No love for Saw?


38 (97%)
Sorry if there's already a thread out there, wouldn't let me search for "Saw the game" or any arrangements of those words. Has anyone else there played this?

I was pretty skeptical at first considering most movie based games are garbage and the game was being developed by a studio that does war games primarily. Much to my surprise, this game is a lot of fun. The story takes place during the events of the 1st game. Detective Tapp (Danny Glover in the movie, but this detective Tapp looks & sounds about 20 years younger) is stuck in an insane asylum trying to capture Jigsaw after his partner was killed.

For the gameplay, the easiest thing I can say is take Condemned and replace the CSI stuff with puzzles. The puzzles can get pretty challenging, especially when there is a timer ticking and you have to either save someone else, or yourself, but they add a nice distraction from the tense walking around and trying not to get your head blown off by traps, or having people trying to kill you.

The game isn't too bad in length either. I'm 10 hours in and on the 5th of 7 chapters. Achievement points are very generous, I believe in the first 15 minutes I had 140 points.

Overall I'd say its a must buy. Maybe not at the $60 price point, but if you can find it cheaper, go for it. The game does have some replayablility since just about every time you run into bad guys, they give you at least 3 methods to dispose of them without even needing to use weapons. I've died on purpose just to try to kill people in more gruesome ways, so I cant see why I wouldn't want to give the game another playthrough.


Cmon CAG, lets play a game.
Thanks for the impressions Bezerke, now its a definitely rental at Gamefly. Wasn't to sure on it, but you and other forums have said its decent and fun with some quick achiev. Not a big fan of the Saw series so its not a buy for me unfortunately.
I'm playing through right now. I absolutely hate the fighting mechanics, and it seems kind of oddly out of place at times, but it's definitely not as bad as I was planning on it being. They did a lot more variations of puzzle elements than I had anticipated. The addition of time based segments definitely adds a sense of panic and the score does a good job of ramping up your anxiety at times.

Honestly it's not anything more than a rental for me, but I've wasted far more time on far worse games. (How's that for a glowing recommendation? :lol:)
yeah when its 10 bucks or less i might grab it just to play it, i like the movies alright. the game looks ok nothing awesome really.
I bought it and I hooked, i think its a great game, really fun but then again i tend to stray away from most of the CAG norms, I play madden ncaa etc. annually however some games we do have in common, fallout 3 etc. Anyway, Saw is pretty fun.
I read some place online that the puzzles are really good but everything else sucks. I like the first few movies but put this with the terminator game. I will check it out when it is as cheap to buy as it is to rent.
I was surprised when I saw this at Best Buy yesterday, I had absolutely no idea it was coming out. With how much they promote the movies, I figured I would at least see a commercial or two. I'll wait for a few price drops, 15$ or less for me. I see this one dropping FAST.
Yeah no thanks. I preferred the gritty look when Konami did it before and that game was called....................Silent Hill! X-(
Can't remember where I read it, but Konami supposedly wants to make this game the new Silent Hill series so expect more games to possibly come. I'd imagine they are going to base the decision to make more on the sales of the game.

Sadly, I think that Saw 3-5 is gonna make people just skip the game on the basis of "God, they made a game of that shitty ass yearly movie series". If this game had come out right after the 1st one, i'm sure people would be buying it up.

I beat the game yesterday. Basically at the end you are given a choice on two doors that lead to two diff endings, both weren't that great, but they did give 100 points per ending (you can load your last 5 checkpoints, so i just loaded the one before the choice and picked the other one). 940 points in my first play-through, so for an achievement junkie like me its not that bad. I would've had the full 1k but I cant seem to figure out how to kill people with traps, and I didn't do that much hand 2 hand combat, so I didn't "stomp" enough ppl.
I love the little lock picking games, the shotgun doors, and the jammed cabinets with the four buttons and you have to hit them quickly as they pass over the corresponding button.
As a Saw-movie fan, I'm still saying this is a rental for me. Movie-based games always tend to be shorter to play through anyway (See: Wolverine)
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