No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle -- January 2010 Release in Japan

[quote name='Cao Cao']According to the single-page scan posted at Nintendo Power's web site, the first enemy in the game is Skelter Helter, the brother of Helter Skelter from the first game's trailer. He's the tutorial battle for this one, fought atop a skyscraper.[/QUOTE]

If true, i'd say that the NMH2 trailer with sylvia giving travis his beam katana is how it starts before the fight.
Ah, apparently, IGN has had Skelter Helter's artwork for quite a while:
[quote name='Scrubking']Not only do you clearly know nothing about Wii sales you don't even now that NMH was a successful game on the Wii and Grasshoper Ent. best selling game.[/QUOTE]

Just because it was Grasshopper's best selling game doesn't mean it lit up the charts. It sold less than 500,000 worldwide, which frankly isn't that amazing for a high profile Ubisoft-published (at least in NA) game on the Wii, with it's highest install base out of the three current home consoles. Over half of those sales were here, so then you have to wonder how many of them were after the game dropped to $30, $20, and then eventually bundled with Red Steel at $30.

Don't get me wrong, I think that NMH is more popular than the sales show, due to used sales, rentals, etc, but there is a LOT of untapped potential and the fact that it routinely shows up on sale around CAG only to be passed up shows this.
Gamespot posted an interview with Suda 51, and it contains quite a bit of gameplay footage, including some that may be considered spoilers.

Footage of:
- Tutorial battle
- 8-bit Jobs
- Playing with Jeane the Cat.
- Shinobu gameplay
Bizarre Jelly-based Shooter minigame

They also posted a written preview that contains plenty of info, including descriptions of things like one of the new bosses, the minigames, Tiger-mode, and a mention that the open-world will be replaced with a world map:;img;1&mode=previews

No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle Updated Hands-On - The Early Levels and a Cool Surprise

We try out Grasshopper Manufacture's new brand of crazy in its upcoming Wii sequel.

We got a very brief taste of No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle a few months ago with a playable demo at this year's Penny Arcade Expo. At the time, No More Heroes 2 appeared to be a fairly straightforward sequel with some gameplay enhancements. However, we recently had the chance to spend more time with the game from the beginning, and we have to say No More Heroes 2 is shaping up to be much more than a by-the-numbers sequel. Please note that what follows is a veritable minefield of story spoilers. You have been warned.

Our time with the game dropped us in at the opening, which kicks off in flashy cinematic style. The action picks up roughly three years after the first game. Three years after killing his way to the number one ranking in the United Assassin's Association, Travis Touchdown has disappeared from the public eye and left his position as a top killer. The goofy Travis is now an urban legend in Santa Destroy, like some kind of assassination-prone 40-year-old virgin unicorn. However, as we saw in the opener, there are some who know Travis is real, namely the surviving members of the assassins he killed on his way to the top.

The younger brother to one of Travis' kills pops up and surprises the elusive assassin for some good old-fashioned revenge, which serves to bring players up to speed on the story and gameplay. The battle ends poorly for Travis' attacker because the passage of time hasn't dulled Travis' knack for killing. When the fight is over, the mysterious French vixen Sylvia appears--just like she did in the previous game--and assesses Travis' performance. Travis' exchange with Sylvia makes a few things clear: He actively dropped out of the assassin's rat race, doesn't have much in the way of a desire to come back, and, more importantly, is as horny as ever.

Sylvia plays off Travis' libido and makes a convincing play to get him back with some subtle wordplay and not so subtle yoga references (likely a first in a video game). Unfortunately, the sexy banter gets sidetracked by the temporarily reanimated corpse of Travis' recent victim who makes some ominous mention of something horrible that is about to happen. While this is a bit confusing at first, it all falls into place when, shortly thereafter, the cinematic turns its attention to Travis' best--and possibly only--friend, Bishop, who has an unfortunate encounter with a gang in his video store. The end result? A pretty clear idea of what the game's "desperate struggle" subtitle means, a reduction in Travis' friend count, and a personal motivation for Travis to go work out some aggression. When the setup is over, you discover Travis' most recent kill wound up being the last ranked assassin and puts him on the road to the top spot again.

The next level we played put us on the trail of Charlie MacDonald, a football-themed boss complete with his own cheerleading squad of scantily clad ladies. The run up to Charlie is a pretty standard slashfest but did show off one of our favorite new features: Travis randomly turning into a tiger. As you take out enemies, you'll call up an in-game slot machine that will spin and stop in various combinations. If you're lucky, you'll be morphed into a tiger for a short period of time because…well, we're not entirely sure, but does it matter? Tigers make everything slightly better, so we were fine to just roll with it. The transformation obviously opens up a whole new slew of tiger-specific moves, which--while more limited than Travis' human form--are still satisfying because you can up and maul people with impunity.

Once you reach Charlie, the battle considerably ups the levels of crazy set by the original No More Heroes. Rather than having a traditional boss fight on the ground, Charlie--for reasons that aren't clear--takes his squad of ladies and transforms into a giant robot. Not feeling intimidated, Travis is able to match him--with fewer scantily clad ladies contributing--courtesy of a mech provided by former wrestler Doctor Naomi. This turns the fight into a side-scrolling fight between two mechs with special abilities. Does it all make logical sense? Not really, but because this is a No More Heroes game, that's not too of big a deal. All you really have to know is that the other robot has to go down and that Travis' mech has a unique move set that includes standard melee attacks, as well as supermoves.

In addition to the boss fight with Charlie, we had the chance to try out one nice surprise in No More Heroes 2: playing Shinobu as a playable character. The young assassin with a grudge against Travis is on the scene for a bit, and it sounds like you'll play her for roughly two levels that feature their own bosses. While there are some similarities between how Travis and Shinobu handle, she does play quite a bit differently. She moves faster, can jump, and even has a projectile attack that makes for some very different fighting strategies when dealing with enemies.

As far as controls go, No More Heroes 2 uses roughly the same control scheme as the first game, with some new moves tossed in, such as a running slash when dodging. You'll still have to provocatively shake your remote to recharge Travis' beam katana, and you can now dual-wield. You'll also be able to power up when you've filled your harmony meter, which is conveniently shown onscreen as a tiger, and unleash an insane flurry of attacks to murder anything around you almost instantly. If you've played the game, you'll be totally at ease; if you're new, it won't take too long to get into the swing of things.

Outside of the main story elements in the game, there will be ample opportunities to take a break from the desperate struggle in No More Heroes 2, thanks to a plethora of minigames. You'll be able to explore the city of Santa Destroy and take on odd jobs or work out to improve Travis' attributes via minigames. Unlike the original game, which let you physically explore the city in an open-world setting, you'll now navigate to different locations via a world map and warp directly to them.

Travis' apartment will once again serve as a home base for the action, but this time, there are a number of different upgrades. In the years since the original game, Travis' cat, Jeane, has gotten pretty fat, which has paved the way for some hilarious minigames around weight loss. You'll basically have to manage Jeane's overall happiness and weight. If Jeane's happy, she'll be more into the weight-loss minigames and lose weight. If she's not, don't expect things to be very productive. In addition, Travis will be able to play various minigames on his home television, including a hilariously cliched anime shooter that's right out of Japanese arcades.

For players who don't want to be shut in, No More Heroes 2 also offers odd jobs to take on around town, such as coconut gathering from the original game. However, we have to say the real joy for many players will be found in the various 2D minigames you can play. We tried a pipe puzzle game that has Travis lifting pipes in the sewer to create a solid flow between an outtake and intake. The treadmill game forced us to keep Travis balanced on a moving treadmill, which would periodically change direction. If you succeed at the minigames, you can increase Travis' health and stamina attributes, which are key in battle.

The visuals in the game have been refined quite a bit and sport a cleaner look, as well as a bunch of little touches that improve the overall look. The most obvious is Travis, who sports more detail in his clothing and some additional waviness to his hair, which gives him a more animated look. Enemies don't feature as many bells and whistles--although bosses like Charlie obviously do--but they still look sharp and feature some nice animation touches to give them personality. There's also plenty of variety in the dismemberments and assorted death animations we saw.

As before, you can expect several gallons of blood to splash every which way as you slash your way through your assorted foes. The game's camera has also seen quite a bit of improvement. While still not perfect, it definitely seems like there's been some improvement when in battle. Despite being in a work-in-progress state, the game's frame rate moved along at a pretty steady rate, although there were some hiccups when things got crazy onscreen. The game still piles on the crazy effects and filters when the action heats up, which seemed to hit the game's performance in spots. On the 2D front, the minigames were hilarious and had a funky retro look to them we appreciated. We have to say, we were especially taken with the shooter minigame you can access on Travis' TV, which had a pretty faithful arcade-inspired look to it.

In terms of audio, No More Heroes 2 is on track to surpass its predecessor. The top-notch voice acting makes it sound like the voice cast from the original game is back and in fine form. There also seems to be a greater variety in the lines screamed by your foes as they go down, which is good. The game's music is in the same vein as the original game and perfectly suited to match the crazy onscreen shenanigans.

Based on what we saw, No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle is shaping up to be the kind of follow-up you would want for a game like No More Heroes. The gameplay seems to be getting suitably tightened, the quirkiness is in full bloom, feedback on the original game has clearly been incorporated, giant robots have been included, and you can turn into a tiger. Do sequels get any more promising?
By: Ricardo Torres
Posted Dec 14, 2009 5:57 pm PT
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[quote name='Rocko']Man I'm excited.

Disappointed that he didn't say anything about the 360 port, though.[/QUOTE]

Me too. I want to preorder it on Amazon for my brother as a Christmas gift but its only up on the Japanese Amazon site. :cry:
[quote name='Chronis']This game is out in a few days. GET HYPE, PEOPLE!!!![/QUOTE]


This game is going to be epic.
I got it this morning and played a bit over an hour of it.

Um...there's definitely a different tone going on. Also, the first real boss fight is pretty interesting, but it kind of took a turn for the worse in the latter part of it. One complaint I have is that recharging your sword TAKES FOREVER now.

I tried one of the 8-bit mini-games, and it was pretty good. I don't know if there's a goal for any of them, though. You can stop after any stage, which is nice. The schmup was okay, too.
I am so excited. This will take my mind off of the disappointment over a complete lack of mention of the 360 port coming to the US.
The second stage is a bit more interesting than the first. I finally discovered how to use my Ecstasy power. The game doesn't tell you how to do a lot of things...vital things.

I think the first boss fight was better than the second boss fight.
If this thread is any indication then I can guess its going to bomb like the first...

I know it picked up steam for a suda game but nothing stellar.

I mean where is the advertisement for this?
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Getting mine tomorrow. I'm actually not playing Mass Effect 2 becuase this is alot more important to me than that... and I love mass effect >_<

Also, been keeping myself in the unkown about this game for a while since I hate when advertising gives away too much of the fun.
[quote name='Snake2715']If this thread is any indication then I can guess its going to bomb like the first...

I know it picked up steam for a suda game but nothing stellar.

I mean where is the advertisement for this?[/QUOTE]

I have not seen any TV commerciaisl of any sort. Will this see a limited release as well? No copies arrived at where I work (Wal-Mart) yet Capcom Vs was sent today.

On the unmentionable site (since I don't have NPD data, maybe Dr. Mario Kart can pull up a up to date amount) they have US numbers at 270k and 160k for Others (Europe, outside of the US besides Japan) and Japan at 40k for the first NMH. Anyways after it hit lower prices it still didn't look to hit 500k world wide. The first week however it only sold 35k in the US.

I wonder how much they spent to work on NMH2? Seems more like fan service then anything else. I'm guessing this will hit $30 or less in a few months while the people who loved the first are already obviously going to buy it at release. I pre-ordered this one on Amazon using the free shipping which will take some time, but after paying $18 for the first one I owe them a day one purchase.
[quote name='Snake2715']If this thread is any indication then I can guess its going to bomb like the first...

I know it picked up steam for a suda game but nothing stellar.

I mean where is the advertisement for this?[/QUOTE]

The first one sold like 400k worldwide. It was bundled with Red Steel for $20, thus it didn't sell any more copies because of Red Steel being so bad. Don't expect it to do well in January NPD's though. 5 days ain't much.

I just finished the 4th boss fight of the game
fuck that boss, fuck that boss, fuck that boss! He's so terrible.

Also, the Gym continues to suck.
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[quote name='Monsta Mack']
On the unmentionable site (since I don't have NPD data, maybe Dr. Mario Kart can pull up a up to date amount) they have US numbers at 270k and 160k for Others (Europe, outside of the US besides Japan) and Japan at 40k for the first NMH. Anyways after it hit lower prices it still didn't look to hit 500k world wide. The first week however it only sold 35k in the US.
They're a little high on the US number, but close enough for discussion.

I've done my part, and Amazon will be getting it to me today. Probably going to wrap up Real Heroes: Firefighter first so I can give this my undivided attention through the weekend.
[quote name='KingBroly']I just finished the 4th boss fight of the game
fuck that boss, fuck that boss, fuck that boss! He's so terrible.

Also, the Gym continues to suck.[/QUOTE]

I assume you're talking about
the freak with the flamethrower axe? I found him to be one of the easier battles in the game. Attack relentlessly, side-evade his attack, attack relentlessly, repeat until dead. Never gave him a moment to catch his breath.
Then again, that could have just been luck. There were a number of fights where I lucked into finding their weak point rather quickly. Either that, or those fights were easy to begin with.

It's also around that rank when you can unlock
a non-ranked fight with Kimmy. Just re-enter the hotel after leaving it and you should get a fax unlocking the fight and some revenge missions.
[quote name='botticus']They're a little high on the US number, but close enough for discussion.

I've done my part, and Amazon will be getting it to me today. Probably going to wrap up Real Heroes: Firefighter first so I can give this my undivided attention through the weekend.[/QUOTE]
Lucky... Amazon still hasn't shipped my copy of NMH2 and I have Prime.
[quote name='Salamando3000']I assume you're talking about
the freak with the flamethrower axe? I found him to be one of the easier battles in the game. Attack relentlessly, side-evade his attack, attack relentlessly, repeat until dead. Never gave him a moment to catch his breath.
Then again, that could have just been luck. There were a number of fights where I lucked into finding their weak point rather quickly. Either that, or those fights were easy to begin with.

It's also around that rank when you can unlock
a non-ranked fight with Kimmy. Just re-enter the hotel after leaving it and you should get a fax unlocking the fight and some revenge missions.

You can apparently unlock a Revenge Mission before that fight. You unlock revenge missions by leaving the hotel and then coming back to the hotel, which is :bomb::bomb::bomb: I just unlocked one myself.

Also, I have Jeane below 20 lbs now.
You know I have been to two targets and have not seen it stocked.

Maybe they are not getting it in? I found it at one Walmart and not the other.

I wonder how many copies they printed for the first run.
My copy came today. Shame that I had to go out of town. I won't get to play it until I'm back, and even then I may decide to finish Metroid Prime 3 before diving into this.
Just finished a Mild playthrough...took about 8 Hours. With no overworld, there's no cards or anything to collect, besides clothes and stuff you find in missions. Here are some quick impressions

In terms of the weaponry
I was kind of let down that there were only four beam swords in the entire game. One you start off with, one you get ~ rank 8, and two you buy from Naomi. No sword upgrades of any kind. The new recharge mechanic takes longer than the old one, but you only really need to recharge if you block a lot of attacks. Otherwise you can go through most fights on a single charge.

There were also a few playable cameos
from Shinobu and Henry. Shinobu gets two proper levels + boss fights, while Henry only gets a single boss fight. They weren't too bad, and it was nice to kill some stuff with a different character. Only real gripe is that Shinobu has a button to Jump. Jumping means multi-level environments. The camera system really wasn't set up to handle that all that well. Led to a lot of missed jumps, wasted time, and wasted health.
[quote name='Snake2715']

Maybe they are not getting it in? I found it at one Walmart and not the other.

I wonder how many copies they printed for the first run.[/QUOTE]

We are getting it on Thursdays for non-super centers/small stores tho bigger stores should have gotten it on Wednesday in the Northeast. I'm assuming the same for the rest of the US.

Major Wii games now have a priority of Monday/Tuesday while minor games are Thursday, and I believe they consider NMH 2 minor :( Tho Capcom vs was over night delivery for Monday.

Wal-Mart finally stepping up their delivery process believe it or not. We didn't get games like Ninja Gaiden 2 and other games just over a year ago till like 5+ days after their release.
So I put in three hours so far and I'm very mixed on the game. The thing that I noticed instantly is the camera.... and the lack of a manual adjustment. This is annoying me to no end. The new tone the game has really is a downer from the fun, upbeat original. Even the colors are a lot darker now and I feel it's really bringing the feeling down.

As for the gameplay.... I like the new combat so far. It's a lot faster and the strikes are actually useful now, unlike the first where it took 3 seconds to do a roundhouse that may or may not stun an enemy and do nothing more. I don't like the new big guys though. These guys are just eating my attacks like nothing. Especially the
chainsaw guys in the graveyard. I hate them SO MUCH!!!!
The bosses seem like a mixed bag.
Skelter was alright for a starting point. I hated the Nathan fight, even though his scenario seems the most NMHish. Charlie was definitely a downer for me.
I mean, beating this fight just warps you from rank 50th to 25th. It was not amused.
Also, I really didn't like the robot battle. it was slow paced and I felt that my attacks weren't actually doing anything. Matt was alright, but i felt he was way to easy. He telegraphs his moves too much. But I did appreciate the match after Charlie w/ hoes and Nate. Haven't fought Kimmy yet, but I did unlock her fight.

What else.... I do miss the overworld. Even if it was empty, there was something fun about blasting the boost on the Schpeltiger and jumping into the row of trees outside of Travis's apartment. Speaking of the apartment, I'm surprised they took out the freedom from the overworld (and thus all the ball/shirt/money/card hunting) but give me freedom to walk around all 20 feet of his place. And even the stores to a much lesser extend though. Also, stores.... I went to the Lab and jeez, Naomi got a new rack. And I ain't talking about a place for her to store all those beam katanas she's makin. And also the new 8 bit games. Some are pretty fun, others are annoying. I don't like the puzzles ones at all. And the trash collecting got very frustrating very fast. Steak cookin is kinda fun, but I still don't know why my well done steaks aren't good enough.

Overall, I really am mixed on this right now. It's not even that I don't like the game but I absolutely LOVED the first one. The darker tone definitely is changing my enjoyment of the game. I really can't shake the feeling that this is actually No More Killer 7, rather than NMH2, especially with the cutscenes. I mean, the hotel scenes seem like they are ripped straight out of the Union Hotel arc from K7.
I don't know how I'm going to beat the last 2 Strength Gym mini-games. Just...ugh.

I didn't like the
Rank 8
Boss Fight. Why?
Well, it was too drawn out. The only reason I won was because I basically had to camp on the final part of the fight to bring him to me. It was really annoying.
A fight a couple ranks before that was pretty awesome, though.
I gotta say that between the trash game & the Gym games NMH2 has some of the most aggravating mini games ive played. I really need to get a classic controller because its a pain to try and push Z & B when you don't have any ground, and the buttons are two different sizes with different depths of button presses.

I had to just turn it off cuz i dumped 250k trying to get the 4th stamina. I kept getting to 1 second, then it would shoot me off to the side and even though i held the "almost falling" for about 3 seconds, it stops the clock when you do that, so i lost... I had to hold back from throwing my wiimote at the wall.

Other than the mini games, i'm liking the game so far. It does seem somewhat disappointing that ive only done 3 boss battles and I already have 75% of the weapons for the game, but it seems like the three weapons I have are meant to be interchanged throughout a level (one balanced, one speedy w/ less damage, one slow w/ more damage).

Going from the battle against Gurren Lagaan to the opening scene of RE4 was pretty great IMO.
I missed 1 lousy collectible in the entire game :\

I'm not going to do the final Strength mini-game either, because it's just bad.
OK, question:

I'm still playing through NMH 1. Did they get rid of the stupid overworld for the second game? Because riding that bike around is retarded.
[quote name='tsmvengy']OK, question:

I'm still playing through NMH 1. Did they get rid of the stupid overworld for the second game? Because riding that bike around is retarded.[/QUOTE]

Yep, they sure did. Its basically a dropdown menu with the two stores, side jobs, and the various missions. I was quite happy by this because i hated driving around on the bike.
Got this game from Amazon a couple of days ago. I hope to finally be able to play it today now that I finished Bayonetta. I'm excited for the lack of an overworld.
Minus the removal of the overworld, I can't really say the game is better than the first, but it's still very good. I'm up to Rank 23. The 8-bit jobs are a hell of a lot better than the jobs in the first game, which is good since they're your primary means of making money after they also took out the free missions.
After finishing the game I have to say that I am disappointed. The bosses are meh and overall there is less game.
I finished it. I'm overall happy with it. They seemed to fix nearly everything that was wrong with the first one: more types of enemies, lack of an overworld, better side jobs, not having to pay an entry fee for the fights. Transforming into the tiger was awesome.

I wish there would have been more weapons to get.
bread's done