another version within two years of releasing the 3DS to compete with the Vita...I think this is the end of the DS line...
Nintendo has stated in the past that there won't be a 3DS Lite, but I honestly think they're just lying. I guarantee by this time next year there will be a price drop and/or newer model of the 3DS out.

Personally, I really wanted an orange 3DS, so if they put that out I'd totally get it.
It's electronics, early adopters tend to get screwed. A new version within 1-2 years of launch is likely and most of the titles released within in the first year will be forgettable.

However there's nothing quiet like being the first kid on the block to own one.....
Day one adopter here...No, it's not worth it. I knew there would be a lengthy gaming drought, and I figured the handful of decent releases along with the 3D gimmick would carry it until the fall season when the real goods came out. Then all of the summer/fall games I wanted to play got pushed back indefinitely, and I have since realized how little an impact the 3D really has on me. It's a strong gimmick when you think about it...then you finally get it's underwhelming.

The 3DS will most certainly be worth a purchase this christmas and beyond, but I think you're going to miss your 250 if you grab one now. At least the recent release of 3D Xevious is really awesome. Nostalgia to the max, and surprisingly well done 3D for a game decades old. But I feel most people should hold off until the big names drop.
[quote name='SativaSam']Well I'm just more worried about the software than anything. It's got some really cool games, but they're few and far between. And like others have said in here, the games are rolling out slowly.

Netflix is cool, but I've got it on my Droid, iPod, Xbox, PS3, Wii, everything I don't really need another device for that.[/QUOTE]

You answered your own quesion- great games are few and far between so there's little reason to get it now. That is the reason why I have no interest in the system... the most promising games being released are just remakes and ports and even they're few and far between. The only two games I can think of that I really want are the new Mario and Kid Icarus. It would be better to wait, let the library build up, and then get it.

This is pretty much a common issue with all systems these days though.

[quote name='joeshmoe']Nintendo has stated in the past that there won't be a 3DS Lite, but I honestly think they're just lying. I guarantee by this time next year there will be a price drop and/or newer model of the 3DS out.

Personally, I really wanted an orange 3DS, so if they put that out I'd totally get it.[/QUOTE]

I can think of only one thing when I see that: they are planning on keeping the life span of this system short- like the GB Color. It possible that they're making this a transitional system for their next system which would be significantly different.
[quote name='joeshmoe']Nintendo has stated in the past that there won't be a 3DS Lite, but I honestly think they're just lying. I guarantee by this time next year there will be a price drop and/or newer model of the 3DS out.

Personally, I really wanted an orange 3DS, so if they put that out I'd totally get it.[/QUOTE]

I don't think they've ever definitively said this is the only hardware iteration we will see for the 3DS. What they have probably said is something along the lines of "we have no plans at this time to release a new version of the 3DS hardware."

Now, along with that though they also mention that the inside of the system is pretty darn compact as it is so there wouldn't be much room to shrink the form factor. Although, what that isn't take into account is advances in technology that would negate the need for such a large casing.

Personally, given that this is a 3D display system, what I would like to see is a bigger 3DS ala DSi XL. For me, that's the definitive version of the DS because I don't tend to play my portable systems on the go that much and if I'm only sitting at home, I want a nice large screen to view, particularly if it's gonna be 3D.
I've had my 3DS since day one and I couldn't be happier. The games aren't really flowing, but most of the ones available are quite good. I've had Samurai Warriors Chronicles and Dead Or Alive: Dimensions since they released and I still play them. They are both updated with new content very frequently, so there's always a reason to go back for more.

So far, the only bad game I've played is Dream Trigger. Blech. Granted, I haven't played every game, but even so, that's got to be among the worst. About 80% of what's currently available is worth getting, though. And as dumb as they are, even the pre-loaded games are pretty fun.

I absolutely feel like I got my money's worth. But I can only speak for myself. 3DS does exactly what I want it to do, but that doesn't necessarily mean that anyone else will feel the same way.
Don't have one, so I'll just offer the blue print I'm following.
Waiting for either:
1.)The next iteration of the hardware if it is a fairly significant improvement like the DS lite.
2.)5+ games that I really want to play on the system currently out and available to purchase.

#1 hasn't happened (obviously) and #2 isn't even close to occurring yet (no released 3DS games are must-play for me as I have no interest in playing Zelda through again and I don't want a handheld fighting game).
I own a 3DS (Blue) and 11 3DS games at the moment:

1.) Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

This game is great; the only problem I have with it is that it is NOT a "pick-up-and-play game" really should devote chunks of time to it.

2.) Rayman 3DS

This one had mediocre reviews so I backed off at first. I went out on a limb and snagged one for $20 total including shipping via ebay. LOVE IT. I never had the chance to play the original version of Rayman 2 (which this is a port of) and the graphics/3D effect are really good. Highly reccomended.

3.) Rayman Raving Rabbids Travel Through Time

At first I loved this 2-D platformer but after about 5 levels it became super repetitive. Good for a few laughs as the Rabbids are quirky and kids adore it.

4.) Street Fighter 4 3D Edition

As stated many times on CAG and various sources this game is pretty awesome. One of the best 3DS launch games IMO. Excellent graphics, gameplay and replay value.

5.) Dead or Alive Dimensions

I loved this game just a little more than Street Fighter as I feel it requires more skill. Fun times, especially the tag battles.

6.) Resident Evil Mercenaries 3D

A game people are/were on the fence about. I love it but now that I've played a good 5-6 hours of it it didn't feel like $40 worth of a game to me. Graphics and gameplay are awesome, don't get me wrong, but shooting zombies with no core gameplay/story get a little old after awhile.

7.) Ridge Racer 3DS

A pretty decent racer, I'd snag a copy if you find one at the $20-$25 range if I were you.

8.) Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Shadow Wars

My favorite 3DS game so far. I'm a huge fan of Final Fatasy Tactics and Front Mission 3 so that may be a huge factor.

9.) Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell 3D

I haven't out more than 12 minutes into it so far but it looks promising.

10.) Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion

The fighting seems a little the attacks don't feel impactfull enough. I've only put 30 mins into it, I'll need to explore a little further.

11.) Pilotwings Resort

Maybe Pilotwings isn't my thing, but this game is not doing it for me. Really boring. They should have packed this game with the system IMO so you have something to play out of the box, as it's just not worth spending more than $15 on.

I also picked up the extended life battery with charging base included (Nyko I believe). It's a good buy but for some reason my charging base has stopped working. :( That and any clip-on armor will not fit while the battery is installed. Extends battery life by about 2-3 hours.
If you had asked me two months ago, I would have said no, but since then, the e-shop launched and Ocarina of Time was released. While the e-shop certainly needs work, Donkey Kong and Zelda: Link's Awakening are very worthy pickups. I haven't played Xevious, but the 3D is pretty slick in that game. Ocarina of Time continues to amaze me. I've finished the first quest and am over halfway through the Master Quest. Pure gold.

If Ocarina is not your thing, or you can't think of 3 games you want for the system right now, then I'd say it is not worth getting right now. Wait till closer to Christmas. Star Fox hits in September, Cave Story and Metal Gear in November, Super Mario 3D, Kid Icarus, and Mario Kart are due by the end of the year, right? Sounds like October or November would be the ideal time to pick one up if any of these games interest you.

Personally, I'll probably not buy a system at launch again.
With the biggest price drop by percentage since the Virtual Boy, things may be turning around. Unlike the VB, the 3DS always had good potential in that it was a major upgrade of an existing popular platform. But $250 was just too much with a weak library or really even with a strong library. $200 or bundling a major title, say a completely new Mario that took good advantage of the 3D but they didn't have that. It used to be that a new Nintendo platform would have a launch title of such quality and depth you didn't mind waiting a good while for a steady stream of other choices.

I genuinely believe Nintendo can pull this out of its doldrums if they're willing to make the necessary sacrifice. Their sunk cost in the platform development and ongoing software work is likely well over a $Billion. So taking a hit on the hardware to boost the installed base and keep the third parties on board is a worthy sacrifice compared to the devastating loss if the platform were given up for dead by the general public. The failure of the Virtual Boy was survivable because it wasn't a primary platform. Having that happen to their primary portable platform while their console is in decline and awaiting its successor could be devastating. The sort of thing that Sega never recovered from.

I'd have like to see them go just $20 lower to match the launch price of the original DS but at $170 my chances of getting one of these in 2012 has increased greatly. I've gotten a lot more patient on platform launches. I've only had my Xbox 360 about two years and my PS3 about nine months. The 3DS is more interesting now but not quite there for this year. The library needs to grow some more and age some more to offer some good cheap buys to go with the hardware when the time comes.
So you guys still don't recommend at the $169 price point? I wanna play SSFIV, Zelda, PilotWings, Rayman, Dead or Alive...etc.

And plus if I buy it at Best Buy now for $250 I'll get all of the free games, then price match it back down for the difference on Aug 12.
I'd say it also depends whether you plan on updating to the next version of the 3DS when it is released as Nintendo still doesn't currently have a non-pain-in-the-ass way to transfer games to a new system. So the reason you are purchasing early (20 free old games) will likely go bye bye if you want to get the improved hardware.
Ask yourself this question: Are you trying to get people to convince you to buy it, or are you trying to get them to convince you to save your money and wait?

If an $80 price drop with the possibility of 20 free games doesn't instantly convince you, then you're probably not that interested in the system. The only "problem" I have is that I wanted to get the red 3DS when it came out. If I wait for it, I won't be able to take advantage of Best Buy's price matching.
I got a 3DS from Target last month on Father's day. I'm just wondering if Target would consider a price match instead of me returning the item and buy a new one when the price goes down to $169. Target has a 90-day return policy and $80 is just too big of a difference - even if they apply a 15% restocking fee. Anyone here have any experience with Target where they were flexible enough to bend the 7-day price match policy instead of getting the item returned?
I'm actually really tempted now. I want to wait for the revision, but now that it isn't a huge rip off, and their are games coming out I want.....idk. It's a hard call!!!!
[quote name='SativaSam']So you guys still don't recommend at the $169 price point? I wanna play SSFIV, Zelda, PilotWings, Rayman, Dead or Alive...etc.

And plus if I buy it at Best Buy now for $250 I'll get all of the free games, then price match it back down for the difference on Aug 12.[/QUOTE]
I recommend it at $250. At $170, not getting it almost seems idiotic. Heh.
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