Nintendo DSi/XL price drop May 20th Real! $99.99/$129.99

Nice. o_o; I already went for a 3DS from Newegg a few months back for under $150. But with this price cut I guess we'll see DSi and XL going for like $60 on Black Friday. :applause: That's all I'm looking forward to this year. Black Friday.
There's a KMart next to me that has the Pokemon White edition still in stock.

It's a long shoot but we'll just call it CAG wish'n ...
I had already got a DSi XL a few months ago. It seems I always missed out on the price drops. All well, I'll just wait for the 3DS redesign and Vita price drop.
[quote name='Drclaw411']Hopefully a 3DS price drop or redesign announcement accompanies this[/QUOTE]

NOPE no price drop on the 3ds just a new color

A package deal is hitting in time for the thanksgiving though
Anyone without an XL should be all over this. Beats the pants off of playing DS games on the lite or 3DS imo.
[quote name='Jcaugustine']Waiting for a 3DS XL to get greenlit :p[/QUOTE]

^This, I want a 3DS XL as well!

I want a 3DS and I want an DSi XL since I have a bunch of DS games in my backlog. At a $130, the DSi XL by itself seems kind of high still. Waiting for a deal on an DSi XL until a 3DS XL exists.
[quote name='Drclaw411']Hopefully a 3DS price drop or redesign announcement accompanies this[/QUOTE]

Definitely no price drop on the 3DS any time soon. No need either, it's already being sold at a loss, only going to return to profitability in the next couple of months.
Still seems like a much better deal to just pay the extra $40 and get the next gen of the DS line that can play all of the original DS games plus the new games coming out over the next 5 years.

The only DS game that looks worse on the 3DS is Pokemon Black/White, and even then you only really notice with a side-by-side comparison. Everything else looks great.
[quote name='sadakou']Still seems like a much better deal to just pay the extra $40 and get the next gen of the DS line that can play all of the original DS games plus the new games coming out over the next 5 years.

The only DS game that looks worse on the 3DS is Pokemon Black/White, and even then you only really notice with a side-by-side comparison. Everything else looks great.[/QUOTE]

i take a DSI XL anyday over a 3ds. cant think of more then 10 games that are worth buying a 3ds for .. really cant think of more then 5 games that are must buys that are 3ds only
[quote name='slidecage']i take a DSI XL anyday over a 3ds. cant think of more then 10 games that are worth buying a 3ds for .. really cant think of more then 5 games that are must buys that are 3ds only[/QUOTE]

I won't waste time listing the good games for the system, but the point is that over time the number of "must buy" games is only going to increase.
[quote name='theflicker']I won't waste time listing the good games for the system, but the point is that over time the number of "must buy" games is only going to increase.[/QUOTE]

Exactly! It blows my mind that people would rather cling to their 3DS hatred just to save $40 in the short run, even if that means being locked out of an entire new generation of games on the same platform, especially when they will end up buying a 3DS a year later anyway.

If it's a matter of not buying ANY kind of DS until games you want are out for it (which they are, even if you don't know it), hey, that's cool.

If it's matter of already being in the market for a new DS and having your credit card ready, pay the extra $40! That's $8 a year for 5 extra years of enjoyment out of the same type of product. Sometimes you have to spend more to save more. As CAGs, you should know this.
[quote name='sadakou']Exactly! It blows my mind that people would rather cling to their 3DS hatred just to save $40 in the short run, even if that means being locked out of an entire new generation of games on the same platform, especially when they will end up buying a 3DS a year later anyway.

If it's a matter of not buying ANY kind of DS until games you want are out for it (which they are, even if you don't know it), hey, that's cool.

If it's matter of already being in the market for a new DS and having your credit card ready, pay the extra $40! That's $8 a year for 5 extra years of enjoyment out of the same type of product. Sometimes you have to spend more to save more. As CAGs, you should know this.[/QUOTE]

If you're going to be playing DS games, the 3DS blows. The emulation is lame, colors are washed out. Because they opted for the gimmicky 3D effect, it ruins emulation of older DS games (read up on the pixel differences and the resolution "per eye" that causes this). Anyone who cares about those should just keep their original DSi/DSiXL, or buy one of these when they go on sale.

And the 3DS itself is much more poorly constructed than either the DSi or DSiXL, they really cut corners to keep their costs down. Hopefully they'll redesign the 3DS and actually improve the product, because as of now its junk.
[quote name='sadakou']Exactly! It blows my mind that people would rather cling to their 3DS hatred just to save $40 in the short run, even if that means being locked out of an entire new generation of games on the same platform, especially when they will end up buying a 3DS a year later anyway.[/QUOTE]Perhaps there'll be a hardware revision for the 3DS by then.
Having seen DS games played on a 3ds....they look terrible.

My girlfriend picked out a few used DS games at gamestop to buy and she promptly returned them and got a used 3ds game instead because the graphics look so bad.

Once you've gotten spoiled by the 3d graphics the old DS games look really bad. If they had a way to upconvert the graphic quality it would be a different story.

And HD dvd player makes regular dvds look slightly better....same with a blu ray player. If only consoles did this.

That being said.....I'm starting to want a 3ds.
[quote name='theflicker']I won't waste time listing the good games for the system, but the point is that over time the number of "must buy" games is only going to increase.[/QUOTE]

point is there isnt
and over time any system will get must buy games..

i mean the 3ds is out over a year now and has very little must buy games (if your looking RPG and not ports or even ports 2 or 3)

sort of shocked to see that the vita is going to have 4 RPG this year and that is before what is told at E3

I probally get a 3ds at 99 or less... nothing i need or what to play on it ... same with the vita if i didnt get one dirt cheap i would of never got one
[quote name='WormFOODx']Is it bad that all I'm excited for is what this might do to the used DSi prices?[/QUOTE]

This would be my guess on GS used DS prices:

DS Phat- $60 (down $10)
DS Lite- $70 (down $10)
DSi- $80 (down $20)
DSi XL- $100 (down $30)
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[quote name='derrtaysouth95']Having seen DS games played on a 3ds....they look terrible.

They look fine, especially after the firmware update last year that improved backwards compatibility filters. This is always blown so far out of proportion by people who don't play anything but Pokemon (and they always link to the same Destructoid article). I have put countless hours into many DS games on my 3DS, both sprite-based and polygon-based, and they all look fine. The only way you would notice the pixel by pixel difference is if you were comparing the games side-by-side with a regular DS or if you are a PC gamer who spends more time messing with graphics settings than playing games.

If you are that anal retentive about it, you can even hold select when the DS game loads to play it in its original resolution.

I realize there will always be people arguing against this, just as there are people with limited taste in games who think the 3DS has no current or upcoming great games, but if you are really that adamant about dropping $140 for what is essentially a PSPGo (XL) compared to a PSP2000 (3DS, not as vibrant display but plays more games from the same family), go for it. Just understand that it is confusing to other people on a website dedicated to saving money in the long run.
[quote name='Drclaw411']Hopefully a 3DS price drop or redesign announcement accompanies this[/QUOTE]


the Dsi and XL both look more slicker than the 3DS
They'll eventually re-do the 3DS. It's Nintendo people, it's what they do.

It will be better than the 1st one just as all of their handhelds have been better than the previous ones. Hopefully they will be coming out with a 3DS XL too with dual sticks. Not worried about the 3DS library, it will get there. They've had a good track record from the GB, GBA, and DS.
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So will the DS Lite receive a price drop as well? I know not too many retailers still carry them but I'd like to pick one up cheap (but new) for the GBA backwards compatibility.
This price drop smells like......
a redesign of the 3DS. Am I the only one feeling like this?
I'm aware they are fixing the pricing strategy (this was overdue). But I'm sure something is coming up (*cough* E3! *cough*)
Just came back from Wal-Mart and they already dropped the price on the DSiXL. Didn't think to take pictures because I thought it was already in effect.
[quote name='h8b1llg8ts']Just came back from Wal-Mart and they already dropped the price on the DSiXL. Didn't think to take pictures because I thought it was already in effect.[/QUOTE]

I also saw the new prices in effect at Walmart. I gotta be honest; I ALMOST bought one, but fuck paying tax, and I have amazon prime.
I don't think they would release a new model within 2 years of release of the system (if they did I may as well start expecting a yearly apple like redesign...), but I think anytime after March 2013 is fair game for a redesign, since that will be the magic 2 year mark. Still no games that I want to play on the system.

I also don't think they would release this holiday season since the Wii U is coming out and they want people to buy that, but stranger things have happened. Someone also mentioned that the DS Lite came out the same year as the Wii did so its not unheard of.

Most of the retailers here have phased out GBA a long time ago, heck most places here don't even sell the DS Lite anymore, the last one I saw was a silver one at Sears... It might be a good time to pick up a sealed one if you want to save it in the box hoping for it to increase in value, if you are into that sort of thing.
[quote name='MSUHitman']The DS Lite was officially discontinued last year, so good luck finding a retailer that still has it. Your best bet is a lightly shopped at KMart, TRU, or maybe Walmart.[/QUOTE]
I still see them at Target, especially the cobalt blue one.

Use the target stock checker to locate them.
DCPI Cobalt Blue: 207-01-0029
DCPI Crimson Black: 207-01-0018
DCPI Metallic Rose(Pink): 207-01-0030
[quote name='SaraAB']Someone also mentioned that the DS Lite came out the same year as the Wii did so its not unheard of.
June 11, 2006 - DS Lite launched in North America
November 19, 2006 - Wii launched in North America
Yep, there is a chance history will repeat itself. :cool:
[quote name='MSUHitman']The DS Lite was officially discontinued last year, so good luck finding a retailer that still has it. Your best bet is a lightly shopped at KMart, TRU, or maybe Walmart.[/QUOTE]

Nintendo pushed out some more of them late last year and some earlier this year (a few weeks before Easter if I remember correctly) at Target and maybe walmart too, so it may not be that hard to find them. I think nintendo would have liked to retire the DS Lite last year, but retailers (and consumers) really liked that $99 price point...but now that the DSi/XL have dropped in price, I think that's it for the DS Lite in the US.
[quote name='sadakou']Exactly! It blows my mind that people would rather cling to their 3DS hatred just to save $40 in the short run, even if that means being locked out of an entire new generation of games on the same platform, especially when they will end up buying a 3DS a year later anyway.

If it's a matter of not buying ANY kind of DS until games you want are out for it (which they are, even if you don't know it), hey, that's cool.

If it's matter of already being in the market for a new DS and having your credit card ready, pay the extra $40! That's $8 a year for 5 extra years of enjoyment out of the same type of product. Sometimes you have to spend more to save more. As CAGs, you should know this.[/QUOTE]

There are other reasons someone might get an XL or DSi over the 3DS. I know it's hard for me to play 3D games. I get a headache after 40 minutes and the other reason why I passed on the 3DS is battery life. The last gen DS has close to 30 hours of battery life and the 3DS is like 5-6 hours if you use 3D.

You're right if it's hatred for the 3DS but if someone has a legit reason that's a different story.
[quote name='Rodster']There are other reasons someone might get an XL or DSi over the 3DS. I know it's hard for me to play 3D games. I get a headache after 40 minutes and the other reason why I passed on the 3DS is battery life. The last gen DS has close to 30 hours of battery life and the 3DS is like 5-6 hours if you use 3D.

You're right if it's hatred for the 3DS but if someone has a legit reason that's a different story.[/QUOTE]

The 3D is completely optional thanks to the 3D slider and the battery lasts just as long as a regular DS when you have 3D and Wi-Fi turned off as you would with a regular DS, though people will constantly argue against this, the same people with magical PSP1000s that have stock batteries that supposedly last for 20 hours as they play Dissidia on their Unicorns.

I don't mean to sound like 3DS Defense Force over here, but I have put so much time into my launch 3DS with regular DS games and the experience has been so great that it is tough to just stand by in silence as people forget that the 3DS also works as a perfectly good DS (minus the GBA slot, plus GBA VC).

Every argument against the system people throw out is always due to being uninformed, or just plain ignorant, and the moment the 3DS naysayers finally pick one up, as was the case last holiday season, they all fall in love with the system instantly. Games aside, the built-in 3DS software including the StreetPass and Activity Log features are enough to warrant the extra $40 as a DS while you wait for 3DS games you enjoy since Cave Story, Mario 3D Land, Kid Icarus, MK7, Shadow Wars, P&G Dimensions, Zelda OoT, Bit.Trip Saga, Nano Assault, Tales of the Abyss, SMT DS Overclocked, and Resident Evil aren't your cup of tea for some strange reason.
I've got credit at Walmart.
The Bronze DSi XL is no longer listed on their website.
I've got about 6 stores I can drive to when necessary.
Can anybody tell me how to find a Bronze DSi XL using some sort of Walmart stock checker?
Calling Electronics takes a really long time.
bread's done