NWCGE CK6 2.0 - Sept. 23'rd - Vancouver, WA


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Heads up for NW CAGs: a second NW Classic Gaming Expo CK6 has been announced (the first was held earlier this year in Seattle). This time, it's going to be in Vancouver, WA.

Here's the details Rick Weis posted on Digital Press:

I'm happy to tell you all that NWCGE 2K6 ver 2.0 is now official!
YES!, there will be another NWCGE event this year! but, it's not going to be in Seattle this time. the event will be at the Quality inn and conference center in Vancouver Washington. (near Portland) on saturday september 23rd. for those of you that don't know this area, it's just off the 205 freeway at mill plain blvd. which is the busiest street in all of vancouver!

2400 SQFT room (biggest we have had so far)
FREE PARKING!! room for 200 cars
discount on rooms if you stay the night there.

Take care,

Rick (NWCGE Staff)

Admission fee=3.00 per person. (free for kids under 4 w/adult)
No pre-register! just pay at the door.

*show opens at 9am
*contests w/prizes (all day)
*NES championship starts at 5pm
*5$ entry fee for the NES championship
*show closes at 9pm.

J2games ( http://www.j2games.com/home/ ) super fighter team ( www.superfighter.com )
Messiah Entertainment ( www.playmessiah.com )

Genesis system with new Beggar Prince game (Beggar Prince game donated by super fighter team)

Generation NEX system and set of wireless controllers. donated by Messiah Entertainment

Other Prizes:
A MYSTERY prize donated by Nintendo!!!
GameCube Dust Cover donated by Deep End Gear

Game Gear with games

More info can be found on NWCGE.org's blog.

I'll be attending, and hopefully I won't be the only CAG there!
Guesss I'll be going and playing the NES Championship of course. I posted about the last one and only heard from one guy I traded with that said he went - but he went there earlier than me so we didn't meet up.

John Hancock who I met on CL and did some local trades with worked the door and had a table told me about it. It was great and I got lots of rad stuff. I hope Super Fighter will have a table so I can buy Beggar Price - minus the shipping charge!

12 hours is pretty long to stay, but I'll try to get there as early as I can and maybe hang out till the end or so.

I emailed Rick after the last one with a request to get Vic Ireland (Working Designs fame) as a guest speaker for the next show. I don't expect that will happen, but sure would be cool - and to have him sign my Popful Mail!


Added - I just talked to Rick and no guest speakers at this one - but there will be lots of contests as usual and like mentioned by OP. He told me one of the contests will be for the last remaining copy of Beggar Prince for Genesis from Super Fighter Team. I guess all 600 copies are sold out, so if you didn't order one before, this is the only chance to get one now. Dang, here I knew about it long before it was released and even joined the mailing list - yet I was too cheap to get it while I could... I really wanted it too.
HOLY crap! some of my closest friends are from that area. i'm suprised they didn't say anything to me. i should kick their asses, unless of course they get me a ride down there.

Hope to see one of you fools there!
[quote name='smacd101']I live in Vancouver. What goes on at these things? Do you buy old video games?[/quote]

Yes, its basically like a game collector's swap meet. Most of the tables will be just regular collectors with their stuff, and then there will be a few tables of companies that sell/develop retro and unreleased type stuff. I'll be bringing a bag of cool game stuff to trade like I did last year - I don't think other people really did that, but I'm just really into trading. :D

Don't be turned off thinking it will be mostly just HC collector type stuff like Atari, etc. as there will be a LOT of that there of course but there will also be more common stuff there too like current gen stuff for sale - but not likely as much as 80's, NES, imports and stuff like that. If you're into Atari, NES, homebrews and stuff like that, you'll likely find just about any rare game you were looking for there! For the most part, everyone is cool and friendly and not the stereotype "arrogant classic gamer" that keeps everything behind a glass case and wants EBay prices for everything - there's always someone like that, but most everyone else is cool and easy to talk to.

And don't be surprised if people that live there don't know about it, as the one I went to in Seattle wasn't very publicised either. Its just put on basically by a few game collector friends. The only reason I even knew about the earlier one this year is because I just happened to meet that guy that worked the door there. There was so few people that really stayed around that everyone who hung out got some sort of prize.
[quote name='chakan']Heading over now! I wish I didn't have to work at 5pm, or I would totally enter the NES championship![/quote]

I competed. Hopefully if any of you were there for it, you saw me. I made it to the 2nd round where I got swept (and basically had my ass kicked before I knew what happened) by a little kid in Dr. Mario. I did however get a consolation prize for like 3rd place or whatever in the NBA Jam competition.

I brought my own Trade Bag of stuff and was even able to trade/sell a few things. Some very nice finds. :)
bread's done