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3 (100%)
Im thinking about buying this set of speakers, which i believe are Logitech's Z680 series. I've heard many rave reviews about this set of speakers, as it supports DPLII/DTS(perfect for game consoles), and my computer. So do i just go to their house and give them the cash or something? I don't really fee safe doing something like that, but for these speakers, i may have to. Is it dangerous to do something like this? Ever since hearing the woman that got killed when answering a craigslist ad, i don't feel comfortable to try this. Someone dispell my beliefs!:cry:

Am i allowed to give offers(such as request it to be $80 when they put it up for $115)? What's a reasonable price for these 5yr old speakers without lowballing? Is this sufficient for my bedroom? Thanks :cool:


EDIT: it is now 49 dollars. help me get them!
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It's just like ads in the local paper... email or call the guy (as he posted his number) and make an offer. He may or may not accept the offer but that's up to him.
Is it safe?
Well is it ever safe to walk outside your house?
You can get mugged on the street corner, jumped near some bushes, killed at some party, or some asteroid hits you.
So asking if meeting a stranger is safe is retarded.
Mine as well never leave your house.
Just don't go all the way inside his house cover your eyes and bend over and you'll be fine.... maybe.

You can ask to meet him in a public place near his house or even just outside his house near the street.
Use your brain and common sense a little.

Just stop being a little girl
If you are a bit hesitant about your safety, simply bring a friend and/or meet somewhere public. I have dealt with numerous people on CL and never run into a problem.
This is one of the biggest issues with the constant "DONT LEAVE YOUR HOUSE OR SOMEONE WILL TRY TO RAPE/ROB/KILL YOU IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER" that we hear on the news. People are terrified of going to buy speakers off craigslist.
[quote name='magiic']This is one of the biggest issues with the constant "DONT LEAVE YOUR HOUSE OR SOMEONE WILL TRY TO RAPE/ROB/KILL YOU IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER" that we hear on the news. People are terrified of going to buy speakers off craigslist.[/quote]

Yep. Culture of fear.
[quote name='Vinny']It's just like ads in the local paper... email or call the guy (as he posted his number) and make an offer. He may or may not accept the offer but that's up to him.[/QUOTE]
ah, ok. I guess i'll meet in front of his house or something. I mean, you never know what happens in New York City. What's a good offer for these speakers?
I don't usually meet at their house. Just find a place that's in between both of you and meet up there. Besides, if they are only $115, I doubt he'll try to rob you or anything like that.
Just agree to meet somewhere neutral

and if you hear Banjo's playing faintly in the backround and he tells you "You got a purrrrrdy mouth their boy" then ask for $20 discount, cause you might have to swallow, no need to do it without using it to your advantage :)
My advice?

Don't do it because soon you'll get addicted to it and be deal-hunting constantly. I don't remember what first got me onto Craigslist, but I CANNOT seem to get off it. There's so many people who are either ignorant about what they have or post stuff for at really good pricing. Plus, local, no shipping debacles, and no tax!

I guess it's a little different in a setting like NYC, but like someone mentioned above, bring a buddy along for the ride. Most people on Craigslist are just normal people; a lot are friendly and receptive to chatting, some treat it quite business-like. Either way, it's an interesting experience and you can't beat that feeling of walking away with a good deal.

I usually prefer to establish email contact and negotiate through email; you can often tell whose just a nice person looking to offload some stuff vs. some punk who can't spell simply through their email correspondence.

Oh and lowballing is an subtle art on Craigslist. It's the difference between finding someone who's just looking to get rid of stuff versus someone who's actually looking to make a little money off something. It can be tough to tell, but usually the "make an offer and see what happens" approach works all right.

Good luck!
Everyone on craigslist is just looking to make a deal. Anytime I post something I get flooded with lowball offers. It isn't like I am selling shit for retail price, these are low prices.

The odd thing is that one time I posted this nifty recliner chair for FREE. I received a dozen messages in like an hour. I was getting so flooded I took down the ad. A week later and not a single one of these idiots came by to get the chair. I still have it. I am going to relist it soon but ask for $20 just to weed out the morons.
I've seen sets of z680s anywhere from $60-120 on my Craigslist. I would mention that if you're not too desperate, you could wait for a set of z-5500s; I've seen multiple sets of those on my CL for anywhere from $100-150. It's murky waters which set is "better", but nabbing either set for < $100 is still money well spent.

$80 is not a bad offer; it sometimes helps to entice sellers by offering to pick it up at his convenience. A true cheapass would try to cut it in half ($60), but you risk making him mad or something and refusing to sell to you.

Just go with it and see what happens. Worst that can happens is he says no.

Good luck!
[quote name='thelazyone22']I've seen sets of z680s anywhere from $60-120 on my Craigslist. I would mention that if you're not too desperate, you could wait for a set of z-5500s; I've seen multiple sets of those on my CL for anywhere from $100-150. It's murky waters which set is "better", but nabbing either set for < $100 is still money well spent.

$80 is not a bad offer; it sometimes helps to entice sellers by offering to pick it up at his convenience. A true cheapass would try to cut it in half ($60), but you risk making him mad or something and refusing to sell to you.

Just go with it and see what happens. Worst that can happens is he says no.

Good luck![/QUOTE]
how would i plug in a wii, for example... Is this good enough(or maybe too powerful) for a small room?
how much help do you need? Just send an email and say "I saw you ad on CL and I would like to buy the speakers. What is a good time and place to meet?"

Edit: I hope the OP got them
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Email the guy, go to a public meeting spot, meet him, offer him less then the price posted.

Also big at least one decent sized friend.
You missed out.

His ad has been deleted. Which means probably someone else snatched it up at the $50 pricepoint. Or did you?

I'm confused; do you know how to buy stuff off Craigslist?
crap! i called him like an hour after the ad was posted, and he was always busy "leave me a message"(which i did do), and now it got deleted?
What a BITCH, he said he'd sell it to me, then he sold it to someone else?
As someone who has sold stuff on craigslist, I find it is very hard to "hold" items for people because, more often than not, the "buyer" never shows up. It's actually pretty ridiculous how many failed sales I have had. As a seller, you just have to do first come first serve, whoever shows up with the cash first gets it.
[quote name='blackbird3216']crap! i called him like an hour after the ad was posted, and he was always busy "leave me a message"(which i did do), and now it got deleted?
What a BITCH, he said he'd sell it to me, then he sold it to someone else?[/quote]
LOL @ you calling him a bitch.
Next time just man up and email the guy, don't just ask a forum how to buy something.
[quote name='Zing']As someone who has sold stuff on craigslist, I find it is very hard to "hold" items for people because, more often than not, the "buyer" never shows up. It's actually pretty ridiculous how many failed sales I have had. As a seller, you just have to do first come first serve, whoever shows up with the cash first gets it.[/quote]
except i was the first. I called him, and he said he sold it a day before he put the ad up. Wow.
[quote name='blackbird3216']except i was the first. I called him, and he said he sold it a day before he put the ad up. Wow.[/quote]

Stop crying, first come first serve as in first with cash in hand face to face.
It doesn't matter if you were the first to call, if you lag around for days before committing on it than your out.
Since your new at this take it as a learning experience.
Next time when you see something good you want Call the person immediately.
If there's no number email them immediately with an offer and your phone number.
If your not comfortable with giving your number out right away them tell them to reply with their number and you will give them a call.
In either case work fast, learn to negotiate smart and fast, be quick on your feet.
This post was started like a week ago, sorry but you took WAYYYY too long in terms of a simple transaction.
Next time don't be scared or shy.
If its a great deal don't wait on it and act on it.
Make sure the person knows that you will be able to pick it up with cash at the earliest time that's convenient.

Do your own homework on the worth and value of the product so you know what to offer and how low to go.
Negotiate over the phone to make the transaction quicker.
Figure the lowest price you are willing to go and tell him it, If he bites cool, if not you can either up your price or play hardball.
Tell him that's the highest you'll go and that you believe its only worth that much.
Tell him you have cash in hand and ready to deal so tell him to call you back if he ends up not being able to sell it.

you get the point just work on your people skill and you'll have a better chance.
Its only your first CL miss, you'll get many of them.
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