Nintendo DS Lite Screen Protectors $1.37 Shipped

those look like nothing like the hori screen protectors i used to have.
This sounds awesome, but i need confirmation that this would be from hori and not some bootleg.
Rest assured people, they ARE Hori. I already have 2 spare sets of them as well as one being used on my DS Lite, they work great. Don't believe me? Look at the upper left hand corner to the package. Might as well pick up another spare!
hori screens are great. i've got one for myself and one for my girlfriend and they work as expected + they are easy to reaply as you initially try to get that perfect match without any dust or air bubbles underneath. every ds owner should get these. (well, only if these are the original hori ones).
Killer deal if this is the official hori one. Price seems a little too good to be true but eh what the hell, picked up a couple. Thanks, OP
Those Hori screen protectors are worth their weight in gold, I still have nightmares when I think about the Pelican one's I tried. They use an actual adhesive on the touch screen. No, I am not kidding.
I think I am going to jump on some of these, the price is too good even for bootlegs its so cheap I wouldn't care. I am sick of paying around 10$ for pieces of plastic to cover the screen.
[quote name='VWarrior']Don't believe me? Look at the upper left hand corner to the package. Might as well pick up another spare![/quote]

Oh, well thank God it's impossible for Asian knockoffs to emulate a logo.
[quote name='Rocko']Oh, well thank God it's impossible for Asian knockoffs to emulate a logo.[/quote]
I would think that'd be illegal. I guess not. Don't buy 'em then. I've been using these and they work great.
BTW, they are an officially licensed by Nintendo. So I guess its a bit of a shock they'd license a bootleg product.
[quote name='VWarrior']I would think that'd be illegal. I guess not. Don't buy 'em then. I've been using these and they work great.[/quote]

Well the other deals the OP has posted recently from this site also look rather fishy. Have you ever purchased a set of Horis from a reputable dealer to compare to the ones from this site?
[quote name='Rocko']Well the other deals the OP has posted recently from this site also look rather fishy. Have you ever purchased a set of Horis from a reputable dealer to compare to the ones from this site?[/quote]
Yes I have, actually. I've purchased this exact set of screen protectors from Play-Asia. (And it cost me about 8 bucks more)
Interesting. I may have to order these as backup. Can't hurt if they are indeed legitimate.

I'm wary of the DS USB charger though. :lol:
Even if they aren't the real Hori ones, the ratings are still good and its only $1.60, which is cheaper than every generic one I've seen.
Dangit! That means the ones I just got from eBay are fakes too. They had english writing on the tabs (which were white). Also the top screen protector seemed a little to big. Oh well.... I don't know whether I should demand a refund, or just let it slide to not cause trouble.

At least I only wasted like 2.50 here though, lol. If they work okay, then I'll use them. Even if they suck, I need practice at putting these things on, haha. I always manage to screw them up (bubbles, dust/hair underneath, etc.)
So we're fairly sure these being sold are knockoffs, yes?

I'm still not sure whether I should buy them or not. I'm already planning on buying a set of 4 metal styli for $3.50, and with coupon I can get 4 sets of these for only $3.50 more.
I bought them so I will let you all know if they are bootlegs or not, since I have the play-asia ones as well, I wouldn't trust the photos as I think they just use generic photos for all their screen protectors.

Most of the stuff on dealextreme looks like stuff people sell on ebay but its cheaper on dealextreme.
[quote name='eau']Hori DS Screen Protector $5.05 shipped at MTV shop.

I know lots of people got screwed by MTV last week. But the genuine article for $5.05 shipped ain't bad at all.[/quote]

Do you have confirmation that these are the real things as well?
i ordered a few of hori's from mtv and they are indeed the real things with bright green stickers on them same as the ones i got from play asia before just the us versions. i did get taxed and you can only order one at a time so i had to place multiple orders. shipping is fast i received them 3 days after i got shipping confimation.
[quote name='eau']Hori DS Screen Protector $5.05 shipped at MTV shop.

I know lots of people got screwed by MTV last week. But the genuine article for $5.05 shipped ain't bad at all.[/QUOTE]

Wait, $5.05 shipped? Doesn't that mean it's $5.05 after shipping costs?

Is there some promo code I'm missing or something?
In for 2, thanks OP!

WTF. Just got an e-mail and noticed this:

Shipping Estimation: Typically ships in 2 to 3 days and delivers in 14 days.

I understand free shipping and all, but C'MON!
[quote name='vze']its fake, the same site offer the real one with the word GENUINE on the product name. priced 7.43

the fake one aint that bad, so if any of your guys ordered it, it is usuable.[/QUOTE]

Dang. Well now I want to cancel the order. Couple the fact that they're fake AND I might have to wait 2 weeks? No thanks.
FYI I got my order from DE and if they aren't the real deal they are pretty good (I can't tell, the package said Hori). I installed them with no problem and they don't cause any bluring or issues with the touch screen. Well worth my $1.37.
I compared the packaging of these screen protector with the packaging for a Hori case from play-asia and they are one and the same. The color and everthing. I would assume either these are real, if they are not then play-asia might be selling fake merchandise.

either case, there went on fine. my only problem is that there are some dust that got in between the screen and the protector. but that is human error and my dog just shreds too much.
[quote name='HuBu'] but that is human error and my dog just shreds too much.[/quote]

Everybody...HuBu's dog!
Just feel like adding this in:

I recently bought the Real Hori protectors from another site ( which I know are genuine. They now say "Peel me" on the flaps, so there is SOME english on it. Everything else is japanese though. Also, other people have confirmed this. I'm positive mine are genuine.
[quote name='spaztic']has anyone ever bought from this site? There is no rating at bizrate.[/quote]
I bought from them through paypal, took about 10 days to ship to me. packed well.

Protectors were bootleg but well worth the 1.37
I bought these the last time I saw such a deal, not even noticing that they were supposedly hori. After the horrendous waste of $5 that was the gamestop screen protectors I tried, these worked PERFECTLY. I've had one pair on for .. probably 6 months, and it still works fine. I'm thinking of replacing it since I've played so much Puzzle Quest, but. Now that I know they're counterfeit, that gives me some pause.
Mine says it shipped on the 10th of july and I still haven't received them. I am just going to order some from play-asia and email these guys to complain that I didnt get my order.
I've never used screen protectors, but can't you buy these at Target now? I could have sworn I saw Hori brand ones there. I'm not sure of the price, but it has to be cheaper than importing.
[quote name='BIG5']I've never used screen protectors, but can't you buy these at Target now? I could have sworn I saw Hori brand ones there. I'm not sure of the price, but it has to be cheaper than importing.[/QUOTE]

So have I, but I remember them being in the $6-$8 range.
bread's done