Nintendo Switch Preorder Thread 2.0

Are there usually pretty big lines at gamestop for console releases?

I want to pick up a Switch but I don't have a pre-order. I can get enough from my pointless X1 and games to cover the Switch so I would like to do gamestop. I don't really want to wait in line for hours though with a small chance of getting a non pre-order Switch...
They were running trade in bonus though for stuff traded in. I would go ahead of time and trade that stuff in towards the games and accessories you want so you get the 50% bump if that is still going today. And then buy the system outright. This will net you better value for the games/system.

My buddy stopped by our local (rural) Walmart and it had 11 pre orders and 18 systems available. so some extra but not a lot.

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Gamestops will allow folks to purchase whatever they don't have preordered out as early as 6pm on Thursday. You might want to get there ahead of time, most stores only have 1-3 units if they're lucky available.
Do we know that figure for certain at this point? As of yesterday my local GS didn't have their stock yet so they weren't certain what they were going to have beyond pre-orders.

1. Call your store to see if they will even have extras.
2. If yes, arrive at GameStop at the earliest time from midnight that you're willing to spend at a GameStop.
3. Ask associate or physically see if there are Switches left over when you factor in people who arrived before you.
4. Either wait all the way until midnight or go home.

It's not a free for all, it's a first come first served system. Also do not expect to be able to trade your XB1 at midnight or something.
Thanks for this. I called two locations. One said they were getting four extra and the other said he didn't they were getting any extra but he wasn't sure. I'll definitely trade in the X1 before launch.

Gamestops will allow folks to purchase whatever they don't have preordered out as early as 6pm on Thursday. You might want to get there ahead of time, most stores only have 1-3 units if they're lucky available.
For real? So, you are saying I could go up there Thursday around 6pm or after and purchase a Switch. Then swing by at midnight and pick it up? That would be perfect. Can anyone else confirm if this is possible?

Thanks for this. I called two locations. One said they were getting four extra and the other said he didn't they were getting any extra but he wasn't sure. I'll definitely trade in the X1 before launch.

For real? So, you are saying I could go up there Thursday around 6pm or after and purchase a Switch. Then swing by at midnight and pick it up? That would be perfect. Can anyone else confirm if this is possible?
That's what my GS said they're doing, except they told me they could check people through starting at 9pm, so maybe check with your store? I suppose it could be a time lock in the registers and my 9pm is 6pm in a different time zone?

Thanks for this. I called two locations. One said they were getting four extra and the other said he didn't they were getting any extra but he wasn't sure. I'll definitely trade in the X1 before launch.

For real? So, you are saying I could go up there Thursday around 6pm or after and purchase a Switch. Then swing by at midnight and pick it up? That would be perfect. Can anyone else confirm if this is possible?
He's saying you can cash out any preorders you have/make

You still need to brave the lines to get a switch since you can't preorder it anymore

Edit: my eastern time zone store called me and said pre rings begin at 6pm
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He's saying you can cash out any preorders you have/make

You still need to brave the lines to get a switch since you can't preorder it anymore

Edit: my eastern time zone store called me and said pre rings begin at 6pm
Oh damn. Well, that makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.

Oh man, I am so pumped for this. Steamworld Dig 2? Hell yeah.


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I get why they finished with Stardew Valley, but I was hoping for a big, new game as the final slot. Oh well, still pumped for all the content they showed. Switch is gonna be a great indie machine like the Wii U was, and I'm definitely down with that. Nintendo sucks at a lot of things, but their new approach to smaller developers and how they promote indie games is rad.

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Who is this clown, though? I want Bill Trinen.
Honestly, he seemed very much like Bill actually. Now talk about a bad host, did you watch that NISA show last week? I could barely get through with the guy they had, I turned several times because he was just way over the top. LOL

A neo-geo pocket looking fighting game? I'm in!
That looked rather cool actually, as I loved those fighters on the NeoGeo Pocket back in the day. The only thing missing back then was online for Vs battles, as the fighters where damn good for two button controls.

I get why they finished with Stardew Valley, but I was hoping for a big, new game as the final slot. Oh well, still pumped for all the content they showed. Switch is gonna be a great indie machine like the Wii U was, and I'm definitely down with that. Nintendo sucks at a lot of things, but their new approach to smaller developers and how they promote indie games is rad.
I feel Nintendo sees common ground with indie developers in that they both prioritize fun gameplay and wacky ideas over trying to be bigger and bombastic. That's why I like indie games, anyway, and that's why I continue to tolerate Nintendo despite their annoyances; there just plain fun.
I feel Nintendo sees common ground with indie developers in that they both prioritize fun gameplay and wacky ideas over trying to be bigger and bombastic. That's why I like indie games, anyway, and that's why I continue to tolerate Nintendo despite their annoyances; there just plain fun.
Yeah, that pretty much summarizes how I feel. Although I'm a bit on the extreme end, as I have so very little interest in most AAA games these days. I spent too many years of life cranking out boring 3D asset after 3D asset for those types of games, they're ruined for me now. So seeing indie games with the incredibly diverse game types, art styles, love and creativity that's put into them just makes me enjoy them so much more.

I tend not to get upset about anything gaming-related, but one thing that does get under my skin is "I don't like indie games"/"Indie games are trash"/etc. WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEEEAN

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Honestly, he seemed very much like Bill actually. Now talk about a bad host, did you watch that NISA show last week? I could barely get through with the guy they had, I turned several times because he was just way over the top. LOL

That looked rather cool actually, as I loved those fighters on the NeoGeo Pocket back in the day. The only thing missing back then was online for Vs battles, as the fighters where damn good for two button controls.
Wait... Pocket Rumble has been on PC for a bit now? How did I not know this? Well, with a March release date, at least I get a fighter in the 1st month.

Ugh I just realized after that showcase that I pretty much have to get a bigger sd card. As a refresher, what are the best deals going?
Ugh I just realized after that showcase that I pretty much have to get a bigger sd card. As a refresher, what are the best deals going?
I'd get a 128gb (Sandisk Ultra or Samsung Evo Select), it's the best price to space ratio available right now ($40). That should last you quite a while, then if you need to you can get another, or simply upgrade to a larger card once they're cheaper.

If you want something a little bit bigger from the start, 200GB Sandisk Ultras are a good option. They're about $70, or Amazon usually has them from their Warehouse for $61 or so.

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There's a ton of things "N" does that I can't wrap my mind around, but when they have a product that makes them good money, they will milk it for all it's worth, so I wouldn't worry about if it will happen, but when it will happen.
True in some ways, but frustratingly not true in many other ways.

Not sure if you are being sarcastic, but I think a few here bought it mainly because they anticipated low stock numbers.

I liked that indie presentation. I was seeing a lot of content that I would be very interested to play on the Switch. Three of my more anticipated titles are...

Pocket Rumble

Blaster Master 0

War Groove

Pocket Rumble just seemed like a good fit for the Switch, and a simplified control scheme would make it more appealing to casual players and/or easier to get into. Also, I was liking the pixel-focused art style. Having this one available shortly after launch is going to be nice.

Blaster Master 0 is a no-brainer. I adore the original Blaster Master, and have actually played through the entire game on the NES. (not an easy achievement) Having a retro-themed title with a similar approach to the structure and mechanics is a dream come true. I'll wait to see some reviews, but the approach they're going with looks really solid. Also, the developer in question has a good track record with retro-styled games.

I had heard nothing about War Groove before this. And initially, I was thinking it was going to be a strategy title similar to Fire Emblem or Advance Wars. That certainly seems to be the case. But then I saw that it is going to have multiplayer, and that it would come with a map editor. The first part is appealing, but the second part is downright adicting. This is going to be a great game to play with my family. My nephews will get a kick out of learning how strategy games work. And my brothers will get a kick out of obliterating me in multiplayer. (they are far better at strategy games, and have a special fondness for this style of strategy game) And I will personally enjoy designing maps for me to lose on.

I mean, I imagine all of these games are TEENY, so I would imagine you wouldn't.
On the whole, yes. The majority of indie games do tend to be quite a bit smaller than your average big-budget titles. But there's also a fairly broad range of file sizes for indie games. Most indie games don't go above about a gigabyte. A few rare instances will bump into the two or three gigabyte range, but that's fairly uncommon. And a few indie games don't exceed 100 megabytes. Retro City Rampage, for instance, was designed to only take up about 32 megabytes.

It all hinges on a number of different factors, so it's going to vary quite a bit from title to title. For some people, the built-in 32 gigs on the Switch will be enough for most indie games. But if you are planning on carting a large number of indie games around regularly, you may want to consider picking up some extra SD storage.

That indie showcase was great. The sheer volume of games releasing in such a short timeframe also makes me wonder if Nintendo has streamlined their certification process for the Switch. It would make sense following their increased outreach to indie studios and their cheap, easily obtainable dev kits. Definitely speculation on my part, but it's clear they've made major progress in this area either way.
blaster master zero has me hyped for the switch now. i totally remember the original blaster master on the NES. and how awesome it was when it came out. i just wish it was a launch title but the 9th is not that far away.

This is where we now enter the territory of the five main phases of replies that everyone loves the most!

1. When does XXXX charge my card posts

2. my shipment is preparing posts

3. my order has shipped posts

4. my package came today posts

5. my box came dented complaint posts

you WISH we were still having back-and-forth discussion about the Switch system! :boxing:
You forgot one:

6. Best Buy just emailed me that my Switch stuff is ready for pickup. Do you think they will let me pick it up now???


I'm not gonna lie, that indie showcase wasn't too bad all.

I would rather have a decent Harvest Moon than Stardew Valley for nostalgia's sake but mobile Stardew Valley is definitely exciting!

So uh, I was not planning on getting a Switch, so I hadn't done a lot of diligence on where to get the system. But after getting to see Breath of the Wild in action, I'm convinced. Is there any way I can lock up a launch Switch? Or has that boat long, long sailed?

So uh, I was not planning on getting a Switch, so I hadn't done a lot of diligence on where to get the system. But after getting to see Breath of the Wild in action, I'm convinced. Is there any way I can lock up a launch Switch? Or has that boat long, long sailed?
From reports on this thread, Gamestop's should have a handful of extras (less than ten) while Best Buys seem to be getting at least ten extra at launch, and in some cases, much more. You should get good if you go to a midnight release.

So uh, I was not planning on getting a Switch, so I hadn't done a lot of diligence on where to get the system. But after getting to see Breath of the Wild in action, I'm convinced. Is there any way I can lock up a launch Switch? Or has that boat long, long sailed?
Looks like Best Buy and Target may be your best shot based on posts earlier in the thread.... GameStop only if you are willing to fight to the death to be 1st in line...

From reports on this thread, Gamestop's should have a handful of extras (less than ten) while Best Buys seem to be getting at least ten extra at launch, and in some cases, much more. You should get good if you go to a midnight release.
Good to know. I'm going to swing by a Best Buy on my way home from work and ask. Thanks!

So, Amazon says it's shipping my Switch and Bomberman R today..... but Zelda ME still expected to ship tomorrow. So, if it does actually ship today with 2 day (see what I did there?) then I get an extra day alone with Bomberman before leaving society until I beat Zelda.... Did get the last launch day console from them a day early (Xbox One) Now will Nintendo push out the day 1 patch a day early?

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Yikes this Best Buy cancellation thing is a pain. Seeing lots of complaints on their forums, Facebook, etc. customer service is no help either. Good luck to others who preordered from them, ugh.
Yikes this Best Buy cancellation thing is a pain. Seeing lots of complaints on their forums, Facebook, etc. customer service is no help either. Good luck to others who preordered from them, ugh.
Not sure what you are talking about. They have been good so far.

bread's done