NOTE TO SELF: Don't Move System While Game Is Running

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A scratch that's a perfect circle around my Gears of War was the result from me trying to change through HDMI to component by picking up the system and moving it. Don't do this.

Oh, and the reason why I was switching it was to see the different between HDMI, component, and regular video.
Last time I checked... I don't remember seeing "don't breath around the 360 or else it will chew up your disk" in the manual. xD
MS will replace your the cost of $20

sucks :(

at least your brother in law didnt walk around like a bafoon and knock yours completely over (yes it was on and I was playing). Thankfully mine came out flawless. It was a rental disc anyway and had no scratches :p
[quote name='apokalipze2']Note to self: Read the manual next time :razz:[/QUOTE]

Note to self: don't screw up the forum tables with your signature pics. :razz:
[quote name='VipFREAK']Last time I checked... I don't remember seeing "don't breath around the 360 or else it will chew up your disk" in the manual. xD[/quote]

Unless you're talking about specifically, then no, that wouldn't be in that manual. But yes, it is in the manual to not move the console while the disk is spinning.
[quote name='_Sin_']MS will replace your the cost of $20

sucks :(

at least your brother in law didnt walk around like a bafoon and knock yours completely over (yes it was on and I was playing). Thankfully mine came out flawless. It was a rental disc anyway and had no scratches :p[/QUOTE]


One thought, depending how bad the scratch is, if you have a Gamecrazy's near you, they repair discs for something like $2. They have some sort of buffing machine. I bought a used game there before (for $3) that didn't run at all. I tried everything, and it was dead. I was rather upset when I took it back, and they wanted to buff it (they didn't have another copy), so I took it home, knowing I'd be going back tomorrow to get my money back. It worked flawlessly, I was shocked.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Last time I checked... I don't remember seeing "don't breath around the 360 or else it will chew up your disk" in the manual. xD[/QUOTE]
No, but if you had read the manual you would have read:

[quote name='Xbox 360 manual']
To avoid jamming the disc drive and damaging discs or the console:
• Remove discs before moving the console or tilting it between the horizontal and vertical positions
When the manual tells you moving it with a disc in it may damage it, you really can't cry when that exact situation happens.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Note to self: don't screw up the forum tables with your signature pics. :razz:[/QUOTE]
That's why I disable signatures. It's not freakin' MySpace. I got tired of the huge flashing, bouncing weird crap people think is a good idea to have in their sigs (not to mention often entirely inappropriate for work).
Last time I checked... I don't remember seeing "don't breath around the 360 or else it will chew up your disk" in the manual. xD

Last time I recall I don't recall it "ever" being a good idea to move a CD-player of any kind thats not specifically built for it like walkman while the disc is spinning. The disk sits in a tray its not locked on to a central point therefore if you move the system while its spinning its likley the disc could scratch. Unless the PS3 locks the disk down differently than the 360 does in its tray I'd say its just as suseptable to this as the 360 is. If your going to bash the system do it on things that make sense, seriously.
I specifically remember watching a video posted within a month or so of the 360 launch of a dude scratching his Quake 4 disc by rotating it vertically and horizontally while running. Basically, his scare tactics worked and I'll never move a system with a disc inside whether it's on or not.
Warning: Pregnant women, the elderly, and children should avoid prolonged exposure to XBox 360.

XBox 360 contains a liquid core, which if exposed due to rupture should not be touched, inhaled, or looked at.

Discontinue use of XBox 360 if any of the following occurs:
* Itching
* Vertigo
* Dizziness
* Tingling in extremities
* Loss of balance or coordination
* Slurred speech
* Temporary blindness
* Profuse Sweating
* Heart palpitations

If XBox 360 begins to smoke, get away immediately. Seek shelter and cover head.

XBox 360 may stick to certain types of skin.

When not in use, XBox 360 should be returned to its special container
and kept under refrigeration.

Failure to do so relieves the makers of XBox 360, Super MegaGlobatron, and its parent company, Microsoft, of any and all liability.

Ingredients of XBox 360 include an unknown glowing substance which fell to Earth, presumably from outer space.

XBox 360 has been shipped to our troops in Saudi Arabia and is also being dropped by our warplanes on Iraq.

Do not taunt XBox 360.

XBox 360! Accept no substitutes!
Wow, take a chill pill everyone. Sarcasm... the reason I said it was that I had my console at a friends house and we were both 7 ft away from it and I heard a scratching noise then my 360 said disk error. When I took the disk out it had a ring around it. Fast forward to going back to gamestop and the idiot sales guy proceeded to tell me that basically if we breath wrong next to a 360 that it will scratch the disk that or he tried to blame it on me.

BTW, for the record I have a 360 and a PS3. My PS3 has NEVER scratched a disk yet.
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