Nvidia Passport Questions @ E3


So last year it was hole punched cards, but this year it's questions that you have to answer, any one know 'em all yet?? :D

I'll post them here just for trivia's sake.

How mny computers visible on the show floor in EA's booth are running Battlefield 2?

Who is the main villain in City of Villains?

What's the new direction for EQ2: Desert of Flames?

What is the debut Charater Class that can be played in Hellgate: London at E3?

In Lego Star wars: the video Game, which two Lego chracters do you have control of at the start of ep III scene 4?

How do you build strenght in Mage Knight?

What game is being shown in the theater at the 2K Games booth?

What is the name of the main character in Webzen's new MMORPG?

Who is the lead designer of UT2007?

ya, these passports are at the front entrance (by the steps), good for a free tshirt (*cough*or two*cough*) each day.

Whoo!! help me gain swag! lol...

if no one responds back, I'll do the searching tomorrow and let you know the answers ;)
Wow your at E3 too?! My friend and I was too busy getting stuff in the West Hall to go over and get the t-shirts today. But here are 3 answers I got:
2. Lord Recluse
5. Yoda and chewbacca
9. Steve Polge
Good luck!
Thanks guys...I only knew the star wars one from playing, but it was long enough ago that I wasn't sure.

guess I go to the booths then for the rest, I'll try and have 'em by 12:30 so we can do a little show & tell for free tshirts. =P
bread's done