Nintendo World Store Tokyo


Hello everyone,

I'm sitting at my hotel in Shinjuku, and am trying to locate where the Nintendo World Store is in Tokyo. All of my Google searches are just sending me information about the Manhatten Nintendo Store. If anyone is familiar with the area, could you please let me know what area of Tokyo the store is located in?


[quote name='Gameboy415']There's a World Store in Tokyo?!?!

News to me!

If this is true, I'm gonna hunt it down next month when I'm in Tokyo! :D[/QUOTE]

didnt know also
[quote name='CheapyD']There isn't one in Japan, only NYC.[/QUOTE]

DOH, but there should be one in every major city, kinda like the Apple store, but more selective.
[quote name='CheapyD']There isn't one in Japan, only NYC.[/QUOTE]

That blows. :( I'm sure it would be a lot cooler if it were in Japan. Who knows what crazy shit they'd sell there.
Gah, thanks anyhow guys. Somewhere along the lines I got things mixed up. As long as I have you here, I know for a fact that there is a Square Enix store in Tokyo. We have directions there, but have absolutely no idea where it is. Cheapy, can you tell me at least what stop / district it is at?



/Spent waaaaayyyyy too much in Akihabara today.
hey Zack Morris what the dilly yo?!?!

are u as much a legend in Japan as u are here in america?!?!

are all the hot bitches all over you there?

u gotta rule your shit with an iron fist yo, show them who's the man!
[quote name='JEKKI']hey Zack Morris what the dilly yo?!?!

are u as much a legend in Japan as u are here in america?!?!

are all the hot bitches all over you there?

u gotta rule your shit with an iron fist yo, show them who's the man![/QUOTE]

JEKKI, I am quite the ladies man in Japan as well. My boyish good looks and devil may care attitude have melted the hearts of schoolgirls in both Bayside and Tokyo.

Anyhow, to Cheapy, the map we had is off of the Square Enix website, and completely in Japanese. Being the ignorant american that I am, I don't know more than a handfull of words. Regardless, thanks for the info. I think we're on track now, and are heading out that way this morning.

I just wanted to extend a quick thank you to Cheapy and everyone else for helping to point me in the right direction to the Square Enix store. I spent entirely too much money there, but it was definetly one of the highlights of my trip.

Thanks again,

bread's done