Nooo! Episodes from Liberty City PS3 finally listed... $50


Do not touch.
61 (100%)
I've been checking, and practically every day waiting for them to list Eps from Liberty City PS3. It's $40 in the US and $40 CAD through the PS store, but the retail version finally appeared in FS and BB's online store today for $50. I thought most games were coming out at equal pricing to the US again, aren't most new games now $60? I wanted the physical copy vs the DLC but if I save $10 I'll go with the DLC. Maybe Amazon will come through, but they're selling the 360 version at $50 already. Lame.
Oh wow, Microsoft's 50 million dollar exclusivity contract finally wore off eh? Glad I waited before I got this game, now I can get it for PS3. I guess whichever becomes dirt cheap first lol!

Thanks for the good news!
Join my gameshare for it and you can get it for 1/5 the price! (Also getting DA: Awakening)

But that is pretty dumb, it will sell less retail copies. Even Dragon Age Awakening is $44.99 when the PSN will sell it for $39.99
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[quote name='DoubleStop'] Even Dragon Age Awakening is $44.99 when the PSN will sell it for $39.99[/QUOTE]

Is that so... :whistle2:k Hmm. I've been contemplating whether I'll get it retail or just on the PSN. The only thing good about getting it retail is that I plan on doing the power trade at EB, so it would be less.

I'm assuming buying it in retail will provide you with a disc (like how GTA Episodes on 360 was a disc), unlike how Lost and the Damned in retail was just a redemption code. Right?
Yeah you will get a disc. I think one bonus of buying the retail copy is that it is a standalone version (you dont need the gta4 disc), but with the dlc you do
If you're involved in a gameshare or want to start a gameshare, the PSN is a no-brainer. I think this, as well as Dragon Age: Awakening are shareable, correct?
[quote name='game_fanatic']If you're involved in a gameshare or want to start a gameshare, the PSN is a no-brainer. I think this, as well as Dragon Age: Awakening are shareable, correct?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I have one going for both of them, still need 2 maybe 3 more people if anyone wants to join
[quote name='DoubleStop']Yeah you will get a disc. I think one bonus of buying the retail copy is that it is a standalone version (you dont need the gta4 disc), but with the dlc you do[/QUOTE]
Thanks, you make me feel better for pre-ordering the PS3 disc at EB (old T3G1F I asked to switch to GTA 4 episodes, got $20 back in EB credit, so more like a "T2" now).

I traded my PS3 GTA4 disc in a trade at EB because it was over $8+, so I would not want to buy it again to use a DLC.
I'll pay the few extra dollars for a disc, case, and manual. Less stuff to have sitting on the HDD and I'd rather use PSN for the small stuff that DL's in a minute or two.
[quote name='DPsx7']I'll pay the few extra dollars for a disc, case, and manual. Less stuff to have sitting on the HDD and I'd rather use PSN for the small stuff that DL's in a minute or two.[/QUOTE]

Normally I'd agree with you (I'm a stickler for having disc + case + manual) but in this case, $39.99CAD on the PSN store divided by 5 guys is less than $10 a guy, compared to buying it for $50 pus change from a retail store. PSN would be a no-brainer, for me.
I think somebody will have this game at $40 come March 30. If not, I'll wait. I want to play the GTA4 DLC but not if I have to pay $10 more than I expected.
[quote name='game_fanatic']If you're involved in a gameshare or want to start a gameshare, the PSN is a no-brainer. I think this, as well as Dragon Age: Awakening are shareable, correct?[/QUOTE]

Gameshare would definitely be the smartest way of getting it, but it's hard to set up when I don't have pay-pal or any way of really electronically transferring funds. And with my copy of Bioshock 2 sitting here wanting to be used as a power trade... it just seems like a good plan. Gameshare would be smart though...
[quote name='craig64']Gameshare would definitely be the smartest way of getting it, but it's hard to set up when I don't have pay-pal or any way of really electronically transferring funds. And with my copy of Bioshock 2 sitting here wanting to be used as a power trade... it just seems like a good plan. Gameshare would be smart though...[/QUOTE]

you could always buy a PSN card and activate it on the gameshare account
[quote name='game_fanatic']Normally I'd agree with you (I'm a stickler for having disc + case + manual) but in this case, $39.99CAD on the PSN store divided by 5 guys is less than $10 a guy, compared to buying it for $50 pus change from a retail store. PSN would be a no-brainer, for me.[/QUOTE]

Enh, something of that size I don't want on my HDD anyway. Since I'm not part of a gameshare group (sometimes my bro will split a game) it makes more sense to wait until the disc is part of a sale. Thanks to this site, TrU, and Amazon I haven't paid full price for a new game in a long time.
I traded GTA4 with a friend for another game a while back and I've been waiting for Episodes of Liberty City to come out and see if they have a packaged deal with the original game. Any chance of that happening? I guess the next best thing would be GTA4 going for 10 bucks the week of its release or something, I don't know the odds of that happening either.
[quote name='Gamepro']I traded GTA4 with a friend for another game a while back and I've been waiting for Episodes of Liberty City to come out and see if they have a packaged deal with the original game. Any chance of that happening? I guess the next best thing would be GTA4 going for 10 bucks the week of its release or something, I don't know the odds of that happening either.[/QUOTE]

I'm sure it'll happen eventually; 'Game of the Year' editions are quite common, but I wouldn't expect to see something like that until the holiday season (at the earliest).
[quote name='DoubleStop']Join my gameshare for it and you can get it for 1/5 the price! (Also getting DA: Awakening)

But that is pretty dumb, it will sell less retail copies. Even Dragon Age Awakening is $44.99 when the PSN will sell it for $39.99[/QUOTE]

I'm guessing as an expansion it will have to install itself onto the hard drive? Frig, I'm running out of space. I'm hoping for some reason the disc version won't have to do a full install.
[quote name='lustyhitter']I think somebody will have this game at $40 come March 30. If not, I'll wait. I want to play the GTA4 DLC but not if I have to pay $10 more than I expected.[/QUOTE]

I hope so, a lot of people picked up DAO when it was on for $39.99... NOW I have to pay $5 more for the exansion? Booooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
Wondering whether or not there will be a lot of interest in this, with so many having played it on the 360. Time will tell.
[quote name='Placebo']Wondering whether or not there will be a lot of interest in this, with so many having played it on the 360. Time will tell.[/QUOTE]

I hope there isn't much interest, so that it drops in price quickly ;)
Sure there'll be interest, there are a lot of PS3 owners that never bought a 360. This has (probably) been the most-wanted 360 exclusive content for like 2 years. still hasn't listed it, but I'm sure it's gonna be $49.99 there, too. If nobody has it for $40 I'm buying the DLC version. $10 less and only 5% tax (Alberta trick.) That's $14.50 cheaper for Ontarians to buy the DLC vs disc. Before I bite I'll give Game Centre a call, sometimes they have surprising prices, I saw a new silver DS3 there for $45 this week. is still not listing the PS3 version, but they just dropped the 360 price to $39.99 like Best Buy did. I recently found out the PS3 version has been delayed til April 16th, sucks.
[quote name='Solid-Snake-Eyes'] FINALLY listed it, $49.99! If anyone is looking for a game share I know of 3 interested people including myself but we need a host.[/QUOTE]

i'm interested in joining the gameshare as well, add me in.
bread's done