No third party online play for Wii until 2008?

Should mention 3rd party in there. Not terribly surprising, though still disappointing.

Guess I'll be waiting on Madden 09 then. As long as Battalion Wars 2 is out this year with online, I'll be happy. That game needs co-op.

As a follow-up, one of the comments there quotes Reggie as saying third-parties have received dev kits for online, so that's a positive:

Finally, Pokémon Battle Revolution is still being lined up as the system's first online title in the US, with Third Parties now receiving online development kits so that titles with online features will start to come in the very near future from all quarters. This will definitely be music to the ears of both gaming fans and developers such as Activision, Majesco and Square Enix, all of which have discussed Wii's online plans in recent months.,_Pok%C3%A9mon_
Wait this happened what two months ago:


Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime has confirmed that Wii gamers will be able to play games online from the second quarter of 2007. Reggie's pledge came in an interview with SpikeTV's Game Head show (which saw the Ninty president indulging in some bowling - of both the real-life and Wii variety), where he also let slip that more Wii channels were in the works. "The multiplayer is coming. During the Japanese launch, there is Pokémon Battle Revolution, and that's really the first one. There will be titles that we'll be announcing in first quarter 2007, that'll be multiplayer-enabled. So during second quarter 2007, people will be able to have a multiplayer experience on Wii."

I think someone has got the quotes messed up from SNK or SNK just doesnt know whats up..
Meh. No skin off my nose as there isn't really anything third party I'm looking forward to and I'm not a big fan of online gaming anyway.
Honestly if you want to play online Nintendo's consoles aren't exactly the place to be looking. With the DS the online ended up as a welcome addition but I didn't expect too much from the outset. I'm doing the same with the I have a 360 so I'm good to go.
[quote name='evanft']There's no excuse for this.[/quote]
I'm sure there are lots of excuses for this.

Some options include:
a) We want to concentrate on single player and in person multiplayer experiences

b) We're still working on getting all of the elements in place (Live didnt launch with the xbox1)

c) We dont see the need to focus on it, as the PS2 did fine with no coherent online strategy, and the market leader in online gaming doesnt exactly make a great deal of money.

d) We want a 3rd party to show that they can put together a coherent game before releasing crap that everyone will buy just because they can play it online.
[quote name='Snake2715']Still from what I posted this is all wrong info to begin with.[/quote]What you quoted is just speaking about online gaming in general, SNK is only speaking to what third-parties are dealing with. First party online games will be out this year (Pokemon Battle Revolution, Battalion Wars 2, Mario Strikers Charged, at the least).
[quote name='botticus']What you quoted is just speaking about online gaming in general, SNK is only speaking to what third-parties are dealing with. First party online games will be out this year (Pokemon Battle Revolution, Battalion Wars 2, Mario Strikers Charged, at the least).[/QUOTE]

Ahh I see.

Thanks for the clarification..
Stop crapping out endless PSP-to-Wii-to-PS2-back to PSP-second-verse-same-as-the-first ports, Mr. Third Party, and I will more than forgive you for not implementing online play for the Wii in 2007.

Priorities, man. Priorities.

EDIT: Am I the only one that's starting to consider the previously absurd, that is, that Corruption (first-party, sure, but whatever) might slip into Q1 '08? The longer it goes, the more likely it's because of the online component, right?
I know that a lot of CAGers enjoy their XBL, but does Xbox Live actually make money?

I cant blame Nintendo for wanting to take their time if the return on investment isnt looking too hot.
[quote name='foltzie']I know that a lot of CAGers enjoy their XBL, but does Xbox Live actually make money?

I cant blame Nintendo for wanting to take their time if the return on investment isnt looking too hot.[/QUOTE]

That is so hard to calculate.. How many of X game would have sold had it not been online enabled. Thats the real hard to answer question.

Xboxlive kits and etc may just supplement the income generated.

At least thats my take.
[quote name='foltzie']I know that a lot of CAGers enjoy their XBL, but does Xbox Live actually make money?

I cant blame Nintendo for wanting to take their time if the return on investment isnt looking too hot.[/QUOTE]

It does now. It didn't for the first couple years I believe. But the thing is nearly five years old (for consumers atleast) by this point so they'd lop it off at the stump if the thing wasn't turning a profit. Microsoft spent a while setting the thing up as well.

My guess this is why Nintendo is seen as "dragging their feet" regarding their online status. Sure, compared to an established system in place...having no 3rd party online games till 2008 looks pretty weak. But assuming Nintendo didn't really start this till 2004-ish, they're probably on schedule.

On a personal side note, I didn't really purchase a Wii with the intention of playing it online. The only thing I'd be interested in is updated content.
Surprisingly I kinda agree there with Panasonic. I could really care less about online gameplay like most. I like playing with friends and such face to face.

Now...since I do move a lot, I am looking forward to certain games online like Smash Bros, Mario Kart, FF:CC. Those I won't mind playing online and hell get on vent or ts or something and talk while we play.

Also I'm more interested in updates as well than gaming online. Even the games I am interested online for the most part are 1st party anyways. Still, it'll be nice of course, but to me it's not much of a letdown...except since it says no third party online till '08 makes me sad cause that means there's no FF:CC to look forward to this year.
[quote name='D4rkewolfe']Surprisingly I kinda agree there with Panasonic. I could really care less about online gameplay like most. I like playing with friends and such face to face.

Now...since I do move a lot, I am looking forward to certain games online like Smash Bros, Mario Kart, FF:CC. Those I won't mind playing online and hell get on vent or ts or something and talk while we play.

Also I'm more interested in updates as well than gaming online. Even the games I am interested online for the most part are 1st party anyways. Still, it'll be nice of course, but to me it's not much of a letdown...except since it says no third party online till '08 makes me sad cause that means there's no FF:CC to look forward to this year.[/quote]The way Square's been talking, they won't put FF: CC online anyway. The DS version currently isn't expected to have Wi-Fi, I don't know that I expect the Wii version to be any different.
[quote name='terribledeli']It does now. It didn't for the first couple years I believe. But the thing is nearly five years old (for consumers atleast) by this point so they'd lop it off at the stump if the thing wasn't turning a profit. Microsoft spent a while setting the thing up as well.

My guess this is why Nintendo is seen as "dragging their feet" regarding their online status. Sure, compared to an established system in place...having no 3rd party online games till 2008 looks pretty weak. But assuming Nintendo didn't really start this till 2004-ish, they're probably on schedule.

On a personal side note, I didn't really purchase a Wii with the intention of playing it online. The only thing I'd be interested in is updated content.[/QUOTE]

I dont mean to be curt, but you arent giving any facts other than suggesting that Microsoft would kill the XBL program if it didnt make money. Microsoft's entire game division has never made money, acording to their own financial statements (save for the quarter when Halo 2 was released).

Personally, I assume that XBL mirrors the rest of the game division in that it currently doesnt make Microsoft any money, but its accepted as part of the process to build the Xbox brand. I'm willing to be corrected of course.
Personally I put no validity to the story because it came from SPONG couple with Reggie's comments from a couple of weeks ago. Third Parties have kits. Lastly, when you actually track down the source, all the way back. It looks like he is almost strictly commenting on the Virtual Console. However, there seems to be room for interpretation, and who's to say that SNK hasn't gotten kits and he's all sour grapes about it.
[quote name='panasonic']a 360 and ps3 are for online gaming and a wii is for friends and family playing with each other,[/quote]

a wii is for online gaming and a 360 and ps3 are for friends and family playing with each other.
To reiterate what Tebunker said, there's no specification as to whether this even applies to the Wii games or just the virtual console. My guess is it's just the VC as Dev kits are out for third parties to do what they want. Someone ran away with comments and tried to make it news. Then someone brought it here like it was true, this is how bad rumors spread so fast, like Capcom being bought out by MS. Yeah, thanks, 'kay, bye.
[quote name='mastarecoil']a wii is for online gaming and a 360 and ps3 are for friends and family playing with each other.[/quote]

:bouncy:thanks for setting me straight i was confused
[quote name='botticus']What you quoted is just speaking about online gaming in general, SNK is only speaking to what third-parties are dealing with. First party online games will be out this year (Pokemon Battle Revolution, Battalion Wars 2, Mario Strikers Charged, at the least).[/quote]Woah, woah, woah woah woah, no one told me the memo that Mario Strikers had Wifi, this changes everything. Seriously though I could care less that third parties don't have wifi till 2008, every game now except for like 3 have been well not as they could be. I would rather wait for developers to get the Wii and put good online games out there rather then there being crap.
[quote name='mastarecoil']a wii is for online gaming and a 360 and ps3 are for friends and family playing with each other.[/QUOTE]

And the internet is for playing with yourself, apparently. ;)

Whatever. Not to sound like a broken record, but I wasn't expecting anything online until November 2007 or so anyway, just based on how long it took Live to launch.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']...Seriously though I could care less that third parties don't have wifi till 2008...[/quote]

Look, I don't care if you think I'm an arrogant asshole, but it's " I COULD NOT CARE LESS." If you COULD care less, why don't you? It makes no sense whatsoever when someone says "I could care less," so can we please not ever say that shit anymore? Please? I don't mean to single you out, Sir_Fragalot, and I'm sorry if I simply come accross as an arrogant cunt.

(Psychotic-being-a-bitch-rant ends here)

I'm kind of glad I'm extremely busy building up my portfolio right now. Seems that the Wii is catering to my needs perfectly, since I can only play about one game at a time. Being that I'm married, this implies that I am a damn loser.

Frowny face to the max about the news.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I'm sure there are lots of excuses for this.

Some options include:
a) We want to concentrate on single player and in person multiplayer experiences[/QUOTE]

Yeah, so?

[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']b) We're still working on getting all of the elements in place (Live didnt launch with the xbox1)[/QUOTE]

They've had almost 6 fucking years to get their act together. The fucking Dreamcast had online play. There's no reason the Wii shouldn't have had online play from day one.

[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']c) We dont see the need to focus on it, as the PS2 did fine with no coherent online strategy, and the market leader in online gaming doesnt exactly make a great deal of money.[/QUOTE]

The PS2 had a shitload of exclusives, a massive installed base, and was barely challenged for much of its life. Microsoft doesn't make money cause they know investing in online play now will pay off long-term.

[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']d) We want a 3rd party to show that they can put together a coherent game before releasing crap that everyone will buy just because they can play it online.[/QUOTE]

And so fucking what if people buy a game just to play it online? That puts more money into Nintendo's pocket, encourages third-party development, and shows that people want online play, even if it isn't that great of a game.
bread's done