odds of stores honoring mispriced games?


144 (100%)
what are the odds my CC had a game mispriced with a 12.96 sticker the game rang up as 16.96 they didn't honor it :roll: ...anyone like to share stories?
I've gotten Best Buy to do it. When Half-life 2 was $30, they had it sitting at a rack of games with a big $20 sign over it. HL2 still had a $30 sticker on it and everything.

That was obviously a long time ago.. I don't go deal hunting much anymore.
Just try and get a stupid employee. :p

The best deak I ever got was when Kmart made a mistake in there add listing Battlefront 2 for PS2 at 11.99...When it had come out the week before at 49.99. They put the wrong box art in the add. I bought a couple, kept one and sold the rest on ebay for a noice profit. :D
I think the odds are pretty good. I usually honor mispriced items if it was pretty clear it was the stores mistake, and not someone messing around with price stickers.

A while ago at bb I found a dvd that was mispriced for $16.99 and rang up for something close to $40. The cashier didn't question it at all, she just called over a manager who lowered the price. I never said a word. Maybe I just look more honest than most.
[quote name='LINK1392']Just try and get a stupid employee. :p

The best deak I ever got was when Kmart made a mistake in there add listing Battlefront 2 for PS2 at 11.99...When it had come out the week before at 49.99... :D[/quote]

K-mart did damage control on that one rather quickly, but 1 out of 3 Best Buys price-matched it :) The careless employee is definitely the way to go. Stupidity leads to questions and managerial help, carelessness leads to great CAG deals.
Once when I was little (this was like 14 years back) I was at Target they had a little X-men tiger electronic hand held game. They had the wrong price on it they had it listed for 9 cents. I took it up and argued with them to sell it to me for the 9 cents. The sad part is I eventually lost it but I was looking it up awhile ago and if I am remebering the name right its now worth $20.00. Oh if I had only kept mine :( I think my Mom gave it away or something like that. :(
LOL I had a bunch of those handheld Tiger Electronics games growing up, including Double Dragon and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I think I sold them off to someone for $3-5 each the one time, all except maybe a bowling one and TMNT.

Oh and as for mispriced games, I had a copy of some game(don't remember which), which was supposed to be $1.96 @ CC and when I brought it up to the register after having it PC'd in the dept, the cashier I got looked at me and called over a manager after it rang up $1.96.

It was marked for MUCH MORE(over $20 actually) and once she saw the price it was ringing up she gave me every damned excuse in the book as to WHY she 'can't sell it for that price'. I just told her repeatedly that it was their error that it was still out if it couldn't be sold at that price, so I should get it for that.

She was one stubborn b though, so I said 'fuck it' and only bought the other game I had found(for $6-8) and was out the door.

Another time, I found a PS2 Sony brand DS 2 controller marked either $3.99 or $4.99 used @ Gamestop and since it was THEIR error for putting the wrong sticker on it, they let me get it for that price.

Plus, I've had numerous occasions where I'll check the availability of a game prior to hitting GS and if the sticker is out of date and lower, I'll expect them to PM their error, which they usually do. I've managed to get a couple games for cheaper than their current price that way, including the 2004 Transformers game for PS2(stickered either $7.99 or $8.99, rang up $12.99).

You just have to be firm in your reasoning as to WHY the lower price should be what you get the item for.
I would've made a stink about it. Many states have laws that stores must honor the stickered price, otherwise it's bait and switch.

I've have to do this every time Gamestop raises the price on a rare game but doesn't bother to change the sticker.
I was in NY state, Middletown to be precise(up by Poughkeepsie) and the manager woman seemed adamant about NOT honoring it, plus I wanted to hit the couple Gamestops up that way and the Best Buy before they closed, so I was like 'whatever bitch', bought my other game(Narc for PS2) and walked out.

And before anyone says it, NARC may suck on some levels, but I thought it was a fun title, specially if you use the drugs you confiscate from the criminals you bust(especially the acid, which makes 'bad' guys look like devils and good people look like clowns).
At my local walmart, its a rule if something is priced wrong, you get it for the lower price, dunno if thats at all walmarts or not.
they have to honor the price shown. shouldn't be any question. they can get in trouble for not doing so. bestbuy honors the prices. i once bought a 5 port switch from them that was priced $50 but it rang up as $90 so i showed the lady the sticker that says $50 and she honored it.

when i used to work for a clothing store, my manager told me his friend had gotten a shirt worth $200 for $20 at Barney's New York because it was priced wrong. they didnt let it go easy though.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I was in NY state, Middletown to be precise(up by Poughkeepsie) and the manager woman seemed adamant about NOT honoring it, plus I wanted to hit the couple Gamestops up that way and the Best Buy before they closed, so I was like 'whatever bitch', bought my other game(Narc for PS2) and walked out.

And before anyone says it, NARC may suck on some levels, but I thought it was a fun title, specially if you use the drugs you confiscate from the criminals you bust(especially the acid, which makes 'bad' guys look like devils and good people look like clowns).[/quote]

stay away from my area;) ...funny though i have never had a problem with clearance games at that circuit city before...somebody must not of liked how you looked;)

oh and in NY if it is actually marked a certain price then i believe they have to honer that price
Here in Michigan it's a Law, that they have to sell things at the marked price, but it has to be on the product.

so if something is sitting by a shelf label, or some other sign, then they don't
[quote name='cranguy']I would've made a stink about it. Many states have laws that stores must honor the stickered price, otherwise it's bait and switch.[/QUOTE]

It's not bait and switch. CAGs love to complain and use this reasoning, but please know what you are talking about first.
[quote name='MrDubbs']Here in Michigan it's a Law, that they have to sell things at the marked price, but it has to be on the product.

so if something is sitting by a shelf label, or some other sign, then they don't[/QUOTE]

Yeah, same here in Illinois... if it's got a price tag or a shelf label (the ones that say the names) with a lower price, they have to honor it.
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']It's not bait and switch. CAGs love to complain and use this reasoning, but please know what you are talking about first.[/quote]

However it would be borderline bait and switch if they had a misprint in their add and you visited he store in the hope of getting that item for that price.
Several months ago I got Hitman: Blood Money for :360: for $20 at Kmart (I think it was still priced at $40 or $50). This was right after Hitman: Blood Money for :xbox: got put on clearance. They must have not looked at the box closely when they were stickering the games. I was all ready to complain it was stickered a lower price but didn't even have to say anything.

Also years ago I bought a PC game (Some rocket racing game that was made by sega, I think) at Sun TV & Appliances (I don't know if that was a nationwide chain or not, it was sort of like a Best Buy, but without the loss prevention mafia) that was marked at $10 IIRC, but rang up as $50. I had just enough money for the $10 game and when they gave me a price of $50+tax I was shocked. After saying "But it's marked at $" they relented and sold it to me.
[quote name='Jedi1979']stay away from my area;) ...funny though i have never had a problem with clearance games at that circuit city before...somebody must not of liked how you looked;)

oh and in NY if it is actually marked a certain price then i believe they have to honer that price[/quote]

LOL But, I'm not the only non local CAG who used to(or still does) hit those stores on occasion. In my case, it's the former(used to), since the days of me walking in after 2-3 months of drops of guides and finding 30-60 of them on the shelf are LONG GONE.

First time I EVER hit the Middletown BB, I must've walked out of the store with about 70-90 guides over the course of two days. I went back the next day with a friend(who drove their car up that day) and we finished cleaning them out.

Only bad part is, I think I still have many of those guides on my TL. And as for the CC game, it was marked $30 or so, but rang up $1.96 or so, so that's what they tried doing was giving me it for the MARKED price, when I wanted it for the price it rung up.

Either way, after the crackdowns across the board at most locations of GS/BB/TRU, I've just about given up looking for guides and I refuse to go back into the Middletown CC to try and locate any clearance games anymore.
bread's done