Nintendo Big Wigs

[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']Oh of course, that's totally them.[/quote]

actually, it is them. they are in town for E3.
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']Oh of course, that's totally them.[/QUOTE]

Because you being the actual William H. Macy you can tell whether or not it's them.
[quote name='nickmad']actually, it is them. they are in town for E3.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I thought of that, but still, come on, that picture's not proof.

I guess I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. You should've asked for an autograph though.
I would have been so excited, and had a total geek moment. My girlfriend would probably think I had the hots for old Asian business men or something.... it's probably a good thing I wasn't there. Seriously though, I would have run by the window holding up my DS and gave them the thumbs up.

EDIT: Better yet, bring every piece of Nintendo software you own, stand outside the window, and proceed to give it thumbs up, or thumbs down. Kirby's Air Ride, thumbs down. Mario Kart Ds, thumbs up. Nintendogs, thumbs down. Virtual Boy, two thumbs down. Gamecube, thumbs in the middle. N64, thumbs down. SNES, two thumbs up. Ha, that would be great... or at least in my mind. Then I'd post the whole video on YouTube.
actually you should have been like that guy during GDC and had the Iwata Drop the Bomb Sign
, it would have been money
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I would wait in the bathroom and stand atthe urinals waiting for myamoto to take a leak. from there on I'll see how he handles his Wii.[/QUOTE]
I think it's them. It's pretty easy to spot Iwata since he's looked the exact same way and worn the exact same thing for as long as I can remember.
for all you disbelievers out there, it really was them. i have no other way of proving it except that me and my roomate work in the industry and have been for awhile now and i think we would recognize these people on the street.
[quote name='nickmad']for all you disbelievers out there, it really was them. i have no other way of proving it except that me and my roomate work in the industry and have been for awhile now and i think we would recognize these people on the street.[/QUOTE]

what do you do in the gaming industry?
[quote name='nickmad']I should've swung around a light pole going "wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"[/quote]

:rofl: That would have been awesome.

I would have had them sign my PSP. :twisted:
[quote name='jer7583']what do you do in the gaming industry?[/quote]

ive kept it seceret the entire time ive been a member of these here forums and its going to stay that way. sorry. i guess i should have kept my mouth shut.:whistle2:#
[quote name='Strell']You couldn't have gotten near them. The level of awesome would have caused you to explode.[/QUOTE]

I would have gone in with a friend and gotten a table near them. Then, I would pretend I didn't notice them and proceed to talk shit about Nintendo. I'd be like "Why don't they release Mother 3, Jam with the Band, Nintendo Puzzle Collection, etc. over here?" or "Wii is a fucking stupid name. Who the fuck do they think they are?" Yeah, it would've been fun.
Personally, I'd just go in and get an autograph. There doesn't seem to be any other customers around them, so I don't thinkI would attract too much unwanted attention.


Me: "Wow, I can't believe I'm meeting the big Nintendo crazy kids in real life! LOLZA I have autograph?"

Them: "Oh wow okay here is $5 million bux!"

Me: "Wart!"
[quote name='Strell']You couldn't have gotten near them. The level of awesome would have caused you to explode.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Strell']Evan, Miyamoto would have killed you.

And only because you are lucky.[/QUOTE]

Dude, this is Miyamoto we're talking about, not Reggie.
[quote name='evanft']Dude, this is Miyamoto we're talking about, not Reggie.[/QUOTE]


If this were Reggie, you wouldn't be able to post right now.
[quote name='Strell']Precisely.

If this were Reggie, you wouldn't be able to post right now.[/QUOTE]

Dude, if this were Reggie, the OP would never have been able to take the picture.
[quote name='jer7583']what do you do in the gaming industry?[/quote]

Boob physics and hidden sex games to molest little boys minds.
bread's done