OBJECTION!!! *present GGT #35* TAKE THAT!!!

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[quote name='Krymner']Phoenix Wright > Apollo Justice.

There, I said it.[/quote]You will get no argument from me.
I sure do I hope I get my Lost Odyssey today from YF360g.com. This is the longest it has ever taken for them to ship me a game. I wonder if Inu got his game? Oh well. If I get that today, I will be playing that! If not, more Disgaea and Patapon.
I cannot believe what I just did now. I'll finally admit that the reason I knew some CAG members real name because I had them added on my AIM buddy list, and when I had Facebook search my buddy list, it would tell me who is on Facebook and whether I want to add them or not. I've done that over and over again with my AIM names, but never tried my email accounts. So I go through my emails I have, and one which I had contacts to a few SCEA employees (I know them because I worked as a game reviewer at one point and heavily did SCEA games). I saw them listed and checked out their friends. As I did, I saw several other SCEA PR employees (many who post at the PS Blog), reviewers and other people in the gaming media who I heard of (from 1UP, Gamespot, IGN, guys from Insomniac, etc.), all as their friends. And when checking all their friends, I found tons more people we hear around from video gaming.

I guess Facebook is excellent for stalking, like a few said. :lol:

Anyway, can't wait to play more Lost Odyssey today, but I'll do it after I head to campus (if the weather is nice) to print off the 25% coupon, then I'll trade in a few PSP/DS games.
I think I'm gonna get back to some Final Fantasy VIII today. I haven't played it in almost a week, because of Apollo Justice and that damn Etrian Odyssey.

I want to get thru 8 and move on to 9, since I've only completly played thru it once. And I haven't played ANY of the PS2 Final Fantasy games, which should be remidied after I get that triple in June. I think I'll skip FF 11. They really shouldn't have made one of the core FF games a MMO, but that's my opinion. I guess I'll just treat X-2 as FF 11 before moving on to 12. Hopefully I'll be able to get thru them by the end of the year (I'm not a fast player...I have some attention deficit disorder, and I don't usually play a game more than 1-2 hours before getting bored.)
morning ggt.

have work in a few hours, so I guess I'll play something until it's time to go. Then probably some ds or psp time at work during the dead times.
Think I'm going to spend the majority of my day playing around with the Crysis editor, and actually make a serious map. All I did with it last night was spawn dozens of Koreans or tanks 500 metres above a building, and watch them fall and blow the crap out of everything.

I'd probably like to hit level 17 by the end of today in Tabula Rasa aswell.
[quote name='daroga']An interesting perspective on PC gaming from a PC game developer:


Thanks for the link - that was pretty interesting.

And yeah, the PC gaming industry has got a lot of problems. Both on the user and developer side. It's good they're trying to sort that shit out now (or at least pretending to put some effort into it), because, well... it is a complete mess.

I still buy the PC versions of games whenever there is one (and it's better, which is usually the case), despite the inconvenience. Once it's working, it's great, and it's a more solid experience. But damn is the industry a mess.
PC devs have been venting a lot about piracy lately (or maybe they always have been, but I just started paying attention to the industry...) This guy, the CoD4 devs, Crysis devs...

Overall, the lesson for PC devs, unfortunately, is to shoot low specs-wise, shoot low game-wise (minigame$), and digitally distribute.
I think it was Chris Taylor that was talking about how he thinks the future of PC games is gonna be something where, to play, you always have to be connected to the innanet. In which case, I will no longer be PC gaming. I'm not going to buy a rental.
[quote name='Chacrana']I think it was Chris Taylor that was talking about how he thinks the future of PC games is gonna be something where, to play, you always have to be connected to the innanet. In which case, I will no longer be PC gaming. I'm not going to buy a rental.[/QUOTE]

That's what steam basically is. Valve is really on top of it. Sucks for the materialists, but w/e, I don't mind that since my PC is always hooked up. Pain in the ass on a laptop though.

the best part of the article:
Which brings me to the audience. There's a lot of stupid people out there.

:rofl: shit just got real. also, ironic grammar mistakes ftw!
[quote name='Chacrana']Thanks for the link - that was pretty interesting.

And yeah, the PC gaming industry has got a lot of problems. Both on the user and developer side. It's good they're trying to sort that shit out now (or at least pretending to put some effort into it), because, well... it is a complete mess.

I still buy the PC versions of games whenever there is one (and it's better, which is usually the case), despite the inconvenience. Once it's working, it's great, and it's a more solid experience. But damn is the industry a mess.[/quote]Yeah. It's pretty sad how piracy has so rocked that industry that it's hard to develop anything solely for PC (unless you're Blizzard--even Valve as succumb to putting things out on the consoles). Console games are so much safer. Sure you've got the morons with their modchips who pirate things and rarely if ever buy anything, but those are the vast minority vs. majority in the PC world.

If a game is developed with the PC as the lead platform, I can see it being the best on the PC. FPS and RTS will always be better on PC as well (though I'd like to see someone try and do something slick with RTS and the Wii pointer). But I really can't fathom playing a platformer or action game with a KB/M. Seems like those genres are just made for a controller.

Is it normally graphical fidelity that has you calling the PC versions of console-release games "best," or is it control, or a mix of things? Just curious.
For me, it's the controls mostly for a PC game over a console game. When I'm playing an FPS, I HAVE to have a keyboard/mouse, playing with a controller just doesn't feel right. I'm not a big RTS person, but the ones I've played work so much better with a KB/M due to having hot keys and everything right there in front of you vs having all different button combinations on a controller.

Other than that, the community of a PC game is really the draw with always having someone to play with, having dedicated servers running 24/7, constant updates/patches to fix whatever bugs come along and the modding is all really great.
[quote name='blueshinra']Actually, I wasn't using an emulator. That screenshot was taken while I was playing the PC version (which always looked way better than the PS1 one).[/QUOTE]

Ah that's why the text and menus look so smooth. Yeah, I used to own the PC version. It does look nice, because it's using the same assets just output at higher resolutions, which is what I'd like a PSOne emulator to do. I'm glad the PSP emulator works so well, that's what I recently played through FF7 on, and I'm nearly done with FF8 on.

Anyone know how FF9 works on PSP? FF8 took some trickery with GameIDs to work right.

And I may be in the extreme minority who enjoys playing everything except RTS with a controller over mouse and keyboard. I did enjoy System Shock 2 more than Bioshock, though. I just enjoy the simplicity of a controller.
control is a non-issue. if it's an action game, you can hook any controller you want into a PC via converter.
[quote name='Apossum']control is a non-issue. if it's an action game, you can hook any controller you want into a PC via converter.[/quote]Right. So mainly graphical upgrades then?
PC games are cheaper, too. I'm pretty sure that's because there's no licensing fees involved for the publisher going towards the hardware maker.

Of course, that results in less quality control, letting things like RE4 on PC fly by without mouse support until the community patches it.
I had a really hard time debating which third PSP game to trade in (I was going to trade in the max number of handheld games I could, 4). I decided to let Sonic Rivals go (I already beat it), Lumines (Although most prefer the first, I prefer the 2nd and usually play it), Mega Man Battle Network: Double Team (although I enjoy the series, I never beat a single one, so I'm just going to stick to beating the first two and allow all others to go), and I decided on Namco Museum: Battle Collection. I wish the games supported widescreen, but they don't. I mostly liked it because of the arranged Pac-Man, so I played it and just beat it, so now I can trade it in. I'm not going to make the trades until later in the week. I really want to ditch a ton of games, but I'm finding it hard to do so.

I thought about Me & MY Katamari (controls are weird, but I love Katamari on the go), After Burner: Black Falcon (I might never see another After Burner and it is a lot of fun, just haven't played it a whole lot), or Ultimate Ghost'n Goblins (It's a classic IMO, just haven't played a whole lot as of late), but I'll keep them. It's really not easy downsizing my PSP collection a little since I bought pretty good stuff for mine.

I just played some DMC4 today. A progressed a little further.
[quote name='jer7583']PC games are cheaper, too. I'm pretty sure that's because there's no licensing fees involved for the publisher going towards the hardware maker.

Of course, that results in less quality control, letting things like RE4 on PC fly by without mouse support until the community patches it.[/quote]True on both points. Although Nintendo seems to let PC-style QC pass on the Wii. Does anyone have any info on how much a company has to pay on average to have their game be on one of the 3 consoles? I'm just curious how big of a piece of that total game-cost-pie licensing is.

I should probably try to get through Ninja Gaiden Sigma before Brawl hits in a week. I just beat the Aqueduct. If I recall that's, what, about 60 or 70% through the game? (Though I'm finding my memory of the order of that game is severely hurt by my years away from it. ;) )
[quote name='daroga']
Is it normally graphical fidelity that has you calling the PC versions of console-release games "best," or is it control, or a mix of things? Just curious.[/QUOTE]

It's the graphics... both in terms of how good it looks and how smoothly it runs. I do roll with a gamepad on some games that just work better, so I like the ability to use whatever controller is best on the PC.
[quote name='daroga']True on both points. Although Nintendo seems to let PC-style QC pass on the Wii. Does anyone have any info on how much a company has to pay on average to have their game be on one of the 3 consoles? I'm just curious how big of a piece of that total game-cost-pie licensing is.

I don't have a number, but I've heard from devs. that it's pretty damn huge.
I don't think it's that huge, more like $7-10 of the $60 cost goes towards licensing fees. Which explains why PC versions are usually around $10 less.
So I completed two offers on YourFree360Games.com and I'm trying to decide if I want to cash that in now for LO or wait a bit for RSix Vegas 2 or something else in the future. I have Mass Effect coming, so I probably have enough gaming to last me for a bit. Saint's Row just released from Goozex too. Good problems to have.

PC = MMO machine for me. I've played WoW and that's about it in the last few years.
[quote name='jer7583']I don't think it's that huge, more like $7-10 of the $60 cost goes towards licensing fees. Which explains why PC versions are usually around $10 less.[/quote]I dunno, 11-16% of total retail cost seems pretty enormous to me.
Whats up gai nuccas? Last night I amazingly completed all the levels in Bloody Palace with Dante in DMC4. Took about 2hrs or more to do it, but I some how fucking pulled it off. My ranking wise doesn't matter though since Jap has them uber L33T people who can do it and keep their "SSS" style up the whole time. Oh well I'm still happy I was just able to do it, fucking shit got insane! Btw there is more then 100 levels, so if you heard there was only 100 you heard wrong. ;)
I started up LO last night myself. I didn't want to get too invested too early, so I stopped after the short intro.

I did revisit Heavenly Sword, of which I only played the first level originally. I must be one of the few people who totally hates Kai's levels. The sixaxxis motion controls are terrible in this game. I swear, the aftertouch is so wonky for me. Solid GoW-ish game otherwise, though.
[quote name='gunm']I started up LO last night myself. I didn't want to get too invested too early, so I stopped after the short intro.

I did revisit Heavenly Sword, of which I only played the first level originally. I must be one of the few people who totally hates Kai's levels. The sixaxxis motion controls are terrible in this game. I swear, the aftertouch is so wonky for me. Solid GoW-ish game otherwise, though.[/quote]

Turn it off then, and control it with the analog sticks.
[quote name='gunm']

I did revisit Heavenly Sword, of which I only played the first level originally. I must be one of the few people who totally hates Kai's levels. The sixaxxis motion controls are terrible in this game. I swear, the aftertouch is so wonky for me. Solid GoW-ish game otherwise, though.[/quote]

Thats what turned me off to Heavenly Sword.

I hate that arrow guiding garbage, and I hate the six axis period. :x
[quote name='daroga']I dunno, 11-16% of total retail cost seems pretty enormous to me.[/QUOTE]

yeah, but not compared to the publisher cut, which is something like $35. Retailers are lucky to get more than $5. Developers get the scraps of that.

I think I'm getting Patapon today.. but I want something else. Maybe Wipeout Pulse..
I also haven't found one six-axis controlled thing I like. I suggest turning it off to get maximum enjoyment out of Heavenly Sword.
[quote name='jer7583']
I think I'm getting Patapon today.. but I want something else. Maybe Wipeout Pulse..[/QUOTE]

Another PSP game? I say wait a couple days and get GoW.
[quote name='tiredfornow']Thats what turned me off to Heavenly Sword.

I hate that arrow guiding garbage, and I hate the six axis period. :x[/QUOTE]Although I tend to like SIXAXIS controls more than most (like in Toy Home for an example), I'm not a big fan of it in Heavenly Sword, but that's not my big issue with it (but I still like the game). I do like how the game is quite linear (although I love DMC4, one thing that turns me off a little is that it's easy to get lost if you are not careful).

As for PSP games, I plan to get Patapon and Wipeout Pulse, then eventually God of War. I'm just trying to sell/trade games first.
I don't really like God of War much. I finished the first, and never really played the second one. Like 1up yours from yesterday said, it's kind of the Mortal Kombat of action games. Simpler and a little cheesier than DMC and Ninja Gaiden. Nothing wrong with that, I just don't enjoy the games. I also don't want to spend $40 on a 4 hour game, since I'll never play through it more than once.

It looks real pretty though.
[quote name='seanr1221']I also haven't found one six-axis controlled thing I like. I suggest turning it off to get maximum enjoyment out of Heavenly Sword.[/QUOTE]
I liked it in Folklore, but that's it.

And yes, turn off motion controls in Heavenly Sword. So much more fun that way.
[quote name='jer7583']I don't really like God of War much. I finished the first, and never really played the second one. Like 1up yours from yesterday said, it's kind of the Mortal Kombat of action games. Simpler and a little cheesier than DMC and Ninja Gaiden. Nothing wrong with that, I just don't enjoy the games. I also don't want to spend $40 on a 4 hour game, since I'll never play through it more than once.

It looks real pretty though.[/QUOTE]

Ouch it's only 4 hours? That's a pretty hard pill to swallow.

I suppose it makes things a little better if I get a PSP accessory for 50% off. I need a soft carrying case badly.
Reviews have been saying it's a quality, but condensed experience. Too bad the pricing doesn't follow.

I'm much, much more excited for Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword later this month.
What do you need other than an invisible shield? I never keep mine in a case or anything, as long as there's an invisible shield on the screen, you're good.
[quote name='jer7583']What do you need other than an invisible shield? I never keep mine in a case or anything, as long as there's an invisible shield on the screen, you're good.[/QUOTE]
I need a case. I can be very OCD about my games. I refuse to carry a handheld anywhere without a case. Especially the PSP. I'm using my old Logitech one right now, which works but the slim moves around slightly in there and it annoys me. It shouldn't but it does.
[quote name='Krymner']Isn't there a demo that is supposed to be coming soon for NG:Dragon Sword?[/QUOTE]
You can download one at GS. Honestly I wasn't too impressed, but then I'm never a fan of stylus controls.
I thought they were THE best stylus controls for a traditional game I've ever played.

And I don't really mind too much about keeping things in top shape. I realize they're going to get dings and dents eventually- just signs of getting good use out of something. I regularly will throw my PSP in my pocket just bare, because I know the screen is safe with that Invisible Shield on it. I've had it almost a year and never have scratched the thing up.
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