NO MORE TALIBAN in Medal of honor!


CAG Veteran
So its official no more taliban in Medal of honor wondering what people think especially those who pre-ordered thinking they would play as taliban.I know they are only changing the name "Taliban' to "opposing force" but come on so close to release so much for holding your ground.
[quote name='Ash Burton']You can always sign up and get shipped overseas if fighting the Taliban means that much.[/QUOTE]

It's fighting as the Taliban that is at stake. But I'm sure they're accepting recruits as well.

I don't know that changing the name is going to do anything at this point. I'm not bothered by it either way.
When the British Prime Minister had voiced his concern to EA about the missions that involve playing as the aforementioned terrorist group vs Britain soldiers,

One of the lead devs at EA told the Prime Minister,"there are two sides to every story".

So much for that
Either the developers couldn't take the heat


The Taliban sent their army of lawyers to represent them and they told the developers that they did NOT have permission to have the Taliban in the game :|
As a former army ranger from back in the day of desert storm I say this is bullshit. Its bullshit what EA did and its bullshit what citizens did.

EA has no conviction, no backbone and cracked for fear of hurting sales.

The american people who complained so much about this are even worse because they decided they love americas freedom so much they would bitch until they took something away from someone else. Kind of counter active to the whole freedom thing. But then again most americans love their freedom when it comes to them getting what they want, but soon as they dont like something then they dont think you should have it.

Yes I know, this really isnt a big deal. Its just a title in a video game. But it is a big deal because its the fact something was changed because people didnt like it, and that folks is wrong. If EA wanted the taliban in there then they should have been allowed to without reprisal. If people didnt like it then in a perfect world they would have said "Well I dont agree. But its just a video game. I dont like it so I wont buy the game but anyone else should be free to decide if they want to play it or not" But sadly that isnt the real world, the real world is full of fucking morons who want to hate, bitch, complain and try to take apart anything they dont agree with and dont give a shit what the other person thinks instead of just accepting it and moving.

Lets face facts. Americans like the people who complained are fucking idiots. They are the definition of bad americans because they are pro america, pro military, pro everything red, white and blue to the point where they cant think for themselves and kneejerk defend anything considered offensive to this country.

They dont give a shit that they think its ok in the game for people to play americans killing taliban, but they think its wrong to play as taliban killing americans. That logic makes no sense to me. How come they dont bitch about you being able to play as a nazi or a japanese guy from a WW2 game online? Being a nazi is fine, but being taliban is just evil and wrong and disrespectful to the men and women of this country great and glorious god fearing righteous and most wonderful nation in this entire universe!......bullshit. And most of all, its just a video game. If you dont like it then dont buy it.

So fuck you, you closed minded dipshits that wanted it removed from the game. You need to grow up and learn to accept you wont like things in this life and if your bitching about a video game so much then you need to learn to do something constructive with your time. Freedom is not telling others that they shouldnt be playing as someone in a video game, thats the opposite of freedom.

And fuck you EA for not having the balls to stand by your conviction. I would have had more respect if they stood up in the middle of all this controversy and said "Look folks. We know your upset but this is just a video game, and its our video game. Were going to make the game we want to make. We dont expect you to agree with us but atleast realize we have as much right to make this game as you do to not like it. We will sell it and if you dont want to play it for the content then thats fine. We wont tell you your wrong for not buying it if you wont tell us were wrong for making it because thats what america is. The ability to make choices. We chose to make this game and you can chose not to play it".

And fuck the families of the fallen who bitched and complained. Your honoring the memory of your dead soldier by trying to take away a right to free speech and censoring something while that solider was supposedly "fighting for freedom"? Your a disgrace to that soldier. Besides, what about the families of people in the taliban? How come they dont have a say? Oh I forgot, because you dont give a shit about them because they are brown people from another country that doesnt agree with you.

So yes. We spent decades in their country bombing them, setting them on fire from the sky, rolling tanks down their streets and basically making fun of them on saturday night live and in comic strips and comedy satire and that was all well and fine. But oh no, they got fed up and hit us back! So now they are evil and you shouldnt be able to play as them in games. Who is the real bad guy in this?

So basically we all lose because we let the complainers win. We lose because a company compromised themselves in the face of those complainers and thus set back the ability for game developers to try riskier content with realism and do what they want in the future. No one wins here.

Either its all ok or none of its ok.
[quote name='gargus']And fuck the families of the fallen who bitched and complained. Your honoring the memory of your dead soldier by trying to take away a right to free speech and censoring something while that solider was supposedly "fighting for freedom"? Your a disgrace to that soldier. Besides, what about the families of people in the taliban? How come they dont have a say? Oh I forgot, because you dont give a shit about them because they are brown people from another country that doesnt agree with you.[/QUOTE]
:applause: at the majority of your post, but especially this part. Well said gargus. :applause::applause::applause:
[quote name='Ash Burton']You can always sign up and get shipped overseas if fighting the Taliban means that much.[/QUOTE]

They don't have respawn points overseas.
Really getting tired of how quick companies are to restrict speech and expression over fake outrage from politicians looking to get ink and phony groups that have nothing else to do.
Meh dont know what the big deal with playing as Taliban, Counterstrike and Socom have been around for years and its always SpecOps vs "Terrorists".. but don't really care.. but it does show how narrow-minded our society have become.

I'm more interested in the actual MP gameplay than however they call the other team...
[quote name='gargus']And fuck the families of the fallen who bitched and complained. Your honoring the memory of your dead soldier by trying to take away a right to free speech and censoring something while that solider was supposedly "fighting for freedom"? Your a disgrace to that soldier.[/QUOTE]/thread
Self-censorship is just as much someone's right as free speech. EA didn't change their mind on this because they were being censored by the government, they changed it because they thought going forward with it would hurt sales. They're a corporation, they are in business to make money, not create debate with regards to political free-speech.

Everyone who cheered for them exerting their free-speech in putting the taliban in the game should be cheering just as much that they decided to take it out with the exact same right to free-speech and free decision making. No one forced them to put it in the game and no one forced them to take it out, both decisions were made according to their own free will.

Then again, I don't think many people wanted the taliban in the game as a rally for free speech in the first place but rather as a way to thrive on the resulting controversy.

Myself? I could give 2 shits if they were in there or not, I wasn't buying the game either way, sorry EA but I've had my fill of "realistic military shooters" all trying to up each other with more and more controversy.
You mean to tell me now I can't buy the game, strap a bomb to my character and run headlong at other players blowing myself up while screaming Allahu Akbar over my headset?

Damn. Now what will I do for amusement.

I can't stand FPS games so this really didn't affect me either way, but I was a tad intrigued about the ability to play as the Taliban. But not enough to want to buy the game new and since EA is one of the companies doing that online voucher bullshit buying used would mean I'd have to pay those leeches $10 extra if I wanted to play online.

fuck EA. They haven't been a decent company since the days of the Sega Genesis and SNES.
I know that. Like I said, the only thing that intrigued me about this game was the ability to be able to possibly play as a Taliban in it. Without it(and due to EA's online voucher policy) it's just another FPS I'll ignore.
I think the gaming industry needs to revert back to the good ol days of Quake 3 Arena and Unreal Tournament. Just pure unadulterated killing. None of this Good guys Vs. Bad guys political crap. Enough war games already, I just want to have fun.....
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']Really getting tired of how quick companies are to restrict speech and expression over fake outrage from politicians looking to get ink and phony groups that have nothing else to do.[/QUOTE]

It's about money and it's one of the side effects of living in a corptocracy. Viewpoints that can't be exploited for maximum monetary gain are quashed.
btw it is still Taliban in the single player mode. OPFOR would actually be more appropriate as not everyone we are fighting is a Taliban
[quote name='georox']I don't see the big deal.[/QUOTE]

If people are bothered by it, spend the extra MS Points to change your Gamertag to "Taliban".
I noticed tonight in the official strat guide (didn't buy it, just looked through it) that it lists the weapons for the Coalition and the OppFor. This guide was shipped last week. Does anyone believe that this could have pulled and reprinted in the matter of a few days? I'm now leaning on the publicity stunt to increase sales side of things. fuck EA.
[quote name='Ziv']I noticed tonight in the official strat guide (didn't buy it, just looked through it) that it lists the weapons for the Coalition and the OppFor. This guide was shipped last week. Does anyone believe that this could have pulled and reprinted in the matter of a few days? I'm now leaning on the publicity stunt to increase sales side of things. fuck EA.[/QUOTE]

I thought that from the start. I didn't think they would have had time to possibly go gold, possibly go ungold, rerecord dialog, retool in-game text, possibly go gold again, and get the game to stores.
The spoken dialogue in-game wasn't redone. This censorship ordeal was half-assed and fucking stupid to begin with. I hope it does poorly and gives EA the black-eye they deserve.
bread's done