Nintendo Switch Preorder Thread 2.0

That's what I'm wondering. If it's just the subtitles that's not really enough.
Looks like full support is implied, but I wouldn't call it a guarantee:

The translation for the last line is as follows (thank you to Benny Carrillo for translating)

対応(Software Support) 言語(Language)
日本語、英語、フランス語 (Japanese, English, French)

Tempting to pick it up, though. Coupons can knock the price down to the same $39.99, but then there's an extra $5 for shipping.
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This is the stupidest thing ever!
Saw it on an IGN or The Know video a few days ago, purchases ties to account & console. So if you want it on another switch you have to buy it again, or have your purchases transferred. Have they backtracked or was that video wrong? I remember a bunch of people saying they would cancel if Digital purchases were the same as Wii U.

I think we need a poll thread to decide the "stupidest thing" on the Switch. It's sad there is already a list. (Purchases, left joy con, save data, included joy con grip doesn't charge, USB C port on the bottom, joy con shoulder button thing being hard to remove, Joycons remove too easy and the console can separate and fall when holding it, I think one of the Giant bomb guys say it almost happened to them, or they can see it possibly being an issue).
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Given the same prices and availability, physical is almost always better with Nintendo given they have the most archaic DRM out there tied to hardware and not software.
That's not what we're discussing at all. People are wondering if there are any differences between the North American digital version of "I am Setsuna" and the boxed Japanese copy of the game. Now that it has been confirmed that the import game will have English subtitles.

The forums are moving so fast today that I can't even keep up.

Not just greatest Zelda. It's shaping up to be the best reviewed game ever. That's amazing.
Yeah, I'm wondering if it will end up being the best selling Wii U game. It would be kinda funny if the sales are so good it could have been a system mover. I'm probably going to be picking it up sooner than later since I cancelled my switch, I was going to wait but the hype is real.
My Neon Console, Neon Joy-Cons, Charge Grip, Zelda SE, 1-2 Switch, Bomberman, and Zelda WiiU all shipped from Best Buy today for delivery tomorrow. I know everyone here just HAD to know this. :)

Source? I've read a few things and they've indicated it does alleviate the problem. Just one example:

Digital Foundry is pretty much always spot on so I think its legit that its not working. Or maybe just their unit isnt.

Actually a few post down from what you posted that exactly article is linked lol.

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Seems the reports of the day one patch fixing the Joycon signal are false.
Silver lining, if Nintendo blows it again, we could be playing Mario Kart on a Scorpio or PS4 Pro in a few years. Looks like the are rushing the switch for the end of the fiscal year, and just a few years ago they swore they'd never make games on phones, so the pressure must be strong to make some money. And Mario Kart on Xbox and PS would be an easy couple million copies on day one.
Until Nintendo says it's fixed it is not fixed. Seriously why would Nintendo hide that they fixed a documented problem. I know people are hopeful and excited but let's use some simple logic here.

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Until Nintendo says it's fixed it is not fixed. Seriously why would Nintendo hide that they fixed a documented problem.
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Did they ever admit there was a problem? Most companies don't like to do that.

I did hear on GB that it charges really slow when not using the Nintendo power adaptor(both their offices mentioned it I believe). On a IGN podcast, hilariously one guy said it charges fine with third party stuff but then admitted he didn't really pay attention or play much with it on a third party power supply. :Lol:

Way to go there, great review skills.

Can't wait for real world reviews and regular people speaking about it.
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Alot of users on Neogaf/Reddit and Twitter have updated that the Patch fix their issue. So far DigitalFoundry (as far as I'm currently aware of) are the only ones who claim to still have this issue.

There's videos like these (Before Patch) and (After Patch) that show it being resolved.

Nintendo will most likely NOT address this as it's been said a few times already. The console isn't even out yet.

No reason to address something that will be fixed by the time the masses get their system. Just like "No internet is a problem!" as one Polygon article claimed... Knowing it was going to be patched in Today. 

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Alot of users on Neogaf/Reddit and Twitter have updated that the Patch fix their issue. So far DigitalFoundry are the only ones who claim to still have this issue.

There's videos like these (Before Patch) and (After Patch) that show it being resolved.
Nintendo will most likely NOT address this as it's been said a few times already. The console isn't even out yet.
No reason to address something that will be fixed by the time the masses get their system. Just like "No internet is a problem!" as one Polygon article claimed... Knowing it was going to be patched in Today.
I wouldn't blame polygon, how MANY times have game company's said something will be fixed in a patch and it wasn't, or the patch was delayed? The Wii U's(and PS4 to a much lesser degree) downloads speeds horrible and they have had years to fix things. They shouldn't review something on what *might* happen.
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I wouldn't blame polygon, how MANY times have game company's said something will be fixed in a patch and it wasn't, or the patch was delayed? They shouldn't review something on what *might* happen.
I think they're just trying to play catch up on the clickbait. They were donkey punching joycons out of the tablet like GiantBomb after GB did it & They tried to jump on the Kickstand bandwagon after the CNET's debacle. I think they figured "NO ONLINE" was gonna be their thing.. :whistle2:

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My son and I are each getting one, so I will be able to check out game sharing (hopefully) tomorrow once I have them both.

My Best Buy console and Pro Controller for shipping are both still at preparing, while my Zelda SE and Bomberman are both ready for pickup (at midnight).
Awesome. I'm excited to see how that goes.
some people are thinking that DF may not have actually performed a reboot after the update, which according to all reports is required to finish the update on the joycon

Cnet over exaggerated but pretty much all outlets are saying the stand is pretty bad.

But I guess to some the Switch is the perfect console no matter what any others say.

Just got a notice from target and best buy.  Both my Switches may arrive tomorrow!  Debating wether one will go up on ebay!

Kickstands require a flat surface to work perfectly, who woulda thunk it!

No passive aggressiveness needed to crack that code  :whistle2:

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There's videos like these (Before Patch) and (After Patch) that show it being resolved.

Nintendo will most likely NOT address this as it's been said a few times already. The console isn't even out yet.

No reason to address something that will be fixed by the time the masses get their system. Just like "No internet is a problem!" as one Polygon article claimed... Knowing it was going to be patched in Today.
Yeah, if the issues is in fact fixed, I don't expect them to say anything either. Whats the point?

Technically everyone who has played the NS up to this point, got it free for reviewing proposes, so if the problem is fixed with the day one patch for the buying public, it's like the problem never existed to begin with. I don't see a problem with that. Now if the problems isn't 100% fixed, that's another issue, but for now I'll go with the news that it is fixed.

Kickstands require a flat surface to work perfectly, who woulda thunk it!

No passive aggressiveness needed to crack that code :whistle2:
No passive aggressiveness here. Was pretty clearly referring to you considering your damage control of the Switch and Nintendo have been pretty on point this whole thread.

Those of you waiting on Target pre-orders, you may still be in luck for tomorrow. I had my order at Target ship and will arrive tomorrow according to UPS.

No passive aggressiveness here. Was pretty clearly referring to you considering your damage control of the Switch and Nintendo have been pretty on point this whole thread.
I've noticed that facts really get under your skin.. That's not healthy :whistle2:

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Super. No UPS My Choice update from GameStop. Spent over 90 minutes on hold, finally got through. Claimed Authorization issue with Credit Card over the weekend. Funny, no email about it nor did the order ever cancel. Authorization showed up on Saturday and dropped off yesterday since they didn't charge it. I called CapitalOne and they said the only attempt from GameStop was the authorization and since they failed to complete it, it dropped off. They claim they are processing it but can take 24-48 hours before the order ships. Lovely. Took tomorrow off work and I'm traveling for work Saturday through the next week and a half. -.-


I called my local store in Stow, OH. Spoke to a girl named Megan, explained to her what was going on to see if they had excess. Which she did, but they were promised based on their in store signups. She asked for my info and passed it on to their DTL, Patrick. He called me 10 minutes later. After talking to him, he called and worked corporate and it essentially is just too late to pull it and make cut off for next day. So he offered to pickup a Unit from his Massillon, OH Location and transfer it to Stow tonight for me. I was willing to drive there myself, but he insisted on taking care of it himself. +1 for Gamestop B&M Staff. Corporate is going to get an extensive letter about their dedication to help me out.

Amazon charged my card this morning, but the Switch is still at "shipping soon". Still scheduled for delivery tomorrow, so fingers crossed.

Official Nintendo Statement Regarding "Friend Codes"

Several methods can be used to add friends as quickly and easily as possible: · By linking Nintendo Switch to your Nintendo Account, your friends from Miitomo and Super Mario Run will appear as friend candidates so you can easily send them a friend request. Also, we are planning it so that friends from social networking services will be listed as candidates, too.

In the future, you will be able to send a friend request to friends associated with your NNID (Wii U/Miiverse) and Nintendo 3DS.
In some games you will be able to use an in-game interface to send friend requests.
You can send friend requests to those who have played with you recently.
You can establish a friend through local wireless communication.
You can also send a friend request by using a friend code.

Source Polygon
Hi we don't know how to do online systems properly so we will just throw out all of these options to confuse people instead of having one simplified unified approach to make it easy.

My son and I are each getting one, so I will be able to check out game sharing (hopefully) tomorrow once I have them both.

My Best Buy console and Pro Controller for shipping are both still at preparing, while my Zelda SE and Bomberman are both ready for pickup (at midnight).
I'm pretty certain this is already confirmed to not be an option. Pretty sure Nintendo has already released statements on this not being allowed.

Hi we don't know how to do online systems properly so we will just throw out all of these options to confuse people instead of having one simplified unified approach to make it easy.
While I don't think another system on top of NNIDs was necessary, most of this feels pretty standard. If you link your NNID to whatever the Switch account system is called, and an NNID friend does the same, you get the option to add them to your friends list. If you view someone's profile from a game lobby or a recently-met-players page, you can send a friend request from there. Or you can just use NFC/WiDi/whatever to directly add ad-hoc friends.

Soooooo Friend codes? Really nintendo? As I said in the previous thread, this is why everything Reggie says should be taken with a grain of salt. Not even 3 months ago Reggie lied on Cnet claiming there would be no friend codes.

This is exactly why I was so nervous about their complete lack of radio silence on so many troubling issues. As far as I'm concerned this is a bait and switch (pun moderately intended). I had a feeling the only reason they weren't announcing stuff was because they knew it was bad news people wouldn't like, and were trying to ride the positive hype wave. This essentially confirms my fears that they've learned almost nothing from their mistakes in the past in terms of digital marketplace, and online infrastructure.

Had this information been presented before my preorder had already shipped, I likely would have canceled, as its pretty damning evidence nintendo has their head firmly planted up their ass, and are willing to lie about it.

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Soooooo Friend codes? Really nintendo? As I said in the previous thread, this is why everything Reggie says should be taken with a grain of salt. Not even 3 months ago Reggie lied on Cnet claiming there would be no friend codes.

This is exactly why I was so nervous about their complete lack of radio silence on so many troubling issues. As far as I'm concerned this is a bait and switch (pun moderately intended). I had a feeling the only reason they weren't announcing stuff was because they knew it was bad news people wouldn't like, and were trying to ride the positive hype wave. This essentially confirms my fears that they've learned almost nothing from their mistakes in the past in terms of digital marketplace, and online infrastructure.

Had this information been presented before my preorder had already shipped, I likely would have canceled.
Yup. Basically the same thing I'm thinking and was afraid of. Ugh.

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Posting links with sources is not my opinion but you're too busy brooding to notice that.
Brooding? What am I batman now?

I posted Digital Foundry stated the issue was not fixed.

Heres another one if you think its a one off.

It seems like its fixing it for some any not for all just how some had this issue and some did not so once these get out in the public we can get a better idea of how bad the issue is.

So as of right now, Is the Joy Con issue fixed? Maybe. Cant really say yes or no at this moment.

Between the app launch and Mario Kart 8 Nintendo needs to get rid of the Friend Code system if they're ever going to hope for people to play for their online service.

Common features to add people between meeting them in games and by user-names should be expected by now.
What's the point of having a user-name system if you can't use that name to add someone?

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There are a surprising number of stores that are holding midnight launches for the Switch. Why is that?

The answer is fairly simple. Retail outlets want the Switch to succeed. They actively want it to do well, and are bending over backwards at launch to see that it does. Why would brick-and-mortar stores be on-board for a video game system? The Switch is relatively small, making it easier and cheaper for retail stores to stock more units at a time. The game cases for it are also nice and tiny, shorter than standard Blu-Ray cases, and thinner than Nintendo's own portable game cases. You can squeeze more of them on the shelf. And perhaps most importantly, the Switch is an accessory bonanza. Most portable-focused video game systems are. Physical stores don't make much money off of selling the actual game systems units. They make money off of selling the games, and especially selling accessories. The mark-up on accessories is better for the store than anything else video game-related that they could sell. Having a system that encourages extra purchases on store shelves makes retailers mightily pleased.

All of this doesn't give the Switch any guarantees. The game-buying public will decide whether it lives or dies, and wallet-votes shall be cast. But the retail outlets will do everything in their power to give the Switch a fighting chance. And thus all of the midnight launches, despite the fact that the demand for the system is an entirely unproven factor.

Between the app launch and Mario Kart 8 Nintendo needs to get rid of the Friend Code system if they're ever going to hope for people to play for their online service.

Common features to add people between meeting them in games and by user-names should be expected by now.
What's the point of having a user-name system if you can't use that name to add someone?
But... you can do that stuff? Unless I'm misunderstanding. All of those options are in the systems "friends" menu, along with local searches and it also adds your past friends. The friend code thing is just another option, probably temporary until the rollout of the paid system (or an alternative TO the paid system.)

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As of right now your options are to add people you've played a game with, local people that are near by and friend code. They have said in the future they will add a way to just search for someones NNID to add them.

If they add that behind the pay service and don't make it just a feature anyone can use I think we can all agree that is just stupid. I wouldn't think you'd have to pay to use that way of searching though.

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bread's done