Odin Sphere £4.99

Because its a great game. Great story with full good quality voice acting. Multiple endings. decent RPG lite. Quite abit of level repetition though.

If you check its reviews it will say it has framerate issue, however I didn't notice any (maybe a little during big attacks but that might be slo-mo?)

[quote name='Royvedas']Why?[/quote]
Because I bloody said so! :D

For a fiver this is stupidly good value, I paid twenty back in may.
I paid 17.99 in May :lol:.

I think to complete the game with both endings I put in about 20-30 hours.
Thats about 25p per hour, great value. Also Atlus games are normally hard to find once there gone.
Now I remember why. It's because I hate shitty japanese rpgs. My mistake. Might be a bargain to those of you who likes that stuff I guess. But if you ask me, save your money, buy a 360 and Fallout 3, Oblivion, Fable II and Mass Effect. That's what RPGs are all about.
...well now, aren't you the elitist prick?

(For what it's worth, Odin Sphere is a side-scrolling beat-'em-up.)
Well I bought it but I really must play my PS2 again.

I still have FF12, Valkyrie profile 2 and rogue galaxy to play. Not to mention Last remnant and Lost Odyssey on 360 and other games I still have to finish :\

I'm in for one hell of a gaming holiday.
[quote name='Royvedas']That's what RPGs are all about.[/quote]

That's your opinion, £4.99 is a bargain even for people that don't like JRPGs (which I don't think is the appropriate designation for this game).
If you prefer WRPGs... more power to you, but instead of giving your biased opinion you should be thanking the OP for taking his time to actually post the bargain here.
bread's done