Nintendo Wii U Console Basic Set and Free Nintendo Land Game

[quote name='SaraAB']System is not a flop, regardless of what people want to think, a flop is a system like the Virtual boy, the neo geo pocket color or the This system already has more games than those systems combined.[/QUOTE]

Just to be a nerd, total game count:

Virtual Boy: 22
Neo Geo Pocket: 85 20
Combined: 127

Wii U: 37 (retail) 6 (digital exclusive)
Total: 43
You know what a "fail" is? A fail is the nintendo virtual boy, the atari Jaguar, the sega 32x, panasonic 3DO, etc. These "fails" haven't really happened all that often (at least in the 30 years I have been gaming). I am pretty sure the wii u will get at least 5 years of shelf life. My 2 cents on this topic is that nintendo didnt market this thing for shit, and without the proper marketing it isnt going to be the must-have christmas item when it is up against products like ipad mini, beats headphones, multiple models of smartphones, hdtvs, etc. Retailers got fucked by nintendo and they need shelf space. They gotta move em.
[quote name='RobnessMonster']Unfortunately, I do not think that the price match guarantee applies to a bundling deal. I wish it did, but I think went this route in order to avoid people from price matching. Of course, someone can give it a shot, but YMMV on this one. Would've been nice to get the extra game and trade it in for $30 credit or whatever.[/QUOTE]

I don't see why it wouldn't apply... at the very least there is an easy workaround... buy the bundle, return the new system with the old receipt, keep the game.
Anyone who co-op games a lot with kids will love this system. The Pikimin game in Nintendoland is fantastic co-op fun. I was highly skeptical, but have thoroughly enjoyed the system so far. Nintendo gets family entertainment.
[quote name='Jaysonguy']Get a better argument

Everyone who has a Wii doesn't even know Nintendo HAS a new console, that's how badly Nintendo has failed with the Wii U launch...[/QUOTE]

I own two Wiis and I was aware of the WiiU...matter of fact, I own one...:)
[quote name='Blaster man']What? LOL
So kids fighting is bad parenting? Sibling rivalry's have been around since long before any of us were alive. That's about as stupid as me saying that your kids have aspergers because you don't see them fighting 24/7.[/QUOTE]

I agree fighting happens, but if it gets to the point where an expensive item gets broken (or any destruction of property for that matter) I do think that it comes down to bad parenting. Good parenting can lower the level of fighting (even prevent it to begin with) and things getting out of control. Just common sense to me, nothing stupid about it. Seems ignorant to me simply state that sibling rivalry happens so it's ok if sh!t gets broken. That kind of opinion leads to kids thinking it's ok to go off on one another with no repercussions (which I think is BS). My own opinion and I'll leave it at that to avoid going off topic any further.
[quote name='maximumzero']Well, here's the post calling the Wii a fad and claiming the 3DS a bust, time to wrap up this thread, we're done here. :roll:[/QUOTE]

Come on. That guy is the king of Nintendo trolls. Did you expect any less from him? :)
[quote name='KevinMassacre']You know what a "fail" is? A fail is the nintendo virtual boy, the atari Jaguar, the sega 32x, panasonic 3DO, etc. These "fails" haven't really happened all that often (at least in the 30 years I have been gaming). I am pretty sure the wii u will get at least 5 years of shelf life. My 2 cents on this topic is that nintendo didnt market this thing for shit, and without the proper marketing it isnt going to be the must-have christmas item when it is up against products like ipad mini, beats headphones, multiple models of smartphones, hdtvs, etc. Retailers got fucked by nintendo and they need shelf space. They gotta move em.[/QUOTE]

I wholeheartedly agree but Its going to be regional to some extent as well. I don't know ANY kid in my area right now who would choose a Wii U over an iPad, iPod touch, laptop or smartphone. Apple is just on fire right now like them or not millions of people are lining up for their products regardless of supply, demand or the economy. Kids also want laptops or one of the many other tablet or smartphone models out there, this demand is just stronger than the demand for a video game console, especially one so similar to the one they already have. Gamestop now has tablets, iPhones and other devices prominently displayed in their stores. Also the system is not a flop, I am sure Nintendo will release games for at least the next 3-5 years for this system. If they stop making games and discontinue the system after 1-2 years which there is almost no chance they will do that then buyers will not trust them any more and will not buy whatever product they release next which means this will be NIntendo's last video game console.

But still this system is not a flop, it sold enough numbers to be considered a real video game system, aka not the virtual boy or n-gage or one of the other examples I mentioned. If Nintendo released it and it sold like 1,000 units worldwide then it would be considered a flop. The 3DS is definitely not a flop as its sold quite a lot like it or not. I don't own either of these devices and I personally think there are hardly any games for them or the games can be played cheaper elsewhere but that doesn't mean that I will say these systems are a flop because they are not.

Say what you want about them but I have several Apple products and I find them extremely useful and well built.
[quote name='admiralvic']A troll comments is when you say something with the express goal to piss someone off. These can range from ignoring facts to making baseless arguments people feel the need to defend. Either or, it's too early to call the Wii U a success or failure and I hardly think a retailer promotion is writing on the wall...[/QUOTE]

It's not too early to say the WiiU is a complete failure and the families of those involved in creating it should be shamed for life. Also, a retailer promotion is pretty solid proof.
Nintendo would never stop production on a console within 2 years. They're not Sega. They've got more money to throw around than their competitors and they actually make a profit on their hardware on top of that.
[quote name='SaraAB']I wholeheartedly agree but Its going to be regional to some extent as well. I don't know ANY kid in my area right now who would choose a Wii U over an iPad, iPod touch, laptop or smartphone. Apple is just on fire right now like them or not millions of people are lining up for their products regardless of supply, demand or the economy. Kids also want laptops or one of the many other tablet or smartphone models out there, this demand is just stronger than the demand for a video game console, especially one so similar to the one they already have. Gamestop now has tablets, iPhones and other devices prominently displayed in their stores. Also the system is not a flop, I am sure Nintendo will release games for at least the next 3-5 years for this system. If they stop making games and discontinue the system after 1-2 years which there is almost no chance they will do that then buyers will not trust them any more and will not buy whatever product they release next which means this will be NIntendo's last video game console.

But still this system is not a flop, it sold enough numbers to be considered a real video game system, aka not the virtual boy or n-gage or one of the other examples I mentioned. If Nintendo released it and it sold like 1,000 units worldwide then it would be considered a flop. The 3DS is definitely not a flop as its sold quite a lot like it or not. I don't own either of these devices and I personally think there are hardly any games for them or the games can be played cheaper elsewhere but that doesn't mean that I will say these systems are a flop because they are not.

Say what you want about them but I have several Apple products and I find them extremely useful and well built.[/QUOTE]

Both your posts are the most accurate and make the most sense with the way things currently are. I am sure Nintendo will have a bump in more sales once more first party games and exclusive third party games come out the gate like with the 3DS, but as of now you are on the money.
[quote name='maximumzero']The 360 was sold out at launch due to hardware shortages, and the PS3 was definitely not sold out at launch, I dunno where you're getting that from.[/QUOTE]
So people were paying a grand or more when the PS3 launched just for the hell of it?
Not a bad deal. I'd rather have white and buy an external hard drive anyway. I think I'm going to wait until we hear something about a Mario Kart before I get one though.
It ultimately doesnt matter AT ALL whether people on message boards think Wii U is a failure. It will have a normal 5 or 6 year lifespan and make Nintendo money in reality.
[quote name='Jaysonguy']So people were paying a grand or more when the PS3 launched just for the hell of it?[/QUOTE]

I honestly don't know the answer to this. I sold a launch PS3 for $1,200 on eBay and they were pretty easy to come by in stores (like WiiU is now - sold out some places but if you looked hard enough you could get one in a couple of days). Maybe it wasn't available in more remote locations so people were spending crazy amounts of money on it? Either that or people assumed they were sold out everywhere since that was the trend for the last few launches leading up to the PS3.
[quote name='perfectsil']why does every Wii U deal thread turn into Wii U bashing?[/QUOTE]

Because those funny folks out there that consider themselves "Gamers" can't handle that Nintendo's been successful when they're not catering to their specific whims.

See: Achievement nonsense.

Secretly a bunch of them want to play Nintendo's software but are too embarrassed to admit they want to.
[quote name='Kaiser499']Wii U's aren't being sold for a grand.[/QUOTE]

Right, that "secondary market" value never materialized due to a lack of interest. The fact that there's a promo like this right after Christmas to try and drum up sales is -- at least to me -- proof that this didn't sell well over the holiday season. If it was flying off store shelves you wouldn't be seeing this so quickly.

Obviously "Nintendo haters gonna hate" but I am not a Nintendo basher -- in fact I've owned every system on Day 1 from NES until the Wii. I sat out this console launch due to the pitiful launch lineup and the fact that, after the Wii, I questioned Nintendo's strategy. Looks like plenty of others felt the same. So far, the Wii-U looks one of the few times in the company's history that they look they're one or steps behind. Hopefully they can get back some momentum in 2013 with actually enticing games being announced...
[quote name='Jaysonguy']So people were paying a grand or more when the PS3 launched just for the hell of it?[/QUOTE]

Well no, that was more because people are stupid and impatient.
[quote name='phantomfriar2002']Obviously "Nintendo haters gonna hate" but I am not a Nintendo basher -- in fact I've owned every system on Day 1 from NES until the Wii. I sat out this console launch due to the pitiful launch lineup and the fact that, after the Wii, I questioned Nintendo's strategy. Looks like plenty of others felt the same.[/QUOTE]

This is EXACTLY me. I've owned every Nintendo console since the NES (launch purchases except for the NES which I got in the summer of 1986). I will definitely 100% buy a WiiU once there is a proper Mario, Zelda and Metroid out for the console (maybe sooner if there are enough second tier first-party games out like Pikmin 3 and those types of games that are awesome but not system sellers on their own). I love Nintendo games but until then I can wait.

I gave them the benefit of the doubt with the Wii and it was the first time I was let down. They have to earn that back now. I suspect this time around there are a LOT of people who are thinking the same way. I'm not sure they care though because I'm going to buy it eventually.
[quote name='perfectsil']why does every Wii U deal thread turn into Wii U bashing?[/QUOTE]
It's not bashing, it's telling people the current situation of the company and that they don't need to jump on a deal now in fear they'll have to wait to get one later.
I was tempted to get a Wii U at launch when the pre-orders were selling out fast, but I held back and I'm happy I didn't impulse buy one. I'll still get one eventually though. And whats up with ebay sellers still listing this for $700+? Is anyone that stupid enough to purchase one for that amount?
Yeah my nephews wanted the Wii but have no interest in the Wii U. I am not sure it is that appealing to the general market. With that said I think the next gen 360 ans PS will have some of the same issues. Huge libraries of pretty great games for cheap may keep a lot of people from buying right away if they are not backwards compatible.
[quote name='Javery']This is EXACTLY me. I've owned every Nintendo console since the NES (launch purchases except for the NES which I got in the summer of 1986). I will definitely 100% buy a WiiU once there is a proper Mario, Zelda and Metroid out for the console (maybe sooner if there are enough second tier first-party games out like Pikmin 3 and those types of games that are awesome but not system sellers on their own). I love Nintendo games but until then I can wait.

I gave them the benefit of the doubt with the Wii and it was the first time I was let down. They have to earn that back now. I suspect this time around there are a LOT of people who are thinking the same way. I'm not sure they care though because I'm going to buy it eventually.[/QUOTE]

I agree 100% with this. The Gamecube was my console of choice last gen and my Toploader NES is actually still hooked up. I waited in line for 8 hours to get a Wii and after the inital novelty of it wore off I was severly disappointed. The only use it gets now is as a dust magnet and as a stand for my NES. I know I will eventually get a Wii U but I'm not rushing out to buy one. I don't think the system is a flop but it is a little telling to see mountains of Wii U's at every store I went to over the weekend, I could have built a throne out of them at Best Buy. I know that goes back to Confoosius comment of:
wiiu in stock = flop
wiiu out of stock = evil nintendo holding back stock

But I haven't seen anybody in a store expressing interest in them and definitely not in the same way the Wii was. I think a lot of people are honestly confused about what the Wii U is and hopefully Nintendo will alter their marketing to make it clearer. One day I was in Best Buy and I saw a customer in their 20's or 30's ask if the Wii U was just a new controller for the Wii and why they couldn't just use their iPad with the Wii.
[quote name='Jaysonguy']It's not bashing, it's telling people the current situation of the company and that they don't need to jump on a deal now in fear they'll have to wait to get one later.[/QUOTE]

There's a big difference between stating an opinion on whether something is a good deal and "this is a flop. Nintendo sucks" and all the hatred and vitriol that you and chimpy post in every Nintendo thread. (Well mostly chimpy bit you seem to hate nintendo for some reason as well )Get over yourself. Hate the company? Don't buy their products.
[quote name='jessesixto']You think they will give me the game for free if I bought the console on release day? For Silver Premium Member of course.[/QUOTE]

What they don't know, won't hurt them. :whistle2:$
[quote name='confoosious']There's a big difference between stating an opinion on whether something is a good deal and "this is a flop. Nintendo sucks" and all the hatred and vitriol that you and chimpy post in every Nintendo thread. Get over yourself. Hate the company? Don't buy their products.[/QUOTE]

I love Nintendo as a company.

Separately, the Wii U is, at least initially, a flop.

[quote name='perfectsil']why does every Wii U deal thread turn into Wii U bashing?[/QUOTE]

Nintendo isn't "Hardcore" enough for people and is considered the runt of the family even though Wii out sold it's two older brothers. WiiU is here to stay but won't be flying out the shelves until Nintendo releases either new Zelda, Mario Kart, Smash Brothers, or Metroid.
Shipwreck tweeted today his Walmart had 2 PS3, 0 Xbox, and Wii Us were starting to gather the day after Xmas. It is not the start Nintendo was looking for but to call it dead is premature.
[quote name='JaylisJayP']It ultimately doesnt matter AT ALL whether people on message boards think Wii U is a failure. It will have a normal 5 or 6 year lifespan and make Nintendo money in reality.[/QUOTE]

Money...the most important thing in life!
[quote name='Jaysonguy']It's not bashing, it's telling people the current situation of the company and that they don't need to jump on a deal now in fear they'll have to wait to get one later.[/QUOTE]

I'm fairly certain claiming the system a flop when it's barely over a month old (and not even a month old overseas) is bashing.
[quote name='htz']We also have more people interested in gaming and buying consoles than 6 years ago.[/QUOTE]

I would say they may be more interested in gaming, but they also may be just as likely to pick up a tablet/smartphone as a console. So not sure what your point is.
Kind of wish I would not have split my X-Mas gift cards people gave me between Gamestop and Best Buy I would had enough for this if I would have goy all Best Buy ones.
[quote name='turls']I would say they may be more interested in gaming, but they also may be just as likely to pick up a tablet/smartphone as a console. So not sure what your point is.[/QUOTE]
The Wii U is a tablet, that is like the main feature of the console. My point was that it is not a surprise to see the wii u outselling the previous gen launch numbers since the gaming population has grown a lot over the past 6 years.
I don't see why everyone thinks anything less than "wii" numbers are a failure. A lot of people fail to take a number of things into account...

1) The Wii came after the Gamecube, which had many successful / popular games. The Wii U came after the Wii, which didn't have many popular titles and was mostly forgotten in terms of third party support.
2) The Wii was offering completely unique and innovating ways to play. The Wii U offers a tablet, which is more so less annoying if someone else is using the TV.
3) Everyone seems to think that the next generation should have started this year and everyone comes up with "facts" that prove E3 will announce the new Xbox and Playstation, so they want to save money.
4) The Wii U launched without any heavy hitter, with the exception of Mario. If it launched with Rayman Legends and Pikmin, with some Bayonetta 2 footage... it probably would have been a very different story.
5) The Wii was hacked right off the bat.
Apparently some company is giving out free butthurt today, cause there's a ton of it going on by the people in this thread that hate Nintendo. Damn, I hated the wii and the casual gamebase that it brought on, but even I don't think this is a "flop" in the sales department. Wii Us come in and disappear out of stores pretty fast here still.

If you wanna throw numbers, nothing is gonna have as good as a success as the wii any way you cut it at this point. No reason to say "oh no wii amount of sales for the wii u? FLOP FAIL HERP".
[quote name='Javery']This is EXACTLY me. I've owned every Nintendo console since the NES (launch purchases except for the NES which I got in the summer of 1986). I will definitely 100% buy a WiiU once there is a proper Mario, Zelda and Metroid out for the console (maybe sooner if there are enough second tier first-party games out like Pikmin 3 and those types of games that are awesome but not system sellers on their own). I love Nintendo games but until then I can wait.

I gave them the benefit of the doubt with the Wii and it was the first time I was let down. They have to earn that back now. I suspect this time around there are a LOT of people who are thinking the same way. I'm not sure they care though because I'm going to buy it eventually.[/QUOTE]

To clarify I am not a Nintendo hater, just more of a recent Nintendo hater. I have every console from the NES to the Wii as well. But I do not have a 3DS or a Wii U, why, because there are simply no games out that interest me. They have stopped at least for the time being putting out decent Pokemon games. Pokemon games were once completely killer and were literately the best games you could buy on any system at least for me. Their linking of Pokemon GBA games with Gamecube games was again, a killer feature for the time, at least for me. The lineup of Pokemon games for the Wii was pathetic. They could have made it killer with Wii Pokemon RPG's and DS to Wii transfer which existed to some extent with Pokemon ranch but it just wasn't as epic as Pokemon Box for the Cube.

The gamecube was actually a good system, it had all the multiplatform games the other systems had and then it had the Nintendo exclusives. Hardware was on par with the PS2 and Xbox. It also had like 5 Pokemon games, and the only one that wasn't that great was Pokemon channel. The Wii missed most of the mulitplatform games because of it being so severely underpowered.

I am not interested in playing Mario games, the games are simply too difficult for me. I am also sick of Nintendo's rubber band AI which also affects Pokemon games to an extent, but luckily more of the minor aspects of the game. This is present in a lot of their games and just ruins it. Pokemon is somewhat ruined by cheaters and hackers but you can still get a decent experience out of it. I just feel like I can get better games on other consoles right now for a lower price (also with the consoles being a lower price). After all this is CAG so I want the most hours of playtime I can get out of a game for the least amount of money possible. I can buy games like Oblivion GOTY for like $20-30 and get tons of hours of playtime out of it. Or Skyrim, which can be had in multiple ways for a lower price. A $60 mario game that retains its $60 price point will only net me about 9 hours of play and likely I will get so frustrated that I will toss it aside within the first hour of play. Yes I have tried Mario games so this isn't coming from someone who is saying things without trying it first. Yes that also means I could sell it back when finished but its just not an experience that I would enjoy very much.

The Wii U is still not a flop though, unless they discontinue making games for it in the next 1-2 years, and as I said before I think that is extremely unlikely.
[quote name='admiralvic']4) The Wii U launched without any heavy hitter, with the exception of Mario. If it launched with Rayman Legends and Pikmin, with some Bayonetta 2 footage... it probably would have been a very different story.[/QUOTE]
Rayman Legends and Pikmin are not heavy-hitters. They're games that will probably receive quite a bit of critical acclaim and praise from the core gaming community, but I doubt they'll sell all that well, especially compared to Mario.

Just take a look at all the posts on this forum talking about Rayman Origins. "OMG THIS GAME IS AWESOME! Can't wait until it hits $10!"
[quote name='cancerman1120']I won't argue those numbers since that type of stuff is usually misrepresented but I thought the 360 had a supply issue and the PS3 was $500-600 making it almost twice the price of a Wii U. Are we certain that 1.8 million is not shipped really?[/QUOTE]

Not sure how accurate this site is:

WiiU Sales is at 1.82 Million.
I would have bought one of these Wii U's just because I'm a long time gamer and like new hardware. However, Nintendo's new tablet controller turned me off. This new controller only lasts ~4 hrs per play if lucky. Since the battery is user replaceable, they need to sell battery packs and charger to help overcome this issue. As of now, they don't have them and I'm not pleased to play just 3 hours of games and require to stop for 2 hours to have the controller charged up again. Also, if the GamePad breaks, there's no replacement. That means I would have to buy another Wii U just to get a controller. That's just not going well in my pocket book. And even if a replacement is available in the future, how much will it cost? If a Wiimote still retails for $40, I can see this thing will hit $150-$200 easily.

From the looks of the system and the way Nintendo secured hardcore exclusive titles, it's clear Nintendo would like to grab both hardcore and casual gamers this time. In my opinion, you either design your system for the hardcore or casual, but not both simultaneously. For me, an old-school player, I never really enjoyed any game on my smartphones and tablets due to touchscreen controls, which is really only suitable for puzzle games. If Nintendo is smart and wants both parties from the start, they should have 2 SKU, one which is the existing $299 system but should include Nintendoland pack-in. Another is a bundle with the system, a pro controller (no GamePad), and a pack-in game of the hardcore flavor for $200-$250. Forcing useless tech down hardcore players throat and charge them more just doesn't work in my opinion. Of course, all this would become moot when the hardware matures and technology costs less overtime; when the console hits $200, with lots of cheap battery replacement and charging options, and individual GamePads can be had for less than $100. But as it stands currently, it just won't sell too many units, especially with "proper" next-gen hardcore consoles not too far off.
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Pretty sure this has nothing to do with the WiiU, and has everything to do with Nintendo Land game. I can't imagine they are selling too many copies of that game outside of the ones bundled with the deluxe console. They have stacks of used Ninteno Lands at my local gamestops.
[quote name='SaraAB']System is not a flop, regardless of what people want to think, a flop is a system like the Virtual boy, the neo geo pocket color or the This system already has more games than those systems combined.[/QUOTE]The Wii U isn't even close to the NGPC's number of games, let alone combining that with other random systems you've heard of but clearly know nothing about.
bread's done