OFFICIAL 2006 Yard Sale Thread

let's see.... got some pretty good stuff today:

Weird Hudson Sansui Joycard NES (Famicom-style) controller, $1 (they were asking $2)

DVDs: Happy Tree Friends Type AB miniDVD, $1 (they were asking $2)
Gone In 60 Seconds, new & sealed, $3 (they were asking $4)
Blue Streak, complete, $3 (they were asking $5)

CDs: OK GO - OH NO advance promo, $1
The Bloodhound Gang - Hooray for Boobies promo, $1

KMFDM - Megalomaniac promo single, $1
Nettwerk v/a - 84-87 compilation promo, $1
The Prodigy - Hot Ride promo, $1

PS2 JAP Rock'n Megastage w/controller, complete,
(they were asking $10)

PS1 Intelligent Qube, complete, $2

PS2 Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, complete, $8 (they were asking $10)

total (for my stuff): $20.
total (for my bro): $11.

no yard sales today, just swap meets. no fancy stories, either. everything was pretty cut and dry. my favorite finds of the day were (obviously) Intelligent Qube, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, and the KMFDM promo CD (not as obvious). almost everything was haggled down by a couple bucks.

the controller-thingy i just bought 'cause i thought it looked neat. it's like a standard Famicom looking pad but it has a US NES plug at the end and a weird audio jack near it (i know the Famicom 2nd player controller had a volume slider on it, so maybe this is similar?). maybe it's lame, i don't know. i like it.

the deal on Intelligent Qube literally couldn't be beat. i tried. the seller told me it was 2 bucks. i asked a dollar, which he shot down, but how could i complain? so he got his 2 bucks in the end, and i was glad to pay it.

today's finds definitely made up for yesterday's nothing. i'm glad i headed out today.
[quote name='evanft']Soooo.....what do you people, like Snot, do with all your stuff? Ebay? Trade?[/QUOTE]

Over the last few months I've started to turn a few things on ebay. All my immediate family have whatever systems and games they want. A lot of stuff has been packed away and will be given to my grandchildren. I do'nt have any yet but I do have 4 kids so I'm sure it's inevitable. I think a lot of the stuff I buy now dirt cheap should increase signifigantly in value over the next 15 -20 years.

I have my own collection that I keep adding to and even though there are a lot of systems and games I do'nt play regularly, it's great to have them readily available when I need a certain fix or for when I have friends and family come over and they want to play something they have not played in years.

I'm also planning on doing a few flea markets pre christmas to help offset gift costs. I do'nt do any tradng but that might change in the immediate future, with the new systems coming out and many people getting on the retro bandwagon I think I can benefit through some trading
WOOO nice swap meat finds.

So I just headed out to my local flea market today. My mom and aunt liked going there so i thought id take them, i didnt originally go for finds or anything, but it just so turned out to be great.

First place = crap. guy wanted around 60 for his snes.

Next place i went to was my friends place. Most of the GBA games at swap meets are fake, but it just so turned out that this game wasnt. It had a 15 dollar tag on it. my friend said ill give it to ya for 10, total paid = 6.

Next place was the best. Tons of consoles and old games. some were around 2 or 3 a piece but i passed on all. i look around, and i see a Ps1 game in the show case. Tag on it said 23. (just noting that its really hard to haggle around the swap meets around my area.) I got him down to 15, he took it.

Last place was tearing me apart. I saw my mom and aunt talking to one of are relatives. So i am just waiting for them to finish up their convo, (if you are of my ethnicity you would know about whats rude, and polite, and so..) then i see TONS of snes and nes games as well as a dreamcast console, 2 controllers, hookups, ps1 and ps2 demos, and some ps2 games. The woman there(my relative), said they were all mine. Yes, she meant free. BUT, i couldnt take them because that was much too rude. i did manage to get a NES game.

So to wrap it up,

Castlevania Double Pack
Legend Of Zelda Gold Plated

[quote name='mrblinG22']Yes, she meant free. BUT, i couldnt take them because that was much too rude. i did manage to get a NES game.[/QUOTE]

You've don't have to but it would be nice if you could explain to me what is rude about it. I hook my relatives up all the time. I'll even go out of my way to pick up stuff for family members and friends that I think they might like. I would consider it rude if I was giving something to somebody and they did'nt take it. I just do'nt understand.

BTW nice find on the Castlevania I love Aria of Sorrow. One of the very few games that I have played through more than once. I ca'nt imagine anybody not enjoying that pup.
I've been forgetting to come here for a while but I hadn't found much of interest until last saturday anyway. I went to a 100 family community sale in a big parking lot. Since nobody was at their houses I couldn't ask if they had anything inside but I did find one good sale. I ended up grabbing:

Tetris (BG)
Zelda: Link's Awakening (GB)
Superscope (No reciever. Hopefully I'll find one eventually.)
Metal Combat (SNES)
Multiscreen Oil Panic Game & Watch (my favorite find)

They were asking for $15 but I got it all for $10. Does anyone know if the Game & Watches are hard to find? I'd never found one before. Either way I thought it was pretty damn cool.
[quote name='snotknocker']You've don't have to but it would be nice if you could explain to me what is rude about it. I hook my relatives up all the time. I'll even go out of my way to pick up stuff for family members and friends that I think they might like. I would consider it rude if I was giving something to somebody and they did'nt take it. I just do'nt understand.

BTW nice find on the Castlevania I love Aria of Sorrow. One of the very few games that I have played through more than once. I ca'nt imagine anybody not enjoying that pup.[/quote]

Hmm.. ill try to explain as best as i can. I was looking at them and she just said its all yours, for free. I told her i would only buy it, and since we are relatives just give me a discount. She refused and said no i wont sell it to you just take it. She isnt much young she is pretty old if i might say, and she works at that store every sunday at the swap meet. ( she pretty much does it for a living, shes retired.) Taking all that crap from her would make her lose money, and thats rude to me, so i just took a couple ill probobly play later on. I would have taken the dreamcast but i already have one so ehh..
[quote name='mrblinG22']Taking all that crap from her would make her lose money, and thats rude to me, so i just took a couple ill probobly play later on. ..[/quote]

i understand what you're saying. i probably would've done the same. i think the difference is that she was selling the items to begin with. if they were laying around her house, or sitting in a box in her garage it would've been different. it's like knowing a friend who owns a shop of some kind and your money "isn't any good there". while you could technically take anything you want, there's some unspoken form of respect that says you shouldn't.

nice finds though. the prices were sweet, too!
[quote name='allyourblood']i understand what you're saying. i probably would've done the same. i think the difference is that she was selling the items to begin with. if they were laying around her house, or sitting in a box in her garage it would've been different. it's like knowing a friend who owns a shop of some kind and your money "isn't any good there". while you could technically take anything you want, there's some unspoken form of respect that says you shouldn't.

nice finds though. the prices were sweet, too![/quote]

Exactly, i hope you understand now snotknocker.

Thanks, im not too happy with the prices though. For a swap meet, the prices were ok.
I guess if that were the case, I would have left most of the stuff with my relative too =\

Nice finds though!

My brother scored about 9 plushes today for about 5 dollars. All were about a foot tall though, which seems pretty good at fifty cents.

2 different Pikachus.
2 Different small Charmanders.
1 Squirtle
1 Bulbasaur
1 Poliwhirl
1 2 foot tall Wario (which was awesome =D!)
1 Psyduck

What I'm really psyched about though, is picking up a PS2 for thirty five dollars today =D
The woman selling it said it belonged to her son, who had just gotten 360, and he wanted about 80 for it.
I spent a while looking at it, (it's the old version), asking a few times if she was sure it worked. She said he said there were occasional DRE's, and she said all it needed was a cleaning. I mentioned that DRE's are bad - and I wouldn't want to have to Pay Sony to fix it - besides, the old PS2's were about 80 dollars used in the stores =\
I knocked 40 dollars off the price like that. Afterwards, I mentioned that I'd really have to clean it up, because it was kind of dusty.
Finally, we left it at 35 dollars. Inclued with the PS2 were two controllers, this cool blue stand, all the connections, and an HDD.
I took it home and...DRE'S ALL OVER THE PLACE! :cry:
It wouldn't play CD's, DVD's, PS1 or PS2 games. I opened it up, messed around with it a little bit and...

This thing is freaking amazing O_O It plays everything! And it plays it so well! It doesn't even make a sound!

I know I'm rambling about it, but I've been trying to get a (relatively >_>) cheap PS2 for ages! I know I probably could have talked her down some more, or found a "broken" one somewhere for a few dollars...but no such luck.

That's all for this weekend on my part =D
I think I had the weirdest garage sale experience ever this weekend, but before I get to that, let me post my finds.

On my way home, and rushing to work, stopped at a garage sale near my house. Immediately spotted a SNES, a controller, and the hookups marked $3. There was also a bunch of PS1 games. No gems, but managed to get Tomb Raider III, and Resident Evil 1 Directors Cut, and Nemesis, with the SNES for 3.

On break from work, I went to a spot that I usually take a nap in, chill, and listen to the college football games on the radio. On the way, I spotted some garage sale signs; naturally I stopped. I found it strange that the sale was not in the driveway but in the house. The people running the sale were sitting on chairs (dining room chairs at that) at the foot of the path leading to the front door. I ask if they were still having the sale, and they respond that everything in the house is for sale, and to be careful of a gaping hole in the kitchen. Of course, I nodded, and trotted to the front door, expecting a hole in the kitchen where perhaps they were doing work.

I was wrong. Upon entering and stepping on an inch thick layer of fiberglass insulation, and a distinct smell of burnt wood, the quick realization was that the house was recently in a fire, and it was bad. There were holes in the roof, and it definitly was difficult to breathe. About 30 seconds in, and surveying the kitchen (it wasnt a hole, there was NO floor) I cut through to the Living room where there was a giant parrot cage. That didnt catch my attention; what did was the SNES with about 30 games, and the N64 with Banjo something, Yoshi Story and others with 3 controllers. I went outside and asked what they wanted for the video games. Walking together back inside he asks how much will I be willing to pay. I said 5, he says 20, I say 7, he says 20, and then I say 10 and he agrees. I bag the games and the systems up, (mind you I still havent looked at all the games, havent had time to look in the bag or even test the systems) and he says "need a bird cage?". I say no, (I have a parrot though) and he proceeds to say that too bad insurance isn't covering the parrot. And then it hit me, the man was trying to sell me the bird cage with its host dead, still at the bottom of the cage, in all of its magnificience (the gold blue macaws)...I was appalled; basically "I told the guy you should fucking bury your dead, dick.", and headed out..... Sucks to see some shit like that...
[quote name='IkilledLassic']I think I had the weirdest garage sale experience ever this weekend, but before I get to that, let me post my finds.

On my way home, and rushing to work, stopped at a garage sale near my house. Immediately spotted a SNES, a controller, and the hookups marked $3. There was also a bunch of PS1 games. No gems, but managed to get Tomb Raider III, and Resident Evil 1 Directors Cut, and Nemesis, with the SNES for 3.

On break from work, I went to a spot that I usually take a nap in, chill, and listen to the college football games on the radio. On the way, I spotted some garage sale signs; naturally I stopped. I found it strange that the sale was not in the driveway but in the house. The people running the sale were sitting on chairs (dining room chairs at that) at the foot of the path leading to the front door. I ask if they were still having the sale, and they respond that everything in the house is for sale, and to be careful of a gaping hole in the kitchen. Of course, I nodded, and trotted to the front door, expecting a hole in the kitchen where perhaps they were doing work.

I was wrong. Upon entering and stepping on an inch thick layer of fiberglass insulation, and a distinct smell of burnt wood, the quick realization was that the house was recently in a fire, and it was bad. There were holes in the roof, and it definitly was difficult to breathe. About 30 seconds in, and surveying the kitchen (it wasnt a hole, there was NO floor) I cut through to the Living room where there was a giant parrot cage. That didnt catch my attention; what did was the SNES with about 30 games, and the N64 with Banjo something, Yoshi Story and others with 3 controllers. I went outside and asked what they wanted for the video games. Walking together back inside he asks how much will I be willing to pay. I said 5, he says 20, I say 7, he says 20, and then I say 10 and he agrees. I bag the games and the systems up, (mind you I still havent looked at all the games, havent had time to look in the bag or even test the systems) and he says "need a bird cage?". I say no, (I have a parrot though) and he proceeds to say that too bad insurance isn't covering the parrot. And then it hit me, the man was trying to sell me the bird cage with its host dead, still at the bottom of the cage, in all of its magnificience (the gold blue macaws)...I was appalled; basically "I told the guy you should fucking bury your dead, dick.", and headed out..... Sucks to see some shit like that...[/QUOTE]
All I can say is... god damn thats fucked up.
Found nothing at the flea market and all yard sales except for the first one I went to:

Fat PS2 - Said Works most of the time
1 1st Party Controller
1 3rd Party Wireless
1 1st Party Memory Card
All Games Complete and Mint and Non-GH:
GTA Vice City w- Strat Guide
GTA San Andreas (Original Release) w- Strat Guide
SOCOM w-Headset
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
Call of Duty: Finest Hour
Call of Duty 2: Big Red One
Hitman Contracts
MOH Rising Sun
MOH European Assault
Simpsons Hit and Run
Harry Potter: Chamber of Secrets
True Crime: Streets of LA
Tetris Worlds
Scooby Doo: 100 Frights
MVP Baseball 2003
and the gem Firefighter FD 18

Total 32$
[quote name='smaaug']Found nothing at the flea market and all yard sales except for the first one I went to:

Fat PS2 - Said Works most of the time
1 1st Party Controller
1 3rd Party Wireless
1 1st Party Memory Card
All Games Complete and Mint and Non-GH:
GTA Vice City w- Strat Guide
GTA San Andreas (Original Release) w- Strat Guide
SOCOM w-Headset
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
Call of Duty: Finest Hour
Call of Duty 2: Big Red One
Hitman Contracts
MOH Rising Sun
MOH European Assault
Simpsons Hit and Run
Harry Potter: Chamber of Secrets
True Crime: Streets of LA
Tetris Worlds
Scooby Doo: 100 Frights
MVP Baseball 2003
and the gem Firefighter FD 18

Total 32$[/quote]
Nice find. Trade in those game junks that you don't want at EB/GS for the $10 bonus promotion and get your money back and more in credit!
[quote name='snotknocker']I actually remember paying $49.99 for new NES games back in the day. Nowdays I never buy any game upon release and do not anticipate doing so, ...[/quote]

Same here for Saga Genesis games! I have sooo many games now I have plenty to keep me busy. $60 today for a game can buy a ton of games at garage sales...just hours and hours of entertainment and a few more games to my collection.;)
allyourblood, nice find with the Intelligent Qube, I was there the first week I started the GS thing. It was a good feeling.
[quote name='jcs7573']allyourblood, nice find with the Intelligent Qube, I was there the first week I started the GS thing. It was a good feeling.[/quote]

that sentence kinda had me confused. you mean it was one of your first finds? if so, that's excellent. what's funny is, i can remember when we sold it at TRU years ago. if i recall, we finally got rid of them all at $9.98. i also remember Suikoden II going all the way down to $14.98. that cracks me up when i think about those sitting on the shelf, sealed, for such a low price. but then, it makes me sad and i have to think about something else.
[quote name='allyourblood']that sentence kinda had me confused. you mean it was one of your first finds? if so, that's excellent. what's funny is, i can remember when we sold it at TRU years ago. if i recall, we finally got rid of them all at $9.98. i also remember Suikoden II going all the way down to $14.98. that cracks me up when i think about those sitting on the shelf, sealed, for such a low price. but then, it makes me sad and i have to think about something else.[/quote]

Sorry, that sentence now that I read it again can be confusing. The first day I started looking for games @ Garage Sales I found IQ for $3, I was freakin out!

I can remember long ago (8+/- years ago) seeing sealed Panzer Dragoon Saga games selling for a closeout $14.99, never even thought of picking one up. Now they're easily 10X that amount. A tear comes to my eye when I think of it. :cry:
I actually found a Panzer Saga for $2 at a garage sale....The book isn't in the greatest condition (no pages ripped, but some crease)...Worst part is I dont have a saturn to play it on.
What's the IQ game like? I never have heard of it, but have definately seen it and passed. I will probably see it again, so it is worth buying? Educate me lol.
the only time i've run across Panzer Dragoon Saga was also the only time i've ever run across Guardian Heroes. (you guys are gonna LOVE this one...)

i saw both laying in a box along with some common games (MLB Something-Or-Other, Croc, Vitua Cop). i wasn't 100% sure of their value -- all i knew was that they were rare, and that's it. every game was missing it's instruction manual, though everything had the rear insert, all discs, everything was in nice condition. i assumed the seller had stored the manuals separately and never found them. he wanted $5 apiece.

guess what i did! guess!!!

that's right, i left them there. this was years back when they weren't worth as much as they are now, and although i was into collecting old games, the trend had not taken off yet at all (the term "retro-gaming" was nonexistent), so i decided the guy wanted too much and walked off. i figured no game was worth collecting without its being complete.

a couple years later i was looking up PDS for one reason or another and realised what i had passed up.

good times.
[quote name='IkilledLassic']I actually found a Panzer Saga for $2 at a garage sale....The book isn't in the greatest condition (no pages ripped, but some crease)...Worst part is I dont have a saturn to play it on.[/QUOTE]

I actually have an extra at the moment.
5 bucks everything

Sega Genisis
Sega CD Model 1. Version 1.10
Television connector ( that was kinda tapped up and broken but works )
Yellow Sega Classics CD with four games on it.
Dugeons and Dragon Genisis game
One big regular Genisis controller
One Master System controller
Two AC official adapters

Now if I only could find my no volume0 speakers to see if the Sega CD uses the Genisis Volume lever. About that mixer I gotta check that out later.
[quote name='RegalSin2020']
Now if I only could find my no volume0 speakers to see if the Sega CD uses the Genisis Volume lever. About that mixer I gotta check that out later.[/quote]

everything uses the slider if you don't use the (originally) supplied mixing cable. the downside to this is that on some Genesis games (as some of the sounds are produced by the Genesis hardware exclusively) the volume of the sound effects can be louder than the audio coming from the Sega CD. if you don't properly temper the Gen volume, you'll end up with overpowering sound effects and quiet music.
look at this ultra rare white edition xbox!!!

j/k of course...this is what i did with the xbox i got this past weekend...i just have to finish painting the little front piece by the buttons...this is actually my first paint job on a console since i usually like keeping them stock but for some reason i was bored with the original black xbox

[quote name='Jedi1979']look at this ultra rare white edition xbox!!!

j/k of course...this is what i did with the xbox i got this past weekend...i just have to finish painting the little front piece by the buttons...this is actually my first paint job on a console since i usually like keeping them stock but for some reason i was bored with the original black xbox


Whoa, man, good job! Looks sweet... how hard was that? Take long?
Today I scored a World of Warcraft Collector's Edition for a buck, and a complete NES with two controllers, two guns, and a powerpad for ten bucks!
[quote name='danito']Today I scored a World of Warcraft Collector's Edition for a buck, and a complete NES with two controllers, two guns, and a powerpad for ten bucks![/quote]

nice finds, i need an nes :cry:
[quote name='foofoofiifoo']Whoa, man, good job! Looks sweet... how hard was that? Take long?[/quote]

thanks...only took a few days since it rained 1 day in between...the hardest part was cleaning the damn green paint off of the center jewel...and with the white on the grills i just gave it one coat this way some black still shows and it breaks up the white
[quote name='Jedi1979']look at this ultra rare white edition xbox!!!

j/k of course...this is what i did with the xbox i got this past weekend...i just have to finish painting the little front piece by the buttons...this is actually my first paint job on a console since i usually like keeping them stock but for some reason i was bored with the original black xbox


yea that looks pretty nice. if i ever have an extra xbox im sure to play around with it.
I hit three addition sales today, but didn't find too much since it's been raining all day.

$4 Resident Evil 4 player's choice (GC)
$1 Medievil (ps1)
$1 Silent Hill (ps1)
$0.50 PS2 controller
$3 Under the Skin (PS2) I've never heard of this game before.
$0.10 Webroot Spysweeper
$1 Five comics: Watchmen No. 5 of 12, Brigade #3, Feb. 1993, Avengelyne Swimsuit edition, Spiderman Gen13, WildC.A.T.S. #2, 1992 (with shiny cover)
$0.25 small cd wallet
$5 P3 computer, missing the processor and harddrive. I got this to test a P3 that's been sitting on my desk for a year or two.

I'll get some pictures later.
[quote name='erehwon']I hit three addition sales today, but didn't find too much since it's been raining all day.

$4 Resident Evil 4 player's choice (GC)
$1 Medievil (ps1)
$1 Silent Hill (ps1)
$0.50 PS2 controller
$3 Under the Skin (PS2) I've never heard of this game before.
$0.10 Webroot Spysweeper
$1 Five comics: Watchmen No. 5 of 12, Brigade #3, Feb. 1993, Avengelyne Swimsuit edition, Spiderman Gen13, WildC.A.T.S. #2, 1992 (with shiny cover)
$0.25 small cd wallet
$5 P3 computer, missing the processor and harddrive. I got this to test a P3 that's been sitting on my desk for a year or two.

I'll get some pictures later.[/QUOTE]
I looked up under the skin and forgot all about it. You play as an alien who can take over peoples bodies and cause destruction. I want it simply for the fact that jill and nemesis are in there from resident evil.
i picked up a Sega CDX today at an estate was $10 but i didnt have one so i didnt even think twice...i did pass on a sega Saturn, playstation and nes since it was a bit overpriced at $50 with only a few crappy games...i just gotta test the CDX out
[quote name='Jedi1979']i picked up a Sega CDX today at an estate was $10 but i didnt have one so i didnt even think twice...i did pass on a sega Saturn, playstation and nes since it was a bit overpriced at $50 with only a few crappy games...i just gotta test the CDX out[/quote]

i'd pay 10 bucks for a CDX even if the seller wouldn't haggle. it's my favorite Genesis/CD configuration. the old school mountain of systems is fun, but for convenience and size, the CDX can't be beat. good find.
[quote name='megaseadramon']I looked up under the skin and forgot all about it. You play as an alien who can take over peoples bodies and cause destruction. I want it simply for the fact that jill and nemesis are in there from resident evil.[/quote]
i thought that was Destroy All Humans, but i think i just get those two mixed up. i didn't know that those 2 were in it though, that's cool!

1 Nintendo Gamecube (all hookups)
1 3rd party controller
Paid: $1

1 Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete (PS1, missing box + manual)
1 Star Ocean: Second Story (PS1, complete)
1 Ehrgeiz (PS1, complete)
1 Front Mission 3 (PS1, complete)
1 MGS: VR Missions (PS1, complete)
Paid: $7

1 Contra (NES, cart only)
1 GOAL! (NES, cart only)
1 Star Soldier (NES, cart only)
1 Tecmo Baseball (NES, cart only)
1 Life Force (NES, cart only)
1 Adventures in the Magic Kingdom (NES, cart only)
1 Track + Field II (NES, cart only)
1 Micro Machines (NES, cart only)
Paid: $2

1 Nintendo 64 (w/ RAM expansion)
1 N64 Hot Newz VHS
Paid: $1


20 sales today, pouring rain all the while. But we had a surprisingly good day!

We had a horrible start. Apparently my alarm clock is broken, so we didn't get out of bed until 8am (we were planning on leaving the house at 7:40). When we went to print the directions, my printer ran out of ink. So we had to change the font color to brown, and then the printer jammed. So then we finally head out, and it starts pouring out 5 minutes after we get in the car. We figure that we're so late that we're going to miss anything good, and that the rain will cancel everything else out anyway.

The only thing we apparantly missed today was an N64 with a few games.

The lady who sold us the Gamecube told us that it was broken. "I took it to Gamestop, and they said that in order to get a new spinny thing I had to send it back to the company. I ended up just buying my kids a new one." Knowing that it was virtually impossible to break a GCN, I told her that I would take a chance on it for a buck. She took it without hesitation. Upon getting it in the car, I noticed that the Reset button was completely stuck down. We figured that when she turned it on, it probably seemed broken, but it was probably just constantly resetting. It took the entire rest of the yardsaling day to finally unstick the button (it was as if it was cemented down). When we got home and hooked it up, it worked as good as new. We tried a bunch of different games and everything loaded up flawlessly. So we ended up getting a working GCN for a buck!

We got the PS1 games from the same house that we got Vagrant Story / Silent Hill 1 from earlier in the year, from the same bitchy lady. I offered her $2 for the games that I eventually bought, and she said "...each?", the same thing she said when I bought the other games from her earlier in the year. She eventually said $7 for all, and wouldn't take anything less. I offered $6, saying that these games were wet (as it was pouring out), but she gave me a look and said "I'm not arguing!". Ended up begrudgingly paying the $7, but I can't complain for what we got. This is the second rare PS1 game bundle that I got from the same woman, I picture her having a whole stack at home, and taking a handful of games from it for each yardsale.

Not a bad day considering the rough start and the rain!

Shenmue, complete, great condition = $2
Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 2, disc 2 = $0.50
2x Genesis power adapters = $0.50 ea
N64 RF adapter = $0.50

A pretty unexciting day.

I picked up all of these at a church sale... at least, I think it was a church. It was a really pitiful run-down building that had a hand-painted "Grace Baptist Church" sign out front. Would've made an interesting picture, 'cos its a pretty typical scene from the South. Anyway, the sale was being run by a nice elderly black couple.

One of the reasons I say I'm not sure it was still a church is because they had stuff for sale meticulously arranged throughout the building, like this was a weekly sort of sale. Either way, they could scarcely make change for the $5 I gave them, literally or mentally. I was about to get $1.50 back in nickles before I picked up the Genesis adapters.

I figure with all the systems I find w/o cables, it's good to have some extras.

Anyone have a more exciting day?
[quote name='cranguy']

Shenmue, complete, great condition = $2
Arrested Development Season 2, disc 2 = $0.50
2x Genesis power adapters = $0.50 ea
N64 RF adapter = $0.50

A pretty unexciting day.

I picked up all of these at a church sale... at least, I think it was a church. It was a really pitiful run-down building that had a hand-painted "Grace Baptist Church" sign out front. Would've made an interesting picture, 'cos its a pretty typical scene from the South. Anyway, the sale was being run by a nice elderly black couple.

One of the reasons I say I'm not sure it was still a church is because they had stuff for sale meticulously arranged throughout the building, like this was a weekly sort of sale. Either way, they could scarcely make change for the $5 I gave them, literally or mentally. I was about to get $1.50 back in nickles before I picked up the Genesis adapters.

I figure with all the system I find w/o cables, it's good to have some extras.

Anyone have a more exciting day?[/quote]

That looks like Curb Your Enthusiasm Disc 2, not Arrested Dvelopment.
Slim pickings today but at least I found some games rather than coming home empty-handed like I have for the last couple weeks.

I got a sealed copy of What About Bob on DVD for $1.00 and the following cart-only Genesis games for $1 each:

Wings of Wor
Batman Returns
Virtua Racing
Space Harrier II
Might & Magic: Gates to Another World
Ecco: The Tides of Time
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Super Hang On
Road Rash II

and a Game Genie cart only for $1. I left a bunch of sport games and two Genesis systems. The systems were $5 each and came with hookups and controllers, but I already have a JVC X'Eye and a Nomad, not sure why I'd need another Genesis system. Also passed on a $5 broken Gamecube (no controllers or hookups) as I probably couldn't fix it and I doubt a broken one would go for enough in trade to make it worth paying the shipping.
What I got today:

Fat PS2, bare - $15
Two 4 packs of refills for my Gillette Fusion - $10

And I just sold the PS2 for $50. :D
Hit about 20 sales today, was a little disappointed because I had anticipated a good outing today based on the sheer amount of advertised sales and signs posted yesterday for sales today. I think that people are realizing it's now or never to have a YS before the weather turns. I'm expecting a good week next week if the weather holds. It's rained 5 out of the last 6 saturdays so I know their are lots of people that are itching to have sales. which was pretty much confirmed the amount of sales today even though the weather was horrid.

Anyway today's finds


Complete ICO perfect condition - PAID $2
Guy had a bunch of PS2 all with varied sticker prices this wasthe only one I had an interest in and $2 was quite fair but I still tried to CIF $1 but was shot down.


Complete FFVII broken case, very worn book and light surface scratchs on all discs. Complete RE2 cracked jewel case but discs are perfect. - Paid $1
This is the kind of shit I love. I asked a young girl at this sale for games. Her eyes lit up and she ran inside and came out with a short stack. After quickly pulling these from the stack I asked the girl how much and she comes back with "I do'nt know how about a dollar?" Just as she says that and I'm handing her the buck, I'm guessing it was the girls father comes walking out and I start to think Oh shit he's gonna want more for these little gems, but what happens? the girl hands him the $1 and he turns to me and says I have a bag of PS1 games somewhere hold on a minute let me go look. so I instantly turn to go and get the other games on the table cause I'm thinking for .50 each why not, but some other shopper had already scoffed them up. The guy comes back empty handed but I gave him my number in case he finds his bag


Goldeneye & Castlevania 64 - PAID $2 This sale had a complete N64 and about 7 or 8 games. The system was marked $15 and the games were marked $2 each. I CIF the lady $2 for these games. I'm heavy with N64's right now so I did'nt offer on the system


Syphon Filter - Omega Strain Ps2 New Sealed - PAID $3
This sale had a stack of this game all new and sealed which struck me as kind of weird. The guy wanted $5 each but i CIF him $3 which he took. The game has a TRU $9.99 sticker on it so maybe he bought a bunch on clearence and planned to turn them for a profit.


NES system complete w/ 1 controller and 4 score adapter and 11 games. PAID $3
This system is a mess, paint on it, dirty, chipped absolute mess. However the games and the 4 score were all in decent shape. I got to this sale and it started raining. The guy was frantically putting stuff away. I asked how much for all and he says $10. I tell him I'll give him $3 for the games cause the system is a mess and I don't want it and all the stuff is now wet . So he counters with $5 but I stick to my guns and CIF the $3. He caves and as he's bagging up the games he takes a good look at the system and tosses it in the bag and tells me to just take it


New GBA SP retractable headphones - PAID $2
This sale had been wiped out of games before I got there. The lady told me that they had tons but sold all earlier in the day. She did point this out and said that's all she had left and she know's their worth more but she'll take $2 . I really needed these so I did'nt counter.


Phantasm SE DVD - Mint - PAID $3
I actually picked this up last Tuesday at a local flea by my house. this totally caught me off guard caus i did not know that this was ever released on DVD. I was so excited that when the guy said $3 I did not even think to counter offer


2x Mike Tyson's Punch Out, SMB 2 and Super C - PAID $4
Another pick up from my local tuesday flea market. This was kind of weird though. the games on the left side of the picture MTPO x2 and SMB2 were bought last week at this flea. I found it a little strange for the guy to have 2 copies of Tyson. This week different vendor has about 10 shit games and you guessed it - 2 copies of MTPO, a SMB2 and a Super C (games on right in pictue). This guy wanted a $1 each and would not deal. Regardless Tyson and SMB2 always sell for $10 or more on ebay so I can not complain .

here's to hoping next week is something spectacular
Well now...I did a bit of hunting this weekend on the side. I didn't find too much though. I ended up finding quite a few items.

Video Game Related-

PS2 Racing Wheel : $10 (I tried negotiating further from $25 but he just wouldn't budge for less)

PS2 Multitap : $5 (Could have gone lower but the lady was firm so I figured I might as well considering it's cheaper than buying a used one from Gamestop for $9.99+ tax)

Togepei & Bulbasaur Plushies : .50 cents each (It's Pokemon so why not)

Non-Game Related finds-

Spawn, Spawn 2, and Spawn 3: The Ultimate Battle (All are UNCUT Collector's Edition) : $4 for all three so I decided to just pay that much for all three

Coleman Stove 3 Burner : $3 I literally got a good deal on this one. If you bought it new...let's just say a lot of money. Plus it still works, so that's the good part.

2 Electric Waterfalls : $2 each
- One is made of glass and stone that retails for about $30
- The other one is one that makes sounds such as rainforest, lightning, etc. and has light effects which retails around $40 or so

Not the best haul but, it's at least something. Something indeed.
[quote name='LXL_Guy']
2 Electric Waterfalls : $2 each
- One is made of glass and stone that retails for about $30
- The other one is one that makes sounds and has light effects which retails around $40 or so[/quote]

i love these things. my wife won't "let" me have one, 'cause she thinks they're tacky. i think they're great. good find!
bread's done