Nvida 8800 GT 512MB Video Card


I've looked around on slickdeals, gottadeal, dealtaker, newegg., etc and the best recent deal I could find was around$250, however there was a deal from dell in Nov. 20th or so that was around $200, which is the price of the 256mb version now on most sites. Right now I know I can't expect much more considering the time that I want to purchace it, but there may be somewhere I've overlooked.
The best deal was the BFG 8800GT 512MB from Best Buy with a 12% off coupon. I got mine for $225 out the door.

That however has passed. If you can get the EVGA version with Crysis for free that's like getting a top quality 8800GT for $260. But that's all I know of.
The Dell card, at least the MSI one, never shipped. I ordered one but they kept pushing the date back again and again. The most recent estimated ship date for mine was around 1-24-08. I let them cancel it as I had already gotten an 8800GT 512MB card from BB. The BB card was $249.99 plus tax, the Dell card was $214.86 shipped. Too bad, the MSI card from Dell had a higher factory OC then the BGF OC from BB and shipped with two games. I just got tired of waiting and the return window was closing with BB.
I only wish that I had that oppertunity, it seems that all deals that occur, just get swept out before I can get to them. The last one just went OOS after 3hr. at Club IT. Right now I have my system set up, but I can't run it w/out the card that I'd keep for a while. If anyone can help me get started it'd be most apprecitated. Also does anyone know when the 9 series are forcasted for release?
The 9 series is not coming for a while and when it does, it will only be in the top end variety and as such probably cost between 400-600 dollars. Stick with the 8800GT unless you want to wait a very long time. Its not like the 9 series will have anything new besides a higher clockspeed and minor revisions to directx10.
bread's done