"No one wants a PS3 anymore. We are asked about the Wii every 5 minutes though."

[quote name='MSI Magus']It's because a number of people are elitest assholes who are too good to realize their own shit stinks. Honestly there are a few people at this site that really do walk around like their infalable and their shit doesnt stink and the stuff they like is clearly the best. Theres nothing wrong with AotS, it gives game news, it lets game experts debate, jokes arnt half bad. Dont get me wrong it has its stupid moments and segments like pretty much all the stuff relating to picking random people off the internet to win girl/person/video etc of the week. Some of that stuff makes me embarrased to watch the show. But thats a small part of it.

Cock on top is also one of the best phrases ever.[/quote]

I enjoy watching the show, they generally have some good features that are worth watching(The Loop, In your Pants & Game Break) and I think both Kevin and Olivia are excellent hosts. It's worth the 1 hour viewing alone to see Olivia. :drool:
I wonder if games like Motorstorm and Heavenly Sword (if they live up to the hype) will be enough to start moving PS3's? They both release around March, which isn't that far away. I think they timed it good with tax check season. I know it was actually for European launch, but it doesn't hurt that some people have a little extra coin from tax returns.
[quote name='MSI Magus']First off I dont understand why people are so down on Sonys owned/made games. While they are not Nintendo they are deffintly not bad. Sonys got enough IP that any gamer is going to want a PS3 eventually, maybe not when its $600 but after it drops to $400 or around there and we see J&D, R&C, Parappa, Killzone, God of War, Dark Cloud, Twisted Metal, Amplitude/Frequency, Everquest(my guess is they port EQ2 eventually to help its lagging sales as well as PS3s)and all the others any gamer is going to want one. Sony is not Nintendo, but they have enough IP to sell a system.

Second your wrong on the mass market. Sony is still the brand name leader and every expert in the field of video games expects them to remain on top this gen. There is a chance they can loose it, but right now as iv said before, even if Sony has dropped the ball that ball is still resting in their court.[/QUOTE]

If you've ever worked retail, you know joe blow average consumer isn't buying a PS2 for killzone, god of war, etc. They're buying Ratchet, GoW, and all those sony games, because they're on PS2, and PS2 is most popular, and PS2 has the most games.

I think it's so stupid to try to argue that just because Sony is the brand name leader, they have to stay that way. The $600 price makes it impossible for them to be the leader. The majority of people are going to go for the medium/low range priced systems, as long as they can get those shitty 3rd party sports, licensed kids movie games, and it's somewhat popular/advertised. That's all it takes.
I pcike dup a PS3. I am actually excited about more for the Blu-Ray movies that were announced at CES than games that are on the horizon. My 360 will be a primary game machine, but as a blu-ray machine, it is quite the deal.
[quote name='jer7583']If you've ever worked retail, you know joe blow average consumer isn't buying a PS2 for killzone, god of war, etc. They're buying Ratchet, GoW, and all those sony games, because they're on PS2, and PS2 is most popular, and PS2 has the most games.

I think it's so stupid to try to argue that just because Sony is the brand name leader, they have to stay that way. The $600 price makes it impossible for them to be the leader. The majority of people are going to go for the medium/low range priced systems, as long as they can get those shitty 3rd party sports, licensed kids movie games, and it's somewhat popular/advertised. That's all it takes.[/QUOTE]

Yes but while people dont buy games like Ratchet because they are Sony games but because they are on PS2....at the same time they dont realize those games then dont belong to the competition. The average consumer is ignorant and will assume Sony is the market leader and has alot of the big name games like MGS and Final Fantasy even if those franchises went to other systems. You argue that people are ignorant so they wont buy the system for price alone. I argue they are ignorant and also shallow so they WILL buy a PS3 when the price drops. See people will think Sony still has all those names, and they will think that they are the name brand and thus the best. This is just how ignorant consumers are.

Again im sorry but every topic you have come in, even if you have argued on my side you have done so rather ignorantly. You seem to honestly just hate Sonya nd want them to fail and be compltly unable to accept the fact that not only CAN they do well but they probally will. Look around, lots of gamers here think its going to happan, developers expect it to happan, journalists expect it to happan, anaylsts expect it to happan. The only people who dont expect it to happan are people like you.

You are thinking the price means the system has automatically failed when its simply not true. Most people dont buy consoles at launch or even CLOSE to launch. Look right now the PS2 is the best selling system! Most people wait till technology is in its middle stages to purhcase it and a large portion wait untill even later. This means that when most people are buying a PS3 realistically it will probally be that the Xbox 360 costs $300-$350 and the PS3 costs $400-$450. Thats a jump but the jump isnt so large that people will just automatically buy a 360, especially given as I said they will retain memory of the fact that Sony last gen was the system that MGS, Final Fantasy, Ratchet, Grand Theft Auto etc etc were on.

I want Sony to fail and Nintendo to win. This isnt because Im some rabid Nintendo fanboy. Last gen I wanted Nintendo to not do so well and Sony to win. See I want whats best for the industry. While I want Sony to fail I want it because I want them to eat some humble pie and rethink the way they are pushing the industry, while I want Nintendo to win because they are doing something innovative and cheap which I appreciate. I am betting you feel along the same lines(less your just an Xbox fanboy or flat out have always been a NIntendo fanboy). With this said you have to look at the logical side of things and pattern stuff out. Doing that its obvious that even if we want Sony to fail its not going to happan.

Ermm I should add real fast when I say I want Sony to fail it doesnt mean I want them to go the way of the dinosaur. Thats bad for the industry. I just want them to fail in the sense that they are no longer number 1.
[quote name='MSI Magus']See I want whats best for the industry.[/quote]

I'll bet you know exactly what is best for the industry. Why don't you go ahead and tell us, hmm?

While I want Sony to fail I want it because I want them to eat some humble pie and rethink the way they are pushing the industry, while I want Nintendo to win because they are doing something innovative and cheap which I appreciate.

That's some severely shallow thinking right there. Cheap is one element I won't protest, but innovative can also mean "promising." While there is a great deal of promise in the Wii, who's to say it will last in the long run? Because the DS continues to do very well? Apples and oranges, I'm afraid (and I'm sure I'll get a lot of flak for that). What happens when people want to play traditional RPGs, or action titles? They'll buy a 360 or PS3, that's what.

A fool celebrates innovation for its own sake (Power Glove, U Force, the almighty Roll N' Rocker, hell...even the N-Gage was innovative on a multiple number of bad points). A fool also discounts innovation as nothing worth considering or fearing. Sometimes innovation works and becomes mainstream (the move from cartridge to disc format, for example, or rumble technology, to name two examples). In retrospect, how "innovative" are those things? Not very, since they're commonplace now.

I find you tend to get whiny and bitch when someone's arguments don't fall in lockstep with your bullshit notions of what is good for everyone else. Let's not fool ourselves, *I'm* the person you're referring to when you discuss egotistical assholes (and I have no qualms admitting as such - just because I have an ego problem doesn't discount anything I say). You accuse others of name-calling and making illogical arguments, yet your *entire* perspective is based upon
(1) a foolish notion that innovation alone is deserving of success
(2) a foolish notion that one game company "deserves" to be on top based upon your arbitrary criteria
(3) a foolish notion that gamers will be better off with the success of one piece of nontraditional hardware
(4) a foolish notion that what you argue constitutes logic (tautology, perhaps, but not logic), and
(5) the foolish notion that your arguments, if not logical, have some sort of grounding in the reality that we live in.

In short, you remind me of the kind of student who participates in class more than anyone else, foolishly thinking that their participation will disguise the fact that they haven't done the required readings thus far, and, in the end, it is painfully obvious to everyone but that person that they have no idea what they're talking about.

With this said you have to look at the logical side of things and pattern stuff out. Doing that its obvious that even if we want Sony to fail its not going to happan.

Ermm I should add real fast when I say I want Sony to fail it doesnt mean I want them to go the way of the dinosaur. Thats bad for the industry. I just want them to fail in the sense that they are no longer number 1.

I have asked this question and received, at best, 1-2 logical answers to this question: how do gamers, as a collective, stand to benefit from Sony's fall from grace? What good do you forsee from Sony's dethroning?
[quote name='mykevermin']
I have asked this question and received, at best, 1-2 logical answers to this question: how do gamers, as a collective, stand to benefit from Sony's fall from grace? What good do you forsee from Sony's dethroning?[/quote]More equal competition? Even if they're number 1, being number 1 with 40% market share is much better for all involved (except Sony) than 80% market share.
[quote name='botticus']More equal competition? Even if they're number 1, being number 1 with 40% market share is much better for all involved (except Sony) than 80% market share.[/QUOTE]

I dont see a problem with an 80% market share(though I think Sony only had 70% last I heard), I wouldnt care if they controled the whole market. But the company has to be doing the right thing. When Nintendo was pushing their weight around and bullying developers, talking smack not only about the competition but developers and gamers who made/make them I wanted them to fall and thankfully they did. Sony has choosen to do as Nintendo before them did though so *rasberry* im hoping they fail.

As I said, I dont see market share as important. I see pushing fun and cost effective games as important. Nintendo in their innovation and keeping prices reasonable has done this. If sony had done the same what should it have mattered if they controlled the market?
[quote name='MSI Magus']Its complicated. In essence all of us try to do that. However, what happans to the industry effects the fun we have with our systems in the future. So even though I want to just sit and do nothing but play games....I find myself caring deeply about what is happaning in the industry.[/QUOTE]

The industry is better than ever. If I love my Wii half as much as my 360 then this generation will be my favorite yet. We have three companies, all trying to do something different, and who wins this generation? We do.

If there was no Microsoft and Sony, Nintendo never would have decided to go a completely different path to make themselves different. Microsoft and Sony play against each other, they constantly are trying to 1up each other, and who reaps the rewards? We do.

Having console loyalties was cool was when I was 12 and had to justify the only system my parents got me, but I don't really have to do that anymore. I'm old enough to see each system has its pros and its cons, and what some chief executive says or does behind the scenes won't make Metal Gear Solid 4 or Metroid Prime 3 any less of a game.

Do I own a PS3? No, and I don't want one right now... but if enough games came out to justify one, would I pick one up? Totally.

I'm in it for the games, nothing more, nothing less.
[quote name='botticus']More equal competition? Even if they're number 1, being number 1 with 40% market share is much better for all involved (except Sony) than 80% market share.[/QUOTE]

I'd say the size of the market is more important than the actual market share. Point taken nonetheless (though you're arguing for Sony's reduced dominance this gen, which is different entirely from hoping they lose out).
[quote name='MSI Magus']
As I said, I dont see market share as important. I see pushing fun and cost effective games as important. Nintendo in their innovation and keeping prices reasonable has done this. If sony had done the same what should it have mattered if they controlled the market?[/quote]For the most part, corporations don't innovate if they don't have to. Nintendo didn't make the Wii because they had an epiphany that it was the wave of the future, they did it because they needed to achieve better success than they did with the GameCube. So the point is, Sony more likely than not would not have done the same thing if they controlled the market.

And I can't speak for anyone else, myke, but for me, the concept of Sony "losing" has always been reduced market share. I don't have any delusions of Sony dropping out of the console race.
[quote name='botticus']For the most part, corporations don't innovate if they don't have to. Nintendo didn't make the Wii because they had an epiphany that it was the wave of the future, they did it because they needed to achieve better success than they did with the GameCube. So the point is, Sony more likely than not would not have done the same thing if they controlled the market.

And I can't speak for anyone else, myke, but for me, the concept of Sony "losing" has always been reduced market share. I don't have any delusions of Sony dropping out of the console race.[/QUOTE]

I would even say Nintendo innovated not only to achieve better success, but to totally make themselves different from the competition. They realized they could NEVER go toe to toe with MS and Sony, so they went in a whole different direction.

Without competition, all we would have gotten out of Nintendo for this gen is a Gamecube with better graphics.

I also wonder if the PSP had anything to do with Nintendo going in a radical new direction with the DS?
[quote name='Roufuss']The industry is better than ever. If I love my Wii half as much as my 360 then this generation will be my favorite yet. We have three companies, all trying to do something different, and who wins this generation? We do.

If there was no Microsoft and Sony, Nintendo never would have decided to go a completely different path to make themselves different. Microsoft and Sony play against each other, they constantly are trying to 1up each other, and who reaps the rewards? We do.

Having console loyalties was cool was when I was 12 and had to justify the only system my parents got me, but I don't really have to do that anymore. I'm old enough to see each system has its pros and its cons, and what some chief executive says or does behind the scenes won't make Metal Gear Solid 4 or Metroid Prime 3 any less of a game.

Do I own a PS3? No, and I don't want one right now... but if enough games came out to justify one, would I pick one up? Totally.

I'm in it for the games, nothing more, nothing less.[/QUOTE]

I disagree that this is the best gen. First off we will all eventually have to pony up the price for three systems. Second high prices are running rampant and MS and Sony are both now pushing by far the wrong thing for the industry. Bill Gates recently openly said that he never had intentions of getting into video games nor does he care about them. All along his intentions were to creating a multi media machine to help integrate Windows, the PC and downloadable content into the living room. The Xbox was his means of doing this, they just looked at gaming as a foot in the door. He then went on to rightly say Sony will openly admit to doing the same.

You say your in it for the games and the games alone, yet we now have a generation where it is becoming acceptable for not only prices to be at unnaceptable levels(and block busters epic visuals are being pushed over fun)but also downloadable content and general media over games. I want games, I want good games and I want them at a fair price. Again this is what I feel Nintendo is doing. MS and Sony wish to take gaming in an area...thats not about gaming.

This isnt about me having console loyalites, I never had those as a child. My whole life Iv just wanted games, as many as I could get my hands on. Like iv seen you say in other topics sometimes its disgusting how many I own and have never played. Thier my passion, their my love. And hearing people like MS and Sony say they want this industry to be about downloadable movies and getting movie players and windows I say **** them go Nintendo. Don't get me wrong, ill own a PS3 and a 360(hell I might own a 360 before a Wii if things keep up at this rate), as I said im a gamer and want to get my hands on as many games as possible. But I dont think their taking the industry in the right direction and ill be disgusted to support them. Im just too wuss willed not to ;)

[quote name='botticus']For the most part, corporations don't innovate if they don't have to. Nintendo didn't make the Wii because they had an epiphany that it was the wave of the future, they did it because they needed to achieve better success than they did with the GameCube. So the point is, Sony more likely than not would not have done the same thing if they controlled the market.

And I can't speak for anyone else, myke, but for me, the concept of Sony "losing" has always been reduced market share. I don't have any delusions of Sony dropping out of the console race.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm I think it was a mix of both. Nintendo didnt have to innovative with the DS and they took a giant risk in doing so, yet they did it anyways. How do you explain that one? And even if it sucked look at the virtual boy. I think Nintendo has always to some extent been a company about innovation and Miyamoto has said at first the Wiimote was actually just intended to be a fun $100 toy and it expanded from there.

Nintendo has prooven(both now that they are not in control and with VB/DS where they did control the market)that innovation can come from people on top or bottom and not always 100% with the motive to make money.
[quote name='MSI Magus']
Hmmm I think it was a mix of both. Nintendo didnt have to innovative with the DS and they took a giant risk in doing so, yet they did it anyways. How do you explain that one?[/QUOTE]

Are you forgetting the PSP? They had to compete with that. Imagine if they just brought out a new system with better graphics and no innovation. I think the market would be a lot different now.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Are you forgetting the PSP? They had to compete with that. Imagine if they just brought out a new system with better graphics and no innovation. I think the market would be a lot different now.[/QUOTE]

Possibly but I dont think so. First off I bet the DS had been in the making for a longer period of time then it would have taken simply to do it because of a PSP announcment. Second Nintendo OWNED the market with the Gameboy line, hell they didnt even call the DS the Gameboy DS which to me implies Sony wasnt that large of a thought. Third the PSP much like the PS3(which prooves sony doesnt learn from its mistakes)cost an insane amount of money.

I think that the DS won out for the same reason the Wii is. It was a cost effective fun system that got great word of mouth, and whenever the light came out its sexy design kicked that into overdrive. The PSP if I recall was beating the DS at first but I think people realized shortly after buying it it just wasnt worth it, stores like we are seeing with the PS3 now complained about high return rates and the DS owned.

The DS MAY have been innovation forced by Sony but I dont believe it to be so. And again look at the Virtual boy, that innovation wasnt forced.
[quote name='botticus']And I can't speak for anyone else, myke, but for me, the concept of Sony "losing" has always been reduced market share. I don't have any delusions of Sony dropping out of the console race.[/QUOTE]

No...I didn't mean quite that, but, rather, that there's a difference between wanting them to dominate less this gen, but still "take first overall," and wanting to see another company supercede them.
I'm not surprised that people aren't willing to spend $600 to play Resistance. Wii has the better exclusive right now, but PS3 has some killer games on the way. Hopefully, the poor launch numbers will lead to price cuts before the games I'm interested in (MGS4, FFXIII) are released.
Sony IS going to lose marketshare this generation. The 360 and the Wii are in much better positions to steal former PS2 only customers than the PS3 is.

How that shakes out and how Nintendo and MS use that opportunity (granted so graciously to them by Sony) will really determine this generation.

As it stands, you can't argue that the 360 is off to a commanding lead, with the Wii pulling away, and the PS3 playing catch-up. Talk about forthcoming exclusives all you want, but it's much harder to sell a system based on a newer release without the hype and buzz of a console launch.

I am not necessarily a Sony hater. I do hate the decisions they've made with PSP and PS3, two dissapointing products. Forcing formats on gamers, rediculous pricing, and overpromising/underdelivering is not the way to stay on top. I miss how things were when Sony was a competitor to the complacent Nintendo, when they had to work to prove themselves. Now they seem to take their customers for granted and attempt to steer them to their own business purposes.

What I want is I want a Sony that doesn't drown working designs by blocking them from publishing on PS2. A Sony that isn't arrogant. I wish that the new castlevanias were on PSP. They'd probably be some of the most beautiful 2D games ever made. I wish that PSP wasn't just a PSOne/PS2 port machine with crippled controls. I wish that PS3 had games worth playing, and that it was competitively priced with the 360. But none of these are the case.

Besides that, when in recent history has the most powerful system EVER been on top of a console generation?
My local GameCrazy manager told me that they haven't sold a PS3 since four days before Christmas.

(And that was only one.)

They can't keep the Wii or 360 on the shelves.
[quote name='jer7583']Sony IS going to lose marketshare this generation. The 360 and the Wii are in much better positions to steal former PS2 only customers than the PS3 is.

How that shakes out and how Nintendo and MS use that opportunity (granted so graciously to them by Sony) will really determine this generation.

As it stands, you can't argue that the 360 is off to a commanding lead, with the Wii pulling away, and the PS3 playing catch-up. Talk about forthcoming exclusives all you want, but it's much harder to sell a system based on a newer release without the hype and buzz of a console launch.

I am not necessarily a Sony hater. I do hate the decisions they've made with PSP and PS3, two dissapointing products. Forcing formats on gamers, rediculous pricing, and overpromising/underdelivering is not the way to stay on top. I miss how things were when Sony was a competitor to the complacent Nintendo, when they had to work to prove themselves. Now they seem to take their customers for granted and attempt to steer them to their own business purposes.

What I want is I want a Sony that doesn't drown working designs by blocking them from publishing on PS2. A Sony that isn't arrogant. I wish that the new castlevanias were on PSP. They'd probably be some of the most beautiful 2D games ever made. I wish that PSP wasn't just a PSOne/PS2 port machine with crippled controls. I wish that PS3 had games worth playing, and that it was competitively priced with the 360. But none of these are the case.

Besides that, when in recent history has the most powerful system EVER been on top of a console generation?[/QUOTE]

I'm not arguing that Sony isnt going to loose market share...they are going to loose it and loose ALOT of it. As iv said before its automatically a lose for them this generation that they are going to fall from a 70% market share to under 40%.

As for everything else you said, again I think your looking at peices of a puzzle but not the whole puzzle. Things like the most powerfull system usually dont win are true. But again Sony holds the market share right now, is predicted by everyone to hold it, and owns the name brand as well as is currently getting the best third party support. These things could change but they probally wont. As iv said a ton I dont think it isnt possible for MS or Nintendo to pull a win this generation, its just not the most probable outcome. People still want a PS3 and want one bad, just not at its current price point.
I stopped by Target and CC today.

Target had 6 PS3s just sitting there, and 0 Wiis. And Circuit City had 10 PS3s, and 0 Wiis.

(This was at about 4:30 PM.)
Don't worry for Sony It's a marathon not a sprint. The mistake they made is thinking blue ray is going to be the next DVD. If there had been a unified format for nex gen dvd's I think the ps3 would not be as hated as it is now. Now Sony is forcing us to make not just one entertainment choice but two. Ps3 games and Blu ray movies. And a lot of people are skeptical right now that Blu ray will make it, hence the hesitation of purchasing. Plus it's just not that big of leap as DVD was over VHS as of this time. Ps2 was big because unlike the dreamcast which had comprable graphics it didn't play dvd movies. In the end nobody holds domiance in this industry for very long. (other than gameboy). Ussually it's one generation strong, second generation challenged, third generation set back behind competition. Atari (1and done), Nintendo =Nes dominates, SNES challenged by SEGA, N64 loses to Sony, GC loses to xbox and sony. Sony ps1 dominates Sega and Nintendo, Ps2 beats SEGA challenged by XBOX and GC. MS wins tactical advantage by releasing early holds lead for now.
I was in Best Buy earlier and this is what I saw.

Wasn't Best Buy hoarding PS3's or something? Because Best Buy is the only place I've seen many PS3's at once. Everywhere else usually has only 1-3 or so.
[quote name='whoknows']Wasn't Best Buy hoarding PS3's or something? Because Best Buy is the only place I've seen many PS3's at once. Everywhere else usually has only 1-3 or so.[/QUOTE]

I imagine Best Buy is able to order a lot more than GameStop/EB is per store, and probably is able to hold more inventory than most Wal-Marts with the space allowed. There's been no hoarding of PS3s, they just aren't selling at an equal pace with the supply that's being provided.
[quote name='jer7583']I imagine Best Buy is able to order a lot more than GameStop/EB is per store, and probably is able to hold more inventory than most Wal-Marts with the space allowed. There's been no hoarding of PS3s, they just aren't selling at an equal pace with the supply that's being provided.[/QUOTE]

Well it was reported but not confirmed a few weeks ago that Walmart said they would not be ordering any more PS3s till the stock they had sold. So it could be Walmart and Gamestop have small stock because they are ordering on a as need basis where the guys at best buy at first figured we will sell as many PS3s as they can ship us...and never switched from that.
I finally saw some PS3s in a store. I was at Target yesterday picking up some food when I decided to check the electronics department. I saw 4 PS3 boxes (all 60GB) and decided to take a closer look to see if they were the real deal. They sure were, with a sign saying "Playstation 3, 60GB available!". But I was the only one looking at it... there was a mom with 2 kids looking at the DS games and two college kids looking at the 360 games.
It was comical, there wasn't a DS or a Wii in the store. My daughter counted 59 of them, so I guess they had 60 and sold one.
Sony can still win the next generation!
Drop the PS2's price to $100, bring in a new, even smaller/sexier form factor, and start a whole new games push for them! If nintendo can show that graphics don't really matter with the Wii, Sony can oneup them with the PS2!

For bonus value, rerelease PS2 at $250 with built in blu ray player.
[quote name='Backlash']I wouldn't buy a PS3 even if it was $300 right now - there just aren't any games I want on it yet. Give it time to build a decent library, especially some great exclusives.[/quote]

if it even gets many exclusives now. a lot of the developers are baking out of their deals with sony to have the "exclusives" come out multiplatform because of the lackluster sales.
[quote name='Fox5']Sony can still win the next generation!
Drop the PS2's price to $100, bring in a new, even smaller/sexier form factor, and start a whole new games push for them! If nintendo can show that graphics don't really matter with the Wii, Sony can oneup them with the PS2!

For bonus value, rerelease PS2 at $250 with built in blu ray player.[/QUOTE]

Id love it if Sony said meh fuck the PS3 and choose to instead just push the PS2.
[quote name='botticus']

And I can't speak for anyone else, myke, but for me, the concept of Sony "losing" has always been reduced market share. I don't have any delusions of Sony dropping out of the console race.[/QUOTE]

I agree with you Botticus. I've said many times I'd like all 3 companies to level out. This will keep Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft wanting to win over gamers, and when that happens, we all win.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Id love it if Sony said meh fuck the PS3 and choose to instead just push the PS2.[/quote]

Yeah. And we all wish Toyota will bring back the Supra Mark IV.
:rofl: Seriously though, someone at that Best Buy is definetly trying to be a smartass. They never put that much stock of anything (especially video games) out on the floor.
[quote name='Demontooth']We went back into the same Best Buy last night, it looks like they sold 3 in the 24 hour period.


Thank you my friend for posting this pic because the more of them that sit on shelves Sony is going to have to drop the price more sooner than later and even though I don't really want one my girl loves Sony so it will be cheaper for me to pick her up a PS3 hopefully by the end of the year.
[quote name='cdeener']Thank you my friend for posting this pic because the more of them that sit on shelves Sony is going to have to drop the price more sooner than later and even though I don't really want one my girl loves Sony so it will be cheaper for me to pick her up a PS3 hopefully by the end of the year.[/QUOTE]

Dropping the price now would show weakness. The smart thing to do would be a price drop on the first big exclusive title, be it DMC4, MGS4, or FFXIII. If those don't end up in some form on the 360.
Well, I went to Walmart today, and much like everyone, they have them in stock. Didn't actually see any sitting out, but they had flyers saying "Yes, PS3's are available, please check with Cashier in Electronics Dept."

Not a single Wii or DS though....nor any Wii accessories yet.
[quote name='Fox5']Sony can still win the next generation!
Drop the PS2's price to $100, bring in a new, even smaller/sexier form factor, and start a whole new games push for them! If nintendo can show that graphics don't really matter with the Wii, Sony can oneup them with the PS2!

Hasn't the PS2 outsold everything except the DS for the last several months (if not all of last year)? It seems like it's always way up on the lists each month, though I haven't been paying too much attention, in truth.
Ya know, I used to think the PlayStation name was so powerful that the PS3 would sell out even at $600. But man, this is only 2 months into its launch and they are sitting like that? Troubling to say the least.
[quote name='Backlash']Hasn't the PS2 outsold everything except the DS for the last several months (if not all of last year)? It seems like it's always way up on the lists each month, though I haven't been paying too much attention, in truth.[/QUOTE]

The PS2 has outsold everything period im pretty sure. however to be fair both the Wii and DS have been selling out of all stock shipped to stores....so who knows the numbers they could do if Nintendo ever actually shipped proper numbers.
[quote name='botticus']:lol: So they went out and confirmed internet anecdotes with their own anecdotes? Nice.

If they want to report on it as a news outlet, go talk to corporate retail offices and ask about chain-wide product availability.[/quote]screw corporate. all they do is blow smoke up your butt (especially sony). we all know whats going on here, and it sucks for sony.
Unfortunealty for sony the biggest competition for the PS3 is the PS2. I know M$ likes to say they see the Wii (or PS3 depending on the speech) as their biggest competition. But I think the PS2 is everyones foe right now and will be for a while to come. As long as the prices of the other consoles stay high and developers keep supporting it, how can you beat it?
[quote name='nintendokid']Yeah. And we all wish Toyota will bring back the Supra Mark IV.[/quote]

It was going to be released this year but it was supposed to be a "Lexus". Now I hear word there's a new concept that looks similiar to a supra, but I don't remember the name. Rumors for $$$ is 100k.
That is basically what I heard at TRU today. Someone asked about the Wii they were told they were OOS but they had plenty of PS3's in stock.
Is the Wii even being shipped anymore? I talked to a salesman at BB this weekend, and he said they haven't got any shipments since before Christmas. The guy at EB said pretty much the same thing. They both did say they usually don't know what's coming in until they get it, so they couldn't even tell me when they might have one. And yes they both had plenty of 360s and PS3s. Why do they put those big walls of 360s right in front of the store? Almost seems dangerous.
bread's done