Nintendo Wii - 13.17 Million Sold! PS3 5.9 Million! Official Financial Reports!

Zen Davis




Hey don't blame me for Nintendo and Sony being Japanese companies. Blame them for not being more American...

At least they use the normal digits for their numbers... unless an 8 means a 77 in Japanese. Then those reports are completely worthless.
[quote name='daroga']So the 360 and Wii are no longer jostling for first, eh?[/QUOTE]
It will be interesting to see how the two fare during this Holiday.
[quote name='daroga']So the 360 and Wii are no longer jostling for first, eh?[/quote]Technically we're dealing in shipped numbers here, but we can still say with pretty high degress of confidence that most Wiis shipped are in turn sold.
[quote name='PyroGamer']It will be interesting to see how the two fare during this Holiday.[/quote]Very. How many Wiis are stockpiled? Are they going to be selling 1 million+ a month during the holiday shopping season?

Will Halo 3 continue to be a driving force for selling the 360?
It's pretty obvious Wii will continue to sell better going into Holiday 2007. The question is, will 360 steal some market share (Arcade Bundle, Halo 3), or will Wii sales actually grow?

I think Microsoft had better start advertising the hell out of their Arcade bundle.
I think it's Nintendo for the kill this winter season. Super Mario Galaxy is being hyped as the bonafide Game of the Year and it's going to sell like gangbusters. I literally can't wait for it and I think there are a ton of people who feel the game way. Also the fact that even with Halo, Microsoft only sold a few more units of consoles than Nintendo shows that Nintendo has nothing to worry about.
Considering Nintendo's system is friendlier towards a younger audience, has sales momentum going for it, is cheaper, and a Mario game is being released soon I wouldn't bet against Nintendo.

Unless they run out of Wii's.
[quote name='whiptcracker']Considering Nintendo's system is friendlier towards a younger audience, has sales momentum going for it, is cheaper, and a Mario game is being released soon I wouldn't bet against Nintendo.

Unless they run out of Wii's.[/quote]

I doubt it. They've been waiting for this day. They'll have enough.

In fact I would bet money and say that Nintendo looked at Super Mario Galaxy, thought that the game was absolutely amazing and would carry them through the Holiday season and simply delayed Brawl so they could work on it some more.
[quote name='Zen Davis']I doubt it. They've been waiting for this day. They'll have enough.

In fact I would bet money and say that Nintendo looked at Super Mario Galaxy, thought that the game was absolutely amazing and would carry them through the Holiday season and simply delayed Brawl so they could work on it some more.[/QUOTE]

I don't know what more they could put in that game. Pretty soon it'll be easier to just announce what characters didn't get into it :)

I doubt they delayed it on the strength of Mario Galaxy, but I don't think it would've changed their sales this holiday season either way. People who want a Wii will get one. I think it's better though that they spread out their major releases though so that the system will continue to have strong sales.
5.9 million is bad? Nintendo and Sony's roles certainly are reversed from where the majority of us thought they'd be a year ago (remember when you though you'd just waltz into a TRU and grab one of the many, many available Wii consoles?), but Sony's doing just fine. They're going to end up like they are with the PSP: with a console that sells and is pretty popular, but with the realization that Nintendo is selling far more than they are. Eventually, the premature predictions of the PS3's demise will go away, and gamers will recognize that it's just a delightful lil' console, even if it isn't going to be the top seller this go 'round.
So we're looking at ~15 million Wiis sold worldwide in its first year. Does anybody know how many PS2s were sold in its first year?
[quote name='mykevermin'](remember when you though you'd just waltz into a TRU and grab one of the many, many available Wii consoles?)[/quote]

I do. :roll:
Ive read that Smash Bros was delayed to better impliment a lagfree online experience. The game is done except for the network code.

Since I doubt Nintendo has any frakkin idea what they're doing when it comes to online play, I can easily believe this to be the case.

Lets hope they dont pull a Gran Turismo 4. Delay the game for a year to impliment the online portion, and then release it without online! :shock:
aren't these numbers shipped? i.e. sold to retailers?

also, the english version of the sony numbers is available in that gaf thread.
[quote name='evilmax17']So we're looking at ~15 million Wiis sold worldwide in its first year. Does anybody know how many PS2s were sold in its first year?[/quote]
Counter on the bottom is days:


9 million?
[quote name='lokizz']now out of those 13.17 millon wiis sold how many of them are collecting dust until a decent game comes out?[/QUOTE]

4.3 million according to NPD's chart of #'s I pulled out of my ass.

With it's sales numbers 3rd party developers will start churning out games.
[quote name='mykevermin']5.9 million is bad? Nintendo and Sony's roles certainly are reversed from where the majority of us thought they'd be a year ago (remember when you though you'd just waltz into a TRU and grab one of the many, many available Wii consoles?), but Sony's doing just fine. They're going to end up like they are with the PSP: with a console that sells and is pretty popular, but with the realization that Nintendo is selling far more than they are. Eventually, the premature predictions of the PS3's demise will go away, and gamers will recognize that it's just a delightful lil' console, even if it isn't going to be the top seller this go 'round.[/quote]
The PS3 will be "fine" from a consumer point of view. You'll always have something to play on your PS3, and it won't be going the way of the Dreamcast.

But from a business point of view? I'm not so sure that the PS3 is doing fine. The PS3 was a losing proposition from the start, and Sony was betting on PS1/PS2 levels of popularity in order to recoup their substantial losses. From a business perspective, the PS3 is proportionally bringing in far less than was invested into it. Don't forget, when the Gamecube was a failure, it was still bringing profit into Nintendo. The PS3, from its inception, has been a veritable cash vacuum.

So yes, 5.9 million consoles sold can be bad. With each financial report, things keep looking worse for Sony's game division. At this point, I'd worry less about the PS3, and more about the posibility of a PS4. The writing is on the wall, and the writing don't look good.
[quote name='evilmax17']The PS3 will be "fine" from a consumer point of view. You'll always have something to play on your PS3, and it won't be going the way of the Dreamcast.

But from a business point of view? I'm not so sure that the PS3 is doing fine. The PS3 was a losing proposition from the start, and Sony was betting on PS1/PS2 levels of popularity in order to recoup their substantial losses. From a business perspective, the PS3 is proportionally bringing in far less than was invested into it. Don't forget, when the Gamecube was a failure, it was still bringing profit into Nintendo. The PS3, from its inception, has been a veritable cash vacuum.

So yes, 5.9 million consoles sold can be bad. With each financial report, things keep looking worse for Sony's game division. At this point, I'd worry less about the PS3, and more about the posibility of a PS4. The writing is on the wall, and the writing don't look good.[/QUOTE]

Valid points all around; but the losses will be buffered if Sony can establish Blu-Ray as the next video format. I think that's more important to them than winning the console war this generation, honestly. They'll eventually break even/turn a profit on the PS3, but if they can also turn BR into a revenue stream from home movies, they'll be balls deep in profit.
[quote name='lokizz']now out of those 13.17 millon wiis sold how many of them are collecting dust until a decent game comes out?[/QUOTE]

The same amount as 360 owners without a 360 because it broke down.
Yeah, the real problem is that Sony is losing a ton of cash on every console sold. The 40GB unit is their 4th version of the console in under a year. That's not exactly what I would call a good thing. Because it was underperforming and overpriced they were prematurely forced to drop the MSRP to something that still wasn't reasonable, but in comparison seemed to be. How many people said, "I'm not buying that thing at $600" then they dropped the price and those same people said, "$500? Okay, I'll bite. $100 off is a great price!"

Look at their operating losses:

Now, eventually they'll get the PS3 down to near levels where they can make a profit, but will they be forced to drop the price again before then? Somewhere in Japan, I can see some really pissed off Japanese board members calling for the head of Kutaragi. Literally.
[quote name='simplygriff']Just for the sake of completeness, how many 360's have been sold/shipped worldwide?
-G[/quote]Those numbers will be out this evening.
[quote name='mykevermin']Valid points all around; but the losses will be buffered if Sony can establish Blu-Ray as the next video format. I think that's more important to them than winning the console war this generation, honestly. They'll eventually break even/turn a profit on the PS3, but if they can also turn BR into a revenue stream from home movies, they'll be balls deep in profit.[/QUOTE]

digital downloads will be the standard sooner then either blu ray or hd dvd win:lol: , it will never ever generate the money they were hoping for. Shortly in my neighborhood I will have 16mps dl speed...and verizon just announced the 20mbps dl and upload speed they have out in test markets...It is just a matter of time before the majority of the nation is surfing the web at 15mbps or higher speeds. With the right software, you should be able to Dl the movies to a seperate hard drive (tivo has already started to offer a port to connect an external hd to there unit).
We really should have the title thread changed to say "SHIPPED" rather than "Sold." My guess is that a good number of those Wiis are in the "stockpile" for the holidays, and there's plenty of unsold PS3 sitting around.

[quote name='ryanbph']digital downloads will be the standard sooner then either blu ray or hd dvd win:lol: , it will never ever generate the money they were hoping for. Shortly in my neighborhood I will have 16mps dl speed...and verizon just announced the 20mbps dl and upload speed they have out in test markets...It is just a matter of time before the majority of the nation is surfing the web at 15mbps or higher speeds. With the right software, you should be able to Dl the movies to a seperate hard drive (tivo has already started to offer a port to connect an external hd to there unit).[/quote] Except for those of us who like to own real copies of $20 movies.
[quote name='evilmax17']

Don't forget, when the Gamecube was a failure, it was still bringing profit into Nintendo. [/QUOTE]

It's really hard for me to call something that sold 20 million and was bringing in money from basically the first day a failure. I know on boards like this it's all about units sold but in the real world it's not. If you have a business that sells the most and brings in the least you will not have a business for very long.
[quote name='Blitz']It's really hard for me to call something that sold 20 million and was bringing in money from basically the first day a failure. I know on boards like this it's all about units sold but in the real world it's not. If you have a business that sells the most and brings in the least you will not have a business for very long.[/quote]
The Gamecube was the first console under which Nintendo lost money.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, the Wii has sold over half of its consoles its first year compared to the entire Gamecube lifetime sales total.

Gamecube as of September 2007: 22.66
Wii as of September 2007: 13.17

But technically, I guess we can say that the Gamecube is kicking the Wii's ass.
[quote name='Zen Davis']The Gamecube was the first console under which Nintendo lost money.[/QUOTE]


Give me details thats opposite to what I have heard, read to my knowledge.
[quote name='ryanbph']digital downloads will be the standard sooner then either blu ray or hd dvd win:lol: , it will never ever generate the money they were hoping for. Shortly in my neighborhood I will have 16mps dl speed...and verizon just announced the 20mbps dl and upload speed they have out in test markets...It is just a matter of time before the majority of the nation is surfing the web at 15mbps or higher speeds. With the right software, you should be able to Dl the movies to a seperate hard drive (tivo has already started to offer a port to connect an external hd to there unit).[/QUOTE]

If I go with the minimum 25gb of my 82 blu ray movies that would mean I would need a 2050gb hard drive to store my digital HD downloads (not taking into account many of them are 50gb discs and future purchases). We are much further away from digital downloads than you think. It works great for mp3s, but people will want physical movie formats for a long time.
[quote name='daroga']Except for those of us who like to own real copies of $20 movies.[/quote]

at some point the developers/makers of the games movies will be ok with cutting out retail. When that happens, and prices drop on the movies/games substantially, I am willing to bet more people would jump on it then you think. I know sony doesn't give out numbers of the psn sales, but according to shane on the 1up show a week or 2 back, he claimed that the reason for the upcoming $40 cost of warhawk is because retail chains were upset that they sold so few compared to the dl form thru psn. It is just a matter of time before that becomes standard, as the end cost to the consumer for hd tv a hd dvd/blu ray player and discs cost a shit load more then a $30 - $50 a month internet fee.
[quote name='Zen Davis']

These articles go hand in hand.[/QUOTE]


I remember that, I always thought it was really due to:

Nintendo claims that the loss is due to the poor exchange rate between the yen and the dollar -- reportedly losing some 68 billion yen.

They made money from day 1 on the actual Gamecube system sales as far as I knew. I must have mis interpreted your post.
[quote name='rodeojones903']If I go with the minimum 25gb of my 82 blu ray movies that would mean I would need a 2050gb hard drive to store my digital HD downloads (not taking into account many of them are 50gb discs and future purchases). We are much further away from digital downloads than you think. It works great for mp3s, but people will want physical movie formats for a long time.[/quote]
you are the minority, not the majority with 82 blu ray discs. You are also assuming that every movie fills that the capacity of first run blu ray discs. Also I don't think the majority of americains bother with the extra's. The only person that I know that even looks at them is my brother. It is just extra content that caters to a small contingent.

also assuming that the avg price you paid is $27 (not every shopper is cheap asses like we are) you are looking at approx $2214 in cost for your movie collection. For 2250 gb in external hard drive space now, it would run you aprrox $774. We have no way to guess what it would cost to Dl the movie, but you would save a couple of hundred if the movies were 1/2 price you would save a couple of hundred of dollars...

No it isn't happening anytime in the near future, but even sony said the next gen of systems from them would be digital download. Both blu ray and hd dvd are fighting a losing battle at the present, as to the avg consumer there is no real advantage besides a tad better graphics for them to get it. At almost double the cost for a disc, and about 4 x the cost for a player ( you can pick up decent dvd players in the $40 range, the cheapest hd player is hd dvd and that can be had as low as $200..360 add on doesn't count as you need the 360 as well) , it isn't worth it. By the time either hd or sony back out of the war, it won't make a difference.
[quote name='Snake2715']Zen,

I remember that, I always thought it was really due to:

They made money from day 1 on the actual Gamecube system sales as far as I knew. I must have mis interpreted your post.[/quote]

Nintendo lost money day 1 on the Gamecube but they were able to get it sorted out so that they were able to make money on it faster than Sony and Microsoft.

Also I don't buy the currency exchange excuse. The fact is that they had to shut down production on the console because no one was buying. That's the reason they lost money. The console didn't start selling again until they dropped the price to $99.
I think your severly underestimating most peoples desire to obtain something physical for their $20-30. Americans love plastic and packaging, and things that line up nicely on a shelf.

Unless it turns out to be best case scenario, DLC is tied to the console or hardware you purchase it on. Last week I borrowed my friends copy of '300'. No way to do that with DLC.

I think were many years away from downloadable movies supplanting physical disc based media. Storage capacity needs to improve, DRM needs to go away, and peoples perceptions need to change. Kids growing up today may not mind DLC, but people from my generation still do.

[quote name='ryanbph']you are the minority, not the majority with 82 blu ray discs. You are also assuming that every movie fills that the capacity of first run blu ray discs. Also I don't think the majority of americains bother with the extra's. The only person that I know that even looks at them is my brother. It is just extra content that caters to a small contingent.

also assuming that the avg price you paid is $27 (not every shopper is cheap asses like we are) you are looking at approx $2214 in cost for your movie collection. For 2250 gb in external hard drive space now, it would run you aprrox $774. We have no way to guess what it would cost to Dl the movie, but you would save a couple of hundred if the movies were 1/2 price you would save a couple of hundred of dollars...

No it isn't happening anytime in the near future, but even sony said the next gen of systems from them would be digital download. Both blu ray and hd dvd are fighting a losing battle at the present, as to the avg consumer there is no real advantage besides a tad better graphics for them to get it. At almost double the cost for a disc, and about 4 x the cost for a player ( you can pick up decent dvd players in the $40 range, the cheapest hd player is hd dvd and that can be had as low as $200..360 add on doesn't count as you need the 360 as well) , it isn't worth it. By the time either hd or sony back out of the war, it won't make a difference.[/quote]
I am in my 30's...according to shane on 1up, warhawk via the psn sold a lot better then the units in store...itunes is very successful with music, tv, and movies. Amazon now has there unboxed service. On demand is very popular for comcast, xbla games have been rather successful. Streaming tv shows via the networks website is also been fairly popular and they are making decent ad rates via the companies that pay for the ads. I would say that all those formats have been a lot more successful then hd dvd or blu ray disc sales to this point. Like I said before I don't think this will happen in the next couple of years, but I also don't think hd dvd/blu ray is going to beat out dvd format in that time period either.

I myself prefer the disc based format...I have about 9 blu ray movies, and about 15 hd dvd's...I would consider myself on the higher scale of the avg consumer of hd products though. I don't think the attach rate to the players are that high.
I think the most important line of those gamecube articles is not that they had one quarter that had a loss, but that even when their profits were 47% less than what they said

it was still a profit.

" However, Nintendo is sill optimistic and has forecast a pretax profit of 110 billion yen for the fiscal year of 2005."
[quote name='daroga']Have an article that says Nintendo was taking a hit on each console sold on Day 1?[/quote]

I literally just saw it on google while looking for the other articles. I don't feel like looking for it again though.
[quote name='Zen Davis']

Also I don't buy the currency exchange excuse. The fact is that they had to shut down production on the console because no one was buying. That's the reason they lost money. The console didn't start selling again until they dropped the price to $99.[/QUOTE]

Good to hear others take on it. Also as you are aware i am sure was the argument was that they were removing the Component output and thats why production shut down.

Either way its water under the bridge as it was one quarter in a 100+ year history or 400 quarter history...
[quote name='Snake2715']Good to hear others take on it. Also as you are aware i am sure was the argument was that they were removing the Component output and thats why production shut down.

Either way its water under the bridge as it was one quarter in a 100+ year history or 400 quarter history...[/quote]

It was actually the first loss since the company went public. No idea how many quarters that was.
[quote name='Zen Davis']It was actually the first loss since the company went public. No idea how many quarters that was.[/quote]

I think they went public sometime during the Meiji Restoration. Their initial IPO price was 1/3 bushell of rice per share. Or conversely, 5 shares per Bushell (using crazy math). =p
bread's done