Obama to sign anti-smoking bill, time to horde cigs if you smoke!

[quote name='RAMSTORIA']i have no doubt the fda will handle tobacco industry fairly.[/QUOTE]

Now when you say fairly...
Good, even though I have recently learned I like the occasional cigar I want to see the stuff hit hard. Cig smokers are the biggest assholes on the planet and I honestly find only 1 in 100 of them can be respectful with their habit.
Hmm.. Considering heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S. I wonder if the same people who were against the health care reform will be against this.
[quote name='MSI Magus']Good, even though I have recently learned I like the occasional cigar I want to see the stuff hit hard. Cig smokers are the biggest assholes on the planet and I honestly find only 1 in 100 of them can be respectful with their habit.[/QUOTE]

Actually when I worked at hotel and had to ask people if they were smoking or non-smoking I could pretty much tell with out hearing the answer. 90% of the smokers were nicer, more relaxed, and just plain more enjoyable to interact with. Not only the smokers were nice, but it was shocking when some asshole requested a smoking room.

That being said I do understand you thinking smokers are assholes ABOUT their habit, but not your comment about being assholes in general.

I smoke and I am very respectful of others. I never throw my butts out the window while driving, I almost never throw them on the ground while walking, I try to smoke away from sidewalks and door entrances. Before the smoking ban I would NEVER smoke in a restaurant even in the smoking section. When I go to concerts indoors or outdoors i smoke very little and try to tilt my head back and blow my smoke straight up in the air. I always apologize to anyone that walks into or i accidentally blow smoke near their face. I always ask permission even outside if the people I with mind if I smoke and if they do then I never argue and don't, or I go away from them to smoke.
gareman, i have nothing against smokers, but based on my experience, people who smoke considerately like you do are definitely the minority, by an enormous margin. smoke spots are underutilized, most people seem to have no problem smoking while walking down a crowded store-front sidewalk and then tossing their butts on the ground and stepping on them. it's not a huge problem imo, it's just a little unpleasant is all, but i'm just saying it seems very few smoke considerately.

i have several neighbors who smoke on their balconies in my non-smoking apartment complex (not even supposed to smoke in the parking lot), which particularly sucks in the summer when most units have fans blowing air in.. on days like today i smell cigarette smoke from my living room every ~15 minutes.

perhaps it's not the majority that are inconsiderate, but it definitely feels like it to me.
I love the smokers who feel like it's their right to smoke. They're the ones who get the most pissed off about stuff like this.
The only part of this legislation that I'm truly against is the banning of "candy or fruit flavored tobacco." Does this mean hookah will be banned too? I'm actually sort of pissed off about this.
[quote name='JolietJake']I love the smokers who feel like it's their right to smoke. They're the ones who get the most pissed off about stuff like this.[/QUOTE]

And I like how assholes like you think you can tell smokers what we can and can't do with our bodies.

And how smoking is rude, when cars with a lot of exhaust are just fine.

And how spitting out gum is okay, but tossing a butt isn't.
[quote name='Autumn Star']The only part of this legislation that I'm truly against is the banning of "candy or fruit flavored tobacco." Does this mean hookah will be banned too? I'm actually sort of pissed off about this.[/QUOTE]

Amusing looking at your avatar considering Bush veto'd this same bill in the past while Obama is now signing it into law. ;)
[quote name='JolietJake']I love the smokers who feel like it's their right to smoke. They're the ones who get the most pissed off about stuff like this.[/QUOTE]

The worst is the people that smoke in an elevator. It's an enclosed box with minimal ventilation, shared by smoker and non-smoker alike, and you can't wait 5 minutes to light up outside? That was always a constant issue where my mother lives -- but any time a "Please don't smoke in the elevator" sign went up, it was ripped down within a day.
[quote name='Liquid 2']And I like how assholes like you think you can tell smokers what we can and can't do with our bodies.

And how smoking is rude, when cars with a lot of exhaust are just fine.

And how spitting out gum is okay, but tossing a butt isn't.[/QUOTE]
do you honestly think it's okay to have bad exhaust or to litter chewed gum?

both of those things are illegal.. just like smoking within 25ft of a building entrance or tossing your butt on the ground
I really look down upon smokers. Everyone knows the implied health problems/costs and yet some people would rather look "cool" by smoking and attempt to boost their selfconscience. (And the "calming" effect is not why people start.) Its nasty, time/$ consuming and just plain stupid thing to do in this day and age. I question the intelligence of every smoker.


Noting that the White House was a no-smoking zone, Brokaw asked Obama, "Have you stopped smoking?"

"I have," Obama replied, smiling broadly. "What I said was that there are times where I have fallen off the wagon."

"Wait a minute," Brokaw interjected, "that means you haven't stopped."

"Fair enough," Obama said. "What I would say is that I have done a terrific job under the circumstances of making myself much healthier. You will not see any violations of these rules in the White House."

Obama was often observed on the presidential campaign trail chewing Nicorette gum, which helps ease the craving for nicotine. He has tried several times to quit.
[quote name='gareman']Actually when I worked at hotel and had to ask people if they were smoking or non-smoking I could pretty much tell with out hearing the answer. 90% of the smokers were nicer, more relaxed, and just plain more enjoyable to interact with. Not only the smokers were nice, but it was shocking when some asshole requested a smoking room.

That being said I do understand you thinking smokers are assholes ABOUT their habit, but not your comment about being assholes in general.

I smoke and I am very respectful of others. I never throw my butts out the window while driving, I almost never throw them on the ground while walking, I try to smoke away from sidewalks and door entrances. Before the smoking ban I would NEVER smoke in a restaurant even in the smoking section. When I go to concerts indoors or outdoors i smoke very little and try to tilt my head back and blow my smoke straight up in the air. I always apologize to anyone that walks into or i accidentally blow smoke near their face. I always ask permission even outside if the people I with mind if I smoke and if they do then I never argue and don't, or I go away from them to smoke.[/QUOTE]

This makes you the minority then. Just drive around and watch all the jackasses smoking in their car with kids in the back seat...hell I have 3 or 4 of these idiots in my family. Then look at resteraunts and how smokers instead of going to the side of the building or someplace away from others sit right freaking in front of the door that way anyone walking in or out of the resteraunt has to walk through their smoke. The best example of how rude most smokers are was at my cousins wedding, it was cold out so all the smokers took it upon themselves to smoke in the lobby. You could smell the smoke througout the whole building since it had no where to go, but worse was that when you wanted to leave the building or go to the bathroom you had to wade through thick smoke. When someone finaly asked them to start smoking outside that acted like a bunch of jackasses and pitched a fit till the groom said something. Same thing happens every year at my fiancees Christmas party.

Also to the person who said we dont ban cars that pollute and what not those were horrid examples. We regulate anything that people, their vehicles or any other position/hobby do that can be harmful to others and thanks to assholes like you we will continue to have to. Accept the flaws of your habits and move on. A good example of this that shows that we non smokers arnt just a bunch of whiny hypocrites is that I dont sit and deny that far too many dog owners tend to be assholes who dont pick up their dog poo despite owning and loving two dogs. Instead I like most thinking/mature people recognize that other assholes ruined it for me long ago. I simply accept my puppies arnt welcome at public beaches and many other places because of those that wont clean up after their own dogs. This is a much better analogy to you smokers who are happy to toss your cig butts everywhere and blow smoke in the face of anyone that doesn't smoke.
[quote name='PR Mega X']The worst is the people that smoke in an elevator. It's an enclosed box with minimal ventilation, shared by smoker and non-smoker alike, and you can't wait 5 minutes to light up outside? That was always a constant issue where my mother lives -- but any time a "Please don't smoke in the elevator" sign went up, it was ripped down within a day.[/QUOTE]

Our apartment building has given up fighting with the smokers. Thankfully there is no elevator, but we do have balconies....and naturally the smokers sit on theirs and toss their butts off the side vs pitching them in a waste basket. I feel really bad for the old woman in the one building that tries to keep a garden and has to constantly clean cigg butts out of it because of the jackasses living above her. I said something to the manager when we first moved in about it and she just laughed, she said she has managed this place for 16ish years and they have tried time and time again and that smokers just dont care.
I've never understood why tobacco and alcohol were under a different part of the government than the FDA to begin with. I'm sure there's a story behind it, but it never made sense to me.
[quote name='MSI Magus']I feel really bad for the old woman in the one building that tries to keep a garden and has to constantly clean cigg butts out of it because of the jackasses living above her.[/QUOTE]
i was in the enviro club at my old college and, i kid you not, twenty five percent of groundskeeping time was spent cleaning up cigarette butts.. what shocked me the most is how many people would actually go to the smoking shelters, which had ashtray-type cans for the butts, and still throw their butts on the ground.. the can is right next to them and they still toss it on the ground.. i just do not understand
[quote name='LaMeRz']Next on the list:

Implementing the 3 sea shells

Demolition Man is coming true[/QUOTE]
So long as we have more than Taco Bell as a dining option, i'll be ok.
[quote name='Autumn Star']The only part of this legislation that I'm truly against is the banning of "candy or fruit flavored tobacco." Does this mean hookah will be banned too? I'm actually sort of pissed off about this.[/QUOTE]

i didnt even think about hookahs... i love visiting my friends because they have a hookah, so much nicer than normal cigarettes...
[quote name='Cheapass24']this is only a good thing, Smokers are idiots.[/QUOTE]

same with people who eat unhealthy and fatty foods Let's ban that....i agree with you that the government knows best
But like.. doesn't this shit bring in a lot of revenue? I mean, I don't like the idea of smoking because of what it does to you..and I agree that we may need something like this later...but let people keep buying shit for christ's sake.
[quote name='Autumn Star']The only part of this legislation that I'm truly against is the banning of "candy or fruit flavored tobacco." Does this mean hookah will be banned too? I'm actually sort of pissed off about this.[/QUOTE]

This. I have no problem with preventing cigarette companies from advertising to teens, but banning certain flavors is stupid. It's like banning flavored or colorful condoms because they might encourage kids to have sex.
[quote name='evanft']This. I have no problem with preventing cigarette companies from advertising to teens, but banning certain flavors is stupid. It's like banning flavored or colorful condoms because they might encourage kids to have sex.[/QUOTE]

Don't give them any ideas.

*Waits for the new "Family Protection Against Carnal Acts" bill to hit the House floor*
I smoked as a teenager, and we didn't need no stinkin' juju fruit flavors to get us to start, neither.

What did we have, then? Why, good old adolescent deviant pressures and expectations. I don't give a good god-damn if every cigarette on the planet is forced by the government to taste like Dick Cheney's old, dusty, wrinkled, oil-soaked cock. Teens will still smoke them.

Why? Because they're teens.
[quote name='mykevermin']I smoked as a teenager, and we didn't need no stinkin' juju fruit flavors to get us to start, neither.

What did we have, then? Why, good old adolescent deviant pressures and expectations. I don't give a good god-damn if every cigarette on the planet is forced by the government to taste like Dick Cheney's old, dusty, wrinkled, oil-soaked cock. Teens will still smoke them.

Why? Because they're teens.[/QUOTE]


And to the guy saying why dont they ban fatty foods.....so damn sick of this stupid argument. If I chose to eat a fatty slice of pizza does the grease from burger snake over into your mouth and im not aware of it? Or maybe when I have a double rescees sundae the peanut butter is some kind of ninja that secretly makes its way into your system? Honestly fatty foods MAY be as bad for people but only for the person eating not those surrounding them.

On the flip side part of me would almost be happy if they banned fatty foods besides the fact that it would be much easier to diet. Plus many of the low fat/low calorie alternatives being put out now are starting to be pretty damn tasty so it would drive the market to come up with alternatives that are tasty. Anyone had Edy's Loaded at all? Man that shits seriously tasty and 1/4th the fat of the other ice creme. I'm not being serious that food should be banned, just saying there are upsides to even us fatties ;)
I dont' think smokers realize how much smoke gets on other people's nerves. You can smoke all you want but what gives you the right to sit outside my house and blow your smoke in my house? Why should I have to breathe in your smoke?

As for smelly exhaust, last time I checked you didn't need to burn tobacco to get to work, the store, or anywhere else. As long as we have gasoline combustion engines, we'll have to deal with the smell. Thing is, that smell serves some sort of purpose other than calming down your crippling habit.
A.) The indulgences into fatty foods does hurt us all when y'all have heart attacks, can't pay for the medical treatment, go bankrupt (etc...). See how I tied those two topics together?

B.) Several studies have shown that the effects of second hand smoke are greatly over rated. In fact, if you live in a major metro area, you breath in more carcinogens on a typical day than if you were to hang out in a crowded room full of smokers.
[quote name='depascal22']I dont' think smokers realize how much smoke gets on other people's nerves. You can smoke all you want but what gives you the right to sit outside my house and blow your smoke in my house? Why should I have to breathe in your smoke?[/quote]

What gives non-smokers the right to ban smoking on my property though?

As for smelly exhaust, last time I checked you didn't need to burn tobacco to get to work, the store, or anywhere else. As long as we have gasoline combustion engines, we'll have to deal with the smell. Thing is, that smell serves some sort of purpose other than calming down your crippling habit.

Another example of Majority vs. Minority. Just because more people have a use for driving, it's perfectly okay for you to shove your cancerous exhaust fumes down everyone's throats instead of walking or riding a bike. You don't *need* a gasoline-based combustion engine. You just choose to live your life with one and force everyone else to suffer because of your choice.
[quote name='UncleBob']A.) The indulgences into fatty foods does hurt us all when y'all have heart attacks, can't pay for the medical treatment, go bankrupt (etc...). See how I tied those two topics together?

B.) Several studies have shown that the effects of second hand smoke are greatly over rated. In fact, if you live in a major metro area, you breath in more carcinogens on a typical day than if you were to hang out in a crowded room full of smokers.[/QUOTE]

1. All the more reason to nationalize health care then. See how I turned that back on you? Seriously though these are two very different issues and bringing food into it is just silly.

2. Yes and I am sure these are pretty equivalent to many of the anti global warming studies which are usually hosted by douchbag idiots. Just that their compared to a major metro city is stupid in and of itself. If anything it just shows how much we have polluted not just our bodies but the world we live in and hey I am guessing your not a big proponet of policing industry and forcing them to clean up the environment/prevent global warming right? So if thats the case and you can use food and health care in the smoking debate how about I say to me this just proves that you should support cutting carbon by like 40%, strickter gas standards and mandating new water/air pollution policy?

More on topic related to the studies I say then explain the health effects I had growing up in the household I did as well as what happans to me when I go back to visit? My dad smoked a pack or two a day and by the time my little brother was 16 he was too. I had these icky scaly itchy spots on my feet and hands and I used to get these bad pains in my heart living in that house. Then a few years ago I moved out...within 3 months both symptoms were gone. That Christmas though when I went and stayed a week with them they were starting up again....and the same thing happened the next year too. It was the damned smoke, iv paid attention since then and every time I have to be around smokers for prolonged periods of time I have the same problems. I think if anything we underestimate just how much second hand smoke can do.
Sounds like you're having some kind of unusual allergic reaction to the smoke.

And for the record, I don't beleive in "man-made" global warming, but I do believe that private businesses do *not* should have the right to pollute the property of others.

You're right - there are plenty of studies on both sides of the fence. There are flaws with both groups of studies in both methods and creation. It goes to show how little we understand the situation and how everyone has knee jerk reactions.
[quote name='UncleBob']Sounds like you're having some kind of unusual allergic reaction to the smoke.

And for the record, I don't beleive in "man-made" global warming, but I do believe that private businesses do *not* should have the right to pollute the property of others.

You're right - there are plenty of studies on both sides of the fence. There are flaws with both groups of studies in both methods and creation. It goes to show how little we understand the situation and how everyone has knee jerk reactions.[/QUOTE]

Difference being our knee jerk reaction at worst leaves the planet a clean place and at best gets rid of a catastrophe where yours at best leaves the planet polluted and all of us sick and at worst all of us dead. Again I make not like the Dems but ill support them because atleast unlike the Republicans and Libertarians they are freaking doing something.
That's funny. I'm not sure how requiring businesses to not pollute the property of others really leaves the planet polluted and kills us all. Could you explain that, please?
[quote name='MSI Magus']*this*

And to the guy saying why dont they ban fatty foods.....so damn sick of this stupid argument. If I chose to eat a fatty slice of pizza does the grease from burger snake over into your mouth and im not aware of it? Or maybe when I have a double rescees sundae the peanut butter is some kind of ninja that secretly makes its way into your system? Honestly fatty foods MAY be as bad for people but only for the person eating not those surrounding them.

On the flip side part of me would almost be happy if they banned fatty foods besides the fact that it would be much easier to diet. Plus many of the low fat/low calorie alternatives being put out now are starting to be pretty damn tasty so it would drive the market to come up with alternatives that are tasty. Anyone had Edy's Loaded at all? Man that shits seriously tasty and 1/4th the fat of the other ice creme. I'm not being serious that food should be banned, just saying there are upsides to even us fatties ;)[/QUOTE]
So you have no problem with the people who use smokeless tobacco or the general concept of smokeless tobacco ?
[quote name='gareman']So you have no problem with the people who use smokeless tobacco or the general concept of smokeless tobacco ?[/QUOTE]

Nope, I could care less if you use chew or not. And before you start whining well its being banned too realize im a rational person so I realize this is not a ban its just placing power on FDA hands that will create some restrictions. You can still use chew.
How is this different than the mandate requiring the removal of trans fats from foods? It is just placing health restrictions and clarity where there has been no oversight before. Smoking is not going away. I don't think anyone would disagree that this is a drug that can be hazardous.

I don't see the big deal and this think is a very good thing.

That's funny. I'm not sure how requiring businesses to not pollute the property of others really leaves the planet polluted and kills us all. Could you explain that, please?

The statement is not clear. They can pollute other regions where people do not live. It is still pollution regardless of where you put it. I don't think you meant that but it was just a little vague. Reduction of pollution at the source is never a bad thing and should be instituted regardless of global warming. It is sad it took this long, there was just never any cost motivation before.

/end offtopic
[quote name='gareman']So you have no problem with the people who use smokeless tobacco or the general concept of smokeless tobacco ?[/QUOTE]

I also don't have a problem with it unless you spit on my shoes. Then it's clobbering time.

UncleBob -- I'm convinced that you'll never ever make a statement that doesn't bring in five thousand other subjects and abstract "probing" questions.
[quote name='Survivor Charlie']Can we ban ice cream and fried food too? Those cause people to be fat and sweat. And bad body odor and fatness offends me more then smokers do.[/QUOTE]

This is totally logical. Because if someone sitting next to you eats ice cream you will get fat, right? Oh, wait...
[quote name='gareman']Actually when I worked at hotel and had to ask people if they were smoking or non-smoking I could pretty much tell with out hearing the answer. 90% of the smokers were nicer, more relaxed, and just plain more enjoyable to interact with. Not only the smokers were nice, but it was shocking when some asshole requested a smoking room.

That being said I do understand you thinking smokers are assholes ABOUT their habit, but not your comment about being assholes in general.

I smoke and I am very respectful of others. I never throw my butts out the window while driving, I almost never throw them on the ground while walking, I try to smoke away from sidewalks and door entrances. Before the smoking ban I would NEVER smoke in a restaurant even in the smoking section. When I go to concerts indoors or outdoors i smoke very little and try to tilt my head back and blow my smoke straight up in the air. I always apologize to anyone that walks into or i accidentally blow smoke near their face. I always ask permission even outside if the people I with mind if I smoke and if they do then I never argue and don't, or I go away from them to smoke.[/QUOTE]
I think you are thinking about marijuana smokers. It certainly makes me a happy camper when I smoke a jay. :bouncy:
But yes, cigarette smokers are generally nice people.
[quote name='HowStern']This is totally logical. Because if someone sitting next to you eats ice cream you will get fat, right? Oh, wait...[/QUOTE]

Is it ok if we ban idiots. When I hear them talk they give me stress, and from what I hear stress is a killer. But if that happened who else would argue on this thread?
How much of the government do you want in your everyday lives? First trans fat, then cigs...don't they have better things to worry about?

Someone smoking next to you? Well they don;t have a right to smoke but you don;t have a right to stand there either. or.....you could always ask them to move because it is bothering you. But solving your own problems instead of letting the government do it seems pretty unAmerican
anyways how much government do you people want in your life?

They are telling us how to eat (trans fat) and going to tell us how to enjoy ourselves (cigs)

If someone's smoking is bother you then ask them to stop or move...or god forbid you have to move somewhere else. Although lately solving your own problems seems pretty unAmerican when the government can come bail us out (see what I did there) whenever things are not going our way.

Generally people are pretty polite if they know they are bothering you so don't hesitate to use your sweet sweet influencing skills

and doesn't the government have anything better to do? (Answer is yes, but Voting to simply state that you do not agree with Iran does not count)
bread's done