Non-Wii Owners asking Wii Owners questions!


13 (100%)
Ok I have renamed the thread to allow people to ask questions in this thread to people who have the Wii already... I have started it with 10 questions. As this thread grows I will start cleaning this up and add the information here.

Ok, now that you got your Wii (mine isn't for another 2 years, or until its $100 and black)

a few questions

1. How does the Wii mote feel? Cheap? Light?

2. The speaker on the Wii-mote does it just beep or actually reproduce a sound transmitted from the Wii (like a voice or music).

3. Does the sensor bar give you 180 degree coverage for the remote or do you have to be right in the middle.

4. What's the Wii bios boot mode look like?

5. What is the boot time of the unit from bios boot to game boot title screen?

6. Does your hand feel cramped/sweaty after a few hours of use on the wii mote?

7. Do you think there will be a redesign of the remote after awhile (similar to what they did to the first xbox controler?)

8. Can you examine the files you put on your SD card on your PC or does the Wii format the card in away that you cannot read the files on anything outside of a Wii.

9. Is there a tray for the smaller game cube games or does it get sucked in to the Wii in the standard slot?

10. How noisy/Quite is the Wii compared to the PS3/360/GC/PS2? interms of idle mode and game playing mode(disc reading)
[quote name='ITDEFX']Ok, now that you got your Wii (mine isn't for another 2 years, or until its $100 and black)

a few questions

1. How does the Wii mote feel? Cheap? Light?

2. The speaker on the Wii-mote does it just beep or actually reproduce a sound transmitted from the Wii (like a voice or music).

3. Does the sensor bar give you 180 degree coverage for the remote or do you have to be right in the middle.

4. What's the Wii bios boot mode look like?

5. What is the boot time of the unit from bios boot to game boot title screen?

6. Does your hand feel cramped/sweaty after a few hours of use on the wii mote?

7. Do you think there will be a redesign of the remote after awhile (similar to what they did to the first xbox controler?)

8. Can you examine the files you put on your SD card on your PC or does the Wii format the card in away that you cannot read the files on anything outside of a Wii.

9. Is there a tray for the smaller game cube games or does it get sucked in to the Wii in the standard slot?

10. How noisy/Quite is the Wii compared to the PS3/360/GC/PS2? interms of idle mode and game playing mode(disc reading)[/quote]

1. It's not only comfortable, it's durable and has a good solid feel to it. I've knocked over a lot of things with it through my flailing arms and it still is in perfect condition.

2. You can hear sword sounds, rackets hitting a tennis ball.... although muffled and low quality, you can distinguish the sounds.

3. I've got a 55" HDTV and I can be on either side of my couch and it will be detected. There's 2 sensors in the Wii controller: the infared which has about a 12 feet distance and some other thing inside. For example, I can walk around in Zelda from upstairs of my house, but I can't aim the slingshot unless I'm in front of the sensor bar.

4. Who cares? It's pretty standard. 480p makes the text much better.

5. It's about 15 seconds from power on. This is a guess.

6. My cousin and I played tennis and Wii sports for about 7 hours. Our forearms mainly were aching, and we were sweating, but there was no carpel tunnel syndrom happening.

7. I think there will be a redesign with a higher quality internal speaker. As far as shape and size and weight, it seems pretty damned good where it is right now and I'm not a fanboy just saying this.

8. Someone else is going to have to answer this. I don't own an SD card.

9. It gets sucked in like the other games and what you've seen on video online.

10. It's much quieter than the Gamecube and Xbox. I can't even hear the disc loading in Wii Sports or Zelda. I just put my ear up to it and yeah, it's really well designed dude.
My Wii is in the mail :whistle2:(, but my brother actually woke up early and went to Target, so...

1. It doesn't feel cheap and it has a good amount of weight to it (with the batteries anyway) if you really want to feel it, just go to a Gamestop and play Excite Truck.

2. It doesn't beep, it plays real sounds. It's not incredible, but it does its job.

3. You have to be pretty much in front of it (not directly in front, but like 45 degrees on each side from the midline or so), you can be over to the side, but it makes it more difficult to control.

4. Boot mode? I don't know exactly what you're talking about, and I didn't really pay attention to the system turning on, so I dunno.

5. The game takes a few seconds to load once you put one in and go to the disc menu (if it hasn't already loaded), that's all I know.

6. Not enough experience, sorry

7. I doubt there will be a remote redesign, but if third parties get into it I'm sure there will be some funky-ass ones

8. No idea, sorry

9. Same slot

10. You don't hear a god damn thing (I haven't actually heard it run in an absolutely silent room though...)

Somebody will come along and help you out more I'm sure.
Is there any way to get past the screens that remind you to strap the wiimote to your hand? It's really not that big of a deal at all, but I'm just curious.
intresting.......what I mean by bios boot mode is what you see when ever any system boots up, for example the cube boots up with the cube laying down tracks to form a "G"... what is the Wii boot logo animation looks like?
Ok, now that you got your Wii (mine isn't for another 2 years, or until its $100 and black)

a few questions

1. How does the Wii mote feel? Cheap? Light?

EXCELLENT. I wish it was a bit heavier though. Very durable and you will find that no matter what you will find yourself flailing all over the place.

2. The speaker on the Wii-mote does it just beep or actually reproduce a sound transmitted from the Wii (like a voice or music).

Plays sounds. As the other poster said. It does it's job.

3. Does the sensor bar give you 180 degree coverage for the remote or do you have to be right in the middle.

I haven't had any problems moving somewhere where it didn't work perfectly.

6. Does your hand feel cramped/sweaty after a few hours of use on the wii mote?

Mine hasn't though a couple times my arm has gone tingly from swinging to hard.

7. Do you think there will be a redesign of the remote after awhile (similar to what they did to the first xbox controler?)

Don't see why. It's really good.

10. How noisy/Quite is the Wii compared to the PS3/360/GC/PS2? interms of idle mode and game playing mode(disc reading)

Very quiet

I can honestly say with as much anticipation as i had for this system, i thought there was no way i wouldn't be let down somehow. I can say that i haven't at all. It is everything i was hoping for. Now if we can just get to the first full fledged baseball game.
[quote name='ITDEFX']judging by these answers on the noise level, I take it there is no fan then to produce the noise?[/quote]
I know for a fact there's a fan on the back and I'm pretty sure there's one on the bottom (right side if sitting horizontally, maybe just a vent). They're just tiny fans so they don't make much noise.
There is a fan on the back, it's just not loud enough to really notice.

I would say the sensor bar has a range of about 120 degrees or so. Once you start getting out of range, the cursor starts shaking. Also, you need to be at least about a foot away from the sensor bar for the cursor to even show up on the screen.

If you want, I'll make a little video of the boot-up process of the system from stand-by to the channel screen. I don't believe the system boots up straight to a game, you have to choose the disc channel first.
[quote name='GrimNecroWizard']Is there any way to get past the screens that remind you to strap the wiimote to your hand? It's really not that big of a deal at all, but I'm just curious.[/QUOTE]

I think they are trying to NOT get sued if the Wiimote flys and hits someone. Americans love to sue.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']There is a fan on the back, it's just not loud enough to really notice.

I would say the sensor bar has a range of about 120 degrees or so. Once you start getting out of range, the cursor starts shaking. Also, you need to be at least about a foot away from the sensor bar for the cursor to even show up on the screen.

If you want, I'll make a little video of the boot-up process of the system from stand-by to the channel screen. I don't believe the system boots up straight to a game, you have to choose the disc channel first.[/QUOTE]

oh please make that video of the boot screen (with sound?) and post it.
thank you.
[quote name='ITDEFX']oh please make that video of the boot screen (with sound?) and post it.
thank you.[/quote]

Really, what's the point? Is this going to be a purchasing decision? If you're interested in it, buy it. It really is a futile question you're asking of us.
[quote name='nirv']Really, what's the point? Is this going to be a purchasing decision? If you're interested in it, buy it. It really is a futile question you're asking of us.[/QUOTE]

just curious... I can always wait til some fool posts it on youtube
1. How does the Wii mote feel? Cheap? Light?

Light but not cheap, fits perfect in my hand. The remote is so much better than I imagined it.

2. The speaker on the Wii-mote does it just beep or actually reproduce a sound transmitted from the Wii (like a voice or music).

This was biggest surprise. The sound is actually very good and it really adds to the experience. The best example is tennis, it makes the wind sound when you swing, and a very real sounding thump when you hit the ball.

3. Does the sensor bar give you 180 degree coverage for the remote or do you have to be right in the middle.

Couldn't really tell you, because i have been sitting in the middle or a few feet to either side. I have no control issues so far.

4. What's the Wii bios boot mode look like?

Not sure.

5. What is the boot time of the unit from bios boot to game boot title screen?

Very fast to main menu. menus are fast. Load times are very good, a little slow in Madden when going to different mini games.

6. Does your hand feel cramped/sweaty after a few hours of use on the wii mote?

I played 10 hours straight today, hands feel perfect. Another thing that surprised me.

7. Do you think there will be a redesign of the remote after awhile (similar to what they did to the first xbox controler?)

No need. Unless people with bigger hands have a complaint. It feels perfect to me.

8. Can you examine the files you put on your SD card on your PC or does the Wii format the card in away that you cannot read the files on anything outside of a Wii.

Haven't used an SD card.

9. Is there a tray for the smaller game cube games or does it get sucked in to the Wii in the standard slot?

Same Slot.

10. How noisy/Quite is the Wii compared to the PS3/360/GC/PS2? interms of idle mode and game playing mode(disc reading)

I can't even hear it from 6 - 7 feet away. Quieter than my 360.
1. How does the Wii mote feel? Cheap? Light?

Not too light and not cheap at all.

2. The speaker on the Wii-mote does it just beep or actually reproduce a sound transmitted from the Wii (like a voice or music).

Transmits actual sounds. Pretty cool and is a nice touch. The speaker quality is very fuzzy though.

3. Does the sensor bar give you 180 degree coverage for the remote or do you have to be right in the middle.

ummm, not sure what you mean exactly. It seems to adjust if you move.

4. What's the Wii bios boot mode look like?
I get a seizure warning, then it goes to the dash. No "Wii" splash screen.

5. What is the boot time of the unit from bios boot to game boot title screen?

not too long

6. Does your hand feel cramped/sweaty after a few hours of use on the wii mote?

sweaty, but not cramped. I get sweaty hands from controllers anyways. My arms feel a bit worked after playing a bunch of Wii Boxing

7. Do you think there will be a redesign of the remote after awhile (similar to what they did to the first xbox controler?)

i dunno. kinda too early to say. I don't see any major limitations or problems with it.

8. Can you examine the files you put on your SD card on your PC or does the Wii format the card in away that you cannot read the files on anything outside of a Wii.


9. Is there a tray for the smaller game cube games or does it get sucked in to the Wii in the standard slot?

sucked in

10. How noisy/Quite is the Wii compared to the PS3/360/GC/PS2? interms of idle mode and game playing mode(disc reading)

pretty much silent.
[quote name='ITDEFX']thanks for the video........awww no neat boot/flash screen :whistle2:([/quote]

But it goes from power button press to main screen in under 10 seconds (not an exageration - from the time the machine turns on, it's only about a 5 count until you're in the main screen).
I got a question for you guys. Anyone have a Wavebird and will the wavebird adapter fit on top of the console in the Gamecube controller slots.

I was concerned because the door swings one way and I wasn;'t sure how the rectangular adapter would fit. Or if there would be any interference.
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']I got a question for you guys. Anyone have a Wavebird and will the wavebird adapter fit on top of the console in the Gamecube controller slots.

I was concerned because the door swings one way and I wasn;'t sure how the rectangular adapter would fit. Or if there would be any interference.[/quote]

You can take the door off. ;)
Did anyone try to attach a mass storage device (ext hdd or thumb drive) to the USB ports to see if they are recognized?
[quote name='hdtvrand']Did anyone try to attach a mass storage device (ext hdd or thumb drive) to the USB ports to see if they are recognized?[/QUOTE]

good question.........anyone?
Wow, can't believe no one else could answer the SD card question - that was pretty much one of the first things I did when I turned it on. I had placed a pre-formatted (I assume, as my computer recognized it right away) in my laptop and dumped pictures into a folder called "Pictures" and mp3's into a folder called "Music", all with subfolders with different types of pictures and albums.

The Wii had NO problem finding the 224 pictures IMMEDIATELY and I could set the slide show music to be any of the mp3's I had loaded on the card. VERY easy, VERY fast, VERY intuitive. The slide show is nice in that it plays them in date order - I haven't gotten around to organizing and renaming my digicam pictures from the last 2 years. Now I don't have to - it will play them in the right order anyway, even though they are named by number (which turned over recently so alphabetical order wouldn't be right).

The only problem is that I fixed a few pictures on the card (color balancing or rotation mostly) and those ended up with new dates so they are out of order. I'm sure there's some way to fix that, though.
[quote name='Kuros']Already saw a topic where a guy lost grip of his Wiimote and destroyed his LCD.


Hehe - I wondered how much that would happen Sunday. When my son started playing Wii Boxing I was a bit worried he was going to punch out the front of our rear-projection TV. He kept creeping closer and closer to the TV while flailing about furiously. We had to tell him every 30 seconds to back up :lol:. he did smack the Wiimote into a wooden chair a bit earlier too. I have a feeling we may go through a few of them before it is all over.
bread's done