Obama Releases Birth Certificate

Should have ignored it. Feels like another "I am not a witch" moment. Although at least now Trump can STFU about at least one thing. Though now I hear he's insulting the man's (Obama's) education, so derp de derp derp derp.
I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people who were going on about it just jump from "Where's the birth certificate?!" to "It's probably a forgery!"

As for it being #1 or #2, I'd say it's both. The average person calling for this is either foolish or would have something to gain from Obama's demise, and I'm not sure what else could shut them up aside from his resignment or being ousted. If they can be bothered to actually look into the situation – which hasn't really happened so far – maybe this will weaken the nonsense "movement".

To me, however, it mostly feels like he gave in where he should have brushed it aside.
Hard to say. Given that the entire thing was code for: the dude is black - the core issue hasnt gone away - guy is still black.

Probably shouldve ignored it.
Of course I had to read through some of the Yahoo comments and have come to the conclusion that either
A.) Just completely defund public education already, if this is what we produce as a nation, no amount of money will fix the problem
B.) There are some absolutely genius trolls out there
C.) Selective culling of the herd might be a good idea

My personal favorite, and I'm paraphrasing because it dropped from the comment page so quickly:
"It's obviously a fake, I've got my birth certificate from 39 years ago and it is faded, this one appears to not even have dry ink on it"
Of course, if you look at the bottom of the pdf document you see a copy stamp from 4/25/11

It's like the poster's brain shat its pants and this rolled out of its mouth.
Figures - thousands of Americans ask for the release of the document and there is no answer. Rich white old guy asks for the release of the document and *bamn*, Here you go!

:D :D :D

As far as who benefits? He shouldn't have released it. The type of people who were ate up with the exact location of Obama's birth aren't now going to suddenly put an "Obama 2012" sticker on their bumper because of this. At best, they'll go away; at worst, they'll find one of the (many) other issues to complain about. They're not either silent or they've moved on to (ideally) legitimate issues.

If anything, he should have waited until the two of them were having a debate and then pulled it out for Trump to see.
I do enjoy reading the comments when I'm down because I can at least think, "At least I'm not this mind-numbingly, stunningly, stupendously, and horrifyingly dumb."

There is indeed a sort of zero-sum gain from reading comments on most news sites - however, yahoo is always setting the new benchmark for pants-on-backwards stupid. Which, in the context of Swift's yahoos, is delightfully funny.

There's another option here, where Obama is reifying Donald Trump as a serious candidate. The birther horseshit has gone on for 2.5 years, give or take. Trump is polling amongst conservatives, but dying in general polls (because most americans realize he's preposterously inadequate to be President).

So Obama threw the ball in the court of the loudest, most ardent birther at the current moment - not dipshits like Orly (good GAWD I love that name) Taitz who are just riding a tidal wave of batshittery because it gets her on teevee, but Donald Trump. Obama is saying "bring it, motherfucker" and perhaps trying to cause tension amongst GOP candidates. Get them to engage in a protracted primary that fractions the party, exhausts the base and forces them to spend hundreds of millions of dollars fighting each other - for Obama to come in an win handily in 2012.

Obama is smart like most of us - he knows Trump won't run. But Obama may be trying to help Trump keep the charade up long enough that it causes some confusion and disarray in the otherwise in-lockstep GOP.

Obama's always been a great campaigner, as much as I think he's been a disappointingly conservative president who never met a progressive thought he couldn't disregard or ignore.
You want a birth certificate? I can get you a birth certificate, believe me. There are ways, Dude. You dont wanna know about it, believe me.Hell, I can get you a birth certificate by 3 oclock this afternoon... with signatures. These fucking amateurs...
Regardless of his providing the birth certificate I'm voting Trump 2012. Second of all even though he provided it there is still the question of where the seal is on the birth certificate from the state of Hawaii. I didn't see that. it has to be notarized and sealed by a notary and that is not sealed and notarized. Of course once again I'm not saying it's fake I'm only saying I'd like to see the seal of the state of Hawaii on it.
Trump somehow managing to try and claim this is all because of him was downright laughable. Then to try and spin this as a win for him and that it's "time to move on to the important issues" is really the insulting part.

As much as I'm not a fan of Obama, you couldn't stop me from running to the polls to vote for him if Trump is the republican candidate. Biggest fucking joke of a candidate I can ever remember. Anyone who thinks Trump is in it for anything other than his own self interest is deluding themselves; the guy is a complete egomaniac.
[quote name='DestroCobra']Of course once again I'm not saying it's fake[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure that's exactly what you're saying.

[quote name='RedvsBlue']Trump somehow managing to try and claim this is all because of him was downright laughable. Then to try and spin this as a win for him and that it's "time to move on to the important issues" is really the insulting part.[/QUOTE]

Has he actually done that last part already? Because that's *exactly* what I predicted he would say when talking to a friend of mine earlier today.
You're talking about a guy so full of hot air he could be a balloon in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.
Business Insider actually suggested it was released to strengthen Trump against other GOP candidates because every poll shows Obama completely destroying Trump and they want him in the race.

Man, that would be insane if the birthers ended up allowing Obama to hand pick his reelection opponent.

But holy cow, is Trump running with it or what?
This has got to be up there on the "dumbest controversies ever" list right between Jen v. Angelina and Team Edward v. Team Jacob.
[quote name='Kirin Lemon']I'm pretty sure that's exactly what you're saying.

Has he actually done that last part already? Because that's *exactly* what I predicted he would say when talking to a friend of mine earlier today.[/QUOTE]

Guarantee you the D-bag had his "concession speech" planned out ahead of time as he was all ready to go shortly after the certificate was released.

In his speech he said "I'd want to look at it to but I hope it's true so we can get on to much more important matters so the press can stop asking me questions..."

Here's the videohttp://www.nydailynews.com/news/pol...s_released_because_i_put_on_the_pressure.html

fucking. douche. bag. I guess now we know why Michael Steel refused to acknowledge the "birther movement", despite all the conservative pundits and radio clowns blasting him for it; because now all the "birthers" look like a bunch of clowns with their dicks in their hands.

But she still has her suspicions. Specifically, Taitz thinks that the birth certificate should peg Obama's race as "Negro" and not "African." "In those years ... when they wrote race, they were writing 'Negro' not 'African'," Taitz says. "In those days nobody wrote African as a race, it just wasn't one of the options. It sounds like it would be written today, in the age of political correctness, and not in 1961 when they wrote white or Asian or 'Negro'."
Like clockwork.

[quote name='Javery']This has got to be up there on the "dumbest controversies ever" list right between Jen v. Angelina and Team Edward v. Team Jacob.[/QUOTE]
Exactly, everyone knows Jacob was superior.
[quote name='Strell']You know you guys, Hitler had a birth certificate too.[/QUOTE]

Turns out he was born in Nigeria.

Someone emailed today saying if I helped them smuggle it out there's 12 Gazillion dollars in it for me.
Jokes on them, I'm gonna keep it ;)
Yah, I think the release was timed well. Trump was getting tons of publicity, and the bass-awkward mouth breathers who say Obama was born in Kenya needed to be shut down. I think this derails Trump so badly, that he has absolutely no chance in winning a primary. It will bite him in the ass every single debate he enters.

Trump is a clown, so it's nice to see him fail at this as well. You've gotta wonder if he'd be broke if it weren't for the success of the first couple seasons of his ridiculous show, because by most accounts, he's failed at nearly every single business venture he's entered as well.
I'm not ready to count Trump out yet, but Obama should have just ignored this non-issue and allowed Trump to continue to be distracted with the birther nonsense. Trump may not be a real candidate, but he's loud and getting a lot of publicity, so let him complain about imaginary issues like Obama's birth certificate, not things that may actually be legitimate problems like the economy, oil prices, inflation, China, etc. Even coming from a guy like Trump, you don't want to allow the real issues to resonate in voters minds. Bad move Obama.
I'm really curious what people think about who Obama wants to run against.

I figure Romney might be up there, just because if he's the nominee then the ACA debate is pretty much not up for debate anymore (because both candidates are responsible for similar plans).

The release of the long form might be a good thing. At least we'll know who the true crazies are and who just thought he was Kenyan as a way to oppose him (like 9/11 truthers and Bush).
Obama was fucking stupid.

Nothing will ever change the mind of the birthers; any and all evidence will be more "proof" to them.

The next one I meet in real life however, I will go off on like a honey badger on PCP.
[quote name='IRHari']I'm really curious what people think about who Obama wants to run against.

I figure Romney might be up there, just because if he's the nominee then the ACA debate is pretty much not up for debate anymore (because both candidates are responsible for similar plans).

There doesn't really seem to be a strong republican front runner at the moment.

Romney will be hurt among conservatives because of his health care law as Mass. governor as you note, as well as for being Mormon.

Trump is a nutcase already saying shit like we should take Iraq and Libya's oil fields and just pay their citizen's a bunch of money so they'll be content.

Pawlenty is probably the one who could mount the strongest challenge out of the people who thus far have started exploratory committees etc.
[quote name='IRHari']I'm really curious what people think about who Obama wants to run against.

I figure Romney might be up there, just because if he's the nominee then the ACA debate is pretty much not up for debate anymore (because both candidates are responsible for similar plans).

The release of the long form might be a good thing. At least we'll know who the true crazies are and who just thought he was Kenyan as a way to oppose him (like 9/11 truthers and Bush).[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately the GOP has no ideal candidates, or at least none that have appeared yet. A lot of people are already claiming that Obama will coast to a huge margin of victory, but it's way too early and there are way too many factors at play that will make the difference, most of them are things that the president can't control but still takes blame for.

My prediction is that if in a year from now, the unemployment rate remains above 9% and if gas nears or surpasses $5.00 a gallon, then the writing will be on the wall for Obama regardless of who is opposing him, except Sarah Palin, whose only chance at becoming president would be if absolutely everyone else in the country were dead, she was the only person left eligible to vote, and she was smart enough to remember to go out on election day and vote for herself.

If the unemployment rate is above 8% and gas is above $4.00 a year from now, then it's going to be a close one. Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Tim Pawlenty will be neck in neck in the polls. Ron Paul, Donald Trump, Newt Gingrich would be further behind, but still well within the margin of error to win it. Sarah Palin still wouldn't stand a chance.

Unemployment below 8%, gas below $4.00 a year from now, and Obama will coast to an easy victory short of something completely crazy like a primary challenge that leaves a splintered weakened base.

Of course, there's plenty of other scenarios that could single handedly change the election as well. Unforeseen candidates for example (although it's getting a bit late for that). Donald Trump as a third party would destroy any chance of a GOP victory. On the flip side, if the economy were to take another huge nosedive in one way or another, then it could very well lead to a GOP landslide in all three branches of government (unless Sarah Palin were to be the GOP candidate).

So all this being said, based on current projections, this election is going to be a close one, similar to 2004, but Obama will probably come out with a close victory. Romney, Huckabee, and Pawlenty would provide the toughest challanges, while Ron Paul, New Gingrich, and Sarah Palin would just be token opposition a la Bob Dole in '96. Donald Trump is a wild card who probably won't run, but if he were to, who the hell knows what would happen.
Yes, there's definitely going to be people who still think its fake. If there's people that think the moon landing was fake, 9/11 was staged, and Kennedy was killed by the second gunman then there will always believe in the conspiracy no matter how much evidence you shove in their face.

At this point though, Obama has shown definitively in so many ways that he was, in fact, born in Hawaii. Those who don't believe him now are on the fringe and the only way to make them believe would be to send them back in time to watch him through his whole life.

The thing is, Trump never had anything to gain on this thing except publicity. Yes, we've been trained to believe no publicity is bad publicity but in this case it certainly is, he's painted himself as delusional at this point and as a result is turning himself into a joke. You don't want to be a joke if you're planning to run for president, just ask our most recent example, Howard Dean ("We're going to the white house YEEEEEAAAHHHHHH!!!!").

Trump could only lose on this whole thing. If the birth certificate really didn't exist Obama would have never released it and this little sliver of doubt isn't enough to win enough votes to matter, no win; if the birth certificate did exist then he looks like a kook. Lose, lose.

As for Tim Pawlenty? As a former MN resident, I can tell you that none of us want him as president. Your taxes won't go up under Pawlenty's watch but I'll be damned if you won't get a government fee added on to just about everything possible. The guy's about as stereotypical two-face, disingenuous politician as you can get.
[quote name='whoknows']How do we know this birth certificate isn't fake?[/QUOTE]

How do we know your birth certificate is real?

How do we know the world isn't flat?

How do we know the stars don't revolve around the Earth?

How do we know there's a Santa Clause?
This has to be a shrewd political calculation by Obama. Whether it will work as planned is another matter. Yes, its making the Birthers look even more crazy, but you dont want them so crazy that Republican elected officials start distancing themselves from them.
I think its funny because the same people where asking for the B.C.
Now those people are saying this is a silly waste of time, more important issues etc...

As for being fake do you really think a president this day in age would release a fake B.C.
Pretty damn sure he would opt not to release one rather than release a fake one.
[quote name='speedracer']Business Insider actually suggested it was released to strengthen Trump against other GOP candidates because every poll shows Obama completely destroying Trump and they want him in the race.

Man, that would be insane if the birthers ended up allowing Obama to hand pick his reelection opponent.

But holy cow, is Trump running with it or what?[/QUOTE]

I posted the same thought several posts up. You're a savvy dude, but it would behoove you to read the thread.

[quote name='cindersphere']http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsme...cate_should_say_negro_not_african.php?ref=fpb

Like clockwork.[/QUOTE]



...sorry, it can't be helped.
I don't know who thise was supposed to convince really. The dipshits who believed it in the first place aren't going to suddenly abandon the idea that he isn't an American. In fact, I'm going to throw this out there before it actually ends up happening but, I bet soon someone starts questioning if Hawaii is really a state.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']How do we know your birth certificate is real?

How do we know the world isn't flat?

How do we know the stars don't revolve around the Earth?

How do we know there's a Santa Clause?[/QUOTE]

Exactly! Where is Santa's birth certificate!?
If we're going to make the John McCain comparison, was the McCain birther movement as big as the Obama birther movement even after McCain released the 'short form'? Was their an enormous demand for McCain to release the 'long form'? Did a majority of Democrats believe McCain was not eligible by virtue of his place of birth to be President?
You all want to have a good belly laugh (or a depressing shake of the head) you've *got* to read the comments on freerepublic (there are many threads on the subject, but I think this one has pretty much all the 'theories' in it).

The theories I find most interesting (for entertainment purposes only)
1) It's not a 'long form birth certificate' because it it titled "Certificate of Live Birth"
2) It's only an annotated version of the document released back in 2008. Thus either the 2008 document or the 2011 document must be a lie (note: the 2008 doc was a Certification of Live Birth as opposed to the 2011 Certificate of Live Birth; FReepers not so good with subtlety)
3) It's a fake because there is no baby length or weight listed (note there is a pic of a Ms. Nordyke's Hawaiian certificate in the same thread who was born the day after Mr. Obama which no one claims is fake but is also lacking length weight info).
4) The signing doctor, with a last name of Smilan or Similar (post #85) cannot be found in Hawaiian records (The doctor's last name can clearly be read as Sinclair. Only thing odd about that is that you can actually read a doctor's signature ;)).
5) Mr. Obama Sr.'s race is listed as "African" not "Negro". African is too 'politically correct' for 1961. (As if there is no difference between a person from Africa and an 'American Negro').

But the biggest example of 'goalpost creep' is the argument that even if he was born in Hawaii and by 8 USC 1401 is a "citizens (sic) of the United States by birth". He is not and cannot be a "Natural Born Citizen". They assert that only a person who mother and father are US citizens and the child is born on US soil may be considered a "Natural Born Citizen".

Even in the thread, some of the more level headed posters show why this assertion is faulty, including some court opinions as old as the mid-1800s. But they "shall not be moved".

Like I said, hilarious and depressing all at the same time.

As for the original question, I'd have told them to shove all the BC questions up their asses like he basically has after releasing the 2008 doc. It was clear that no amount of proof will persuade the hardest of the hardcore birthers. Moreover, even if some of the 'wishy-washy' birthers would change there minds on this issue, they sure as hell aint gonna vote for him.

He's smarter than I am though, so I'm sure he thinks releasing it now buys him something politically. But I'll be damned if I could tell you *what* that something is!
I don't know what benefits Obama could gain from this. Very possible as myke and others mentioned that he could be steering the Republican nomination process. Most establishment Repubs don't like Trump and in some ways this gives him credibility. It's similar to the Teabaggers with their support of the moron Palin (hmmm... prob don't need to preface her name with moron as it goes without saying.) So forcing a teabagger as candidate would make a great move since most of the public will reject that person.

What I don't like is that this pretty much centrist conservative Dem is acquiescing in a spineless manner to moron conservatives. Just considering his track record would lead one to this conclusion. But, this might be the strategic move that was suggested. One can hope...

Racism plays the major role in this. This BLACK president is the only one to have his birthplace questioned and is considered to be a "secret Muslim" (what would be wrong with being Muslim? Oh, we are just so post-racial...). BTW, how incompetent must Repubs have been to not be able to uncover Obama's fake birth during the PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN?!?!?!? Anyway, the whole drive behind all the accusations and Other-ization are nothing other than discomfort with seeing a black face on TV occupying the oval office. I will play around with a conservative saying to make a more legitimate point.

Not all conservative are racists but most racists are conservatives! :applause:

Poll: 46% of GOP thinks Obama's Muslim
bread's done