Nintendo DS VS PSP


CAG Veteran
Hey guys.
No fanboy stuff please! My birthday is coming up and i've got a feeling my girlfriend wants to buy me a Nintendo DS. I love RPG's and have seen there are a few Final fantasy games on both consoles. I am also a big Castlevania fan and basically there are many titles on both consoles I am a fan of. I like basically any game so don't let your responses limit you to those games, I'm just pointing out that i'm torn on those games 'cause they'd usually sway me in a console choice.

Can you guys list some pro's and con's of each system and some good games for each? Also it would be great if you list your overall choice if you were in my situation.
There's been several versions of this thread here, but to be fair with the crappy search engine they're hard to dig up with the 4 letter minimum.


DS: Touch screen, lots of good pick up and play games, some good 2D games, good battery life, point and click adventure games etc. Bascically offers types of gaming you can't find on the consoles except for some PSN/XBLA/Wii VC games.

PSP: Great screen, very good for multimedia, homebrew gives a lot of options if you're into playing ROMs etc. Nice if you want to play console-like (i.e. basically PS2) games on the go. Not as good if you'll just play it at home and want a different type of gaming that you get on current gen/last gen consoles.
I'm sorry I seem to have offended you all with this post. I'll take it elsewhere. The search function on this site doesn't seem to work very well.

If a mod isn't busy take it down and i'll go to a different forum.
No worries, it's just these threads have been done several times and despite your request they all devolve into fanboy non-sense sooner or later.
They're both pretty slick systems. I'd recommend you just look at the specific exclusives and decide what games you'd rather play. You mentioned RPGs-- the DS is probably the overall leader in that genre, though if you like strategy RPGs in particular, the PSP is a powerhouse within that niche.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']They're both pretty slick systems. I'd recommend you just look at the specific exclusives and decide what games you'd rather play. You mentioned RPGs-- the DS is probably the overall leader in that genre, though if you like strategy RPGs in particular, the PSP is a powerhouse within that niche.[/quote]

Thanks, very informative :)
For me, the DS is the one I most suggest. It has a very expansive library with titles that you will surely find interesting. It has tons of great first and third party support. The PSP is no slouch, it just doesn't grasp me like the DS does.
DS - Good innovative titles from Nintendo and some good RPGs.
PSP - Sony Gaming system in your hands, Portable media center.

Really I bought a DS lite first and didn't like it too much (the only real game I am interested to play on their is the Final Fantasy IV remake) then I bought a PSP 2000 and loved it for being both a good game machine and MP3 player. I highly recommend you do your research rather than get opinions than others though.
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Both are solid. Between the GBA compatibility and DS releases, you can have Final Fantasy 1-6 and Chrono Trigger on your DS by this November. If you dig any / all of those games it might be something to consider.

I like my DS a lot more than the PSP, but it's all a matter of opinion. I don't think you can really go wrong either way here. It's much more of a Genesis vs. SNES thing than a 3DO vs. PS1.
[quote name='Ryuukishi']... though if you like strategy RPGs in particular, the PSP is a powerhouse within that niche.[/QUOTE]

And the DS isn't?

I'd say get a DS just because of the variety of games available.
[quote name='keithp']And the DS isn't?[/quote]Yeah, now that I think about it, they are a lot more even now that Final Fantasy Tactics A2 is out and Disgaea will soon be cross-platform.
I don't like the DS because I can't take the graphics, but one thing about the DS is that they have great games that really take advantage of the hardware. (ex. touch screen) Some games do it better than others, however, the DS does a good job of taking advantage of the touch feature, and that's what makes the system successful. [and its cheap!, and you can see the screen in daytime!]

PSP imo, needs better PSP specific games. What I'd really like is for the PS2 to get more side scrolling adventure games. A PSP Contra, PSP Streets of Rage, another PSP Mega man remake (Mega Man 2 powered up) PSP Ikaruga (which takes advantage of the screen and PSP power). The PSP games are so much like PS2 games that there's no real excitement for them. Who needs super star dust HD on PSP, we've ALL played it on PS3, who needs another Resistance on PSP. Basically, there's a place for PS2 games on PSP, and I'm not agaisnt that, but there needs to be more games that make the PSP like an extension of the SNES and Genesis days. I'd like to see some old IPs be refreshed, or restarted for the PSP. Give me a new chapter to ActRaiser, a new Skate or Die, or a new side scrolling Ninja Gaiden (with New Super Mario remake treatment)
[quote name='Thomas96']What I'd really like is for the PS2 to get more side scrolling adventure games. [/QUOTE]

That would get me to buy a PSP. What really led me to the DS was 2D games like Castlevania, NSMB, Kirby etc. Unfortunately those have slowed down a ton and I've hardly bought anything on the DS since late 2006 since it seems most everything is some kind of niche genre (e.g. point and click adventures), casual games, RPGs, or licensed shovelware/shoddy ports.

I play my portables at home so what i really need is for it to have something I just can't get enough of on the consoles. The portability doesn't sell me as I just don't need it. When I fly I spend most of my time working/reading as it's a great time to catch up on work as there's no other distractions. So in the currrent form the PSP doesn't fit my needs since the best games are stuff like God of War that I'd rather play on a console/TV.

But I'd love some awesome looking 2D games on the PSP, and would likely purchase one if it got a slew of them.
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