Now that the price is revealed, when will Gamestop / EB start taking preorders?

[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Its just an info sign up, yet the link has the word sweepstakes in it, as if something could be won.

thats weird.[/quote]

Yeah I got all excited. A sweepstakes is the only way I'll get one.
I really dont get why people have to non stop bitch about the price. If its to much for you then keep it to yourself and buy your 360 and enjoy. I dont understand this need to troll every ps3 board and post how much it is in multiple threads.

I dont know if any of you where ever PC gamers, seem most gamers are new and have jumped on with the halo band wagon. But pc gamers have had these prices and sometimes for just ONE or two parts. Top video card right now is $500 +. Thats just the card.

For the price of a top of the line card you get an all in one gaming machine that can do so much more. Makes sense to me...

So in other words, Ill take one
[quote name='Lice']I really dont get why people have to non stop bitch about the price. If its to much for you then keep it to yourself and buy your 360 and enjoy. I dont understand this need to troll every ps3 board and post how much it is in multiple threads.

I dont know if any of you where ever PC gamers, seem most gamers are new and have jumped on with the halo band wagon. But pc gamers have had these prices and sometimes for just ONE or two parts. Top video card right now is $500 +. Thats just the card.

For the price of a top of the line card you get an all in one gaming machine that can do so much more. Makes sense to me...

So in other words, Ill take one[/QUOTE]
The same thing happened last year when the 360 price was announced @ $400 now Sony trumps MS. Gaming is now turning into a rich mans hobby. The only reason I got a 360 is because I got one for $320 before tax @ launch. $600 is to rich for my blood (I'm not the only one) and it is disapointing. I don't buy into get a second job bs that Sony told its customers.

Not every PC gamer buys a top of the line card I have a $500 PC but it is used for so much more then just gaming. You don't need a $500 video card to be a PC gamer. This is cheap ass gamer so you are going to get some backlash on a unheard of console price.
[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']
Tell me this, y'all: I've never really gone the whole console-preorder-at-launch thing. Even if you do the long wait outside of a GS/EB for a day or so to be there when they open, do you still need to be on the pre-order list to get your purchase? So like even if I'm guy #1 in there, if I'm not at the top of the pre-order list, am I not going to be served?

Also, for a place like Best Buy or Circuit City - they don't take preorders, correct? So that's pretty much if you're there, you got it, right? And in those cases, when do these lines usually begin? More than a full day before the opening? What if you've gotta take a dump?

I asked this question on a Wii thread, but I think this is the best thread for the question:

Any words of advice there? :)[/QUOTE]

Well, I can tell you what happened at my EB for the PSP and 360 launches... People get the systems based on who preordered first, and they go down the list, chronologically. I think this is company policy, but I wouldn't be surprised if some EB/GS stores fudge things a little to help out their friends.

For BB/CC, it's first come first served. Some stores may issue a ticket to people in line, but I have no first hand knowledge.
The 600 dollar price tag is good in a way, i doubt as many people would be preordering at that price point
[quote name='Kuma']The 600 dollar price tag is good in a way, i doubt as many people would be preordering at that price point[/QUOTE]

Youd be surprised, many people will pay it off little by little. The $600 price is high but if you pay $100 a month you wont feel it. Thats why the price doesnt bug me. I expected it to be high anyways
[quote name='anubis20']Youd be surprised, many people will pay it off little by little. The $600 price is high but if you pay $100 a month you wont feel it. Thats why the price doesnt bug me. I expected it to be high anyways[/QUOTE]
When $100 a month = more then my electric bill = gas a month = 2x auto insurance = cable/internet = not cool. $100 a month for 6 months I would have little - not much throw away money until the PS3 comes out then I will need games. More the power to you if you have $100 a month for the next six months to invest into a BLU-RAY player but I don't want to make that sacrifice.
I'M in LA.
The gamestop said that they will taking pre-order for PS3 at weekend!
I should pay as little as 50$ if I want pre-order.
By the way, the bestbuy near my home said that they don't know when will the pre-order begin.
Maybe gamestop will use bundle, and I think if I only pay 50$ I won't get PS3 at Nov,HOHO. So I decided pay 599$
Where's this 100 a month bs coming from? Even those in total high price denial knew the thing was going to be AT LEAST as expensive as a 360, so they had every opportunity to have a chunk saved by now. I've already got the cash myself, just gotta wait for pre-orders to start up. Might even say to hell with interest and full pay the whole damn thing so I don't have to think about it or have that cash accidentall disappear.
[quote name='spoo']Gaming is now turning into a rich mans hobby.[/QUOTE]Funny how Nintendo is trying to target the casual gamers with a cheap innovative system, yet the only games casual gamers buy are the expensive Madden roster updates. Bizzarro.

[quote name='spoo']I don't buy into get a second job bs that Sony told its customers.[/QUOTE]It seems to me as if Sony is testing their fanbase, and hoping that they can still gain a majority of the console market, just so they can say "screw you Nintendo and Microsoft, we had the most expensive console and still came out on top. Hellz yeah."
If they still get the majority of the top tier third party support though, I've got to admit it'll be nice to get the nicest looking version for a change. I often wondered when playing great games like God of War and Kingdom Hearts 2 just how phenomenal this game might have looked on an Xbox. Now, that's not going to be an issue....if the console is popular enough to still get the titles like KH and other major franchises of course.

Is it confirmed that pre-orders begin tomorrow?
[quote name='robbart914']Is it confirmed that pre-orders begin tomorrow?[/QUOTE]

Just called my local EB and they are a no go on preorders today. The anticipation is killing me.
[quote name='Ricochet']Just called my local EB and they are a no go on preorders today. The anticipation is killing me.[/quote]

ahh hopefully they start monday
the 2 i talked to seemed confindented it would be soon after e3... who knows... Do you guys think ebay will be as crazy as it was for the 360's november will be the holidays again...
[quote name='D4rkN1ght']the 2 i talked to seemed confindented it would be soon after e3... who knows... Do you guys think ebay will be as crazy as it was for the 360's november will be the holidays again...[/quote]

Yes! Which is why to get one, you should be within the top ten on a list, just in case they don't get that many in. Those ebayers are drooling right now to be on the preorder lists. But, if you can sell it to someone for double, and you don't mind waiting, then why not? I can't wait however...
i went in yesterday and they said they don't know when they will be taking PO's but the guy said maybe in i don't know
[quote name='swetooth9']i went in yesterday and they said they don't know when they will be taking PO's but the guy said maybe in i don't know[/QUOTE]
ah jeez

i am just going to have to ride their ass even longer...
My local Gamecrazy is the shit and hooks me up. I am #5 on the PS3 list and #3 on the Wii list and I have been for a couple of months. PS3 will probably be going straight to Ebay since $600 is some crazy shit, but still...
Some forums are reporting some unpleasant news but they are waiting for tonight/tomorrow morning to confirm what DM said is exactly what corporate EB/GS meant. Sounds like Sept/Oct timeframe now.
[quote name='Radioactive_Man']I can confirm that GS/EB arent taking pre-orders until Oct. Anyone who works for the company can read it in the email today.[/QUOTE]

a month before release? jeeeez i might just have to camp at cc or bb
[quote name='Radioactive_Man']I can confirm that GS/EB arent taking pre-orders until Oct. Anyone who works for the company can read it in the email today.[/QUOTE]


I certainly hope that's not true. I was at my favorite Gamestop yesterday "choppin it up" about the pre-order. If they wait until October, I may just wait until MGS4.
[quote name='D4rkN1ght']am i the only one trying to preorder this thing to rake in the cash on ebay?[/quote]

that's a awesome idea. i hope nobody else gets the same idea. maybe we should delete these posts so the fwers don't catch on.;)

really though, we are on the same page with this. its a good investment when you consider the potential return.
I heard the same thing today from a friend about an october preorder....they probably don't want to make the same mistake they made last year with over booking.
[quote name='D4rkN1ght']am i the only one trying to preorder this thing to rake in the cash on ebay?[/QUOTE]

No I already have 3 on order at different Gamecrazy stores
[quote name='elgiraffe']i work at gamestop and saddly i can confirm that we will likely not take preorders untill as late as october[/quote]

As so do i work at gamestop that is... October will be when we take pre-orders. We dont want another microsoft 360 deal where we dont get the systems they say they have for us months in advance.
[quote name='Endlesscrowd']As so do i work at gamestop that is... October will be when we take pre-orders. We dont want another microsoft 360 deal where we dont get the systems they say they have for us months in advance.[/QUOTE]

And i too work at game stop. Yes we are not taking pre orders until october. Just to be safe.

I hope they will. They'd be stupid not to.

Although I don't think they took preorders for the 360, so that worries me a bit.
[quote name='Awcrap']I hope they will. They'd be stupid not to.

Although I don't think they took preorders for the 360, so that worries me a bit.[/QUOTE]

bestbuy doesnt sell preorders for consoles. Only games.

Same goes for compusa/circuitcity/target/walmart
[quote name='Ivanhoe']bestbuy doesnt sell preorders for consoles. Only games.

Same goes for compusa/circuitcity/target/walmart[/QUOTE]

Bestbuy does pre-orders for Reward zone members on, well at least they did for the 360.
[quote name='spoo']Bestbuy does pre-orders for Reward zone members on, well at least they did for the 360.[/quote]

on their website, so they will make people camp for the PS3
[quote name='fatmanforlife99']on their website, so they will make people camp for the PS3[/quote]

i will be one of the many that will be camping out for the ps3, and i plan on bringing 5 of my friends with me, give them money to pay for the ps3 plus $100 for their efforts, then flip them all on ebay, how early do u guys think i need to camp out for?

Also trying to justify the price of the ps3 by using the fact that it has a blu ray player is fuck ing retarded. no one asked for the blue-ray, sony is just screwing us over to promote its format. why not just put boat parts on a dodge neon and sell it for 100,000 saying the price is justified because its part boat.
I hope TRU takes Preorders, I have like $300 worth of gift card money there that will lessen the blow of the $600 price tag.
I JUST pre-ordered a 60 GB PS3 today at my local FYE. 1st on the list they said, so my fingers are crossed that i'll have a PS3 come this November.
bread's done